My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 481: Bullying honest man

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

The headlights of Bumblebee's car flashed, seeming to be silent for two seconds, and the engine started instantly.


This second-hand sports car didn't even insert the key at all, but it made a dull roar, mixed with a little noise. At the same time, the wheels rotated at high speed and the ground rubbed out a harsh sound, and then rushed forward to Anyang.

Sam opened his eyes suddenly and waved over: "Hey, what's the situation!"

Anyang was very calm, standing still without moving.

Bumblebee itself is known for its speed, especially after pretending to be this second-hand broken car, the maximum speed is not more than 300 kilometers per hour, and the short-range explosive force is far from this data. He said he can despise him in speed .

But the Hornet didn't give him the opportunity to show himself. He just dashed forward and stopped, which seemed to be a warning.

Sam let out a sigh of relief and walked to the second-hand sports car with a violent hammer: "Damn broken car, can't it stop?"

Anyang smiled at him slightly: "You may be able to try to treat him better, this car is much cooler than those sports cars worth 10 million!"

Sam Gan laughed twice: "Just this broken car that is always broken? Okay, I admit that you can play well, but the jokes you say are not funny at all!"

Anyang shrugged and looked up and down this worn sports car.

The US government in the plot can detect the radioactivity in Transformers, and he can naturally detect it.

Sam didn't seem to want to stay here anymore. He greeted his friend and got in the car and started the engine to leave.

But the engine just roared, and he stopped again, looking out to Anyang from the window.

"Hey, anyway, I don't want to investigate the reasons. Today you are trying to get me started. Well, I think I should thank you."

Anyang nodded and pointed to Mekala who was making an emergency call not far away: "I probably delayed your chance to be a girl. Originally you had the opportunity to drive your goddess home, maybe you can still What romantic thing happened to her at this opportunity. "

Sam glanced over there, his eyes lost, but he quickly recovered: "It's nothing, I'm not very familiar with her, and if you aren't, she will probably take Cole's car, then The guy looks handsomer and stronger than me, and the car is better than mine. "

Anyang raised his eyebrows. The boy was named Cole.

He knew, however, that in the original plot, Mecara and Cole had a conflict and prepared to walk home. When the bumblebee hinted that the match was made, Sam successfully invited Mecara to his car, which opened the goddess back The protagonist pattern of home.

but now……

"Sam, do n’t ever be arrogant. The guy is just a little character without a name. As long as you are brave, you can defeat him and take your goddess home. I have to say that the goddess in your dream is really hot Good vision! "

Sam stared at him a few times, nodded slightly, and started the car.

Anyang also walked along the highway.

Without taking a few steps, Sam's car fell back again: "Hey, I haven't asked your name!"

Anyang glanced at this used sports car: "Anyang."

"It's kind of like a Chinese name."

"You guessed it right."

"Well, then, Anyang, I'm happy to take you on a journey, of course, if you are willing to be in the back row."

Anyang glanced at the narrow space behind the single-row small sports car, shook his head slightly, and pointed to the side: "I drove the car."

Sam and Miles looked over there and suddenly exclaimed.

On the lawn next to the road, there is a black, rough, huge, off-road vehicle, which is wider and taller than the Hummer. The body is extremely domineering, and the large size and ultra-sturdy bullet-proof tires have a powerful horsepower. The overall shape of the car body is also very exaggerated. The lines are cold and majestic, full of mechanical beauty and violent power. The heavy steel plate makes it like a dormant steel monster.

Sam paused for a while, then turned back and said, "Mr. Anyang, I have to remind you that parking is not allowed here."

Myers exclaimed indifferently: "There is nothing to stop, this car has no license plate, who cares, Sam didn't you find it, the key is that this car is more domineering than Cole's broken car! I God, if you can install heavy machine guns and howitzers, it ’s cool to be home! "

Anyang pursed her lips without saying anything, but said goodbye to them calmly.

What is a heavy machine gun, what is a howitzer, as his exclusive car, this car has gradually degenerated into a heavy tank.

The entire body of this car is made of eternal alloy armor on the body of higher mechanical creatures. The thicker armor makes it resistant to anti-tank missiles and heavy artillery bombardment, and under the armor is not only loaded with electromagnetic heavy machine guns, ion guns There are also more mini and micro missile bins than the armor, small runner missile launchers, and even a standard airborne No. 9 energy rapid-fire gun mounted on the top, but it will not appear in ordinary times!

In the car, he quickly surpassed the bumblebee driven by Sam and drove towards the city.

After passing through the traffic inspection, a license plate was extracted from the rear, which was simulated in front of and behind the vehicle using technical means.

When Anyang returned to the house, he opened the Transformers Quartet calmly and looked at it.

According to his understanding, if the system does not hurt enough, although he entered the first story, these four parts should be coherent. As long as he can stay in this world, he can fully understand the fourth part. Picture of the Chinese and American military hunting and killing Transformers.

It's just that the system is too painful and the credibility is not high. You need to verify it yourself.

He could not stay in this world for several years, after all, the comrade Xiaoqian was still waiting for him at home, and if he did n’t show up for too long, he did n’t say in advance that he would leave home for a long time. Just called the police, and Comrade Xiaoqian must have been worried.

After reviewing the plot of the next three episodes in a row, it was already dark.

He stood by the window, looking at Sam's garage diagonally across from the glass and darkness.

The main part of the first part of the Transformers is the energy block, also known as the fire source, which has the ability to energize the mechanical body, write programs, and change the material structure to transform it into Transformers. Of course, the technology that Cybertron has developed over the years is also valuable.

The second part is the energy matrix, which also contains powerful power, but it is much worse than the Rubik's cube.

And it seems that not everyone can get this stuff.

In the third part, the main line is the betrayal of "predators".

The predator is the former leader of Bopa, that is, the predecessor of Optimus Prime, and his teacher. He is also the best scientist in Transformers, equivalent to Einstein of Cybertron, and is also powerfully perverted.

If all the four parts belong to this world, then the current natural enemies should still lie in the crashed Ark spaceship on the moon. In the original plot, Optimus found him and awakened him, but did not expect that the original natural enemies would have Betrayed the Bopa.

Anyang has made up her mind secretly, if you have the opportunity, you must copy all the technology in the mind of the natural enemy!

The fourth part is the invasion of the killer "confinement", human hostility to Transformers, and the mechanical dinosaurs and Shuhua milk as highlights ...

Not much is available except for the assimilation bomb called the seed.

Anyang took a cup of milk tea and took a sip, calmed down and looked at the front lightly.

It didn't take long for an engine roar to sound in the garage ahead, and the bumblebee disguised as a broken sports car drove out and drove away at night.

After about twenty seconds, Sam also rushed out, chased out on a bicycle.

A faint shout of anxiety could be heard from there.

"No, that's my car, come back to me, **** thief!"

Anyang pursed his lips, pushed open the window and jumped.

A few minutes later, Sam chased the bumblebee to a remote factory around.

Exactly, this factory was where the Hornet landed a few days ago.

He put down his bicycle and found that he had disappeared the first car in his life. He couldn't help being frustrated, but suddenly looked up, but saw his car in the distance was completing a cool transformation, and finally turned into a steel humanoid, standing At the top of the factory, the posture is so handsome that it bursts.

Sam opened his mouth wide and rubbed his eyes.

After a few seconds, he lowered his hand, the figure like a mech warrior still stood, and emitted a beam of light into the sky.

Sam almost couldn't help but fell to the ground, reacted suddenly, and immediately took out his mobile phone to start recording.

But just after turning on the camera, someone patted his shoulder behind him, making his legs tense suddenly fall to the ground.


Anyang was speechless.

A protagonist of this character, is the screenwriter in order to make this film more grounded, so that the American diaosi people have a more sense of substitution?

Sam reacted when he saw him, relieved, and said, "Mr. Anyang, why are you here, could it be, I know, yes, what you said in a few days is so strange, you already know that my car is mechanical People pretend to be right. "

Anyang stared at him without speaking, but his eyes chilled him a little.

Sam glanced at both parties ~ ~ swallowed: "Mr. Anyang, you misunderstood, I'm not a **** guy, and, I think we should work together to excavate the secrets of aliens. You see, my last words have been left. "

Anyang didn't speak, but pointed slightly in front of him.

Sam followed his gaze, suddenly stunned, and stepped back unconsciously.

At the same time, the two bulldogs who had been staring at him screamed in front of him, and they suddenly rushed out of the chain and rushed towards him, with a terrifying momentum.

Sam almost turned around and ran, shouting again and again in his mouth.

Anyang smiled, ignored him, and walked straight towards the Hornet.

A strange thing happened. The two very aggressive bulldogs seemed to encounter a natural enemy when they approached him. They consciously avoided him, and after a little hesitated, they continued to chase poor Sam, seeming to be bullying. He is honest.

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