My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 477: Hu Jun's vision is really good


Anyang was too late to feel embarrassed by the phrase "Your Sister Cher". He turned his head and stared at the two slim girls. .し wχS520.

Dark night was like daylight in his eyes, and his eyes easily passed through the streets of the night, making them clear.

There is nothing wrong with the clothes that Xiao Xueer wore when he bought them together when he accompanied them on shopping.

He frowned immediately.

It's so late, what are these two girls doing here?

Comrade Xiao Qian caressed the delicate white fur of the rabbit in his arms and asked, "Fujun, so late, there are few pedestrians on this road. It is not safe for Xiaoyou and your sister Xueer to come home, Um, do n’t you plan to send them back to school, or ask someone to follow them? "

Anyang's mouth twitched and hesitated.

Why does this female ghost call her biological sister Xiaoyou, but Xiao Xueer is called "your sister Xueer"!

For a moment, he said to Qiuyan in front, "Come on."

Qiu Yan, who was filled with a strong military atmosphere, turned silently and quickly caught up with the two girls.

The low beam light only illuminates the front, but still can perceive their emotions.

An You was somewhat at a loss, and Xiao Xueer was relatively calm, but also felt very incredible.

When they walked slightly ahead, they turned to see only the dazzling lights, but could not clearly see the people in the car, but now they no longer need to look at it, that is Anyang.

The collector's body of the Mirage is far wider and longer than ordinary vehicles. It can be described as huge. The somewhat conservative car should not be cheap, only to be aware of its aristocratic style when it is close.

The value of this car should be more than 10 million. Can anyone who can afford this car or anyone who can buy this car be easy?

I would like to ask what methods and means can make a person who graduated only two years have billions of assets?

Reality does not have those special functions and dog blood plots in the novel.

And they will not ignore the picture of Anyang when he is surrounded by people who are armed with bodyguards and guards.

Tens of millions of cars traveled and were awed by senior officials. An You suddenly found that this was far beyond the peak of his life that he had just dreamed of!

So the two stood by the side of the road side by side, and their slim figure was stretched by the light of the car to make the shadow long, and the two straight legs were the most eye-catching.

Until the window opened, a faint familiar voice came from the car: "Get in the car."

Xiao Xueer hesitated a little and took Anyou forward, while a tall woman who had already come down from the driver's seat opened the door for them.

The interior space of the car body is still quite large, even though personalized custom decorations such as makeup cabinets occupy a lot of car body space, but Xiao Xueer, An You, Anyang and Xiaoqian comrades can still sit down. The other three are more slender and slender models, so good to say nothing.

Just seeing the empty unmanned co-pilot, Anyang felt a vague egg pain.

This car uses a total of 16 animal skins, and all the leather in the car must be laser-guided to ensure accuracy, whether it is a natural textured leather seat or a textured edging, or from North America The Burr walnut products made this car very luxurious while being comfortable.

So An You seemed a bit restrained, even though the restraint was so inexplicable, it was obviously her biological brother's car.

Still Xiao Xueer hesitated and looked at the luxurious interior of the car in a lap, shouting sweetly: "Brother Anyang is good, Sister Xiaoqian is good."

Xiaoqian responded with a smile: "Cher, what a coincidence."

Xiao Xueer nodded: "Yeah, I didn't expect to meet Brother Anyang and Sister Xiaoqian here."

Anyang stared at the two of them, and he could naturally see that they had seen themselves long ago.

Because they did not panic because of the strange car, nor were they surprised by his voice, only an uncertain hesitation.

But he still asked in a deep voice: "It's so late, what are you doing here?"

An You sat by the window and looked at the night view of the lights that flew outside the window without speaking.

Xiao Xueer smiled and said: "We are eating here, preparing to take a walk back, anyway, not too far from the school."

Anyang frowned, only moderately after a while, and sighed: "There are few people on the street here. At night, the dark paint is so sloppy that I can't see clearly. Now there are not many people in the university town during the summer vacation. It's still as early as possible, too late to be unsafe. "

Xiao Xueer obediently responded: "Got it, brother Anyang."

An You was a little disdainful and turned her head, Yu Guang just glanced at the beautiful white rabbit in Xiao Qian's arms.

Her eyes suddenly lighted up due to some negative resistance to cute things.

Although the rabbit essence stayed quietly in Xiao Qian's arms, he also stared at Anyou with a pair of ruby ​​eyes, full of curiosity.

Is this Anyang's sister?

The breath is a bit like it!

No wonder it was a litter, ah no, a mother was born.

An You looked at this little white rabbit like this, she always felt that the eyes were very human.

Anyang is talking with Xiao Xueer, mostly telling her and Anyou that the two girls should pay attention to safety.

His tone is bland and gentle, just like a little sister who cares deeply for the next-door big brother who cares deeply for the next door. The majesty and indifference he felt when he watched him across the street were completely gone. Among the tens of millions of luxury cars, it is like an ordinary home.

Xiao Qian occasionally echoes two sentences, the classical and gentle temperament is very charming.

Although Anyou didn't want to listen, they were listening to them in the same car.

Xiao Xueer did not mention why Anyang would be with those people, why there was such an expensive car, and Anyang did not deliberately publicize it. She only talked to her about some very plain things, as if both of them were unspoken She ignored them and made her feel annoyed.

Damn it, these things that should not appear in his life are the key!

Or does this woman with **** and no brains when she meets her brother have blindly worshipped her brother? No matter what shocking things he does, she will not be surprised? This is obviously abnormal! Who can start from scratch so quickly!

However, today's Anyang does look better than ever.

An You looked at Anyang with Yu Guang while she was almost idiot and looked at the rabbit.

A straight black suit, without any folds, was formal and serious, and the meticulously combed hair style gave him a more handsome meaning, and he wore a Huaguang restrained watch on his hand, making him look more mature and steady. , And the majesty and calmness of him before facing the group of big people seemed to go away instantly when they met them, with a friendly and indifferent smile on his face.

Not to say that it is not fascinating, it seems really different from ordinary people.

She had never thought that her unlucky brother could have such striking achievements, just as she had never thought that she would sit in Anyang's car one night and let him send himself back. Sitting in this comfortable seat, I feel the touch of fine leather, looking at this low-key luxury interior, she always has a faint light about the fact that this tens of millions of cars belongs to her unpromising brother. Unrealistic, but it is very rare that she did not feel unbelievable.

Probably this year, he has been subtly implied by his behavior to be somewhat psychologically prepared to accept such things.

According to her deep understanding of Anyang's relationship with Anyang in the past years, in terms of the attitude she observed when Anyang and Xiaoqian got along, she felt that her unbridled brother did not eat soft rice, which led to a little Terrible facts--

She may not be able to call Anyang an unpromising brother anymore.

The car was moving forward steadily, with little vibration or sound.

The rabbit, who was quiet in Xiaoqian's arms, looked up and looked at Anyang and Xiaoqian, and suddenly jumped on Anyou.

At the same time, Xiao Xueer, who also followed her for a long time, exclaimed: "What a lovely rabbit."

After a short stunned moment, An You cautiously hugged the rabbit fine and placed it in front of her, looking at her with a cute expression.

It must be said that the rabbit is still beautiful after being refined into the body, and the charm in both eyes is not reduced.

Xiao Xueer also reached out and touched, and immediately said: "It's so beautiful, it feels comfortable to touch. Sister Xiaoqian, are you raised?"

Comrade Xiao Qian looked at Anyang next to him with a smile and pursed his lips: "No, it was raised by your Anyang brother."

Xiao Xueer was stunned, a little stunned.

An You also didn't respond a little, but she said quickly: "I can't see that you have more than this kind of leisurely elegance, and there is also a girl's heart!"

This was the first sentence she said when she got on the bus.

Then she glanced at Xiao Qian, this woman who might become her sister-in-law is really beautiful to the point of being mortal, the body is gentle like water, the body curve is perfect to impeccable, the slender legs under the dress are full of delicate Ivory gloss, white and elegant neck, like a goddess.

This guy, Yan Fu is not shallow!

The rabbit essence may be saying hello to Anyou, and soon jumped back to Xiao Qian. Even Anyou didn't react, and the little rabbit had already left her. The rabbit spirit hesitated, looked up at both eyes, jumped on Anyang again, and finally fell down in peace.

To put it nicely, lie in your arms, in other words, between your legs.

Xiao Xue'er looked a little weird and said: "It really was raised by Anyang brother, and it seems to have a good relationship with brother Anyang."

Xiao Qian's smile was somewhat inexplicable, and she said lightly: "Yes, her best relationship is your brother Anyang."

Anyang touched his nose, looked helplessly at the rabbit essence, and rubbed her ears unconsciously to play.

Phantom soon entered Yizhou University of Science and Technology ~ ~ and stopped under the dormitory rented by Xiao Xueer.

Anyang watched them go upstairs until the light upstairs turned on, Xiao Xueer stood by the window sill and sent him a text message before he let Qiuyan drive away.

In the eyes of Comrade Xiaoqian, the waves of light circulated and said with a chuckle: "It's really a tempting little beauty."

Qiuyan in front is still silent and her face is not different. She should take it for granted that Xiaoqian is talking about Anyang's sister Anyou.

Only Anyang knew what she meant and couldn't help but look helpless.

Xiao Qian went on to say that the voice was soft: "Fu Jun's vision is really good, Xiao Qian supports you!"

Anyang just wanted to say something, and suddenly there was a cold voice in his mind.

The selected person will enter the new mission world in 24 hours, please be prepared.

Well, a new round of missions is coming!

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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