My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 642: Top talent for registration

But it is still too early to establish a surgical array!

Anyang knew that he still had too little knowledge in this area. It was too reckless to establish an operation control array. Only when he knew all aspects of the rear knowledge was clear, and he was sure that he could find the best and most suitable for himself. road. This article is from www. lwχs520. com first

It is too troublesome to reconstruct the surgical control array, and there are certain dangers and sequelae, so it is equivalent to only one chance.

Anyang did not sacrifice his consciousness for future generations.

What's more, he still has only two first-order spells given to him by Scott, and most of the spell control arrays need three!

And Anyang also has a little hesitation.

According to the convention, each mystery will fix a defensive spell in the spell control array and make it permanently operate. This is the basis for their extraordinary, even the most extreme mystery will choose another defensive spell. formula.

Anyang also has a defensive technique that resists the force field.

This first-order spell given to him by Scott actually looked good. It was more clever than Osoa ’s chaotic force field. It was also in the middle compared to Flynn ’s burst defense, and Flynn ’s strength was even mysterious. Among those who are considered strong.

If it were not to see Gree ’s purple-red tassels, Anyang would definitely regard the resistance field as a good choice.

But the purple-red tassel is really eye-catching.

In itself, the purple-red tassel can be compared with the burst defense in defense, and even slightly exceeded due to the initiative. As soon as the purple-red tassel's attack ability came out, it immediately opened up the defensive skills such as burst defense and resistance field. .

In general, it is also simple. After long experience, Anyang looked down on the resistance field.

Although the flexible protective force field is also good, other hard protective shields, Flynn's explosive reactive defense is also very good, but he still prefers Gree's "automatic missile defense system", after all, he also has a good attack in addition to defense force.

"I already knew that even if I exposed myself and killed Flynn together, I would have to steal this technique from Gree!"

Anyang regretted it.

By this time the storm outside had gradually subsided.

The weather on the sea deteriorated quickly, and the improvement was also very fast. Once the storm thunderclouds dispersed, it immediately rained and cleared.

At this time it was dusk, the sky after the heavy rain was extraordinarily pure, the sky showed a blue curtain, a golden red sunset slanted on the sea level, reflecting the sea line is red, the water surface sparkling gold Red shattered.


The weird seagull flew close to the surface of the sea with a brisk posture.

Some fish jumped from the water and plunged back into the water, making a circle of ripples, as if smashing the gold and red light even more. They seem to be freed from the depression just now, ventilating on the sea, or happily celebrating another time.

The window of Anyang is half open, because it is the upper level, on the ship's surface, so there are windows, which can breathe and see the outside. It's weird that the big storms and waves just now didn't drop any water into his room, even his book didn't get wet.

The setting sun sinks into the sea, extinguishing the luster.

The sky gradually darkened.

Anyang waved his hand, the candle lights all over the room went out one after another, and the light in the room completely dimmed.

A bright moon began to rise on the sea, the bright moonlight reflected in the sea water, still sparkling, shaking slowly, the sky and the sea and the moonlight still showed a pure blue color, forming a very quiet scene of the bright moon on the sea .

The ship is quietly moving in this picture.

Neither the seagulls nor the sea fish stopped, making a splash of water from time to time, or making a loud noise across the sea.

Early in the morning, the sunrise was again beautiful.

Anyang had breakfast, went to visit the four mysteries, and finally chose a female mystery who spoke best, and asked her about the knowledge of the impact of the mysterious road, the environment of the silent tower, and the precautions after arriving at the silent tower .

Natalie gave him patient answers.

Probably because Anyang has obtained the first-class certification of the book of Conoport, and the probability of becoming a mysterious person is extremely high. Natalie explained to him in detail about the impact of the mysterious road, but once it involves her Just shut up.

Anyang can also understand that the mysterious person is very respectful of knowledge, and it is impossible for the more advanced to teach him for free.

Natalie has been kind to him by comparison, which probably also means investing in his potential.

So Anyang stayed in Natalie's room all day.

At night--

"Master Natalie, then I will go back. Thank you for your guidance. I also need to digest today's knowledge."

"No problem, if you don't understand, you can ask me again, but some I can't answer you. On the one hand, the organization has always encouraged students to find out the problems themselves. On the one hand, the organization has relevant regulations, and some knowledge has to pay."

"I'm contented, thank you very much."

"That's good, you will be exposed to a lot of knowledge after you arrive at the organization, and your teacher will be responsible for teaching you."

"Well, goodbye Lord Natalie."

Anyang went straight out of the room and returned to his residence.

"Academician, Warlock ..."

He murmured these two words in his mouth.

Although there is no fixed name for the mysterious person, the "mysterious person" is almost the most common name, but today he learned two new terms from Natalie ’s mouth. Your own title.

Generally speaking, academic organizations that pay more attention to knowledge call themselves academics, and they can continue to be extended. For example, people with extensive knowledge will be respected as scholars. Many people in power organizations that pay more attention to force claim to be warlocks.

It's called a fallen shaman in World of Warcraft.

These are the names of the mysteries, and depending on their preferences, Scott does not agree. He thinks the mysteries are called lonely.


The ship sailed for two days at sea and finally reached its destination.

As an accompanying trainee, Bohr took the lead in leading several people forward, while the four mysteries stood still on the boat.

The crowd walked out a few steps and turned back to salute them.

"Thank you for your protection!"

This is a courtesy that Bohr had told everyone before.

Anyang nodded to Natalie in addition: "Thank you Natalie for your enlightenment and guidance along the way."

When this remark came out, most of them showed envy.

Natalie nodded with a smile: "Hands up."

In these two days, she saw the potential of Anyang. Such a potential stock, good relationship in advance, and no loss.

Anyang nodded to the other mysteries one by one, and got a response, and then walked to the island with Boer.

The four mysteries have to go back to pick up the next batch of students.

"I really envy you, Master Ain."

"What's so envious of?"

"When I joined the organization at that time, I was not treated as well as you. The only adult accompanying me didn't take care of me at all. How could you still get the personal guidance of Lord Natalie, Lord Natalie is the best in Tower? Space scholar. "

"Space science? Is there another discipline?"

"Of course, but a large group of academic organizations around us seems to have some research on space in our tower. I heard that this was brought when the tower moved from a very far place. People in this area rarely study space. aspect."

"is it?"

Anyang suddenly became interested.

The cold valley is located on an inshore island. The ship first sailed from the river into the sea, and then circled along the federal coastline. Anyang is estimated to be no longer the possession of the province of Achillland, the so-called principality of Sailan or the province of Achillland Mostly just a cover-up.

However, it should still be in the territory of the United States and Soyaland.

The Silent Tower is not a tall tower, but a tower building located in the center of the island near the shore. Hearing Boer said that all mysteries and students live in the tower, and all educational institutions are also towers, and the rest of the buildings It is a subsidiary organization.

The crowd first went to a ten-meter-high tower, where they went through the formal registration process of the silent tower.

The process is also very simple.

The room was very dark, and everyone lined up, Anyang first.

Inside was a man who was a little fatter. Anyang had already heard Boer say his name and stepped forward.

"Sir Alva, my name is Ian, and say hello to you."


Alva raised his head and glanced at the black antler mark on the back of his right hand. He was also slightly surprised. It saves a lot of testing. "

Anyang pursed his lips and said nothing.

Alvar lowered his head and wrote something on a piece of paper. There was obvious energy radiation in the pen, which was obviously unusual.

There was a crystal ball beside him, and every time he wrote a word, the crystal ball flickered, as if recording something. This is estimated to be a means of synchronously transmitting the content he wrote to other places, similar to the cloud synchronization technology on the earth.

"Your name is Ain, is it?"


"What is Ain, is the full name just Ain?"

"Ian Kofinori."

"Ian Kofinori ..."

Alva wrote on the paper, and soon picked it up to show him again: "It's a bit long, is it spelled like this?"

"Wrong, the second character ..."

Anyang corrected his mistake.

At the same time, he also saw that he had recorded the first-class talent certification of the book of Conoport.

Alva murmured, reaching for a piece of paper, his name disappeared, and then he wrote the correct name again.

"Is there no problem now?"

"No problem."

"What is your age?"

"Seventeen, almost eighteen."

"Seventeen ..."

Alva was surprised again.

After a while, he added: "Because the outside talent test can only be used for reference, it is not 100% accurate, so everyone must re-test when they arrive at the tower. The certification of the book of Conoport is sufficient authority, But you do n’t seem to pass the pure talent test except the book of Conoport, so we need to conduct a test. "

Anyang nodded: "Okay ~ ~ Alva asked him to put his hand on the crystal ball and muttered something. His hand made two strange strokes in the air. The light in the room was bright and the expression of Alva was dull.

"First-rate talent, first-rate talent!"

He lowered his head and wrote something.

Anyang still didn't say a word, and it was the crystal ball that restricted his talent achievements, because only such a high talent could be tested.

If the test limit of the crystal ball is bigger ...

It is estimated that he has to suppress it deliberately.

After about five minutes, the registration process was over, and there was no registration fee. Alva gave him a medal, and then marked an invisible energy mark on his left hand, telling him that the registration was over, let him go out and wait arrangement.

During this period, Alva's attitude was becoming more and more moderate.

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