My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 622: Meet Scott

"Mystery! It is the mystery!"

"God, there is a mystery here!"

"Let's run!"

The monstrous slaves who had just been angry and retreated suddenly retreated like a tide, and disappeared into the depths of the forest in the blink of an eye. "August 1 Chinese ?? text W㈠W? W ?. ㈧81ZW. COM

Anyang was ashamed, he hadn't shot yet!

Shirley walked back and said coldly, "The legendary slaves are fierce and belligerent, and I think that's the case!"

Anyang pursed his lips and said nothing.

You slave is fierce, but not stupid!

The armor in front of Martin's chest has been caught a few shallow gaps, and the stainless steel material is faintly turned out. You can imagine how hard the claws of the slaves are and how powerful they are! Fortunately, he and Danyou dodge in time and were not injured.

The two put down their cross swords and were relieved.

"Master Shirley is so strong!"

"Thanks to Lord Shirley, if it was n’t Lord Shirley, so many slaves are really hard to solve!"

Anyang glanced at them lightly, and found several badges, and threw them at them.

The two were stunned and instinctively caught the badge.

"Master Ain, what is this?"

"This is a faithful return to you all the way."

The two looked at each other.

Shirley's eyes flickered beside the fire, and wiped the dark green blood stains on the long sword while saying, "These badges are the root of my sudden change from a knight apprentice, and a great gift from adults. "


The two were immediately excited.

Can be excited and excited, holding three warm badges with shaking hands, but their eyes are blank.

Facing the two's anxious eyes, Shirley explained to them the purpose of the badge, so after a burst of gratitude, several dazzling lights illuminated the entire forest, causing the distant bird to panic and flutter with its wings. On the night sky.

But You and Martin drew their swords and knelt halfway on the ground: "Master, please accept our allegiance!"

Anyang nodded lightly, glanced at the phone.

Guard: Danyou

Constitution: 5

Strength: 5

Degree: 5

Brainpower: 5

Talent: Tough

Abilities: Flying


Guard: Martin

Constitution: 5

Strength: 5

Degree: 5

Brainpower: 5

Talent: Rage

Abilities: Demonization


Shirley takes the path of Min Swordsman, and can also be used as an assassin. The assassination mage estimates that the success rate is very high, and Anyang has arranged for Danyou and Martin to be the real knight ’s duties. .

"They may rescue the soldiers in general. You are to be alert to the priest sacrifices tonight. If there is any movement, you will be notified in time!"


The two were so excited that their cheeks were flushed and they were on duty with swords.

Nothing happened overnight.

It is probably the territory of the Federation after all. The sneaky transits of several slaves are good to say that if the strategic arms of the slave sacrifice can enter the Federation at will, then the federal army generals and the knights can be dismissed.

The breakfast is very simple, and the water is simply dry food. After eating, the four of them continue to hurry.

In the afternoon, finally arrived at the border.

It is embarrassing that there is a war ahead, and Anyang looks down. The momentum and scenes are still spectacular.

Both the Yunu and the Commonwealth dispatched a large amount of troops. They fought in the valley. On one side were the fierce monsters with mountains and mountains, and on the other side were the human soldiers with distinctive armor.

"It seems that the federal military is still not weak!"

Anyang stood on the hillside and looked at it lightly.

Perhaps because of the resistance to the slaves, the army below is full of heavy infantry, wearing heavy plate armor and shining brightly. Even though the formation was slightly scattered during the war, it still looked sharp, much stronger than the lord private soldiers I saw all the way!

It seems that the regular federal army is still different!

The slave side is even more fierce. Almost all of them rush forward in a lifeless manner, and a soldier can be lifted off with a slap! If there is no heavy armor defense, it is estimated that it will be seriously injured by a single blow, and the ordinary lord's private soldiers can't resist them.

However, human beings are better than equipment and formation, and they have resisted the impact of so many slaves.

Catapults, bows and arrows, kerosene bottles, reloading knights and fierce monsters, perform a magnificent scene of a magical war!

Sheryl said beside her, "In fact, in recent years, the national strength of the Federation has been increasing, and military expenditures have been increased. You Yu has gradually changed from an advantage to a disadvantage in the war with us. We will definitely be able to defeat it in decades. they!"


Anyang agrees with her point of view from a certain angle, but it is too long for decades and there are too many variables.

There are several particularly fierce knights leading an elite cavalry to the left and right in the battlefield, wantonly interspersed, no matter how strong the slaves can't block the sword or spear in these knights, they can only watch their own offense collapse.

"It really is a meat grinder!"

Anyang also felt a little shocked.

These knights wore thick plate armor, and the crotch horse was surprisingly tall. They were also covered with steel. The total weight is estimated to be heavier than the two ghosts. When they charge, the ghost will be rushed over. Hit fly.

Originally these monsters could not be able to attack humans for a long time, and now they were bruised and sharp, and soon turned from prosperity to decline!

I have to admit that sometimes heavily armed knights can really dominate the outcome of a war!

When the Yu slave began to retreat, humans suddenly turned to defend.

The original heavy infantry began to retreat, and the heavily armed knight apprentices stepped onto the battlefield. The heavy shield knights commanded in front of the phalanx also replaced their weapons with big swords or spears, leading the cavalry to charge, chasing the crazy escaped slaves Everyone!

The maneuverability of heavy riding is still not as good as that of a slave. After a few kilometers, he withdrew and began to organize himself.

The ground is full of flames, arrows, and gravel. The corpses of human soldiers and ghost slaves are all over the place. Even if they are exhausted, the knights must placate horses to appease the soldiers and ensure that the military is tight.

There is no doubt that this is a powerful interracial war!

At this moment, the scouts in the EFF also showed four people who had been watching the battle, and there was a scream immediately.


A long arrow came through the air, flying more than two hundred meters from bottom to top and maintaining a rapid degree. Indone shot into a tree trunk beside the carriage. At least shot into the distance of a slap, amazing.

Anyang lowered his head and looked in the direction of the arrow, and a heavy bow knight kept the posture of shooting arrows.

He remembered that this knight was the leader of the second bow-riding phalanx on the left wing of the EFF. He had excellent art of archery. He made outstanding achievements both in defense and pursuit, and was much stronger than most other knights in command of the phalanx. .

Several reserve knights closest to the hillside turned their horses, pulled out their cross swords and ran towards them.

At the same time, the heavy bow knight took the bow again and aimed at them, but instead of shooting arrows, he remained threatened.

Anyang frowned and didn't move.

Shirley stared at the heavy bow knight.

Several reserve knights with blood on their bodies quickly reached the hillside, and surrounded them silently.

But Youce immediately negotiated: "We are nobles from the southern part of the Federation, the purpose is to find Lord Scott, and our adult is the son of Lord Kofi Nori, who is enrolled by the Marquis of Bol. army."

A reserve knight frowned: "Boer collar?"

But You immediately heard his southern accent and nodded, "Yes, this is our identity certificate."

The reserve knight took the identity certificate and looked at it, then passed it on to another person, before returning it to Danyou.

"You come to Lord Scott?"

"Yes, please allow us to enter the front line."

"Master Scott is not everyone can see, and, I remember Lord Kofinori as a Viscount."

"About a month ago, Marquis Bohr promoted the hereditary nobility of the Kofinori family to Viscount. And we have three big knights and one mysterious master. Go and tell your sir, he will agree to us on the front . "


All the reserve knights opened their eyes wide.

They can only see three knights. Two knights in light armor are guarding around the carriage. A tall and graceful beautiful knight is sitting in front of the carriage and is responsible for catching the carriage. They say that these three are big knights. Such a funny thing?

But Yu didn't speak, and threw a punch straight to the side.


A loud muffled noise.

The big tree began to shake sharply, the leaves fell down and the trunk was blown out of a deep hole.

The reserve knight was shocked. He looked at them carefully and quickly drove the horse down the mountain.

"Sir, please wait!"

When the reserve knight returned, he was followed by a big knight and several knights. The big knight first glanced at the fist hole in the big tree. It was wise not to look closely, but bowed to Anyang.

"Angus Bailey, say hello to you."

Anyang nodded: "Thank you for coming in person, and there are still some things to trouble you next."

The big knight suddenly lowered his body and glanced obscurely, but You and Martin and others said, "I just haven't seen Lord Scott in a long time, but please forgive me, you may have to wait We will finish the battlefield first. "

"It's ok."


After about two hours-

Anyang and his entourage entered the border camp with the high courtesy of several army commanders of the Grand Knight level. Knight Angus, who led a legion, personally led the way for them, and soon arrived in front of Lord Scott's address--

A round hut with a low wooden structure.


"Thank you."

"You don't have to be polite, it's just that I need to advance to inform Lord Scott, please wait a moment."


Anyang nodded.

He can feel that there is an energy source in it ~ ~ is like a bright light in the night, radiating energy out.

Angus began to knock on the door.



There was an old voice inside.

Angus on the battlefield bowed his head and said humbly, "Master, you can always guess me."

"I remember your habit of knocking on the door."

"Is it convenient for adults now?"

"come in."

Angus saluted Anyang and walked in.

Soon after, he came out again and saluted Anyang again: "Sir Scott invites you in."

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