My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 619: Adven

The capital is in the northern part of the Federation, thousands of kilometers away.

The carriage has been quickened by the magic bonus, but it still walked for half a month. During this period, the thieves rampaged. From time to time, there were refugees who lost their homes due to famine and war. .

Anyang is not in a hurry, too many new things have been accepted these days, and it just takes some time to digest.

At the same time, there are also a lot of insights along the way, whether it is to cultivate the mind or increase knowledge is a good choice.

Especially when he faintly felt that the atmosphere in the northern part of the Federation was going from the 'Medieval' period to the beginning of the steam industry period and the bourgeois enlightenment reform period, he became more interested and stayed for a while to observe each place.

This feeling of witnessing history is wonderful.

The group finally arrived in the capital.

Across the majority of the Federation, the four people are somewhat of a servant, noble nobility, plus too many thieves, dark red blood stains on the gap between the armor of the two reserve knights, and they are fully armed, resulting in being blocked at the gate of the capital. Down.

"Stop checking and come up with proof of identity!"

But Yu licked her dry lips and swiftly stepped forward to negotiate with a guard while taking out the noble's identity certificate.

"Adult, we are nobles from the Marquis Bohr in the southern part of the Federation. We have experienced many battles along the way. Now can we enter the capital and find a place to rest. My adults and I will be grateful to you. This is in return. "

With that said, he drew out two silver coins.

"Aristocrats from the south!"

The guards took their IDs, and also took two silver coins in a polite way, and threw one to their companions. I do n’t know if it ’s simply that there are too few silver coins or still look down on the southern aristocracy. His tone of speech is somewhat disdainful, but he still releases it quickly.

However, Youyou's eyes were overcast, and Zema entered the city.

Shirley followed in a carriage.

There was also a team of cavalry escorting a nobleman from afar and was stopped. It seemed that he was also coming from the south. Two grumpy knights clashed with the city guards, apparently because of the city guards and arrogance and contempt, they almost drew their swords.

"Damn northern pigs!"

"Little nobility from the south, I respect your knighthood, but here is the capital, you better converge!"

"Damn, a group of pigs who only know about pleasure. Thanks to our southern knights blocking the slaves, you can feel at ease. Now, even a small city guard dare not take us in the eyes! Can you dare to accept my challenge?"

"Is the Federation propped up by you alone in the south ..."

As the sound faded away, Anyang became a little clearer.

The Confederation was originally composed of several small countries, and now it has almost merged with each other, leaving only the north and the south.

But the North-South gap has a long history and cannot be resolved overnight. Perhaps a full-scale war is the fastest way.

Specifically, the north looks down on people in the remote south, repelling them as gangsters, and the south looks down on the northerners, thinking that the people in the north have lost the tradition of the excellent knights of the Mesoaran Federation and have fallen to the point of enjoying themselves.

The two are arguing with each other, and getting worse.

It is said that even in the frontline barracks, the knights of the north and south often clash, but the ending can be imagined ...

From the perspective of Anyang, the situation in the Federation is also very interesting. The north represents the prosperous and advanced side, while the south represents the backward and conservative side. One party controls the economy and the other controls the force, barely achieving balance.

But he knew that such a balance would not take long.

The north is becoming more and more prosperous, the industrial level is improving, and the knights are more focused on equipment, so they are despised by the southern knights. At the same time, the nobles in the north are more and more open-minded, actively accepting new things, and even dare to let go of their rights.

The south is still a remote area. Most of the lords follow the ancient rules and maintain absolute control over the territory. The knights also flatter the most primitive force and continuously refine their bodies and combat skills to gain status by loyalty to the lord.

Anyang feels that the Federation has already begun to have the necessary conditions for reform and has a survival guarantee in this troubled world.

The southern lords are responsible for defending against powerful foreign enemies, while the northern nobles are striving to forge ahead. It seems that the two sides are conflicted. In fact, they have just completed a clear division of labor. Even if the current federation is still not strong, it already has the capital for hegemony.

The United Kingdom in the real world is the most successful example. They led the industrial revolution and established the sunless empire.

Of course, the Federation only has opportunities.

The real world of ancient China had several opportunities to enter the era of capitalism and the era of great navigation, but they were unsuccessful due to various reasons. The same is true in this world. Having opportunities and conditions does not mean that they can be completed.

After all, there can be no room for error in such a drastic change that will take more than a century to complete.

For example, the early outbreak of the North-South conflict, the total defeat of the frontline wars, the tight federal finances, the encounter with a strong foreign enemy, even a parliamentary resolution error, and a large-scale protest by the bottom people may all lead to the failure of the federal reforms.

And Anyang doesn't know the situation in other countries, nor what attitude the mystery group has towards this.

However, as a ruler of other worlds, Anyang feels that he can witness such an era with his own eyes, and see with his own eyes that this event, no matter whether success or failure is enough to be recorded in the history of later generations, is also a great improvement in his knowledge.

Mengchen's carriage jingled steadily forward, and the pedestrians around all gave in under the pressure of the two knights.

Anyang opened the curtain and looked out the window.

Compared with the remote southern war zone, the northern cities along the way have a feeling of prosperity.

The federal city is even more prosperous, the streets are very spacious, and there are even dedicated horse trails, and there are special people responsible for cleaning. After passing through the old city, almost all the houses built according to uniform specifications were built, and the shops on both sides were facing the street.

The building resembling a Gothic building is quite tall, and the girl's underwear hangs by the window.

Especially in the center of the city, there is a street lamp at every distance along the road. Presumably the night will be full of lights.

"No wonder so many nobles want to settle here."

This is undoubtedly a very different style from the south.

Occasionally, a magnificent horse-drawn carriage passed by, and the style was a little different from the south, and the people in the car would look at them curiously. Sometimes you can see a knight with a bright armor passing by, the sound of iron hoofs, the horse is taller than the horse in the south.

But the two reserve knights of Yu and Martin were a little fascinated.

Anyang quickly put down the curtains. These were just something new to him. There was not much to marvel at.

Shirley ’s voice came from the front of the carriage—

"Are we looking for hotel accommodation first?"



About half an hour later, they found a nice looking hotel with luxurious decoration.

But Yu dismounted to negotiate with them, but these people ignored it as soon as they heard the southern accent. They did n’t take it seriously until they discovered that the reserve knight had signs of anger. time.

The room is very expensive, a full of 13 silver coins a night.

When you walked up the stairs, Youyou still had some anger: "These people in the north really don't know how to live or die, just civilians. If they were in the south, I would have killed them all !!"

Anyang smiled knowingly and didn't speak.

This is indeed the case in the south. The civilians who have been in war all the time can afford to eat, and the opposite is the improvement of the status of the military class. The civilians angered the knight, even if it was just a preparation knight, it is estimated that there is only one way to die.

Although the civilians here are also afraid of knights, they are not so exaggerated, and sometimes even dare to hit the reserve knight.

It seems that the rights of the nobility are weakening somewhat.

Anyang did not know that it was only the ‘special’ treatment received by the southern nobles or that it was true of all nobles. However, the improvement of the civilian status has barely been regarded as the bud of the changing times, and this is even more so when strict laws replace class rule.

In particular, there is no such thing as a monarchy in the Federation itself.

He vaguely remembered that one of the fundamental reasons why Britain stood out was that the royal power was weakened earlier than other kingdoms.

Although the hotel rooms are expensive, the environment configuration is very good, which is better than all the hotels that have been on the way. Especially for Shirley and the two reserve knights, this is probably the best room they have ever lived in, second only to the noble bedroom.

Anyang did not live in a room with Shirley.

... I'm afraid I can't help it!

The next day, they started looking for Pierce Medical Association.

The northern people's contempt for the southern people still caused them a lot of trouble, but they quickly heard that the Pierce Medical Association had been renamed the Pierce Rescue Association several years ago.

"Master Ain, it's almost night ..."

"It's okay, it's right at night."


But You quickly turned the horse's head.

Twenty minutes later--



Anyang lifted the curtain down and saw a building with a style like a church, very tall, white walls, carved with weird reliefs, and a kind of solemn feeling. There is a sign in front of it that says Pierce Rescue Association.

Just walked in, a girl quickly greeted him.

"Adult, are you here to donate?"

"Uh ... no."

The girl was a little disappointed, but she said quickly, "Oh, so, who do you want to find?"

"I was introduced by Oliver Chaplin to come to His Excellency Advin Rees."

The expression on the girl's face gradually turned into amazement: "Sorry, may I ask Mr. Oliver Chaplin ..."

"... is a student of His Excellency Advin Rees."

The girl frowned, and immediately said, "Please wait a moment, I need to ask Mr. Advin to know."

Anyang nodded.

The girl walked in quickly.

After a while ~ ~ She came out a little surprised: "Sorry to keep you waiting for a long time. Adven Rees is my grandfather. I really don't know that he has a student named Oliver. Now please follow me Come, your entourage can wait here. "

Anyang nodded: "No problem."

He also vaguely guessed that when Adelvin taught mystery to Oliver, he must have been sneaky. Even the identity of the Adelvin trainee is not necessarily known to outsiders. Naturally, others do not know that he has such a student. .

As the girl about his age walked into the building facade, he saw an old man.

"This is my grandfather."

Anyang nodded: "Well."

"This is ... the adult introduced by your student."


The old man only nodded.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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