My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 607: The Power of Shelly

Within a day, many nobles completed the siege.

The baron took a deep breath and looked at the densely packed army of thousands of people under the castle. He wanted to come to his castle and the army in the castle for all his hard work in the territory for decades.

The Kofi Nori leader has not yet fought with them for the time being, but their weapons and armor are obviously stained with blood, and it is not known whether they caused internal strife when they were fighting for the wealth of the Kofi Nori family, or because they killed too many civilians.

The only luck is that the baron has always been heavy and has invested almost all his financial income in the army!

Ironically, this policy that once made everyone love and hate became the only opportunity to preserve the property of the territory, and all other village ranches were destroyed, and the population that had been raising them for decades was in vain, and how many women were killed by violence.

Now there is no voice in the castle saying that Anyang will be handed over again, because everyone knows that the leader of the Kofi Nori has lost the chance to sum up with the marquis, and now even if the marquis agree, many nobles will not let them go.

And the limited people who want to blame Anyang are also afraid to act rashly under the high pressure policy of the baron!

According to rumors, the baron has become more anxious and irritable recently. Only in front of Anyang can he barely be normal. Two maids were executed one after another last night, one was because of bad work, and the other was killed by the baron because of his beauty.

Everyone must be cautious at this time, for fear that if they accidentally offend the baron, they will lose their lives.

Even Mickey, the most likely heir!

A little bit of time passed, and the army below finally took action, as if to attack the castle.

The knights covered in heavy armor drove through the formation and drove the heavy infantry towards the front. Some soldiers with shields and wooden pillars on the top of the front began to cooperate with the first attack and defense against the castle. door.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! ..."

A neat cry shook the roof beams.

The energetic force of the enemy was so frightening that many people in the castle shivered and even some ladies missed their pants.

The soldiers in the castle also started to fight back. The arrow played a huge role in the narrow road. The spears protruding from the holes on both sides of the city gate were also transformed into death sickles. The noble coalition immediately dropped many corpses.

Compared with the noble army's cry, the baron's army was a little silent, at most there was a moment of hard roar. It is impossible to face so many enemies without tension, but they are still able to control their weapons with rich combat experience.

Moreover, in this kind of siege warfare, the nobles' advantage over the official knights could not be exerted at all.

About half an hour later, the first door was crumbling.

But just then-


A heavy gray-black stone slammed down from the top of the gate, and suddenly blocked the gate again.

The nobles had no choice but to retreat temporarily.

They sent troops hurriedly, and most of them entered the war with the idea of ​​plunder. They did not carry siege equipment. They were helpless in the face of castles designed for war and defense. They could only use strange moves, or siege, fire and other methods.

At noon, someone shouted below-

"The people led by Kofi Nori listen, you offended Lord Marquis, there is no way to escape, after all, keeping the city is dead. If we now surrender to the city, we can let people outside the Kofi Nori family live. This is last chance."

The cry was from a knight with a surprisingly loud voice.

At this time the baron and his knights and close friends were dining in the restaurant, frowning at the words.

Some of the baron ’s concubines and children were so scared that their hands holding knives and forks were shaking. It seemed that someone would open the door of the castle and put those troops in, and their ending after the castle was broken can be imagined. .

Especially some female dependents, ashamed!

The soldiers defending in the castle also knew the baron's style and waited for the command to shoot directly. Although only passing by the knight, he closed his mouth. But a few minutes later, the knight's voice rang again.

"Everyone in the castle listened, Lord Marquis said that Lord Marquis could resist your past as long as he handed over Ian Kofinori. In addition, if someone surrendered the head of Baron Koffinori, he could inherit him Territory. "

Hearing this sentence, the baron was finally furious.

But he wasn't impulsive either, but the maids, guards, etc., who had swept through the restaurant one by one, had gloomy and terrifying eyes.

The knights who are sitting know that this is a common strategy used by the enemy. With good effect, the castle can be disintegrated from within. Many brutal lords are killed by their men. Even if the effect is not good, it can also affect the scattered army of the castle.

They will naturally not let go of the people in the castle!

Once the city gate is broken, men will be slaves, and women will be humiliated by many knights and soldiers on the spot, and then the good-looking ones will often be taken as female slaves by knights or lords, and the ordinary-looking ones will be sold to slave traders.

In short they will drain your value.

Of course, the premise is that this woman can survive the insult of so many soldiers!

Especially the women related to the baron, such as the baron ’s concubine, the baron ’s daughter and niece, etc., because the identity is often taken care of by the enemy, so once the nobility is captured, unless it escapes, it is difficult to stay alive.

But these reasons are only known to the nobles and the knights who often participate in noble battles!

The guards, soldiers, civilian servants, etc. in the territory do not know, especially the thieves whom the baron surrendered. They are likely to listen to each other's remarks or cannot withstand the temptation. At that time, it will be everyone's life!

The baron went out without saying a word, throwing knives and forks on the table, the sound of footsteps gradually moving away.

The Huka Knight and the Dort Knight went out with the baron, but they also left a knight with their eyes shining, one hand put the knife on the waist cross sword, deterring all the guards and guards in the restaurant Civilian maid.

Anyang sat in the first position on the right hand side of the baron, eating silently, standing behind Shirley.

A lady wiped her tears silently, and a girl about twelve years old cried aloud, and immediately caused the girls in the restaurant to cry in cover. They wanted to come to this world and they all knew what would happen if they defeated themselves.

However, the situation is even more critical now, and they have no chance to escape!

There was a baron who was scouted by the baron a few months ago. The favored concubine greeted Anyang ’s indifferent gaze. She came out of the civilian population and did n’t hit her in one place: “I blame you, it hurts us like this. You can still eat! "

The remaining knight slammed it on the table with a cold look: "No such words!"

At the same time, Shirley also held the sword handle with one hand, and looked at the threatening concubine with a threatening gaze.

The concubine was very afraid of the knights, because everyone knew that the baron was still martial, and there were many children of the concubine, so the descendants of the majority of the barons were actually inferior to the only three knights.

Then, she looked at Shirley behind Anyang, and she suddenly lost her breath.

"Sherry, you dare to threaten me!"

Xuelier didn't talk to her much, just brushed and pulled out the sword, and there was no movement. When the sword was retracted, the head of the female family had fallen to the ground, and blood spewed out, staining the entire table, even spraying on Several people.


A scream came from the restaurant.

Several guards panicked and searched everywhere. The knight was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He only stared at Shirley. He finally knew why Baron's suspicious blood would put such an armed woman into the restaurant to guard.

But he couldn't understand how Shirley did it!

Anyang seemed to see nothing, wiped his mouth, and sat silently in the restaurant, waiting.

Not long after, the baron came back, and his face was a bit gloomy. He looked at the panicked crowd and the headless body, thinking that the concubine was beheaded by the knight in violation of what he said. He said nothing, waved his hand. Maid to clean up.

Anyang asked: "How is the situation?"

The baron said, "Fortunately, some civilians are eager to move. If it's not that I'm usually deep enough ..."

Anyang knew what he meant. The baron was no less than the nobles who inherited his ancestry. Although he was brutal, every part of the land was brought down by his own hands. It was even the sole command of the military. The civilians must not dare to take his head.

What I think is to surrender myself!

Anyang nodded: "The time is almost up."

The baron immediately understood what he meant, and looked at him in surprise.

"how do you want to do it?"

"You have protected me for so long, then it is my turn to protect your life and status."

Anyang waved his hands backwards, and Shirleyton drew him close at a distance ~ ~ The body wrapped in the armor was exquisite, and he leaned down slightly according to the hilt to make an order, a pair of long legs straight and cold face Yan, at the same time Yu Guang also swept to everyone.

"I'm here!"

"You take the head of the enemy commander."


Shirley sat at the dining table without hesitation. He pulled off the tablecloth directly, pulled out the cross sword, and dropped the scabbard under the knight's tense eyes. At random, he disappeared under the eyes of everyone.

Everyone was horrified, looking around.

About five minutes later, Shirley ’s figure appeared again out of thin air, throwing a large tablecloth wrapped on the ground, picking up the leather sheath on the ground and inserting the cross sword into it, while saying: "Complete the mission, the commander ’s head It ’s all here. "

There was an uproar in the dining table!

Especially the Baron ’s family and children, including Mickey, were speechless in shock.

The knight immediately got up and opened the tablecloth to reveal a dozen heads, without having to look carefully. The way she left and returned just by Shirley had made him a little skeptical about the world, not to mention bringing so much back and forth Human head.

"This is the Halton Knight of Viscount Tees!"

"This is the Ella Knight of Viscount Patrick. I saw him when Lord Baron went to Patrick's collar. I remember that Patrick's collar was not a Viscount collar at that time. Ella Knight was very important to Viscount Patrick!"


"Baron Ances, and ... Baron Ute!"

Hearing the shout, even the baron got up and couldn't sit still, looking at the center of the pile of tablecloths.

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