My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 426: Orc offensive

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Medivh looked as usual and walked forward on a horse.

He, who can clearly sense Khadgar's arrival in the magic tower of zìjǐ, seems unaware of the danger of approaching.

This also once again shows that the mage and the monk are going in two completely different directions. The magic of the mage has a powerful destructive power, but there is no comprehensive person for the monk, and accordingly, the monk More balanced, which gives them a more flexible way of fighting, making them more calm than fragile wizards in many conditions, but compared to destructive power alone, they are not as good as these wizards who will devote their lives to arcane magic of.

Especially those who have never thought of using Taoism to practice a truly extraordinary war.

Anyang was silent, silent in silence for the group of soldiers about to be hit by a heavy hammer.

He was thinking, only listened to a dull wind, and really a heavy hammer flew out.

And it happened to hit him!

Anyang froze for a moment.

Girl, do I look better bullied?

Khadgar is still here, this little mage is obviously more honest than me!

So Anyang was angry, narrowing his eyes and staring at the heavy warhammer that was spinning towards him.

With his nerve reaction arc and eyesight, he can clearly see the rotation trajectory and flight trajectory of the Warhammer, as well as the driven airflow and wind sound. With his brain power, he can even estimate the angle and speed of the Warhammer reaching him.

It ’s a pity that he has n’t studied mechanics and has n’t memorized the relevant formulas. He ca n’t calculate the weight of this warhammer, nor can he calculate the impact that the warhammer will fly over at such a high speed and hit him, but he However, he has a wealth of fighting instincts. The shape and speed of the gēnjù warhammer can probably predict the power of the warhammer flying. It is not a problem to kill a heavy armor soldier.

However, the orc made him his primary goal, which is destined to be a wrong choice.

Anyang was too late to cast many BUFF spells, but he could reach out with a lightning bolt and accurately hold the handle of the Warhammer.

The muscles on those not thick arms started to bulge, the green muscles jumped straight, bursting out a powerful force, and slowly retracted backwards, not directly resisting the force of this hammer, but Give it sufficient cushion, gently remove the force, and clamp the saddle on the lower limb.

"Comment Law ~~"

The horse under his hips squeaked his head upwards, and withstood most of his remaining cushioning force, he could not help stepping on his side and almost fell to the ground.

In a flash of kung fu, he had held the hammer steadily and kept it in a half-lift position.

Khadgar was stunned next to him. Although he was indifferent, he was not stupid. On the contrary, he might be the one with the highest level of knowledge except Medivh who had inherited the guardian. Naturally he could experience the shock of this scene, and that Non-human responsiveness, speed, strength, power control and explosiveness.

Medivh's eyes were a little frozen.

In the depths of the grass, a strong orc was a little dumbfounded.

Lothar turned his head back to the muffled cry of the hammer, seeing the pupil shrink in this scene.

The next second, he pulled out a large sword from his waist, and Cema turned around and shouted, "All the battle is ready, the enemy is attacking!"

Heavy armor knights withdrew their swords, strangled the horses, and heavily armed infantry also neatly raised their shields, pulled out their swords, and looked to both sides.

At the same time, a deafening shout resounded through the forest, a completely foreign language.

The voice was hoarse and loud, like a horn of charge.

Shouts and shouts, the shouting and screaming in the forests on both sides, and the dull and rapid footsteps began to trample people's eardrums!

The black hand with the iconic dress fell from the top of the big tree and stepped directly on a heavy infantry.


The heavy body directly crushed the soldier to death.

A heavy armoured knight strangled the reins and waved a large sword to charge him violently.

But how might it be as strong as a black hand withdraw, he saw that he rounded the long-handed warhammer in his hand, and suddenly swayed, the warhammer immediately collided with the knight's sword, making a loud noise of gold and iron symphony, and the power of the blackhand was obviously stronger , The hammer of the warhammer continued to advance forward until it hit the knight hard.


The knight flew out of the horseback, and the armor was transformed.

The black hand raised his head and roared, grabbed the knight's horse neck with one hand, and lifted up the forelimb of the horse.

"Victory, or death!"

The two huge fangs show the violent attitude of the orcs alone!

Orcs who have been ambushing for a long time have begun to attack!

The air was dull and whistling, and another blow came from the hammer, precisely hitting a heavy armor knight.


With only a muffled sound, the knight hadn't seen the target attacking him, and was immediately smashed and fell off the horse's back, falling heavily on the ground.

With this single blow, the thick and gorgeous armor had transformed, and he only got up and twitched, and then he was silent again.

"The team is close!"

Lothar shouted, looking around.

This hammer is like a charge, igniting the orc's fighting intentions!

A height of about two meters and four, a huge and muscular figure ran out of the grass, suddenly loaded into the heavy infantry formation, and suddenly hit the infantry, and he immediately started to lift the hammer Sweeping, every hammered heavy soldier will fly the handsome out.

Loud and muffled.

Following this, more and more orcs began to rush into the battlefield.

Losa led the elite troops of Stormwind City, not false, but the orc side was the strongest warrior selected from the entire Iron Horde. There are now the provocative "protagonist" Durotan of the Frostwolf clan, and the future of the Iron Horde. Iron-Blood Ruler Orgrim, as well as the current tribal chief, Blackhand Destroyer.

The human army instantly fell into a disadvantage, especially qíngkuàng who was suddenly attacked by this huge group of orcs from the forest on all sides.

Anyang still rode on the warhorse, stood still, did not dodge, and did not go to war.

He did n’t even bring out the armor, took out the spear or the long knife, nor took out the individual energy cannon or the electromagnetic rifle. He tried his best to maintain the image of a mage, wearing a white robe, pinching the fingerprint with his hand, and silently moved Spells, use enemies to defeat enemies.


I saw a thin thunderbolt flashing through the air, without connecting to the rain clouds, but appeared out of thin air, draped over an orc close to him!


There are not many spells in the spell that are born solely for killing, and the killing effect is very powerful.

In just a moment, the orc slammed to the ground, his body smoking a faint white smoke, still twitching on the ground.

No one can get close to him.

In other words, the orcs close to him turned into a corpse smoking white smoke.

So Anyang still has time to look around in this scuffle.

A strong orc with curved horns lifted a heavy axe out of the grass with both hands. The axe was very wide and heavy, at least a hundred pounds. At the point where the orc had to use his hands, it was like a heavy piece of steel There is no sharper edge.

As the orc approached, he suddenly lifted the heavy axe in his hand and slashed toward a soldier.


The loud noise of the gold and iron symphony, the sword of the human soldier was directly split. Although he expected the strength of the orc, he had already squatted down to lower the center of gravity, but he was knocked down to the ground by this powerful blow.

A giant orc with long horns and a long-handled hammer came out. He wore thick cast iron armor, a very ancient and simple style, which was in sharp contrast with the excellent armor of human soldiers, but also very rudely protected his body. Vital.

He held the end of the long-handled warhammer and rounded it up. Three elite soldiers surrounded him, and he couldn't get close.

Another orc with a long-handled hammer quickly rushed out. He ran more agilely, like a dragon and a tiger, dull and firm.

In front of him, a human heavy infantry had raised his shield, and the big sword was ready to pierce.

The orc was also not afraid, and jumped violently as he approached the human soldier, hitting hard down!

The two collided together in the blink of an eye.

It was a huge cuboid hammer head, weighing at least a hundred pounds, strung into it by a sturdy wooden pillar, and made it into a warhammer. Ordinary humans tried hard to pick up such weapons, but were swept by this orc. The wind also took advantage of the downward momentum, and the impact caused by it can be imagined.


The human soldier was smashed directly into the ground, and the swaying airflow caused the leaves and dust to scatter.


The screams broke the silence between the forests and made the battle situation even more chaotic.

"Be careful of the left wing!"

"Watch your flanks!"


The human soldiers shouted and tried to gather together to resist the unstoppable orcs.

From time to time, heavily armed human soldiers were blown away by the orcs with a hammer, or their heads were chopped off with an axe.

Occasionally, orcs were killed by human soldiers.

Suddenly, an orc carrying a broad blade warrior ran through the battlefield and drove all the way forward.The goal was to narrow his eyes and carefully examine the Medivh of this group of orcs with green skin. The robe should be the big man of this army.

Khadgar was startled and immediately raised his head, chanting the mantra loudly.

In his eyes and hands, there was a faint blue magical light, and arcane energy quickly gathered.


An arcane impact dragged a long blue mist out of his hand, slammed into the orc, and knocked it out a few meters away.

In less than a second, the orbital trace of this spell left in the air quickly disappeared.

Khadgar panicked and began to read the spell of the Arcane Barrier. Soon, a blue barrier came down from above his head, covering him and Medivh.

Almost at the same time, a strong orc carrying a chopping axe exposed his fangs, roaring out of the grass with a roar, and hit the arcane barrier firmly and firmly.

This orc is Durotan.

Durotan's broad hands touched the barrier that constantly shone with the energy of arcane magic, licked his fangs, and there was a touch of dullness in his eyes.

Khadgar didn't find out until he slammed the barrier, that a famous orc was so close to zìjǐ.


He shouted.

Medivh only woke up at this moment and glanced at the battle situation, and the human soldiers suffered heavy losses!

Just less than five meters away from him, an orc hit the warhammer diagonally on the head of a human soldier, and suddenly only heard a muffled sound. The soldier ’s helmet had been severely deformed, and the entire person was also hit by this hammer. Hitting **** the ground, and the orc refused to give up, hammered again.


The human soldier's head has fallen into the dirt.

Lothar is fighting wildly with the orcs, but he can't pull the tide by himself.

When Anyang belonged to an orc attacking him, he shot and killed him. If no orc came close to him, he would just ignore it.

The battle is one-sided!

The black hand directly carried a tall warhorse with both hands ~ ~ Just like grabbing a suckling pig, he threw it at the soldiers violently and knocked down two soldiers.

He looked at the results of zìjǐ and roared, his arms spread back and stretched his muscles, and he also showed the strength of zìjǐ!

A slender orc turned back and laughed, as if mocking human weakness.

At this time, Medivh shot without hesitation.

Standing in the magical barrier, he began to mutter long and mysterious spells, his hands shone with the arcane energy, mysterious and complicated.

It's like a ritual, like brewing a powerful formula, and like doing an analytical ritual.

[Thanks to the readers of "Huangfu Pi" for their great rewards. I am very grateful and grateful. Your support is my biggest motivation! ]

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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