My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 482: Call Optimus Prime

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

Anyang walked a few steps forward, but found that Sam, who was chased by the dog, ran around in a circle and ran back again.

Sam's frightened panic shouts and violent dog barks intermingled, making this area that should have been quiet by night seem very noisy.

Anyang frowned.

Does this guy want to be bitten by a dog, or does he think he can save him?

Sam didn't know his thoughts, so he hid behind him and kept him in front. He said to the dog that he would bite him first.

Anyang shook his head and waved the mana in his body into a powerful force to lift the two bulldogs who were not too big.

At one time, only two dogs could hear the wailing of the ground, but they were quite tenacious, and they climbed up on the ground, but now they only dare to look at Anyang and Sam with fear, and their teeth utter a threatening growl , No longer dare to rush up.

And behind Sam, his mouth widened, he was stunned.

He couldn't help walking out of Anyang's back, sometimes looking at the two bulldogs in front of him, and turning back to stare at him.

Are there not only aliens in this world, but also magicians or abilities?

Anyang just said lightly: "What you saw today, if you dare to speak out, I will kill you!"

Sam shuddered and subconsciously moved away from him: "No, people don't believe it with their own eyes!"

Anyang nodded, and his tone was still calm: "Yeah, not only did nobody believe what you said, but they would sneer at your lies, and think about it carefully, you will face my pursuit for killing, which is really a very unworthy thing. "

Sam nodded in a hurry.

At this moment, a police car came from far and near, and did not sound the siren, but the flashing lights.

Sam subconsciously glanced at Anyang and explained: "No, I didn't mean it. I thought my car was stolen before, so the police reported that I absolutely didn't expose you, I didn't even know you would appear it's here."

"I know, I won't blame you, but you are now in private territory."

Sam suddenly stunned.

At this time, the police car had drove over, and came to a sudden stop in front of Sam. He pointed out a black hole in the car window and pointed at him.

Sam immediately raised his hand: "Oh, don't be impulsive, it's my police, I didn't break the law."

The door opened abruptly, and two police officers with guns stepped down, and the pistol still pointed at him.

"Hold your head, don't move, less nonsense, stay in the factory in the middle of the night, this is not what good citizens should do!"

"A person?"

Sam froze, looking back, where there was still Anyang.

The policeman keenly discovered anomalies in his subtle movements: "You still have friends!"

Sam was dumbfounded and turned around and asked weakly: "Well, don't you see a yellow man standing beside me? Just now!"

The slightly taller policeman gestured to his companion and continued to yell at Sam: "It was really a burglary at night, saying, where is your partner, and walked to the car with your head in your hands and put your head on the hood Go, do n’t move! "

Sam obediently followed his words, but in the face of his questions, he really couldn't answer them!

Not to mention that he dared to disclose Anyang ’s news. The American people in the American blockbuster are generally very confident in their own police. Even if they encounter the death threat of superpowers, they will confess to the police to seek the police ’s asylum, but He really knows nothing about Anyang, and he is not a thief at all!

It didn't take long for the slightly fatter policeman to return, shaking his head at the thin policeman, indicating that nothing was found.

The slightly thin policeman narrowed his eyes, his expression serious.

"Boy, don't you plan to say something? Or ... did you tell me when you get to the police station?"

"Uh, that, Mr. Policeman, if I said that I had a stranger Chinese by my side, he would work hard, I came here after chasing my car, and I met him inexplicably, and then you came in a police car, Then he disappeared in a blink of an eye, do you believe it or not? "

The skinny policeman communicated with his companion, and took out the handcuffs and roasted Sam.


Anyang didn't expect that his appearance would cause more trouble to Sam, but with his character, even if he knew it, he wouldn't care too much, not to mention that at this time, he had chased the bumblebee to a more remote suburb, There is no time for Sam.

Looking at the state of a hornet robot about five meters tall, his eyes were shining brightly.

Although Transformers still have a lot of gaps compared to the War Machine, but if they can form a scale, they are also a force that cannot be ignored. It is easy to lose.

And you can also modify some programs or implant auxiliary equipment to give it more powerful warfare capabilities.

Therefore, he must acquire the energy body!

Anyang shut down the optical stealth module decisively and began to retract the armor.

Bumblebee noticed the movement behind him, and then turned around quickly, posing a fighting posture.

When he saw the coming person clearly, he was obviously stunned, and the fist of his right hand suddenly contracted suddenly, turning into a greasy barrel pointing to the front.

Anyang frowned and reacted in an instant. This guy should regard him as a member of the Decepticons.

But he didn't try to resist. He raised his hands very cooperatively, but his eyes were a little bad.

"Hey, man, I ’m not your enemy. Optimus Prime should have told you not to kill humans, and I have n’t brought any weapons. The most important thing is that you use yours for nothing but caliber. The muzzle is aimed at me, but I will be angry! "

The hornet froze again and suddenly became irritable.

The sci-fi muzzle with a caliber of more than a few hundreds of millimeters glows hot. Although the gun body is very short, the shape of a fighter engine is very cool. Less muzzle velocity.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with Anyang's insulting his cannon.

However, he still exercised restraint. Instead of firing, he used his own radio to filter the sound and talk to Anyang.

"This is our second meeting with the Soviet Union ..."

There was a sound of peace.

Anyang nodded: "Yes, this is our second meeting, and I'm glad to see you again, brave and fearless warrior."

Bumblebee's pure blue eyes blinked, seemingly praised him, and the high temperature of the muzzle went out.

"Why ... Zizi ... We knew it very early."

The sound is a bit like an emotional show, very magnetic.

"You want to ask me why I know you? This pardon ca n’t tell you, I can only tell you, I ’m not Transformers, I ’m human, I do n’t belong to the Decepticons’ camp, and, although I ’m right You ’re not malicious, but I really hate that you pointed my cannon at my head! "

The hornet froze for a moment and slowly retracted the muzzle back.

Anyang nodded with satisfaction, and the anger that began to rise in his body gradually withdrew. He smiled and said, "That's good, you can't help pointing your right at you The arm was cut off! "

Bumblebee stood upright and looked down at her from a condescending position. The voice of the radio came from his chest: "We must first know their identity."

He can't feel Anyang's anger. In fact, the gap between them is too big. They are already two completely different biological forms. For the robot, there is no momentum and expression. The eyes composed of sensing equipment are also He couldn't convey emotions, so he couldn't even understand Anyang's eyes, and he couldn't detect that he was dangerous at a certain moment with a certain spiritual position or environmental change.

Anyang pursed his lips: "I can't tell you my identity, but I know the purpose of your coming to the earth, and I know the trace of the Decepticons. Megatron has been on the earth for thousands of years, and my purpose , Also to prevent Decepticons from getting energy blocks. "

The bumblebee stagnated and seemed to be looking for a suitable radio sound.

Anyang shook his head and said helplessly: "In fact, you can directly express the binary code with an optical signal, which I can recognize."

The hornet suddenly bent down and looked at him suspiciously, as if to investigate whether he was a human.

Thirty seconds later, he began to try to represent binary code with light.

Intelligent bio-assist chips began to use computer code to convert these binary languages ​​into English.

Bumblebee's first sentence was doubt.

"This is not human ability, who are you?"

"I am a human being, there is no doubt that I am not from this planet, so I have more powerful capabilities than this planet ’s human beings, and even more powerful than some of you. At the same time, our world has high technology and Magic, we created many items with magical abilities, such as your source of fire, from my country. I came here also to avoid evil people using it to set off a disaster. "

Anyang began to speak with confidence, and he did not blush.

Anyway, according to the settings in the movie, the Transformers race does not know where the energy block with magical power comes from. He might as well directly gather the source of the energy block on himself. Anyway, he also has many mysteries, This lie cannot be easily dismantled.

And with the nominal attribution right ~ ~ he can more easily take it as his own.

Anyway, the existence of the energy block is not a good thing for this world. Decepticon will use this to create the Transformers army to provoke war. No matter where it is stored, it is not safe enough. Instead of letting the energy block be destroyed as in the original plot, It's better to let him "keep it on his behalf".

Sure enough, Anyang easily shocked the simple little soldier Bumblebee.

Then, Hornet expressed his shock with blinking eyes.

Anyang said calmly: "Yes, you do n’t have to find that child anymore. I have the task of finding the energy body. I know where it is. The human government can isolate your sense of the energy body, but it cannot isolate me. I Can take you to find it. "

The bumblebee said it didn't respond, maybe there was something strange.

Anyang walked over and patted the metal on his calf: "Brave and smart warrior, don't be dazed, call Optimus Prime!"

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