My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 608: Anyang Fawei

Lost the commander, the noble army immediately chaos!

In particular, these powerful knights somehow turned into headless bodies, and some are still developing strategies, but everyone saw a figure flashed by, cold sweats and a sudden chill, leading no one to dare to take power!

This also included three barons who personally directed. ??

For a time, the knights and nobles were in danger!

The knighthood was distinguished, and he commanded the army. After ten deaths, he could not hide it. Only that night, there were some mysterious rumors about Kofinori Castle in the army of the nobility, which gradually became more and more fierce and mysterious.

For example, Kofi Nori Castle itself was built on the mass grave at the time of the marquis marquis, and haunted by ghosts; for example, Baron Kofinori would have some witchcraft, otherwise he would not be invincible; for example, Baron Kofiori Here the Lingpo (a regional deity worshipped by civilians in the southern Mesoaran Federation, similar to the mountain **** and river god) has reached a consensus, and the Lingpo will take away the heads of these knights led by Kofi Nori, if they remain Here will continue to die.

The closest thing to the fact is the rumor that Baron Kofinori communicated with a mysterious person.

Early the next morning, a timid nobility withdrew.

Then there was another nobleman who learned to dare not challenge his mysterious things with his own life. Although other noblemen were still waiting for the marquis' next move, they also withdrew their troops and did not dare to organize siege.

People in this world are much more superstitious!

Although Anyang didn't want to see them besieging the castle, he didn't want these nobles to leave so easily. After all, these people came here because of themselves, and their terrible territories raged because of themselves.

He decided to stand up before he left here.

For the aristocrats in this world, the best way to stand up is the power of mystery, and only the unpredictable power can make these people who can betrayed for the benefit of their fathers afraid, and make them always feel their lives hanging.

What happened at noon yesterday also circulated in the castle.

At this time, no one dared to blame Anyang. When he saw him, the etiquette was restored and a little more awesome. From Shirley's mouth, Anyang learned that he had been given some mythical character by these people, but the facts were similar.

Needless to say, Shiril has become famous after a battle, and even her parents and sisters can't believe it!

Then I heard that Lidia came to Anyang many times, hoping to know how Shiril did it, whether the power of easy killing could be popularized in the castle, etc., but they were all blocked by Anyang and demanded They also refused.

The cousin was very disappointed when she left. She was even more silent when she saw Shirley who was right next to Anyang.

The people in the castle have some hope. It is estimated that compared to the marquis who can already be called a king, even if they are given thousands of cavalry, they are not as reassuring as this mysterious force. The root cause is people's ignorance.

In the afternoon, Anyang stood on the top floor of the castle.

The village I saw for the first time from the window after I woke up in this world has been turned into ruins, with a little black smoke, and what I expected to burn was almost burnt as early as the first two days, and the civilians there did not know how to survive. Pcs.

Many civilians in the territory moved here because of the baron ’s force. They wanted to avoid the chaos and seek stability. Even if the baron imposed a heavy tax, he did not hesitate, but he did not expect to avoid the thieves, but he was still affected by the war!

The nobles did not wait for the marquis ’army, but they waited for dozens of knights and one knight.

The strength of the Grand Knights is unquestionable. Each one is the king of war. The meat grinders on the battlefield. Among the nobles on the battlefield, the most precious ones are the Viscounts of Tes and Patrick, and they have never seen the Grand Knight.

I heard that the entire marquis led no more than three knights. They were armed nobles without a title.

This great knight named Alan Finch, was the head of the marquis. Even if the Viscount saw him, he had to salute. The dozens of knights he led were more than the sum of the number of knights in all the nobles. .

Viscount Tis reported the horror of yesterday to the Knights of Atlanta, but the Knights sneered.

"Did you see the scar on my face?"

"Yes, this ... it's very chic!"

"This was left when I participated in the southern slavery counterattack battle ten years ago. At that time, a slave sacrifice appeared on the battlefield. Dozens of charged heavy knights were killed by it one after another. I was ordered to attack it, and even it did not. So mysterious! "

The tone of the Knights of Atlanta was very disdainful, and apparently believed that the cowardly nobles were deliberately spreading rumors.

Viscount Tees understood what he meant, and quickly explained that he had brought Viscount Patrick and many barons to testify, and took out the bodies of a dozen or so knights to attract attention, but only to convince him that there were mysteries in the castle.

"The mystery is not so terrible, I have met many times, and even killed it myself!"

The knight of Atlanta was cold, and he didn't say anything.

The deaths of those knights were so strange that they might have been caused by the nobles who only knew about competing for interests, but they were unwilling to admit that they were wrong. They not only blamed the cause on Kofi Nori, but also made such a ridiculous excuse.

Viscount Tis stopped talking, and only hoped that the legendary Grand Knight really deserved its name.

Alan Finch quickly took over the army control of the nobles, and dispersed the knights, each leading one side, attacking the castle near the evening. Thousands of troops commanded the degree and were more powerful than yesterday.

Dozens of formal knights are also very scary!

If they are dispersed, each official knight can stand alone, and can be a hundred in the elite army. It is equivalent to thousands of troops in itself, and it is even more terrifying to gather together, and it is almost unstoppable to charge together on a flat ground. The most important thing is that each knight is a commander, and leading the army to fight can better reflect their value.

The twenty or thirty knights of the original nobles plus these tens of knights, led thousands of soldiers to form a lineup. This is basically the configuration when the Federation fights against the slaves in the Howling Forest in the south, and the power is immediately reflected. .

In particular, the Knight of Atlanta dismounted, stepped forward, rushed to the stone wall and charged hard, and then slashed out with a sword.


The thick stone wall was cracked.

Anyang and the baron stood in a hidden window to look down and asked faintly: "Dozens of knights, even the marquis are not easy to come up with so much high-end combat power, is it in the EFF? It seems that the marquis loves Cage what!"

The baron looked dull: "They are about to break through!"

Obviously he did not expect that the Marquis would send a battle-hardened knight to come. Should n’t every big knight be used on the foreign battlefield? Used to deal with a baron has the feeling of anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes.

Anyang continued to observe, indifferently.

The big knight did not always shoot, but showed strength to improve morale. He only shot two or three swords in total, but the great power with the big sword can make a deep gap every time. The skills are also good, but it is estimated that there are still Other factors.

Anyang seems to have seen a special way of power explosion, but it is a bit like the mystery of Shenzhou.

It did n’t take long for the first gate to be breached, and the noble soldiers entered the castle, but this was not a loss, it just meant the beginning of the castle ’s offensive and defensive battle, and then the second checkpoint was the narrow corridor, and the prepared battle Formation.

No more noble soldiers can flow in.

The knights are even more unable to charge, and they can't even open it!

But in front there are more elite baron troops, and strong bows and arrows that are constantly shooting. In this case, even the knights who have been through battles can easily be shot as hedgehogs, and the big knights have to shrink back to prevent Damage on the spot.


"I'm here."

"Play with me."


Shirleyton squeezed the cross sword, and the tall figure did not focus on the armor, but if there was no one in front of him.

Anyang pointed to the following long-range knight with a big bow and arrow: "Kill him first, don't stay in the formation, go to the rear to kill all the bow and arrow troops they are participating in the battle. I will take care of these knights and soldiers. . "

Shirley hesitated and nodded, pulled out the cross sword and walked to the window, the figure brush disappeared.

Anyang also nodded to the baron, palming his palms in contempt, walking away while reading a long spell, until he flashed a blue light in his hand and turned into a tyrannical lightning, he walked to the proper position and jumped forward. .

The baron looked over nervously, but only saw his eyes glowing azure blue, and flew to the ground.

Anyang pressed the ground with one hand, and the blue light bloomed.

"Boom! ... crap!"

A chain of lightning bolts spattered everywhere, turning into a turbulent blue and white current.

For a time, it seemed that he built a complex and huge lightning network with his palm as the center ~ ~ The knights and soldiers in the corridor were suddenly enveloped!

A scorched smell mixed with flavour quickly spread out, and all the soldiers were put down to the ground.

The Grand Knight was also paralyzed, and some of them were unstable, but obviously did not cause fatal injuries to him.

Anyang is not surprised. In fact, he knows the horror of the improved constitution better than anyone else. He only opened his hand to aim at him, and read a short spell in his mouth. A blast of flame suddenly flew out, and the big knight was hit hard Go out.


The armor on the chest of the big knight has been deformed and has melted to a certain extent. He fell to the ground, and the wall behind him was directly hit by a heavy outfit. He cracked. But he still didn't die, but he was too injured to stand up.

The soldiers who were not affected by both sides were stunned.

Shirley stopped the cross sword in the distance, carrying the head of the remote knight, covered in blood, and the bow and arrow troops shooting at the outside of the corridor with the soldiers led by Kofi Nori had all fallen, all were without exception. cut.

Anyang read a big sentence again, walking forward, and soon surrounded by dozens of lightning chain balls, constantly flying. The light of lightning set him off like a god, and suddenly made many soldiers lose their will to resist.

Shirley's figure appeared in front of him, throwing his head down, ready to block possible attacks for him.


The hammer ball was spinning, flying countless lightning to the dense army, and immediately interweaving a grid, followed by successive arcane ejections, such as bullets hitting soldiers with different armor.

Obviously Anyang didn't want to let them go.

[Good night, good night everyone! ]

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.) 8

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