My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 620: Scott

"You go out first, Elise."

"Yes, grandfather."

"By the way, help me call Deborah in."


The girl who led Anyang in before went out.

Only then did Anyang know that her name was Alice, which seemed to mean Qingquan in the federal term of Mesoaran.

After a pause, he greeted Adelvin.

"Hello, trainee."

Adwin frowned, somewhat unhappy: "I can forgive you for being rude, young man, but you need to tell me first what is your relationship with Oliver?"

"He is my elder."

"Then he asked you to come to me ..."

Anyang pursed his lips: "I am a mystery, come here to find traces of other mysteries."

Adwin froze for a moment, then thought deeply, looked at him, and then lightly pulled his beard and said: "The real mystery never claims to be the mystery, and the mystery usually has his own organization for communication. And ways. "

Anyang's expression remained the same, but the way in his heart did.

The mystery is just an honour for ordinary people to those with mysterious powers. In fact, he already had this conjecture. At this time, hearing Adewen's words is just confirmation. He had a way to explain, but at this time he did not want to speak.

Anyang's silent driving energy is gathered at his fingertips, and sometimes works better than any words.

In a moment-

A crystal blue flower appeared in his hand and handed forward to Adewen: "This is a gift for you."

Advin opened his eyes wide and reached out to take the pure flower, and the old, blighted hands began to tremble.

At the moment he touched, he felt the extremely pure and arcane magic energy of this flower. Although this energy is so unfamiliar, it is not rejected by the mysterious system that contains a wide range, nor does it affect his shock.

"This ... thanks for your gift."

The sound of his hand shivered.

Anyang waved carelessly.

In the original plot of "Warcraft", Medivh, the **** of law, once gave such a flower to Garona.

Anyang also vaguely knows that for the mysterious person who pursues knowledge and wisdom, even if it is just a trainee, but being able to touch such a thing that he is longing for and has never seen before is already a great gift to them.

Soon, a knock on the door rang.


The flowers in Advin's hands disappeared suddenly.

The door opened, and a beauty came in.

Her figure is very well maintained. Apart from the enchanting, she has the plumpness that the girl does not have, the standard melon seed face, and the skin has the whiteness of the Europeans and the delicateness of the Asians. It is still the same as the girl, but the brows are more adult.

"Father, I heard a guest came?"

Deborah stopped her eyes on Anyang.

Advin nodded and put away his regrets: "This adult was introduced by Oliver."


Deborah's tone was a little excited.

Anyang was a little stunned, and he seemed vaguely aware of Deborah's eager and eager look.


"Oliver he ... is he still there?"

"... Of course still."

"God! It's great, how is he doing?"

"He had a great time."

"Tell me where he is!"

"He specifically told me not to disclose this."

"No! You can't do this, you have to tell me where he is! Oliver, you can't do this!"

Looking at his daughter's gaffe, Adven coughed: "Okay, Deborah, pay attention to your image. This adult came here thousands of miles to see your jokes. If you do this again, you can go out. Now! "

Deborah woke up suddenly and faced Adev in surprise: "Adult? Do you call him Master?"

Adven nodded: "Yes, this is a mystery master, I have verified it."

"Master Mystery!"

Deborah also opened her eyes in surprise, and immediately paid a tribute to Anyang: "I apologize for my behavior. I don't know that a distinguished mysterious adult is visiting. This ... I hope you can forgive me. Impolite and urgent. "

Anyang nodded: "It doesn't matter."

Adevin was also a little embarrassed. He had called Deborah to let her know that Oliver was still alive, but he did n’t expect that excited Deborah almost offended Anyang and almost caused a big disaster. This topic.

"You just said you want to find other mysteries?"


"But did you communicate with other mysteries?"


Anyang didn't say the reason, and Adewen didn't dare to ask.

Deborah also sat obediently and listened, not daring to interrupt them casually, but she often distracted herself.

"How can I help you?"

"I want to know where your knowledge comes from."

Adven hesitated: "We swore at the beginning that we shouldn't talk nonsense about it. If it spreads, I need to spend a lot of money to solve this ..."

Anyang asked lightly: "Is it?"

A Dewen still showed embarrassed expression.

The expression on Anyang's face was a little cold: "I don't want to hide you either. I came across many trainees along the way and tried to get some news from them. Some people started to reject me, but in the end, they all spoke up. "

Adwin was stunned, and suddenly dared not try to ask him for a replacement price. He obediently said: "There is an adult in the Federation. It is said that he once accepted the favor of a member of Parliament. The agreement between the Federation and the training of trainees for the Federation, I am his student. But I only inherited some meditation and knowledge about treatment from him, and there is only one acid surgery. "

Anyang was silent: "Where is this adult?"

"It should be on the southern front."

"South ..."

Anyang's face was a little heavy.

Went around and came back!

After a pause, he then asked: "I heard that there is also a trainee organization in the capital, is it true?"

"Yes, there is a Scott League, which is convenient for contact with the Federation. Scott is the name of the adult, and the people of the League are either students of Lord Scott, or they have received direct instructions from Lord Scott. "

"It turns out this way."

"Do you want to meet them?"


Anyang waved his hand.

Nonsense, he is a fake mystery ...

A Dewen has some regrets, but also knows that this is the consistent style of the mystery, not to mention he dare not force it.

"If you want to see them, I can lead the way for you. I think it is also an honor for them to see you. After all, you are the only mysterious person we have seen except Lord Scott, and many people are not given instructions. Can't improve. "

Anyang nodded: "Are they just as simple as you are?"

Adewen said embarrassingly: "It's not all that. Some talents perform better, they will be valued by adults. He will teach one or two spells. Some people are mainly attacking. After all, the Federation has not been very good. Peace, multi-faceted warfare, such trainees are needed, and they will stay on the battlefield for a period of time according to the agreement after they have completed their studies. "

Anyang nodded to say that he knew it, and after a while, he said: "You pick two or three of the best people in it and leave the address with me. I will visit next to each other."


"You can also refuse!"

Anyang said this with a cold tone.

Adven immediately said: "It's their honor to get your advice, but I kindly remind you that if you need to do something extraordinary, it is best to say hello to Lord Scott first."

Anyang snorted, and the mana suddenly surged out, turning into a hurricane that caused all the furnishings in the room to stagger.

"No need to remind me!"

"Yes Yes……"

Adven and Deborah looked panic.

Anyang asked them some more questions, and finally got the meditation ideas that Scott taught them from them, but they were also similar to the meditation ideas that Burley had written, and may be a little worse. They should be just general-purpose goods.

After all, if it is really good, Scott will not teach them so easily and without restrictions.

When I returned to the hotel, it was almost dark. Anyang asked Shirley to take a rest by himself and went out alone. He visited several trainees at the address left by Adelvin, and they first showed their identity and used it more Strong attitude.

After a night, he felt that this group of so-called excellent trainees who were attacking by the majors were no exception. Even with the big knights, it was the question of who had the first chance. It can be seen from this that most trainees are not as good as the Grand Knight.

At least head-on confrontation is not as good as the big knight.

Anyang also exchanged a yaksha ghost puppet from one of the trainees to the specific location of Scott.

Scott is said to be over ninety years old, and the standard old man is still immortal, but everyone still respects him. From the fact that he is still on the front line, it can be seen that he still has a lot of combat power, and he estimates this combat power It should be quite impressive.

After staying in the capital for about four days, let Danyou and Martin go out and enjoy for a few days ~ ~ They just set off.

Anyang sat in the carriage and took out what Burley had written silently. He skipped the stage of improving mental strength and began to study the transformation and storage process of energy in this mysterious system, and set about optimizing and learning it.

He is prepared to improve his ability in this area to the level of an excellent trainee before meeting Scott.

This also means that he has decided to start contacting this mysterious system, at least to give it a try.

Otherwise, even if the mystery system contains a wide range of different types of mysteries, it is inevitable to find the fundamental difference between the spell system, arcane magic system and the mystery system if you meet the real mystery and study carefully.

Anyang ’s original idea was not wrong, and his mental strength was exaggerated. In addition, he was not an ordinary person. Both the body stored energy and the spiritual guidance and stored energy are very experienced. It is very easy to contact this strange system.

This is like people who have learned the C language to learn Java. There are similarities and differences between the two, and they will learn very fast.

Thanks for subscribing! (To be continued.)

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