My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 623: The book of Conopot and the first-order technique

Anyang walked in, and the light in the room was unexpectedly bright. 《乐 〈文》 小说 www.lwXsM

The first thing that catches your eye is a row of bottles and jars, filled with unknown solids or liquids. Among them, there are even glass test tubes rarely seen in this era, and the transparency is also very high. The process is extraordinary, but the hardness is not known.

There are various materials on the shelf, and there is a variety of things, and the air is filled with complex smells.

Sitting in front of an old man, wearing a simple gray robe, may be a little dirty for the experiment. His face was covered with wrinkles and furrows, but his bones were tough, and he had an indescribable temperament.

He wanted to be the mysterious Scott.

Anyang looked at the crystal lamp on the wall, and the crystal clear ball of light exuded a soft white light.

"That's the light that won't go out, and it can be on for more than three years."

An old voice came naturally from the front.

Scott clearly noticed where his eyes were, but he didn't care. He washed his hands in the sink and wiped his dirty gray robe before shaking the water on his hands while saying, "Apprentice, no Can you introduce yourself? "

Anyang's eyes narrowed: "My name is Ain."

Fortunately, he studied the mystery system in advance. The mystery can see at a glance that his current mystery energy is only the level of the trainee. As expected, the real mystery can perceive the energy radiation in other people's body!

"Arrogant boy, I appreciate you."

Scott's eyes narrowed with a faint smile: "You can have this level at this age, indicating that you have a good talent!"

"Thank you."

Anyang put down his attitude at the right time.

"Although talent can only explain a person's starting point, a person with a good foundation always has certain privileges, so you have the opportunity to say what you have to come to me? Of course, I will not necessarily help you because you need Impress me by myself. "

Anyang twitched.

Sure enough, the old man looked very kind, but in fact it was strict, old-fashioned, and very proud.

Scott added: "My time is precious!"

Anyang really had a kind of conflict that immediately used force to conquer this old man, and then forced him to say everything about the mystery! But after all, he understood that violence does not apply at all times. Now that he has come into contact with the mysterious, it is time to be humble.

"I came here to invite you ..."

Before Anyang finished speaking, Scott raised his hand again:

"Forget it, I can guess, and you can see that your power has already accumulated, so the purpose of your coming here is to ask me to guide you on the path of the true mystery? Do you want to attack the mystery? Are you ready? "

"... Yes, I am ready."

Scott approached him slightly, took out a pair of glasses and put them on the bridge of his nose: "This is not a trivial matter ..."

Anyang smelled a bit of earthy wet smell mixed with the bitter taste of plant rhizomes, which was also faintly mixed with a saltpeter smell similar to the old gunpowder, making him frown: "What price do you want me to pay?" "

Scott stared at him, silent for a long time: "If I want you to pay the price, you may not be able to afford it."

"What do you mean?"

Scott returned and sat down: "According to regulations, I can't teach you about the true mystery, but I can tell you where to get this knowledge, and I'm happy to form friendships with geniuses like you."

"What do I need to pay?"

Scott said lightly: "Don't worry. I can only show you the direction. Are you qualified to attack the mystery? Can you follow this path to find the journey to the mystery? Can you become a mystery smoothly? , Are just unknown. "

"So the price I have to pay is actually very small?"

Scott smiled suddenly, all the wrinkles on his face huddled together: "Haha, really a smart young man."

"So what do I need to pay?"

"Do n’t worry, do n’t worry, if you want to be a mystery, any urgency is your biggest enemy. You need to make your heart as calm as the night sky, and the first thing you need to do is to get rid of the mystery. This inappropriate name. "

Scott's voice is slow, but aura.

"But you also call yourself that."

"I?" Scott pointed at himself, and then paused before saying, "I don't know how to call myself. In short, we are not mysterious at all. What we have to say, we just don't walk with the world. We should. Called the lonely. "


Anyang thinks that he pretends to be really enough!

After a while, Scout leaned back in his chair, thinking about the price he should pay.

"Let me think, let me think ..."

Anyang stood speechless in front of him.

About twenty minutes later--


Scott stood upright and stared at him: "The opposite slave tribe has fought us for four years, they have reached the brink of defeat, and their mystery was seriously injured by me last month, It is estimated that he is still recovering from injury. If you can attack the king who killed them, I can give you the book of Conoport for half a month and you can find the way you want to go. "

The book of Conopot ...

Anyang frowned: "I can try."

Scott was flustered for a moment, and apparently did not expect that he would agree so readily to this difficult request.

Even if he can't do this thing!

Anyang looked at him lightly.

He also saw that the old guy was just planning to use this puzzle to make him bow his head. I'm afraid he never thought he would agree. It is estimated that the old guy is going to come up with another simpler but trapping condition to let him choose when he is embarrassed. some type of.

In just a moment, Scott regained his consciousness: "It happened that you brought three young knights. With their help, you should be able to complete it more easily, but don't try too hard. Come back if you can't, the life of a genius. It's always precious. "

Anyang nodded: "Thank you for your reminder."

"You're welcome, I have you have a purpose to pay the price in this way. In addition to energy, I also want to check whether your attainments in surgery are qualified. Knowing that power is only part of us, our most important It will always be the knowledge in our head. "

Scott strong explained.

He paused and said, "Come here and tell you some information, habits, and physical characteristics of Lord Yunu."


Early the next morning, Anyang knocked on Scott's door.


A greasy beast head larger than the water tank was placed in the center of Scott's room, exuding a stench.

This beast head looks terrible, densely packed with teeth, but they are not very large, and from the distribution position, the bite meaning of these teeth is far greater than the fighting significance. The fuchsia meridians are all over the face, and there is a big green bag on the forehead that does not know what it does, and there is a sharp corner, which looks ugly and ugly.


Scott was shocked!

Anyang said politely: "The Lord You You Want."

There was some dark green blood flowing from the head of Lord Yunu, which polluted the ground, and his huge eyes were still open. But Scott was as bright as a hungry and thirsty man who saw a naked beauty, and his hands could not help touching forward.

"Lord Lord Yunu, it really is King! Oh my God, how did you do it?"

No one knows that his main purpose of staying in the southern battlefield of the Federation is for the body of Lord Yunu!

Anyang smiled and said, "Adult, my book ..."

Scott responded: "Oh, wait, I won't forget the reward you deserve!"

After he finished, he walked towards the back room.

Anyang stared at his back without a word, scanned the room, and accidentally glanced at the head of the king on the ground.

It can be seen that even though the mysteries are noble in ordinary people's hearts, they are still a group of people walking alone. At least they are very weak in dealing with people. Any thoughts and desires in their hearts are almost completely reflected in their faces.

Soon, Scott came out with a thick book.

"This book is called the book of Conoport, and it is issued by an organization, which hides the information of that organization, but there are only two ways to understand it, one is a member of the organization itself, using a special technique Come and read, someone who has touched the edge of the mystery you said will naturally understand the content of this book. "

"Thank you."

Anyang took the book, saluted him slightly, and walked out with the sharp corner on the head of the king.

Scott's face suddenly sank: "Wait!"

"What's wrong, Lord Scott?"

Anyang stopped.

Scott said in a low voice: "Leave the head of the king, don't you think you should do this?"

Anyang smiled: "Sir Scott, I think you made a mistake. This is my spoils. Our agreement yesterday was only to kill Lord Youn, but we did not say that we should kill Lord Youn. I ’ll leave it to you. What ’s more, I want to take it back to study it, which is very rare. "

Scott withdrew his face: "I can exchange."

Anyang pondered for a moment: "You know it's not easy to kill Lord Yunu and bring back its body, and my guards and I paid a very high price for it."

Scott breathed a sigh of relief and secretly eliminated the energy mobilized in the body, as long as he could still discuss.

"I'm willing to exchange a devil potion." Scott's expression was quite relaxed.

Anyang shook his head.

What is the devil's potion ...

Scott continued: "A witch's heart!"

Anyang then shook his head.

What is the heart of the witch ...

Just shake your head anyway!

After a bit of psychological fighting ~ ~ Until Scott made two first-order spells in pain, Anyang finally agreed.

Scott quickly took out two stacks of thin paper, each about seven or eight pages in length, and handed them to him.

"These two methods were obtained by me at a great cost. I ca n’t get those comparable in the organization, but I ca n’t give you the methods I got in the organization. I hope you can make good use of them. It, good luck. "

Anyang nodded: "Thank you."

Scott was silent, and said, "For the sake of the king's head, I will give you another piece of advice. It is best not to try to practice these two techniques before you go to the organization, otherwise you may never be able to Step into the path you want. "

Anyang froze, then nodded: "I know."

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