My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 476: Encounter

Anshi Network Technology is very close to Jinguan University City. Anyou and Xiao Xueer are in a good mood after work, so they plan to take a walk back to school. .し wχS520.

A second ago they were still lamenting that this road full of sycamore trees was really beautiful and very artistic. The next second Anyou sniffed her nose, and already keenly smelled a casserole shop on the roadside. The two girls looked at each other tacitly and walked into the store generously.

They are now people who work in big international companies. They do n’t need to pay a little money to treat themselves.

Coincidentally, this shop is diagonally opposite the building with simple and heavy decoration.

Like this kind of street food, you really have to eat on the street to be enjoyable. In Yizhou Province, the city management also takes care of the people. Generally, there is no urban management at night to pursue the issue of whether to occupy the road. The shop will move the tables and benches to the roadside, occupying the pavement with impunity.

In fact, the biggest torment for pedestrians is not that the road is occupied, but the diffuse fragrance is too strong and makes people salivate.

So on this summer night, even with a storefront, people are habitually sitting on the street and having fun.

It's cool, and it's not easy to be uncomfortable because of the smoke in the house.

Xiao Xueer and An You sat together, a cold and attractive little beauty, a pure and sweet beautiful girl, naturally attracted the attention of many people.

But they turned a blind eye to these quietly looking at themselves. After disassembling the tableware, they waited for the pot to serve, and whispered a few words from time to time.

Almost with the gaze of most people, they noticed the special building diagonally opposite and the row of vehicles.

An unusual number of license plates decorate these sparse and ordinary cars like a crown. The cool sports cars and extravagant German-made cars are not worth mentioning like upstarts. Some people with extraordinary temperament came down from the car one after another, all carrying tall and mighty black bodyguards.

"It's so close to school here, we didn't notice that there is such a place!"

"Yeah, it's really nice to walk in that path just now."

"No, uh, the trees along the road are also beautiful, but the point is this house, it seems to have a sense of age, and these cars are very unusual!"

"Well, it's pretty."

"Xue'er, what do you say here, is it an entertainment club?"

"Is it estimated to be the government's residence or the residence of a noble official?" Xiao Xueer looked over there. "The cars parked here are very ordinary, and there are not even 500,000, but the license plates are scary. This looks like a government or military. "

An You nodded in agreement. From the bodyguards, you can see that these people are really unusual.

The faint official power and the long-lasting temperament can be sensed from a distance, and some people even travel with guards.

Everybody can take the bodyguard, but the guard is a bit scary.

That means a level of insulation from civilians!

An You couldn't help but think that if one day he could reach this level, if there were a group of bodyguards in dark clothes dressed like agents on the trip, and even a guard with a pistol around his waist would follow, that would be the peak of life Right?

Suddenly, Yu Guang glanced at a black car at the end of the street and reached for it.

"Now, the luxury car in your mouth is here."

Xiao Xueer turned around, also a little surprised: "This car is not cheap."

An You was stunned for a moment, and said, "I look pretty atmospheric, how can I get millions?"

Xiao Xueer took a serious look at her and said with a long heart: "Xiaoyou, you have to study hard in school and go forward after work. With your ability, you will be able to afford the tires of this car in this life. "

Anyou's face suddenly turned black: "Just tell me how much this car is!"

Xiao Xueer pointed to the vehicle listening in front of the building: "Rolls-Royce, have you heard that you can add up all the cars at the door over there and you can probably afford its tires."

"Yeah, I know Leslie, I just can't recognize the emblem." Anyou looked embarrassed, and said, "This kind of car is so expensive, shouldn't it be a government car?"

Xiao Xueer nodded: "Of course, why the government is so extravagant, it should be passing by ..."

Half of her words came to an abrupt halt, because this luxury car parked directly at the door of the building, just like standing out from the crowd, so it was so incompatible with other cars.

And she also noticed that the car had no license plate.

An You turned her head: "Well, it stopped."

She wanted to make fun of her girlfriends, and suddenly saw Xiao Xueer's expression stiff, and she couldn't help but look puzzled.

"What's the matter with Xueer?"

Xiao Xueer stretched his finger to the front and slowly said, "Then, see if that is Brother Anyang ..."

An You frowned, glanced back, and her expression froze.

A man who looks like Anyang is standing next to the luxury car. He seems to have just come down from above. His suit and leather are extraordinary.

An You couldn't help but widen her eyes. The car that Xueer said he could work hard to afford a wheel for a lifetime would not mention it. Even the middle-aged people who took the bodyguards to the top of their lives next to him Respectfully.

She rubbed her eyes vigorously: "Look, see it wrong, across the street."

Xiao Xueer pointed again: "Is that Xiao Qian's sister?"

Anyou glanced at her and stopped talking.

Just as Xiao Xueer was confident that she would not mistake Anyang, she would not mistake Anyang who lived together since childhood.

It's just this picture is incredible!

After a pause, she said in a far-fetched way: "I haven't seen the front, maybe it just looks a lot like that. You see that temperament is completely different from Anyang."

Xiao Xueer said seriously: "It's a little different, but the difference is not that big, usually Brother Anyang is also very temperamental."

"Ha ha."

An You pulled the corner of her mouth.

Anyang is very temperamental, this is probably the most funny joke she heard this year.

But why can't you laugh!

After a while, "That Anyang" walked in with "That Xiaoqian" and only gave her a vague profile.

It was this profile that gave her an ominous hunch.

Seeing that the two figures disappeared, some pictures began to flash through her head, with a tendency to form a line.

But before he could figure it out, he was forcibly interrupted by a voice.

"The two beauties gave in, the pot came, be careful not to burn it!"

The waiter carried a casserole filled with soup base, placed it carefully in the center of the table, and then bent down to open the fire. After everything was done, he left.

"Wait a moment, your order will come up immediately!"

An You gave Xiao Xueer a tentative glance, and found that she was not relieved.

The hands and feet in the shop were very brisk, and the pot was quickly set up, and the meat and vegetable skewers were also brought up.

The scent is still strong, but both of them lost most of their thoughts, and it tasted a bit tasteless in the mouth.

They are all because of the same person, but the reasons are different.

For a long time, Anyou put down her chopsticks.

Even though she was not in a good mood, she ate all the dishes she ordered.

Xiao Xueer was drinking with a box of iced drinks. In fact, she didn't eat much, and most of the dishes she ordered were eaten by Anyou.

They looked at each other, and they didn't mean to leave.

After seeing the business that the shop is no longer so busy because of the meal, I can finally sit still and feel at ease.

Anyou hesitated for a while and asked tentatively: "Otherwise, let's wait in the past? See more clearly ..."

Xiao Xueer was stunned, but shook his head.

An You suddenly relieved.

Xiao Xueer didn't want to go because if it was really Anyang, he had never wanted to say that she would not deliberately break through. And Anyou did n’t want to go, but she was afraid that it was really Anyang. When the two met outside, their eyes widened and their eyes squinted. The situation at that time was very strange to think about.

That's too cruel!

A little time passed, and the two had been waiting here.

The store found something wrong, came over and asked: "Two little girls, are you waiting for someone here?"

Xiao Xueer turned around and nodded: "Yes, do you want to close it?"

The store waved his hand: "It's okay, it's still early. I mainly check to see if you need anything. It's okay."

Xiao Xueer smiled slightly: "Thank you."

The store nodded, just preparing to leave, and suddenly stopped again: "I see you have been looking at the opposite, do you wait for people to work inside?"

An You shook her head and inserted a sentence: "No, he just entered from here."

The store ’s expression is a little more subtle: "It turns out that it is your elders. The people here are generally people from the government. Today, so many officials gather here. It is estimated that there is something important. Your elders will be there for a while. I'm afraid I won't be able to get out. "

This time the expressions of the two are slightly more subtle.

An You and Xiao Xue'er looked at each other, or Xiao Xueer said: "Not elder, but my brother."

As soon as this remark came out, An You couldn't help but stunned, and her expression was extremely complicated.

The store was a little surprised, but didn't say much, and nodded and left, only asking them to make a phone call if something happened.

Obviously, in his past experience, there are very few young people coming and going here. It is even more impossible to look at today's form!

Xiao Xueer noticed this, but she didn't pay much attention.

The two waited until ten o'clock in the evening, and no one said to leave, but the store was really closed.

They can only get up and leave.

But at this moment, a team of waiters came out of the building in front of the building, and a little voice gradually came out, and they immediately became energetic.

Sure enough ~ ~ Anyang "came out.

There are no street lights here, and the light is not too bright. It was originally designed to avoid the officials who were going to be found late at night, but now it makes Xiao Xue'er and An You still unable to see the face of "Anyang", even connected by a highway Some of them could not see clearly, and could not help but become silent.

But they can feel that this "Anyang" is more crowded by people than when they came.

And those who surrounded him were either accompanied by secretaries or bodyguards.

The two stared at each other and walked silently towards the way back to school.

Although they were a little disappointed that they still couldn't see clearly, they didn't mean to go deeper.

Just got on the bus, Anyang was about to leave, but Xiao Qian was puzzled and pointed tentatively at the other side of the road.

"Fujun, is that Xiaoyou and your sister Xueer?"

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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