My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 626: Gorillas City College

The dusty horse-drawn carriage went back and forth under the left and right arch guards of the two knights. It loaded a lot more food than before. At the same time, the horse that pulled the carriage was also replaced by a knight-class war horse of the federal army, to load the many materials and Three sets of heavy armor. Novel wWw.Lwxs520.cOm

Angis also wanted to send a team of cavalry to **** them, but Anyang refused and felt that there was no need to pay attention to that much.

The military knight-level warhorse of the federal specialty is more powerful than the best warhorse led by Kofi Nori. No matter the eruption strength, load capacity and endurance are far more than the ordinary horses, the original half of the journey was just ten days away. Finished.

At the same time, Anyang has also thoroughly studied the two methods of resistance field and high-temperature eruption.

There was no hindrance in entering the capital this time. Instead, the guards of the city ushered in awe, mainly because the knight-level warhorse is much taller and stronger than ordinary horses, just like a giant beast.

The carriage entered the city along a special passage, and soon found a luxury hotel without any trouble.

Anyang rested for a night, took a bath and changed to clean aristocratic clothes, and set off for the Metropolitan College.

After about half an hour-

"Sir, it's here!"

But Yu's voice came from the right.

Anyang lifted the curtain, looked down at the faintly hot mark on the back of his right hand, and seemed to be conveying some information, and then raised his head to look at this historic and extremely extensive college. A guard was standing in front of the carriage and stopping them .

"Adult, they require proof of admission."

"It's okay, just wait here."


Anyang got out of the car and looked away, with some emotion.

I have never felt such a dignified learning atmosphere in the real world, but should I start studying here?

The status of this college in the Commonwealth of Mesoaland is probably equivalent to that of Oxford University and Cambridge University in the United Kingdom. It is the oldest and best college in the entire Federation, and it will expand again and again with the approval of the Parliament. It is now like an academic kingdom.

Looking in from the gate of more than 100 meters wide, it seems to see a huge and magnificent ancient city garden.

The well-manicured lawn is like a square, various fountains, round and tall church buildings, and the periphery of the building is surrounded by a white round stone column, which is full of historical sense of weight and vicissitudes, and there are various sculpture.

Anyang pursed his lips, and it seemed that the Federation paid great attention to knowledge.

Of course, this college and these buildings are so well preserved that there are some reasons for the silent tower.

After waiting for about twenty minutes, a simple carriage came galloping and stopped at the door. The driver lifted the curtain, and a small, bald, middle-aged man came down from the carriage. He first glanced at the palm of his hand, and then looked at it with a glance.

Anyang nodded slightly at him from afar.

The middle-aged man walked towards him quickly: "Howard greets you, sir, are you waiting for me?"

"I think so, my name is Ian."

The middle-aged man named Howard paid him a standard aristocratic ritual: "Master Ain, you have been waiting for a long time, you can now freely enter and leave the Metropolitan College, but when do you want to go in? I happen to take you everywhere Look. "

"Is now okay?"

"Just now!"

"My followers and knights ..."

"Of course they can also accompany you. I will send you a certificate after you settle down. You will enjoy various privileges at the Metropolitan College, such as free use of the equipment in the college, as long as it is not damaged. Just fine. "

Anyang walked behind him, and at the same time motioned to Shirley and others to follow him, and several people entered the gate of the college together.

The guards at the door no longer dared to stop them.

"What do I need to pay?"

"Actually, you don't need to pay anything."


Howard smiled and touched his head: "Of course, if you really embarked on that road one day, you just need to remember that you have been studying in this college for a while. It is enough. But this is not what I mean, I also Not the one here. "

Anyang nodded: "It should be."

Howard said with some envy: "You are so young that you got the mark of the organization. There must be a great chance that you can really embark on that road in the future. It will be difficult for me like this, and I will not hide your potential. It stops here. "

Anyang glanced at him lightly and said politely: "Everyone has the possibility and right to pursue the truth."

Howard nodded immediately: "You are right!"

Anyang can also see that the middle-aged man around him is actually the level of Oliver's sister Deborah. It is estimated that this life has no chance to become a formal mystery, because even if the accumulation of knowledge is in place, the strength will not meet the requirements .

Walking in the college, what he saw was different from the outside, he only knew how big this college is!

There are a lot of gentle hillsides in the distance, and the verdant lawn covers it, and many figures can be seen vaguely on the lawn. Farther away, you can see a park-like green mountain, with a pavilion corridor, a fountain garden, and statues of famous people.

Thick academic bells wafted in the air.

There are students wearing gray-white robes and hats all around, mostly young men and women, but there are also many people in their 30s or 40s or even 40s and 50s, some walking in groups of two or three, and some frowning and contemplating alone, the academic atmosphere is strong .

Anyang looked around and walked behind Howard. Shirley followed him in a carriage, but You and Martin also walked on the left and right sides of the carriage in armor. Several people looked at the scene in front of them. Feelings.

Knowledge is the most awesome in any era!

Howard pointed to a circular building and said: "This is the Cleopatra Church, which has a history of six hundred years. At the time, people in the Lorenz region still believed in the starry sky, but now, this is the most famous college. Study room! "

Anyang nodded, but his spirit spread far away.

They had been to the capital earlier, why didn't they find there was a trainee organization hidden there?

This is different from the Scout League that many trainees in the city spontaneously organized in the name of Scout, but it is an organization that truly has the ability to train trainees. Those scattered trainees may not know the existence of this organization!

However, the most striking difference is that the trainees here are all silent towers, and have nothing to do with the federal government.

If the Silent Tower is likened to a university, then this organization is the secondary school of this university. But there are also differences. For example, the Silent Tower itself also recruits trainees, but it is only more demanding, and it is only open to the outside world every winter.

Generally speaking, only trainees who cannot meet the requirements of the tower or who have not reached the winter will study here.

About two hours later, they stopped in front of a building similar to Gothic architecture. Howard had introduced the buildings along the way and the building facilities in other parts of the college in detail. Anyang probably remembered a lot.

"Adult, this is your residence. The left side of the fourth floor is all yours. The facilities inside should be complete."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to be polite, I might ask you for guidance if you don't understand. You can go up to see it first. If you don't like the location and floor, you can change it. In addition, your laboratory, lounge, etc. All are beside. "

"My entourage ..."

"There is a room specially designed for the entourage. In addition, the carriage and the horse can be parked in the back, but they need to take care of themselves."


Anyang nodded and walked upstairs.

This weird-style building is square, with stairs in the middle, dividing each floor into two sides. When Anyang went up, he found that he occupied half of the whole floor, and the other half obviously had someone living, but he didn't know who it was.

There are indeed a lot of rooms, and they are surrounded by a circle. I do n’t know how to repair them, but they look good.

Cousins ​​Shirley and Danyou and Martin lived in an accompanying room, Anyang lived in the largest room, and there were several empty rooms next to them, which could be used for various purposes according to preference, but all the appliances and other needs Purchase yourself.

Restaurants, kitchens, lounges, etc. are also readily available.

"I'm very satisfied, thank you."

"You're welcome, I'll go if it's okay. I'll send you your exclusive ID to you later. In addition, I live in the building on the left and walk for ten minutes. On the ground floor, my name is written on the doorplate. , Just come to me for anything! "

"I see, bye."


Howard quickly left.

Anyang pursed his lips and couldn't see that this guy was still a know-all. It is estimated that the popularity in the organization will be very good!

Shirley quickly took off her tantalizing leather armor, wearing only tight-fitting tights. The plump double peaks were prominent. At the same time, a pair of long legs were very eye-catching. Her hair fell down and came to him to ask: We are now ... "

"Clean the room first, move the contents of the carriage up, and wait for Howard to come over with identification."


Shirley immediately began to clean up.

However, the two of You and Martin also expected to work, and they took off the light armor that hindered them and quickly moved on.

In less than an hour, their rooms had been renovated, and the things in the carriage had also been moved up. Shirley had put all his things into his room according to his habits, but there were too few things ~ www. ~ is still a bit empty.

But it looks like that already!

In the afternoon about Howe, Howard sent their proof and agreed to take him to see others tomorrow.

Anyang settled down in this college.

In the evening, a knock on the door rang.

"Boom boom!"

Shirley went to open the door and frowned, looking at a young woman in front of her and asked, "Are you?"

The woman ’s face is very ordinary, beautiful and beautiful, and she smiles a little shyly: "I am the neighbor who lives on your right. I heard that a new student moved next to me this afternoon. Now I come to visit for some haste. Please do n’t Damn it. "

Shirley hesitated a little and then let go.

"Please come in."

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