My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 629: All first-class qualifications

"what happened?"

Anyang immediately asked in surprise!

Shirley said, "Last night I heard some movement outside the door. It seemed that someone was using the surgical technique. When I opened the door, I saw Miss Winnie was about to attack us. The walls were hit with a hole, so I hit her. Halo. Super fast and stable update novel, this article was first published by www.lwχ "

Anyang frowned: "There is such a thing?"

Shirley nodded: "Your room is inside. We are all near the door. It's normal for you to be unaware. I'm also afraid that I won't wake you up until you rest. Miss Winnie also woke up halfway, But he has a short temper. "

"I know, just put her here."

Anyang remembered the weird expression when Howard talked about Winnie last time. Although he was puzzled, he did not rush to investigate.

Over the past two weeks, he has also dealt with Wen Ni several times in succession, and he feels that this neighbor has a gentle temper, but strangely, Wen Ni is not very popular among many students, and he does not have that curiosity. Go and ask.

Shirley inserted the long sword into the scabbard and got up and stared at Winnie before asking him: "Are you going to eat?"

"I'm going to wash first."


Anyang went straight to wash.

When he came back from washing, Shirley had prepared breakfast and set most of the tables on the dining table. But the amount is not much, probably the amount of food for two or three people, mainly because the variety is very rich, there are both north and south styles, so that he can choose freely.

"Has your meditation been going like this?"

"Our process is almost the same, we can feel the energy, and we are preparing to store it in our body."

"not bad."

"Is this slow?"

"It ’s not slow. It takes at least a year for other trainees to be talented, but it ’s not fast. After all, you are very good both in body and soul. It ’s estimated that it ’s been so long because you have no experience with energy . "

Anyang drank a clean cup of milk on the table and talked to them lightly, picked up two pieces of white bread and sandwiched the golden fried omelette and the thinly sliced ​​ham, and put it in his mouth to bite. At this moment, Winnie actually woke up.


A faint murmur sounded.

All four of them looked towards her in an instant!

Winnie leaned against the corner, twisted twice, and looked very lazy, as if she just woke up and wanted to stretch her waist, but she soon felt the **** on her body, and immediately opened her eyes, and then I found myself in a bad situation now.

"Ooo! Ooo ..."

Winnie's mouth was also covered, speechless, and impaired mobility, and she fell immediately after struggling.

Shirley looked awkwardly, walked up to Winnie with her long sword, and stood staring at her coldly.

Winnie saw her suddenly stunned, no longer struggling.

Anyang continued to eat breakfast calmly, and looked at her from time to time, only to wipe her mouth when she saw an expression of shame, self-blame, and a little bit of self-control in her eyes, and stood up and said: "Cousin, let Miss Winnie go. . "

"But ... yes!"

Shirley squatted down to loosen the rope that tied Winnie, but she still kept her eyes on her in the process.

"Miss Winnie, get up!"

"I'm sorry ..."

Winnie said with her head down in condemnation, but because she had been **** all night, her blood flow was inconvenient and her legs were numb. She just fell to the ground when she tried to stand up. Finally, Anyang motioned for Shirley to help her before she stood up.

"Miss Winnie, what's going on?"

"I'm really sorry, and I don't want this!"

There was already a crying cry in Winnie ’s voice. She covered her face with one hand and said lowly, “I do n’t remember, but I probably know what I did last night. I can't control this kind of thing ... "

Anyang frowned: "Take a sip and say slowly!"

Shirley stood beside Winnie, staring at her with a sword handle, and turned Danyou to water. She showed Wenni's defensive heart completely, and did not conceal her hostility at all, obviously being deeply impressed by last night.

Winnie took a sip of water and finally passed slightly.

Only then did Anyang know how Howard's expression was weird and why most students were reluctant to make good friends with her.

It turned out that Winnie had tried to construct a quasi-first-order technique before. The so-called quasi-first-order technique is still a zero-order technique. However, it usually has powerful capabilities that the zero-order technique does not. Strictly speaking, it belongs to zero-order and first-order techniques. The intermediate stage of the technique.

This type of surgery generally requires zero-order simplicity and approximately first-order functionality. The complexity can be imagined.

And this precious technique is not available at random. At that time, Jenny was also a coincidence, but she didn't realize the trap in this technique, she stepped on it with one foot, resulting in the model of the technique. Something went wrong.

The result is schizophrenia, and a very aggressive second personality will come out from time to time to destroy the world!

Anyang couldn't help feeling a little bit. Wen Ni's luck was already well. The portrayal of the spell model involved spiritual power. Even if the real mystery died at this step, it was not surprising. .

After finishing speaking, Winnie lowered her head deeply: "I hope I will not hurt you, I am willing to accept punishment and compensation!"

Anyang waved his hands, and it was really difficult to be angry when facing such a weak and weak girl next door: "We have not suffered any harm, so compensation and punishment are not needed, and you are probably hungry, come and eat something Right. "

Winnie didn't refuse this time and walked over with her head down, but she was embarrassed to sit at the table.

Anyang did not take much care of her.

Today happens to be the first day of the external enrollment of the Metropolitan College Trainee Organization. This enrollment is connected with the Silent Tower, but it is not exactly the same as the official enrollment of the Silent Tower, and there are secret testers in major colleges across the country.

The Metropolitan College naturally also has an admissions office, using the name of infectious disease examination, mainly for the students of the college. Once the talent of the mystery is detected, it will be admitted by technical research. Anyang has obtained specific information.

It's a little troublesome for people outside the college to use the internal inspection procedures to register, but he has already managed.

After breakfast, let Winnie go back, and a few people drove to the Cleopatra Church, where the inspection was carried out.

Shirley parked the carriage at the door of the church. At this time, the students who checked were already in a long line. According to the process arrangement, it was estimated that it would last at least half a month to complete the inspection of the entire college. She frowned slightly.

A middle-aged fat man with a big belly and a **** suddenly ran over: "Hello, is this Mr. Ain's car?"

Anyang came down from the carriage: "Hello."

"Master Ain, good morning!"

The middle-aged fat man immediately began to negotiate with him, and the meat on his face squeezed into a pile with a smile. Within a few minutes, he took Sherry with a few students over the queue. Anyang was not interested in this, so he waited for them to come back in the carriage.

Many students were slightly dissatisfied, but after looking at the fat man and Anyang's carriage, they closed their mouths wisely.

Trainees have privileges in this college. These privileges are not only simple to ride in a carriage in the college. Although these students do not know the identity of the trainees, they know that the people who ride in the carriage are not simple.

About half an hour later, the three returned.

Behind them was a middle-aged fat man with a flushed face. His hands were shaking with excitement, and he seemed shocked.

Anyang asked: "How is it going?"

Shirley nodded faintly.

But You and Martin immediately said that there was no problem.

The middle-aged fat man took a deep breath, suppressing his excitement and saying, "Great, lord, great. I don't know how long I haven't seen an adult of first-class qualifications. Three come! "

Anyang nodded: "Thank you."

The middle-aged fat man quickly said, "No, you're welcome, this is a blessing to the college, and I should thank you for being right!"

After he finished, he looked at Anyang, who was calm and calm, and then looked at Shirley, who had no expression on his face. Suddenly, he was a little embarrassed. He stroked his chest and calmed down his excitement. Just get busy if you have any questions. I just need to report this good news to other adults. Do you have any instructions before then? "

"No, say goodbye."

"Sir, goodbye!"

Anyang nodded and put down the carriage curtain.

The middle-aged fat man was still a little surprised. He stood still and stunned, and even the people beside him shouted that he didn't know. Suddenly, seeing the two horsemen around the horse and the carriage, and Shirley who was driving the carriage, they were stunned.


On the first day of returning to the residence, there was nothing wrong, but from the second day on, people came one after another to congratulate.

Among them are the top managers of the Metropolitan College who are specifically responsible for contact with the Silent Tower, as well as the trainees of the trainee organization, and even several teachers who are in charge of teaching come to visit, from which you can see how shocking Anyang has caused them.

The first-class qualifications are already in the sky, and there is one talent who is terrible. Three unexpectedly appeared!

To be precise, four.

It ’s just that Anyang ’s standards are different from them ~ ~ One is the pure first-class talent test of mental strength and body, and the other is the qualification of the book of Conoport about whether he can step into the mysterious, and The same is that both are very important!

And Anyang can reach such a point when he is so young, and it is definitely a first-class qualification to change to another detection method!

In the next few days, the mode of getting along with several people did not change because of the talented test results.

The three of Shirley have been able to study in the college, and they have refused the rooms arranged by the college. The four of them usually come and go together, and all of them have shown very high learning in the courses of various subjects ability.

This is not the most eye-popping.

After the test results came out, all parties threw olive branches at them, but they just received all the gifts, but the olive branches turned a blind eye, still sticking to the status of their subordinates, giving up the noble status, and whispering to Anyang.


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