My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 625: Tower of Silence


A mysterious black gas emerged from the book, gradually forming a lot of seemingly meaningless text sentences in the air. It is still the excerpt of the language in the "Yan Yu Ji", which contains floating and sinking, and some of them are explicit. People blush and heartbeat. ? fun? Text? Novel wwW.lWXs520.COM

"Ira Froschi untied Herakri's fancy dress, regardless of her status as her mother, and kissed her delicate red lips fiercely, not long afterwards, two fiery people, two Stick your hot body together! "

"Clauricia fell into the hot spring pool, and the pink tulle wrapped in her gradually floated up ..."

"Iraflorski's breathing was short ..."

"Ira Frost believes that this woman is the lady she wants tonight, this life ..."


Anyang gazed sharply in the air ahead, gradually ignoring the meaning of these words. Only the sloppy handwritings in the eyes were deliberately curved and deliberately written irregularities, and the spiritual power gradually extended.

The mystery system is particularly sensitive to mental power, which is more prominent than the arcane magic and spell system!

Just at the moment of touch, these black characters floating in the air began to distort, and some extra parts disappeared, leaving only the parts that were written for posterity, and moved and reorganized in the air, the trajectory obeyed some strange laws.

After about half a minute, everything has been reorganized, and it has become a new type of text. The complexity is very high. It is more like the magic text of Azeroth than the spell of the Divine World. Yes, some are like insects.

"No response?"

"do it again!"

Anyang frowned and waved these words apart.

Twenty minutes later, he tried all 12 reorganization methods, but still no response.

Anyang frowned more and more tightly, holding a thick book and felt helpless: "Nothing. Parsing failed or wrong, or should this kind of text also have to be recognized or read out? If so, it would be too much trouble. Now. "

After a while, his expression froze.

"Mentally retarded!"

Anyang then remembered that in order to solve the last limitation in the book of Conoport, he used the "energy interception method" to block the energy supply of the last layer of restriction in this book. Even if these words have mysterious capabilities, they will not work!

He quickly removed the mana: "Come again!"

About fifteen minutes later, when Anyang tried the eighth reorganization plan, he realized that he had succeeded. The flow of energy in Conopot's book can conceal the trainee and Scott, but it can never conceal a monk or arcane wizard!


The text in the air suddenly exploded and turned into a black smoke.

When the black smoke gradually became clear, an old man's face appeared in the air, looking at him calmly.

"Apprentices scattered on the mainland of La Seya, congratulations, you have passed the qualification certification of the Silent Tower."

"Silence Tower?"

"Yes, you will no longer be alone."

Anyang stared at the kind face.

Is this a dialogue program?

"What is the Tower of Silence?"

"The Tower of Silence is the highest academic organization established 1,800 years ago. We have a rich collection of books. Anyone who seeks truth and wisdom can get a deep enlightenment here. Our creator is also famous ... "

After hundreds of words of self-introduction (chui) and shao (xu)-

"Our address is in the cold valley of the Duchy of Celan."

The Principality of Sailan ...

Anyang's face was so painful that he couldn't help thinking about it. How many years ago this book was released!

The Principality of Sailan is an important part of the Federation, located in the northwest of the Federation, not far from the capital. But at least three hundred years ago, after the end of the North-South conflict war, no one called this name, and now only Aklan Province.

If it wasn't for Scott to be alive, he even had to suspect that the tower of Rush was still there.

"How do I prove my identity?"

"With this mark ..."

The old man's face opened a mouthful of black smoke, forming a deer horn mark in the air, and there was a word in the lower left corner.

"Young apprentices, because you used eight opportunities to open me, and you are familiar with the process of opening, proving that your mental strength and energy control are very good, and your knowledge is also good, so your score is one Other qualifications. "

"First class qualification?"

Is the qualification of the trainee identified in this way? It seems that this book is not only the threshold for selecting members, but also the first test paper for mysterious members of the silent tower to their future members, but I don't know how much this means.

Anyang watched the mark slowly flying towards him, but his eyes were staring at the old man's face in the air. On the one hand, I have more and more expectations for the wisdom of the mystery, on the one hand, I also lament the intelligence and functionality of this 'artificial intelligence system'!

The mark slowly printed on the back of his hand and penetrated the energy, but immediately encountered strong resistance from the mana in the body.

Anyang immediately suppressed the mana.

This strange energy only got a foothold.

At this time, he had a black antler mark on the back of his right hand, and there was a small "one" in the lower left corner. Floating back for the black smoke.

However, because part of the mana was eliminated before, and the imprinting work was completed, the remaining energy was already very little.

The old man's face took a deep breath, drawing this plume of black smoke into his nostrils, but immediately frowned.

"Apprentices, I regret to tell you that the recovered natural energy is lower than normal, which proves that your body is more resistant to natural energy than the average person. This will not be conducive to your future development and control. Energy, and it impedes the learning of certain subjects, so I had to reduce your grade to second-class qualification. "

At the same time, the old man's face opened his mouth again, and another tiny black smoke flew towards him.

Anyang twitched the corner of his mouth, stretched out his left hand, and slapped the black smoke in his hand. He looked carefully.

"what is this?"

"Natural energy for marking."

"... Don't you ever lie to me? If natural energy exhibits this state and characteristics, I will live and eat."

The old man smiled and said nothing.

Anyang asked again: "Where is the address of the organization?"

The old man looked at him with a smile and said, "Our address is in the cold valley of the Principality of Celan."

Anyang stared at him, and then asked: "Do you know the Federation of Mesoaran and the province of Aklan?"

The old man continued to smile without saying a word.

"Do you know where the capital is?"

The old man's face was still smiling.

"Do you know Scott?"

The expression on the old man's face remained unchanged.

"What's the name of the organization?"

"Our name is Silent Tower."

"I understand."

Anyang determined that it was really a program, and its functions were very limited, so he no longer had to worry about it.


He shook his left hand and annihilated the black smoke.

The old man's face remained silent.

Anyang nodded: "Is there anything else to say?"

The old man said kindly: "The Tower of Silence is open to the public every winter. Please rush over at this time. Before that, you can go to our affiliated trainee organization, Goryas College in Lorenz to study. "

"Is it Metropolis College?"


"Goryas College?"

"Goryas College hides the admissions organization of the Silent Tower, as well as the affiliated trainee organization. The organization is open to qualified people at any time. Many trainees will choose to study in the organization before going to the tower in winter. "

"I understand."

Anyang stopped talking.

He knows Goliath College. The area where the capital is located was formerly known as Lorrenski, Goryas College is now the top talent training college in the Federation, and there is also a name called Metropolis College, which is equivalent to the whole country. Best university.

At the same time, this is also a college with a long history, the kingdom is destroyed, the city is rebuilt, it is still there!

It is estimated that many people can't figure out why Goliath College will stand in the midst of hundreds of years of turbulent change.

This also proves that the Silent Tower has always existed.

Anyang asked a few more questions. The book of Conopott answered part of it, and some obviously exceeded the setting. At this time, it will smile and look at you kindly, only involving certain keywords and its The responsibilities will start again.

"What a fun thing!"

Anyang closed the book lightly.

At the same time, the face of the old man floating in the air burst into countless black air, and he got into the book again.

Anyang opened the book again, and the content of the book has been changed into a complete federal text, which records some common knowledge about the mystery system, as well as some basic information of the Silent Tower, which is probably equivalent to the admission guide for new students.

After reading it roughly, he began to study the structure of the book and the working principle of the old man's face.

Three days later, he came to Scott's cabin.

"Master Scott, good day!"

"Oh, Ian, you opened the book of Conoport so quickly, and it is still a first-class qualification. This proves that you have met all the basic conditions for becoming a scholar and a powerful person. You really surprised me. Come and sit down! "

Scott looked at the mark on the back of his hand and looked surprised. He also showed a lot more enthusiasm than the last meeting ~ ~ Anyang glanced at a large green bag on the table and recognized it as a slave The organ on Wang Jue's head also vaguely knew that Scott's enthusiasm was not due to his qualifications, but because this unknown organ was of great use to him.

"Master Scott, I'll say goodbye to you."

"At this time, should you be going to Metropolitan College? A good choice, first familiarize yourself with the environment, maybe you can meet your future classmates in advance! Keep your marks sensitive, and someone will pick you up directly after arriving at Metropolitan College. "

"Thank you for reminding."

"You're welcome, you have helped me a lot. I heard that the big knights under your hands are also fierce. They also raided some escaped slaves the night before and killed a ghost slave. This war Thanks to you! "

"I don't know about it yet."

Anyang politely talked with Scott again, and then turned back to the camp, summoned three people and left.

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