My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 479: Bumblebee

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Anyang is very glad to have come to the first part of Transformers.

Not because the fight in the first part is easier, but because the first part has energy blocks.

The energy block created Transformers, which has mysterious and powerful power and is the most important item in the plot.

But in addition to the energy block, the technology of Cybertron is also precious!

In fact, Transformers is a kind of creature, not a combat machine. Although their technology is well-developed and they also have their own weapon systems, the warplanes, warships and fortresses, military robots, etc. driven by Transformers during the war on Planet Cybertron High-tech weapons are the main force of war.

Individually, although their armor is stronger than steel, it can cause a fragile reaction regardless of whether it is high or low temperature, so even formed American soldiers can kill them and create them with energy blocks. Transformers are even weaker.

Transformers kill humans in a small way. It is no problem to single out a team of American soldiers, but it is impossible to face a human army with heavy weapons.

Unless they can bring all their warplanes and warships over.

In the Transformers tetralogy, there are often pictures of humans fighting or using heavy weapons to hang Transformers. In the fourth part, humans even formed a special force called the Tomb Wind Squad to hunt Transformers around. The missile heavy artillery came out, and the Transformers had no choice but to catch it.

So Anyang doesn't care about the force of Transformers.

To be honest, Transformers are only the inhabitants of the planet Cybertron, and the armor of the sky soldier is the real war machine for war.

At least Transformers ’armor ca n’t hardly resist missiles and heavy artillery, without energy shields, and weapons are not just for killing. Even some Transformers’ equipment is not superior to the earth, but it is a missile with better performance. Guns with a larger caliber.

Therefore, the energy block is certainly useful. Cybertron ’s war weapon technology must also be available, especially the battleship, and it must not be let go.

Anyang took a taxi and went to Sam's location.

The taxi driver looked at him secretly with the help of his rearview mirror. He thought that his long black trench coat was a bit disgusting, and there was no immigration boom in the United States in this era. People with white skin and black skin were not rare.

Anyang felt it, but he ignored it, squinting and thinking.

The so-called American blockbuster is too painful. The film is mixed with too much personal heroism and protagonist aura, especially the Transformers. The US government and military have almost become an invincible existence, which makes the power system very unclear. Make accurate judgments.

For example, the Decepticons stun at the beginning of the plot.

The stunned avatar of the helicopter turned the US Air Force Base into a dog, and the shock wave swept a large area, and the fighter building was instantly vanished. Solved with howitzer.

Egg hurts, it hurts!

Anyang felt that before seeing Transformers, he could not accurately know their fighting power.

However, he didn't care at all. The energy structure of the individual energy gun was excellent, and the energy delivery method was more rapid and powerful than gunpowder. The transformers armor that could not be blocked by the missile was estimated to be not much different from the paper in front of the energy gun Moreover, the weapons he carried this time were more powerful.

Heavy weapons dismantled from mechanical creatures, special laser swords, airborne energy guns, electromagnetic weapons, and rough modified heavy weapons, everything!

And these big guys are not agile in the movie. Although they are powerful, they do not seem to be of much use by brute force alone.

It didn't take long for Anyang to stop in front of a small villa.

Looking at this lawn with its own lawn, flowers all over the ground, planted roses and trees, decorated with doorways and stone carvings, with its own parking room, and in front of it is a separate luxury residence on the road, he couldn't help feeling a sigh of relief Wideness is good, like a crowded building in China.

Well, it seems that he now sits on a hill and is not qualified to say such things.

Anyang found a corner to take out his off-road vehicle, drove it to the side of the road opposite Sam's house, and waited.

It did n’t take long for a young man with a handsome face to come back on a bicycle, holding a book in one hand and controlling the faucet in another hand.

Anyang lowered his head and nodded the watch on his hand, and immediately popped out a suspended projection panel, which showed a picture of a young man.

Sure enough, this is right!

At this moment, a very strong white man about 40 years old came over and knocked on the window of his car, his tone was very bad.

"Hey, boy, this is in front of my house. I don't allow you to park your car here."

Anyang opened the car window and glanced at him, handing out a hundred-dollar bill.

The man glanced at him, snorted coldly, and left without a word after receiving the banknote.

One hundred dollars is much higher than his daily salary.

Watching him return to the house, Anyang threw out a mechanical eye, letting him stare at the movement of Sam's house, then started the off-road vehicle, rented a house around the neighborhood for observation, and ... Start to experience the capitalist life of the US Emperor!

At night, coming out of the bar, his face in a long black trench coat was plain, and with the night wind's bleakness he had a lot of cold temperament.

Although he is not so handsome, he is undoubtedly more infatuated with girls who are in a rebellious period.

Just like now, a Chinese student looks like a college student, and his body is very young and attractive, but in fact, only a 16-year-old girl who is still in high school is chasing him. There are faint freckles on it, and the overall beauty is not lost.

"The handsome man in China, as a reward for you asking me to drink, I can spend time with him tonight."

"No, I'm already married."

Anyang's footsteps did not stop, and his tone was faint.

But that seems to be the point, which particularly attracted the rebellious girl, and she quickly caught up and walked alongside him.

"It's such a confusing man. I didn't see the wedding ring in your hand, but I like your gesture!"

"Go home, girl, your family is waiting for you!"

"My family won't wait for me, they don't care about me since I'm sixteen, come on, I mean, where does your family live?"

"With this effort, you might as well check your homework again!"

"Oh, I can't believe it, your tone is the same as my dad!"

The woman was finally bored and stopped the pursuit of the oriental man who was very attractive to her.

The reason she followed him was very simple. She felt that he was very unusual, and that he was an unexperienced yellow man. After going up to talk, she felt that the man ’s connotation and temperament were far more than the rock singers or racing drivers pursued by her classmates Cool, the last thing is simply to sleep with him.

The reason for giving up is also very simple, feeling his resistance, not wanting to get entangled, or feeling that he is no longer interested.

Anyway, there are many boys pursuing her!

Anyang turned around and glanced at her back. She was bored and turned to speed up and left.

This girl has a hot body, but there is no perfect Xiao Qian and rabbit essence, and there is no figure that Huang Lan is so high and exaggerated that is completely different from humans. You know that he slept with Xiao Qian for a year and was with three female elves. People who have been with each other for nearly a year together have long been discouraged.

In a very vulgar sentence, it is-

Ordinary woman, he can't go to diao!

He touched his face, and his eyes hurt.

Is it because of the difference in aesthetics at home and abroad that you are not a handsome guy in China, but you are a beautiful man here?

Walking in the cold wind, the sycamore leaves are constantly being blown up, and the street is surprisingly quiet.

This era is also far from being developed in later generations, probably not far from the world of the Terminator, there are not so many cars on the street, and the taillights are like a fantasy.

Anyang walked along, suddenly seemed to sense something, and suddenly turned around.

A streamer flashed in the sky behind, dragging a long tail like a meteor, and flashed in the sky, but he could clearly feel that this meteor was already in the atmosphere, at most several kilometers. Highly, he could even faintly hear the screams produced by friction with the air.

In less than a second, the ground trembled, and a soft whisper came lightly.

Calculated from the direction of the streamer and the direction from the sound, this streamer fell to an empty place in the suburbs. He saw it while driving around in the daytime today. It was quite remote. This is also the streamer. The cause of the fall was not found by most people.

But he can't conceal ordinary people, but he can't conceal his perception.

Anyang thought about it, this should be the commando pioneer of the Bo faction (Autobot faction), the first Bumblebee to come to the earth.

It's a bit of a pain. This space-time technology is also well-developed. It also has satellites and radars, and can even develop equipment and instruments that specifically detect Transformers based on a special radiation index. Ignorant.

But it shouldn't be too tangled, after all, there is a movie called American blockbuster.

It may be precisely because American directors are not too particular about these settings, so they can shoot such a gorgeous hero blockbuster!

Thinking about it ~ ~ He speeded up and rushed to the direction of the fall.

Half an hour later, he stood in front of a huge fire pit with smoke, but did not see the sign of the mechanical giant.

If Anyang really wanted to find it, it was not difficult to find the bumblebee along the traces or using high-altitude advantages, but he was not in a hurry and he did n’t have too many tangles.

Anyway, Hornet is coming to Sam, he just has to wait.

On the second day of waiting, he saw information about the stun attack on the US military base in Qatar through the invasion of the US military network.

Sure enough, only on the third day, the father of the actor Sam fulfilled his promise and met with the actor to go out and buy a car. When the two came back again, Sam was already driving a worn Chevrolet Camaro sports car. It was disguised by the bumblebee.

The mechanical eye feeds everything back to his terminal.

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