My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 447: Light comes from darkness

Perhaps Medivh will be killed by Khadgar and Lothar. It ’s incredible. No one would think that a guardian with the power of a demigod would be killed by two mortals, even if one of them is the guardian. The successor to the other is also the Stormwind Commander who is named Azeroth Lion.

But another way is very understandable.

Medivh ’s self-awareness is kind. When he controls his body, he is a wise and kind man. He has devoted himself to guarding several supreme human leaders. He believes that the interests of the kingdom will always be above all else.

He treats all races equally, without any narrow prejudice. When hearing the legends and customs of a certain place, regardless of the ethnicity of the narrator, he sincerely and humbly respects each other and shows the same strong interest in these legends and cultures from different regions.

Only when Sargeras influenced him would he become somber and lonely, indifferent and evil, almost completely unable to recognize his closest friend, and completely indifferent to strangers. When no one is around, he will even use spells without hesitation to drive away visitors who disturb him, or simply kill them.

The two consciousnesses in him are undoubtedly contradictory and constantly fighting.

By this time, Sargeras ’evil consciousness had taken the absolute upper hand, almost completely controlling his body and the huge guardian power of the Tirisfal inherited from generation to generation, but the hidden Medivh ’s sense of kindness remained Give up the fight against evil and darkness.

When he finally found himself helpless in the process of fighting evil, as Alodi said to Khadgar in the original plot, no one could stand up to the darkness alone, even as strong as a guardian, so Medivh chose another One way to end oneself is to let Lothar and Khadgar kill him.

No matter whether it is close combat with Lothar in the original book, or being merciful everywhere in the movie, you can see that this is the result of Medivh ’s self-consciousness and Sargeras ’struggle, and the final death is also Medivh ’s helplessness. Cite.

In this way, it is easy to explain how the guardian was killed by the human knight and the little mage.

In the current battle, Anyang used the plan to let Durotan hold Gul'dan, which is equivalent to holding the Sargeras consciousness in Medivh, not only to gain time for Lothar and Khadgar, but also for Medivh ’s consciousness of goodness won the time to fight against evil. Under the influence of the consciousness of goodness, Medivh will never kill Khadgar and Lothar, and eventually his consciousness of goodness will still have to be as in the original plot. Choose a disguised self.

Everything is as expected by Anyang, even without the huge stone giant, Medivh alone is far from what Lothar and Khadgar can deal with. They are like ants in Medivh ’s eyes, but Medivh still maintains a little self Consciousness, even though he had pinched Loza's neck and was able to kill him at any time, he still just threw him away, without killing him.

This allows Anyang to see a lot of signs.

So his figure emerged not far away, staring at Medivh, who had a tendency to transform twice at this time, and said to Lothar with the technique of sound transmission: "Distract his attention, awaken his sense of kindness, and quickly ! "

Lothar quickly reacted, rolled over and climbed from the ground, nodded at him, and yelled at Medivh: "Come on, kill me, anyway, I don't have much reason to live anymore, just right, you need life As fuel, isn't it? "

Medivh's movements were startled, his expression slightly sluggish.

Lothar ’s eyes lit up, but he did n’t have any extra movements. He continued quietly and said, “But there is one thing I want to ask you, please do n’t kill your king, Lion, Lion believes you, he is your best. Friend, please do n’t kill him. "

Medivh froze again, his face a little stiff, although he could not see the struggle, but the green light in his eyes was dissipating, his pupils suddenly became dark, neither evil nor the original clear blue, Like losing consciousness.

There was another fierce conflict between his kindness and Sargeras ’evil, but this conflict was in his body, and it was difficult for outsiders to see. No one knew how hard he was and how much pain he suffered at this time. So that Sargeras can stop this second.

Yes, only one second.

Now Sargeras has the absolute upper hand, and Medivh himself has run out of power. He simply cannot pose any threat to Sargeras. This second stagnation is his last strength and best effort.

When he was about to be controlled by evil again, Anyang shot.

Standing in the corner of the wall, he was like a human-shaped turret, or the kind with super firepower. In case of emergency, he opened all the missile compartments in the armor. The ion gun was also ready and all aimed at Medivh.



"Yu ..."


Whether it ’s a micro-missile or a mini-missile, all shot out of him, leaving a faint white smoke, dragging the long scarlet tail flame forward, together with the pale blue ion cluster whistling through the air, instantly After striking a distance of tens of meters and hitting Medivh, the burst of energy could make the air tremble.


The soaring flames rose, the loud noise was deafening, and the shock wave swept through the building.

Losa, who was originally separated by a distance of ten meters, was suddenly taken off. Fortunately, he was not an ordinary person, and he was wearing heavy armor, and he should not be killed by the shock wave. Otherwise, how could he be worthy of the protagonist's position.

Anyang narrowed his eyes for a moment and stared at the front.

He knew that the power of this blow was far inferior to the power of McGrady ’s body, but he also knew that a mage could never defend against such a powerful explosion before using the spell. Now the only thing he is not clear about is Sagra How much has Si brought to Medivh, can he kill Medivh as easily as the original plot.

In an instant, the flames dispersed and the dust fell.

In the front is Medivh's figure falling into the pool of evil energy. He does not know when he has completed the second transformation. It is already like a demon's body that has grown taller, with a long horn on the top of the head, and the muscle roots are raised. The upper body showed a strong inverted triangle, the clothes on the body had been torn, and the whole body was covered with ragged blood.

This body was not torn apart by missiles, just like the stone giant in the original plot did not kill him, but he could not stand up in a short time, and the spell he muttered in his mouth ended.

Anyang hurried over and pointed at his body.

The pale blue luster of the ion cannon gleamed in the air, hitting Medivh's body, which now resembles Sargeras, and made a dull and thrilling muffled noise, but could not cause any more damage to his body.

On the contrary, his body was soaked in the water of the evil energy pool, and the original little wound healed very quickly.

Anyang's eyes narrowed and he looked back instantly, locked Khadgar, and said, "Come on, kill him. Do you remember what Alodi said to you? Your willpower is far stronger than him , Destroy his evil energy! "

Khadgar shuddered and rushed over quickly, leaping into the pool regardless of it.

Suddenly, his body was burned by sulfuric acid, and his facial expression was extremely painful.

"Hiss ... ah!"

Losa stared at this scene.

Khadgar's figure stopped at the same place, and his whole body began to glow with a faint green light. The facial features including eyes, and the faint green pool water pooled on him. This original pure arcane magic energy has been corroded by evil energy. , Turned into an intestinal poison that turns people into demons, and Khadgar at this time is no different from Medivh.

Anyang Shen Sheng said to him: "Hold on, Khadgar, don't be eroded by him. You are stronger than Medivh. You have a purer heart and a firmer will. This is why Alodi chooses you .... … Remember what he said to you, the light comes from the darkness, the darkness emerges from the light, resist it, you have infinite power! "

Khadgar gritted his teeth and was very painful, but he still forced himself forward and pressed his hand on Medivh's head. In this moment, the pure blue light was lit, and he read in an increasingly heavy tone: "Light source In the darkness, the light emerges from the darkness ... "


Suddenly a fiery golden light radiated from his body, some rushed straight up, and some continued to rotate around him. This picture is like the upgraded light effect of the characters in the Warcraft game, and here, it means that he defeated The evil energy!

Immediately afterwards, a gleam of green light poured out of the pool, and the sound of the sound swayed all around.

Some of this force was radiated from Medivh, some came from this pool of green water, and a few were just poured into Khadgar. At this time, they were scattered through the Karazhan Tower. Just like the shock wave of a nuclear bomb.

Some of the green light sweeps towards the clouds, disappears gradually and disappears, leaving only a trace of light green in the air, and some green light spreads along the earth, and the vegetation that has passed is turned into dead wood, like an instant. I was drained of vitality.

When everything was settled, the pool of evil energy had dried up, the chaotic energy around it had disappeared, and even the lights in the magic tower had been dimmed. Only Medivh, who was in human form, was lying in the center of the pool, and Khadgar sat weakly. , Breathing heavily, seemed to be exhausted.

Lothar rushed over to help Khadgar and said, "Let me see your eyes!"

Khadgar raised his head obediently, revealing deep black eyes.

Lothar was relieved, and glanced at Medivh who had fallen next to him, hesitating, his eyes bleak.

Obviously, he is still very affectionate to this childhood friend.

As if he felt his gaze ~ ~ Medivh slowly opened his eyes, a faint blue light appeared in his eyes, paused, he once again chanted the spell to open the door of darkness, but No longer connects the orc world, but leads to Stormwind City.

He wanted to withdraw the human army attacking the orcs from the Dark Portal!

At the last moment, the guardian was eager to do something for Azeroth to make up for the mistakes he had made. Although the wrong things are not under his control, it is not his fault to be possessed by Sargeras, but he has not forgotten his responsibility.

In that spell, his tone seemed so weak.

Lothar stared at him again, and Bi Se hesitated, silent.

At this moment, Anyang walked with a calm pace and said to him: "Losa, you should go, your king is waiting for you!"

Lothar raised his head suddenly, and saw a dark shadow surrounding the tower, with a sharp whistle of a griffon echoing in his ear.

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