My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 480: Hey bumblebee

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Anyang sat on the window sill of the bedroom, holding an ancient book in his hand. 【Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu】

Opposite the window is Sam's house. The used sports car disguised by Bumblebee is parked in the garage of Sam's house, but he has no time to take care of it. His energy is almost entirely concentrated on this ancient book, which is more complicated than the simplified text. Above the square word.

For a long time, he took a deep breath and raised his head, but he didn't even look out of the window.

"Driving and taking pulse art!"

This is a mysterious technique in which the world of China is blocked in the secret chamber of the Tibetan Buddhist scriptures of Chunyangmen. It contains the power of terror.

The role of this mystery technique is to greatly increase the practitioner's self-cultivation, and permanently increase, the side effects are so small that it can almost be ignored. This kind of secret technique, which is no different from the pie in the sky, is naturally not that simple. If you really don't need to pay any price, the Pure Yangmen will not seal the dust for hundreds of years.

The so-called seize the fortune is the lifeblood of all living beings.

Such a method not only harms one side of the people, but also easily attracts the world to crusade, and the situation is increased.

It not only damages the souls of the world, but also incurs disasters and evil spirits for yourself. These secret techniques are naturally unavailable to the righteous people. Not only can the righteous people not use them, but everyone with a conscience dare not use them indiscriminately, so this is a A kind of evil mystery technique that harms others and protects oneself.

But Anyang is different. He has the ability to shuttle the world. He can completely search for alien planets and avoid places with heaven and earth rules.

And he doesn't have much psychological burden for the lifeblood of a party that damages some of the original world.

This secret technique is undoubtedly tailor-made for him!

But with its terrifying ability, this mystery is also very complicated. It needs the help of the spirit to bless the land, and it also needs to lay a complicated magic circle. This also involves the geographical knowledge of the world of monasticism and the knowledge of magic circle and mantra. The knowledge of mantra is okay, and he lacks the other two aspects.

And although he now has more than a hundred years of cultivation, I am afraid that the arrangement of this type of mystery is still slightly lacking.

Fortunately, with a bio-assist chip, he can offset some of his shortcomings, but it still needs in-depth study to master it.

Anyang was enthralled, and suddenly heard a dull roar outside, mixed with a little noise, like the sound of an abandoned engine.

He withdrew his gaze from the yellowed pages, turned his head, and saw through the window that Sam and his friend were driving together in the car. 【Love ↑ Go △ Small ↓ Say △ WwW.AiQu】

Anyang pondered a little, then he lowered his head and sank his mind into this thick ancient book.

He didn't close the book until he had finished reading the passage, and went down.


Sam drove the bumblebee on the road smoothly, and the co-pilot sat on Miles. Their destination was a small lake beside the road.

This lake is very clear, there are many tall trees growing around, and the scenery is pleasant. It is often used by many young people or families as a meeting place, whether it is lying here to sunbathe, engage in picnics, or bring a swimming ring in the lake water. Bubble baths are very comfortable choices.

At this time, there are many young and hot women in bikinis playing in the lake, enjoying sunbathing and refreshing lake water, and also showing the proud body of their dieting exercises to boys around the same age. I am more popular.

I have to say that while Chinese high school students are still studying hard for the college entrance examination, the US high school students have begun to think about how to market themselves, how to better attract the attention of the opposite sex, and who they will spend this evening with Kind of problem.

This group of girls seems to be young and energetic, but in fact, white people are more mature than Chinese people. They are just high school students.

And it happened to be Sam's classmate.

At this time, the actor Sam and Spiderman Parker were treated at the school, there was no sense of existence, they did not invite people to see, they were miserable, and even the goddess in their hearts did not know him, so when they saw this group of people from a distance When meeting here, I couldn't help but feel dazed.

"Hey, Myers, are you sure we received the invitation to the party?"

"Don't worry, this is a lake, a public place!"

Sam drove the car closer, and the hot figure of the girl playing in the lake was revealed.

But at the next glance, he saw the heroine in the plot, as well as the school goddess, Mecara, who had been in love with him for a long time.

Although they are classmates, they often take classes together, but Sam ’s sense of existence is almost zero, and he is an old solid wood. Mecara does n’t know him at all, and now Mecara is another tall boy who likes to bully others. girlfriend.

At this moment, an off-road vehicle was parked on a hill in the distance, and an oriental man came down from the car and stared at it.

Sam stopped the car and was a little surprised: "God, Mecara is here too, Miles, you want to assure me that you will not do strange things, will you?"

Without waiting for Myers to answer, he got out of the car to sort out his clothes and asked Myers: "I look good, right?"

"Yes, you are very good."

"That's good."

The two walked side by side towards the small lake, where a black off-road vehicle was parked, and the tall boy who always bullied his classmates stood beside the car.

Mecara hugged the boy's chest from behind and looked at Sam and Miles funny.

The boy held a rugby in his hand and threw one of them violently towards Sam and Myers.

He may want to show his force by bullying a weak person, or he may want to gain a sense of accomplishment. In short, Sam is the target.

Myers glanced at the boy's car, exclaimed, and jumped towards the tree next to him, climbing up lightly and flexibly.

The tall boy walked in front of them with a very bad tone: "What are you doing here?"

Sam's expression stiffened, and his thinner figure obviously did not dare to face this boy. It was tantamount to self-inflicted shame, but he also did not want to be embarrassed in front of the goddess in his heart, so he had to glance at his eyes and watched climbing Myers of the tree said, "Well, we are here to climb this tree!"

His tone of voice seemed to be very serious, but it seemed like a disguise of his weakness and timidity.

The boy also glanced and nodded and said, "I saw it, um, it's funny."

Sam pouted: "Yes."

At this time, Mecara had come over and stood side by side with the boys. Myers had also climbed onto the tree, hooked the branches upside down with his feet, and looked like a clown who deliberately expressed himself.

The boy pointed at Sam again: "I think I know you. You participated in the qualifier for the football team last year, didn't you?"

Hearing this, Sam's expression immediately became awkward.

Rugby is a veritable violent sport. Even if a strong man is strong in the field, people like him are naturally the weakest. In fact, he was targeted and ruthlessly fell on the ground in the rugby qualifier last year. Not only did he not feel relieved for several days, but he also had no face.

The boy said this undoubtedly on purpose, trying to embarrass him!

Sam quickly denied that he unconsciously increased the volume of his speech because of his guilty conscience: "No, no, I didn't want to participate in the pre-selection. Well ... I was collecting information for the book I wrote."

The boy's face was full of publicity and ridicule: "Really?"


"About what? A mess of sports at a time?"

Sam smiled awkwardly and said, "No, it's about football and brain damage."

The male voice suddenly looked a bit ugly.

Sam went on: "No, that's a good book. Your friends will like it. There are colored areas in the book, there are three-dimensional folds, and there are shadows and patterns. Very exciting!"

"The joke you said is really funny."

The boy's eyes flashed sharply, and he walked towards Sam.

With his tall figure and the muscles exposed in the vest, there is no doubt that there is no small pressure on Sam.

At this moment, an Oriental came from the other side of the road and shouted, "Hey, Sam!"

Mecara, who was just about to come out to dissuade, stopped, squinting her blue, crystal clear eyes.

Sam turned his head and frowned: "I don't remember I know foreigners."

The boys' eyes sneered at them, and they sneered: "You'd better pray that your friends can beat well, otherwise I will blow your teeth!"

Anyang approached and smiled and asked, "Sam, I see that you are being bullied by a weak chicken!"

Sam suddenly froze: "Weak chicken?"

The boy's eyes also narrowed: "Weak chicken!"

Anyang nodded: "Yes, the weak chicken that can be pinched to death with one hand. You actually let him bully. If I were you, I would give him a slap!"

The boy's eyes narrowed again: "I can squeeze me with one hand, right? Slap me hard, right?"

When he said this, he gave Sam a look.

Sam quickly shook his head: "No, I don't know him, he is talking about his views, nothing to do with me!"

The boy took a deep breath and walked towards Anyang.

Mekara, wearing a pink navel vest, hurried over to stop him and said, "Don't do this!"

But the boy shoved her away with a slight flick, insisted on walking in front of Anyang, and stared at Anyang steadily.

Relatively thin Sam is tall, he is actually not dominant in front of Anyang, but he wears a vest, looks stronger, wears a cap on his head, and has a mixed temperament. For this group of high school students There is no small pressure.

Anyang looked at him calmly.

The boy's chest undulated and said fiercely: "Asian, are you looking for fault?"

Anyang ignored him directly and turned to look at Sam beside him: "Actually, your classmates just want to make your group of little children afraid. You can understand that in some way to obtain a sense of existence and superiority, he is not a soldier. I ’m not a professional fighter, I ’ve never been on the battlefield, I ’ve never been in a ring, I have a buggy, but I have n’t even touched my gun. It ’s useless except my strong body. Even if you ca n’t beat him, it does n’t matter. You ca n’t be cowardly to the protagonist, as long as you are brave, he will respect you a lot in the future. "

Sam froze: "What are you talking about? Wait, do I know you?"

The boy's face was blue and red, and finally he couldn't bear it, and he threw a punch to Anyang.

Anyang didn't dodge, just grabbed his fist and pressed hard with five fingers.


The sound of broken bones.

The boy's face was suddenly pale, cold sweat dripping down, followed by a wailing that seemed to come out of his throat ~ ~ Whether it was his companion or girlfriend behind him, he could not help feeling deeply horrified.

Sam was dumbfounded.

Anyang shrugged indifferently and said to him in an educational tone: "Look, as the protagonist, you must have the protagonist's domineering power. As long as you are brave, he is a weak chicken that can squeeze to death.

Sam's friend Mayer suddenly fell from the tree and said blankly, "You must be a Chinese!"

Anyang didn't care about pursing his lips, patting Sam's shoulder and walking towards the bumblebee.

He knocked on the steel plate of this second-hand sports car and made a booming sound, which made him keenly feel that this is not ordinary steel.

"Hey, Bumblebee."

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