My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 448: Occupy Karazhan

When Lothar left, Anyang lowered his head and looked at Medivh.

At this last moment, the guardian was so weak that he was no longer as strong as ever.

At this time, he was just a poor old man.

Regret and sorrow are intertwined in his heart, which makes his mood extremely complicated at this time.

In the process of Medivh whispering the spell, a stream of tears flowed from his eyes that shone with pure blue arcane energy, and slowly ran down his old cheeks, as if telling the demigod's twilight. The desolation of the last guardian.

Until he no longer had strength, his voice quietly disappeared, and his eyes dimmed.

Anyang took a deep breath, wondering whether it was joy or sorrow.

From this moment, all the knowledge in this tower belongs to him!

Whether it is the Kingdom of Lordaeron, the Kingdom of Stormwind, the night elves, or Tirisfal, it is difficult to qualify to fight him.

The warrior did not defeat his power, and the mage was too fragile to resist his sniping.

It is also from this moment on whether the battle between humans and orcs, whether King Ryan will die, who will win the duel between Durotan and Gul'dan, will Lothar become the regent of Azeroth, the future of the orcs, etc. A series of things, as long as he does not want to control, it has nothing to do with him.

He only needs to slowly learn the knowledge here!

These are the things that are most precious to him. Whether it is to perfect his power system to make him stronger, or to perfect his system of power, he will add another magic to his empire on technology and spells, let him do everything. The civilization system created is more brilliant, and the knowledge contained in this tower is an indispensable and important resource.


the other side.

The honor duel called Makora continues!

Gul'dan punched with a green light, and a faint wind could be heard in the air.


This punch hit Durotan firmly, knocking him back again and again.

It was Gul'dan who took advantage of the victory to pursue the battle and lay the ground in one fell swoop, but he stopped, as if sensing something, and looked back in amazement, but saw that the green light shining around the dark gate had disappeared, which proved that Azeroth Si and Delano have lost their connection.


Gul'dan opened his eyes suddenly, his mouth yelling dullly, his fangs trembling on his lips.

"How is this going?"

The orcs around him looked back with his gaze, and suddenly there was an uproar.

Without the Dark Portal, Draenor ’s orc army could not come to Azeroth, and without follow-up assistance, when humans responded, their vanguard force could not be stronger than the strength of the entire Azeroth as enemy.

To be honest, it is not only the orcish forces at this side that are at a disadvantage, but the orcs in the deserted world of Draenor will also have a difficult life. After all, their purpose here is to find a new suitable home for survival, in the original The world can no longer live.

It can be said that this door is related to their fate, but also to the fate of the entire orc tribe!

At this moment, Durotan seized the opportunity and slammed towards Gul'dan with a sudden roar, and he who caught the stunned **** was a blow!

The dull contact of the fist with the flesh was endless, and Gul'dan was backed up by this continuous blow, staggering, and finally opened his eyes to look at Durotan, but he saw the young chief with a wound, biting He slammed at him with his teeth, as if using all his strength.

At almost the same time, King Ryan, who was far above the valley, stared at this, his eyes flickering, as if he was making a decision.

He resisted not attacking when the Dark Portal was lit up, and he already had a great trust in Durotan. This trust even bet on the life of the expeditionary army and so many captured civilians in Stormwind. Fortunately, he has been watching Ahead, Durotan has been restraining Gul'dan, making him unable to dark the door!

Until now, he didn't know why the dark door closed, but he couldn't help it.

Now is the best time to attack!

King Lane slowly pulled out the great royal sword beside him, pointing to the front: "We have the Frostwolf clan as comrades, as well as the shield and sword in our hands. Now let us rescue those captives, we will cast our people, we will Defeat this group of intruders! "

He had even ignored Durotan, who was launching an honorable duel with Gul'dan, and sharply pointed the sword forward, spurred forward, and shouted: "We can win this war, and now, charge!"

For a time, a whole army of elite troops hidden in the woods and behind the hill rushed to the heights, and then ran down from the heights.

The knights were racing, the sword was raised high, the soldiers raised their heavy shields to defend and strike forward, and their hands had touched the dwarf muskets around their waists. They were like a torrent of steel, toward the orc camp in the cursed land. Launch a magnificent charge.

The orc's high level was completely immersed in this wonderful showdown, as if suddenly, he was pushed to the brink of war.

Unlike the frontal confrontation between the two parties in the original plot, in this duel, the human army has the advantage of starting first, and because Medivh has been killed by Anyang and Khadgar, no one is responsible for getting through Azer. In the passage of Russ and Draenor, the orcs will be isolated and helpless, and the hard-built dark gate will temporarily become a decoration, and there will never be a continuous army of orcs.

The original assault battle of the human army turned into a decisive battle!

Originally at a disadvantage, they have the capital to confront the orcs!


"Destroy the intruder!"

"For Azeroth!"

The shouting of Zhen Tian was accompanied by rumbling footsteps, and the trees and trees were trembling like an earthquake.

In the middle of the camp, Gul'dan had been beaten and wounded. He finally got rid of Durotan's offensive. When he saw this scene, he was stunned. He looked at Durotan, who received the opposite, and said with a deep voice: "Chief, you lead Humans are attacking the orcs? "

Durotan gasped and replied in a deep voice: "No, I just want to kill you, only you are dead, the beast talent has a future!"

Gul'dan exhaled suddenly, his arms shuddered, and the fierce evil energy suddenly rose behind him, rolling unendingly, gathering into a faint green light cloud: "The horn of war, all orcs, Get ready to fight and fight these weak humans! "

The orcs standing around watched the crisis and realized that the situation was critical. They did not care about Makora, and turned and ran behind them. There are those who call on the tribes to prepare for the human army, those who sound the horn of war, and those who wear plate armor and bring their weapons directly to the forefront of the battlefield.

Soon, the orcs also formed a savage torrent, rushing towards the direction of the human army.

The two sides collided in the center, and there was a fierce spark.

On one side are human soldiers in fine heavy armor, with sharp and sharp weapons, and the beauty of war crafts is all over the body, and even the shield is carved with gorgeous patterns. On the other side are orc warriors wearing animal skins and rough plate armour. They either hold choppers, heavy axes, or sledgehammers and thick swords with wide blades. They are very rough and brutal in any way. Heart soul.

But both sides have the same high fighting spirit, fearless, just want to tear the other side to pieces!

At the moment when two torrents collide in the middle, it is the demise of many lives, welcoming more soldiers to succeed!

Even if human soldiers are wearing heavy armor and holding heavy shields, they can't compete with orcs who are born to occupy physical advantage and power advantage. They will be knocked down by the strong orcs almost instantly. Many human soldiers have already pulled out their muskets and suddenly pulled the trigger. Sparks and white smoke exploded in the battlefield. The flashing muffled sound became the loudest melody in the war, and the projectiles projected from the fly became The most advantageous weapon of human soldiers against orcs.

Human soldiers were constantly knocked down by orcs, and orc soldiers were constantly crushed by muskets.

In a very short period of time, many lives died.

Heroes and leaders on both sides are constantly charging, harvesting their lives.

King Lion personally entered the battle, and along with Garona, Turalyon and others, beheaded ordinary Orc soldiers such as chopping melons and vegetables. They cooperated with each other and showed superb martial arts and combat experience, even if they were trapped by several orcs It can also retreat, on the contrary, many orcs die under their swords.

The black hand and Grom among the orcs are no longer there, but Orgrim, Bladefist and Dead Eye can still take up the girders. They are extremely brave and go deep into the position of human soldiers alone. One blow to kill, it is simply the existence of God of War!

Gul'dan ignored the orc's traditions and quietly left Makora's battle ground. It is rare that Durotan did not pursue it, but instead summoned his own frost wolf partner and took the frost wolf skin with him. , Disappeared in the battlefield between the two sides.

When he appeared again, he had led the orc warriors of the Frostwolf clan into the battlefield!

This orphan with natural brown skin did not attack humans, but did not help humans to attack orcs. Instead, it penetrated into the battlefield of both sides and rushed into the battle of Gul'dan with bravery. The shaman mage accompanied the heroic orc warrior , Ready to behead this fallen orc.

Durotan always believed that killing Gul'dan brought a new future to the orcs.

He was right, only the lack of strong follow him.

"Roar !!! Gul'dan, die!"

Durotan held the Blood Guard's chopper axe and ran forward on the Frostwolf. Every time the chopper axe was swept, an orc would be killed on the spot, and the Frostwolf clan warriors who followed him also advanced forward, and The orcs with green skin collided wildly.

Gul'dan's position is getting closer and closer, but the resistance of other orcs loyal to Gul'dan is getting stronger and stronger, and the Frostwolf clan is dead and wounded!

Orgrim dropped the huge warhammer in his hands helplessly, staring at the scene staring from afar.

To this day, he has been somewhat unclear whether his choice is right or wrong.

Until Durotan fell into the enemy line and was dragged from the frost wolf by an orc, and he added another bone wound to his bruised body due to the duel with Gul'dan, finally, Orgrim Can't help it.

I saw him roar, reverse his body, and rushed over there with the warhammer.

An orc saw through his intentions and rushed over to try to stop him, but Orgrim did n’t even look at him at all. His body was running forward like a heavy tank, he did n’t stop, and he was carrying a hammer of destruction The hammer handle danced twice in the air and slammed into the orc's chin.


A heavy hammer weighing hundreds of pounds, rotating and impacting forward, collided with an orc weighing hundreds of pounds forward. Both sides contain powerful power. Naturally, it was a dull thunderous explosion, but After all, Orgrim's power is more powerful, and the power of Destruction Hammer is not overwhelming.

The orc's chin exploded with a fluff of blood, and immediately flew backwards and fell to the ground unconsciously.

With just one blow, Orgrim killed the orc, and in such a crazy way!

He soon met with Durotan, and the two looked at each other in silence. Without any extra words, they rushed towards Gul'dan's position.

Beside him was a deafening killing sound, a golden iron symphony, human shouts, orcs' roaring roars, and played the main theme of war.

Regardless of the outcome, whether for humans or orcs, this is destined to be a war that can be written in history!


The windward path connecting the twilight forest and the sad swamp, not long ago in the sunny place has become gloomy and dark, with a cloud over the head, like a monster engulfed in light, the quiet and dark forest and the dry reeds in the distance, Make it even more terrifying.

At the very center of this gloomy death is the Karazhan Magic Tower.

Anyang silently stepped forward and picked up Medivh's chicken stick.

This staff, whose full name is "The Legendary Staff of the Guardian of Etyes", is undoubtedly the legendary object in the staff of Azeroth, the sacred treasure that the wizards dreamed of, which once let Khadgaren take He seemed to be panicked and frightened at once, but at this moment it fell into his hands so easily.

Anyang glanced at Khadgar, who had been completely comatose, and the body of Medivh in the pool that was constantly emitting huge energy. He directly collected this staff into his personal space before going down, step by step to Kara In the huge library, I flipped a book at random and read it.

This huge ancient book happens to be called the principle of arcane energy, which is a relatively difficult and incomprehensible book in magic.

It didn't take long for him to stop.

Anyway, there are so many books here, he will definitely not read them in a while, and it is difficult to understand the meaning of these books in a short time, so I have to scan and archive these knowledge as soon as possible, so that whether I want to learn or enrich my empire knowledge The library is much more convenient.

Anyang put most of his books back in place, and he had made up his mind to occupy the castle for a short time.

In order not to be disturbed by others, he can scan intently, he had better have a valid reason.

Cooperating with Khadgar is a good choice, after all, this is a nominal successor!

And ... this guy is so stunned!

When Anyang returned to the top of Karazhan ~ ~ but found that the residual arcane energy in Medivh was gradually tearing the space here, seeing this scene, he suddenly took a breath of air, as if expecting the entire tower The day when the top was swallowed by the twisted void extremely slowly.


It is hard for him to imagine how powerful it is to tear the space with the power that overflows inside after death.

Fortunately, he is familiar with the plot, otherwise how can such a demigod exist, which can be defeated by humans?

Anyang thought about it, and quickly moved Khadgar not far away, lest he be torn to pieces by Medivh's spilled power.

Although ... it seems that he defeated Medivh.

[I owe you two changes. After you return home, you will compensate four changes. 】

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