My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 641: Surgical array

This boat is very large, with 70 or 80 rooms, one for each person, much more comfortable than when riding a carriage or tent on the road. Novel wWw.Lwxs520.cOm

The attitude of the Tower of Silence can also be roughly seen. Each batch of colleges going to the Tower of Silence has at least a hundred, but in the end, there can only be seven or eighty on board, and the rest will be screened along the way. , Or compete on board.

The rooms on the ship are divided into five floors. The more upper rooms are more luxurious, the number is small, there are only a few, and they are likely to be with the mysteries accompanying them and get guidance. The lower the room, the smaller and damp.

According to the practice of the Silent Tower, the ownership of the room also needs competition, and regardless of talent, only the personal ability.

Of course, this is not only as simple as force. You can also use other means, such as solidarity with people, and for example, the use of knights along the way, or promised benefits in advance, relying on personality charm, and even selling the body.

Even if this time is special, you still have to follow the convention.

But there is also a benefit, this time there are only more than 20 students left, do not need to live in the small room on the bottom floor.

There are six rooms on the uppermost floor. Most of the accompanying mysteries usually live with the best students, but this time, only four of the mysteries accounted for two thirds, and the remaining two were occupied by Bohr. , The last one undoubtedly belongs to Anyang.

Shiril, Lydia and Danyou and Martin live on the second floor, and the rest occupy the first three floors after fighting.

In the past two days, Anyang has gotten acquainted with Boer. He usually greets him when he meets and occasionally sits down and talks. Bol also respected the newcomer who had obtained the first-class talent certification of the Book of Conoport before entering the Tower of Silence.

This ship looks quite old, it creaks and shakes as soon as it shakes the wood, and I don't know how many years have passed, it seems that it will collapse and come apart after a storm! However, its speed is very fast, and it is also accidental in the sea.

Anyang sat in the room, quietly holding a book that Borr lent him, and the blue light flashed in his eyes.

The room on the first floor is really large, like a presidential suite, the bathroom is independent, and there is a special study room, which is filled with a few boring knowledge books, the bedroom is also luxurious, covered with extremely soft giant Animal fur.

A candle was lit in the room, and the bean-shaped flames were like stars, which made his eyes shine.


The sound of pages turning.

The boat was surprisingly quiet, but outside it was turbulent.


A huge three-story wave came over and beat the ship fiercely, making a loud noise, and in a flash of water.

The power of the natural wave is extremely strong, and the water waves that have been photographed are going forward and succeeding. I do n’t know how many tons. Even if the river giant is more than ten meters high, it ’s only exceeded, but this old wooden boat is unwavering. Go through!


The giant wave was directly knocked away.

Anyang's gaze was also immobile, as if he could not feel the ups and downs of the ship's hull.

For a long time, he took a sigh of relief and closed the book.

"It turns out so!"

This book is for Boer to see that he has touched the threshold of the mysterious road, but he didn't know the specific method before giving him. The above records the general methods and precautions for the trainee to become a real mysterious person, which is equivalent to giving him up in advance. a bit.

Anyang also looked at it and found out that it was indeed a piece of advice for Scott not to allow himself to practice first-order spells in advance.

After becoming a true mystery, energy does not need to be dominated by itself. Similar to his bio-assisted chip, the original mysteries developed a surgical control array to replace themselves to control energy, thereby freeing themselves.

Their original purpose was to focus more on improving mental power and accumulating knowledge, so the initial surgical control array only included the ability to swallow, absorb, and store energy. However, the later mysteries continued to optimize it, giving the spell control array more and stronger abilities, including participating in the enhancement of the first-order spells that make up the spell control array.

This is the root cause.

It is also the root of the mysterious transcendence.

No matter how strong Azeroth ’s mage is, he may be attacked and killed by thieves or archers. Most monks in the Divine World cannot escape the assassination of a long-range sniper rifle. The defensive technique in the.

The mysteries first need to establish a spell control array, and if a spell is constructed first, it will be difficult to establish a spell control array.

A mystery without a spell-controlled array is equivalent to returning to ancient times. At that time, the mystery was not so powerful. The weaker mystery may even be killed by the big knight. Never dare to challenge the crossbow easily, and become stronger. It's much harder.

Anyang is really more and more interested in this system.

Since the development of this system, the method of establishing surgical array control has been very mature. The major organizations are almost the same, but different organizations may have different sides, and the impact is minimal. Even a general type of surgical array control has appeared. .

This book records a general-purpose surgical array. Its construction is simple and its ability is moderately balanced. Every major organization has chosen to build its own surgical array using this method. It lies in its existence.

As for the specific type of control array to choose, unless you are very inclined to a certain ability, otherwise there is little difference.

And many surgical arrays are complicated.

Mysteries call the technique of constructing the technique control array the mortal technique. Usually three, the special ones are not fixed, but the three are the most stable. If there are more, the mental power will be very high. Will disperse the enhanced ability of the surgical array.

Generally speaking, the effect of the tactical control array on the natal control method is not great. On the contrary, the tactical control of the natal control method determines the power of the tactical control array.

So the ability to choose a proper natal spell and the ability to choose a tactical array to attach to the natal spell is crucial. It almost determines whether a mystery has strong capital. The reason why Gleeve is stronger than Flynn a few days ago right here.

In addition to the general spell control array, this spell is more powerful, and several additional abilities are the most common.

The first one is to leave the construction entry of the surgical style model, giving the possibility of re-optimizing the natural style, called evolution.

The second is to increase the instantaneous energy supply when the spell is activated, which is equivalent to supplying energy as a secondary energy source, so that the power of the natal spell is increased again until the energy of the spell control array is used up, which is called enhancement. .

The third is to create additional modules of the surgical model and give it another ability, such as adding a corrosion type module to the ice type or the flame type, which can increase the corrosion ability of the type. This is called For additional effects.

The fourth is to use the energy of the spell control array to support the technique operation, so that it is always activated. This ability is almost used by almost all mysteries, and is usually used on the less expensive defensive technique. , Called fixity.


There are some special ones that will not be mentioned.

Needless to say, the most basic function is to form a surgical array with the surgical technique as the center, circulate each other, and absorb the energy of heaven and earth instead of a process of meditation. The specific principle is very complicated, and it is completely different from the biological auxiliary chip.

Seeing this, Anyang also had to admire the wisdom of the mysteries, the precision of this array has exceeded everything!

However, although the technique control array is the most important and the most technical for the trainee ’s promotion to the mystery, it is an extremely mature technology after all, and there are ready-made methods and templates. .

Even if the talent is poor, as long as you are willing to spend time, you can still reach the level of establishing a surgical array in ten or eight years.

Even if the talent is worse ... it will be impossible!

The most restrictive for trainees to enter the threshold of the mystery is often not the surgical control array, but the level of physical and mental strength!

People's physical and mental power usually have limits. If they cannot enter a new situation, the limits will always exist. Some people with bad talents fail to reach the limit of becoming a mystery, so they will not be able to go beyond the limit in their lifetime.

Even if the limit is higher than the requirements of the mystery, the talent is already very poor, and it takes a long time to accumulate.

This process is almost by itself!

Therefore, many trainees have already gathered enough first-order spells, and have found a spell control array suitable for themselves, but they cannot truly become mysterious throughout their lives. The reason is that their accumulation of energy and spiritual power cannot reach Claim.

And if it is a scattered trainee, it is even worse.

Even if the first-order surgical and general surgical control arrays are obtained by some means, because of the special nature of the surgical control arrays, a very powerful energy impact activation is required at the first start. This energy far exceeds the basic requirements for becoming a mystery, and far exceeds the energy required to construct three spells and spell control arrays. Even a mystery who crosses the limit can hardly meet the requirements.

Trainees can hardly have such strong energy.

At this time, a qualified and powerful mysterious person is needed to use his energy to activate the spell control array.

Scattered trainees have nowhere to find this mysterious person.

At this time, the importance of organization is highlighted ~ ~ So almost all mysteries in the world have their own organizations.

Naturally, there are also geniuses that have accumulated over time, and can store more energy than the mysterious person in the body of the trainee, and can activate the spell control array by themselves without the help of others. .

There are also more easily activated spell control arrays, which are undoubtedly specially prepared for this type of trainee.

However, it is difficult to achieve the best of both worlds. The easy-to-activate surgical control array must be flawed. Either the ability is reduced, or the energy burst of the instant burst is changed to a milder one. It also requires higher requirements and takes more time.


Anyang took a deep breath and frowned.

The wisdom of the predecessors was not against the sky. It was only accumulated deep from generation to generation. The technique of skillful array control was brilliant, but in fact, it was not so difficult to understand carefully. Even he now has the ability to establish skillful array control.

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