My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 628: The neighbor who came suddenly

Several people walked in the college in a horse-drawn carriage, usually Anyang and Howard talked, and the other three listened quietly. They were also responsible for turning directions by driving according to Howard's instructions, and went to several commonly used classes. @ 乐 @ 文 @ 小说 wwW.lWXs520.Com

There are not many people in the early morning college. This is probably related to a more liberal academic environment, and the carriage is completely unseen.

"Probably these are you, do you remember?"

"no problem."

"Now that you have passed the certification of the Book of Conoport, it is estimated that this is also a small meaning for you."

There was a hint of envy in Howard's tone.

Anyang glanced at Shirley outside and nodded to see that she had remembered before bowing to Howard: "It ’s really troubled Lord Howard today. If there is any difficulty in the future, we will never help if we can help." decline."

Howard smiled and nodded to him: "It's too early for you to say this, there is something to do next!"


Howard took out a mechanical watch-style thing from his arms, looked at it and put it away again, and raised his hand and said, "There was a class in McGill House about an hour later, which was from Teacher Melody, Are you interested in listening? "

"of course!"

"Then let ’s go. Teacher Melody has always been known for his mechanical attainments and meticulous and rigorous attitude. This class is expected to be attended by many students. Just you know, we have prepared a party for you at night ! "

"Party? Thank you so much!"

Anyang twitched, but he said happily.

He really has no feeling for the party, especially in this world, he even dislikes this way of speaking!

Howard did not know and thought he was really happy: "So, Miss Shirley, turn left in front!"

About half an hour later, they arrived at a somewhat old building and walked to a remote room on the corner of the second floor. When the door was opened, many people were already seated. About twenty people saw that the teacher was indeed very popular!

"This is it!"

Howard led him in and clapped his hands.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

The crisp applause immediately attracted the attention of most people. Some people stopped talking in a low voice, and looked at them with a slight smile. They apparently knew Anyang long ago, and asked with a smile: "This is the new Are you coming? "

Howard nodded and walked in front to raise his voice: "Let's welcome our new companion, Master Ain!"

There was a sparse applause in the classroom.

Neither Shiril nor Danyou or Martin could come in, so he waited outside, and Anyang stepped forward alone, bowing slightly.

"Good guys, my name is Ain!"

A chubby man with freckles on his face stood up: "Sir Ain, my name is Owen, and I say hello to you, and I only heard that you entered the college this morning, but I live downstairs, but I have no time to visit you, please forgive me. "

"Sir Owen, good day!"

Then a few people stood up and introduced themselves, all in the same building as him. During this period, others did not intervene. It can be seen that the status of the trainees in their building is generally higher than others, but Anyang did not find out. The figure of Winnie.

Afterwards, it was other people who all respected him very much.

This process is a bit tiring for him, after all, whenever someone greets him, he must respond with a smile!

Until most people have introduced it, he has basically remembered it, but there are still a few people who remain silent, some have been focusing on the books or notes in their hands, and have not raised their heads. I do n’t like this. Commitment.

At the same time, Anyang also found that not everyone in his building had passed the certification of the book of Conoport. There are a few people who should be talented enough but the time to practice the mysterious system is still shallow, and the accumulation is not in place, resulting in insufficient strength. enough.

Finally, I waited for ten minutes. During this period, someone came to talk to him, and the teacher in charge finally arrived.

Anyang was relieved.

Teacher Melody is a middle-aged woman about thirty years old. She is very fat, but she is very kind.

I heard Howard said that she embarked on the path of attacking the mystery ten years ago, but it was unsuccessful to attack for a full ten years. Finally, I simply learned some auxiliary techniques and studied other partial subjects. The highest accomplishment is Mechanics!

"Classmates, I heard that a new classmate is here?"

Anyang immediately showed a helpless look: "Mr. Melody, my name is Ain. Please advise me in the future."

"Good boy!"

Melody praised her with a very kind attitude, and was much closer to other classmates. Obviously, he knew that with his first-class qualifications, as long as there were no major accidents, he would definitely impact the success of the mystery. At that time, even if she could not easily offend .

"So, let's start the class!"

Anyang just sat down and felt very hurt.

Melody began to give lectures very quickly, and in terms of method, he did speak well, very attentively and carefully.

She soon attracted the energy of most students!

And the knowledge is also very advanced. In this nautical shipbuilding technology, it is extremely lacking. Most small ships use paddles, and large ships still use sails as the power of the world. She has already thought of propeller technology and gear chain technology.

It's just that these are too backward for Anyang.

In his impression, even if Melotti designed and manufactured the real thing, it was just a pedal boat in the park. He once took the rabbit to the amusement park and sat there! It is too difficult to build a large propeller-driven steamship.

Unless there are other power technologies.

The course lasted about three hours, and there was no break during the period. After Melody finished his lectures, the group of trainees who were particularly strong in knowledge still had a novelty and a sense of expression.

Anyang bid farewell to Howard and returned to his residence.

In the evening, he attended the party on time.

Obviously, his first-class qualifications had already been passed out, and there were many people coming at the party. Most of the people present were stabbing him. Some female students with slight appearances toasted frequently. Conscious intention.

It's just that Shirley, who is Anyang's female companion, embarrassed them. After all, they are far worse than their looks ...

Winnie, who is still quieter, is more lovely!

However, compared to the party where some nobles in the world are completely parties, the welcome party between these trainees is still much cleaner, at least there is no casual **** on the spot, at least some shyness and implicit cover.

At night, he returned to his residence.

Shirley went to change his evening dress into loose clothes before coming out with a pair of long legs.

"Do you need to take a shower?"


"Please wait a moment, I will give you hot water first."

"Trouble you, Courier Shirley."

Shirley went to get him a clean set of clothes, then turned to the bathroom, and quickly put back the water: "Okay."


"Do I need to rub your back for you?"

"……no need."

Anyang walked into the steaming bathroom alone.


The next morning, their door was knocked.

Shirley went to open the door and found a boy who was only about fifteen or sixteen standing outside the door. He was obviously surprised when he saw that she was wearing a loose thin robe and could not conceal her figure. Confessed.

"Hello, this is tomorrow's class."

He handed a thin piece of paper to Shirley.

Shirley took a glance, then closed it, preparing to close the door, and suddenly remembered what Howard said yesterday.

"Please wait."


Shirley returned to the room and took out a gold coin to pay for the boy. Then he closed the door after his gratitude and knocked on the door of Anyang's room to walk to the writing desk and handed him the paper: "This It ’s just tomorrow ’s class schedule. "

Anyang took a look and immediately frowned.

This piece of paper is still in the federal language, but it is obviously encrypted, and most people ca n’t understand it even if they know the word.

Anyang spent a few minutes parsing it, his eyes brightened: "Is the mysterious language class?"

The mysterious language is probably similar to the magical language of the Divine World and the magic language of Azeroth. Although it is a language, it is actually more like a code or a component that operates with energy. It is a language master that cannot be translated. of.

And the scattered trainees in the capital have hardly taken the required course of this mystery systematically!

Shirley asked next: "Are you going?"

"of course!"

"What time and place?"

"Tomorrow noon, it was there yesterday."

"Understood, at noon tomorrow I will advance the lunch time, and then send you at the right time."

"sorry to bother you."

"what I should do."


At noon the next day, Anyang took the first class of his choice.

In the process of studying the mysteries and spells before, he had some understanding of the mysterious language, but it was very obvious. After a few hours of systematic education, it was undoubtedly better. This is after all the foundation of the mysterious system, and he also learned Very carefully.

Anyang seems to have returned to the month before the college entrance examination ...

It took two weeks to blink. ~ In these two weeks, Anyang will go to almost every class. His learning ability is amazing, and he has benefited a lot in the classroom.

Teachers are a little surprised after a class!

Anyang finally understood how different the scattered trainees were from those trained by the real mystery organization system. At the same time, he also began to teach an optimized mystery meditation method to three people, and the effect was very good.

Gradually, when the trainee organization of the Metropolitan College recruited new students, the Silence Tower still had a period of time. He planned to let the three people register here to obtain the qualifications for attending classes and further studies. In winter, they went directly to the Silence Tower.

But when he woke up, he found something was wrong.

The neighbor, Winnie, was **** in the living room, wearing a pajamas, unconscious, and a large white skin exposed. Shirley was wiping with a long sword and staring at her coldly, but Yu and Martin were also standing by beside him.

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