My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 425: Anyang's conspiracy

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In this narrow command room, several people are studying strategies against a grid map with fine workmanship but no three-dimensionality.

Of course, it was mainly Losa, King Lane, and Medivh.

Khadgar only looked at the large swords and armor and armor displayed on the side, indulging in cuteness, not caring about others.

Anyang was silent, raising his eyes and looking at several of them, mainly Medivh.

No one knows what this "prophet" is thinking.

In the end, they decided to go to the Elwynn Forest, or the front line of the western wilderness, in order to capture a captive.

This line itself has not changed, and Anyang does not want it to change.

In the plot, when the evil side of Medivh, who was influenced by Sargeras, controlled the body, he contacted Gul'dan, who was far away in the world of Draenor, and opened the door of darkness to invite him to come to Azeroth. The reason was that he wanted to destroy Azeroth with the help of a powerful orc army. On the other hand, he wanted to use the power of the orcs to exhaust the good Medivh. Eventually, the remaining power was used up a little, and he could no longer resist him.

Everyone who has watched the movie "Warcraft" knows that the original Medivh was kind, and he did indeed help Stormwind to resist the orcs, but after using power to fight the evil energy again and again, he became more and more xūruò, Increasingly unstable, it is increasingly difficult to resist the erosion of evil.

The most obvious one was on the Blackrock Trail. King Lane led the team to negotiate with Durotan, but was ambushed by the Blackhands and led to surprise by the orcs. When the human army retreated and suffered heavy losses, Medivh made a mistake when the guardian was needed most. A large barrier magic could not be cast for a long time, but finally it was released, but he fainted and killed Lothar ’s son. Karen was isolated at the other end of the barrier.

The remnants of human beings will protect their king on the other side of the barrier, leaving several human soldiers to stay with the unstoppable orc heroes. Lothar wants to rescue and cannot pass through the barrier, no matter how heartbreaking the call is Medivh. There is no response, and the ending can be imagined.

Karen died and was killed by Blackhand himself, in front of Lothar!

Until the end, Medivh finally exhausted his power and was completely eroded by evil!

This was Sargeras' conspiracy, and now it has become Anyang's conspiracy.

fǎnzhèng Medivh ca n’t resist Sargeras, otherwise he wo n’t hide in Karazhan, and since it will be corroded sooner or later, it ’s better to corrode faster, Sargeras thinks so, Medivh's evil side thinks so, Anyang thinks so too.

Medivh was eroded earlier, Khadgar and Lothar went out to understand him earlier, and he could occupy Karazhan earlier.

Why not do it?

In the original plot, Medivh made his first appearance, smashing the powerful Orc Commando in the Elwynn Forest, and frightened the Orc Chieftain Destroyer, Blackhand, Orgrim Destruction Hammer, and Durotan to turn around, despite showing The guardian's strength, but also the first consumption of his power.

Anyang will not let this opportunity pass!

Well, he told zìjǐ that he was not murdering Medivh in disguise, but was accelerating time.

fǎnzhèng Sargeras ’erosion of Medivh is almost unstoppable, pushing this means that Medivh will be ended earlier, and he naturally knows that destroying Medivh ’s body will bring Sargeras’ soul into hell, and Medivh Death, the first storm of evil energy brought by Sargeras ended earlier.

Think of it this way, zìjǐ is really great!

Just because of his intervention, the deeper purpose has changed.

In the original plot, the reason why they went to the Elvin Forest to capture the captives was to find out what the invading giant was. Now Anyang has told them the identity and origin of the orcs, and now they just want to find out the number of their troops, Fighting direction, and other information.

In fact, these are known to Anyang, he can tell them, but he did not do so.

He wants Medivh to go in person!

And finally, he came to this world without any task constraints, so he naturally had to meet two old friends, Durotan and Orgrim.

Cough, yes, I've become an old friend once I met.

Lothar acted swiftly, and quickly assembled an elite army from Stormwind City to Elwynn Forest.

In front is a team of heavy armor knights riding horses. Each knight is covered with heavy armor, made with precision and magnificence, with a large sword across the waist. Even the horse was covered with a layer of silver scales.

Followed by a team of heavy infantry, the body armor is also precise and gorgeous, and the weight is especially knight, and the silver sword is also on the waist. Dull ringing all around, like the drum of war.

At the back is a large cage with three horses, undoubtedly prepared for the orc captive.

Anyang, Lothar, Khadgar and Medivh are at the forefront at least, passing through the Elvin Forest and gradually approaching the front.

Lothar wears blue heavy armor with golden patterns, which looks particularly gorgeous and indestructible, especially breastplate and shoulder armor. Thick and heavy metal layers like petals overlap, which is not only beautiful, but also provides powerful defense. The warhorse under his crotch was also put on blue steel armor, which was extravagant.

Anyang could n’t understand that a group of people who were very rough in their clothes, and had no style at all, actually did so exquisitely and generously in the armor. At first glance, it looked like the cold lines of a cold weapon, and the armor There are two types, but the same shape is cool.

Is this the unique war appreciation of Azeroth?

Or is it violent aesthetics?

Anyang glanced around. Medivh was still wearing that dark blue robe, Khadgar was wearing a commoner, and wearing a blue-black cloak. Compared with zìjǐ, although he wore a simple robe, he looked better than theirs. Well, at least he thinks so.

Going all the way, calm all the way, there is nothing wrong with each other.

The road is long, bird sounds can be heard, and huge trees that are two to three meters in diameter can be seen everywhere. It perfectly replicates the Elvin forest landscape in the game, and it looks more real and beautiful. The sun shines through the dense foliage. , Add a more elegant atmosphere, surprisingly quiet.

Because the current timeline is a lot earlier than the plot, Stormwind also set up a defense outside the Elvin Forest under his reminder, so the orc army did not flatten the west as thunderously as the plot. The wilderness quickly captured the night town and swept into the Elwynn Forest.

If they were to see the orcs, they might have to go to the very edge of Elwynn Forest, or even set foot on the western wilderness.

Lothar drove forward and looked back at him again: "Prophet, do you have any insight on this matter?"

Anyang closed his eyes and pretended to meditate, and then opened his eyes again: "We go directly to the front line, where the Kingdom soldiers and the orc army conflict, the orc will have a commando, if that commando is led by the orc chieftain , He will bring a female slave who just speaks the language of Azeroth and Draenor, and her special status is not accepted by the orcs. "

Losa froze for a moment: "God knows, actually I was just kidding, I didn't expect you to really ..."

Anyang looked at him very seriously: "I'm not kidding, Commander."

Lothar froze, then nodded and said, "Well, I hope what you said is true, um, although this is ridiculous, there is an orc slave from another world who speaks our language, if that is the case, that name Slaves will be our best captives! "

Anyang glanced at him and ignored the ridicule in his mouth, saying: "Yes, the orcs generally value honor, faith and promises, sometimes even heavier than life, we can only try to catch the slave, Otherwise, we wo n’t be able to ask anything even if we capture other captives. "

Lothar nodded: "I hope you are right, prophet, I hope your abilities are so true for the first time."

Anyang just chuckled and didn't answer, but Yu Guang in the corner of his eyes got gaze from Medivh.

He frowned and thought, thinking that zìjǐ had just said it was vague, and it should n’t cause Medivh ’s fear.

At least he did not say that the slave was a man or a woman, nor did he say the name of the slave, nor did he say that Garona was a descendant of humans and orcs, and was closely related to Medivh ’s astral journey (Do n’t spray, movie plot) This is the case in the middle, the gold is also choked with thunder).

He did n’t speak very precisely, and he did n’t think too much about the “prophet” ability of Zìjǐ. Medivh can still maintain his reason. As a guardian, he should not shoot at him for this little thing, so he occasionally shows some The "prophet" ability should still be possible.

As it moved westward, this elite force gradually moved away, and it was about to reach the extreme edge of Elwynn Forest, close to the location of the western wilderness.

They are nearing the frontier of the human military that was captured by the orcs last night. There are traces of fighting around them. The roadside can see the big sword lying in the grass, the wheels trapped in the fallen leaves and the soil ~ ~ broken carriage , The helmet and arm guards of human soldiers, and even a corpse with fine armor.

Of course, you can also see the corpse of the orc and the huge hammer that fell in the middle of the road.

This kind of battle situation is much better than the original plot. After all, Stormwind is also prepared, no longer being attacked by the sudden orc elite.

Lothar stopped often and dismounted to look at the corpses on the side of the road, inferring the strength of the orc from the depression of the armor.

The result was undoubtedly terrifying to him, although he still didn't change his face.

"Everyone pays attention to vigilance. If they are attacked, they will not be confronted with them. They are far stronger than us!"

"Yes, commander."

Lothar embarked on the horse, ready to move forward.

At this moment, Anyang frowned, and he felt the movement in the depths of the woods.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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