My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 655: The influence of the world (2 in 1)

The mystery in this world respects knowledge and Lou Luo definitely thinks that there is a reason or scruples for Anyang to go out to shock academics, the purpose is to hide his eyes and ears.

But there are too many such things, and he will not ask.

Anyang did have the idea of ​​avoiding him. After all, it is easy to attract attention in the tower, but the main reason is that he has to go to the battlefield to obtain the appropriate spell. Lou Luo gave it too badly.

After returning to the tower, it is basically a step-by-step study.

Anyang did not put down spells and arcane magic, and still spend some time every day studying books on spells and magic, but the focus is still on the mysterious system.

Energy meditation has been replaced by surgical arrays, but efficiency, which is a higher level among first-order scholars, is far less than his personal control. Spiritual meditation is of little significance. His mental strength has far exceeded the level of third-order scholars, and he is more accustomed to using the magic system of meditation to improve, but the effect of both methods is minimal.

The rest is to participate in free and paid courses of major instructors, read books frantically, constantly learn knowledge by all means, and gradually establish a clear and mysterious system.

At the same time, his mission rewards also came down, because he stayed on the battlefield for nearly three months, which was equivalent to carrying out several more missions than others, and later became more and more dangerous. The already rich rewards were accumulated to a considerable degree . In addition to a large number of magic stones, there are various forms of resources, which are very precious and useful, just supporting his recent consumption.

Instructor Lou Luo is still generous, and he doesn't even need to open his mouth. Various resources are continuously sent to him, and the value has far exceeded the magic stone he paid every month.

From this point, he seems to be an excellent mentor.

However, he still seldom gave Anyang guidance, and rarely taught Anyang other knowledge. Only when Anyang encountered a question to ask him, he would give an answer.

But Anyang also has its own channels.

The three third-tier academics enrolled this year all have a relationship with him. Anyang often listens to the courses they offer. Even if some courses cannot be learned, Shirley and Martin, but You three will also fully He conveyed.

Gradually, the relationship between Anyang and Gakap had become familiar, and Erila could also be considered.

In addition, there are other third-order scholars, second-order scholars, plus books and libraries obtained from Lou Luo, which basically constitute his source of knowledge. In terms of calculation, his relationship with Natalie should be the best, followed by the good-talking Gakap, but Gakap is the kind that has a good relationship with many people, and the gold content is not high enough.

It was another month before the blink of an eye.

The weather has gradually shifted from winter to spring. A few green shoots have grown on a tall dry tree outside Louluo Tower. The weather is slightly warmer. The birds begin to return and pass under Louluo Tower every morning. The ordinary people who serve trainees and academics are no longer covered with thick fur, and the whole land seems to start to wake up.

Anyang walked in the tall tower's library with two thick books, and finally found a seat by the window, opened the first book, and devoted himself to it.

The sunlight outside was very warm through the window and the branches of the ancient trees, making people unable to help squinting and taking a nap.

The name of this book is "Advanced Explanation of Controlled Array". It was obtained from Lou Luo. It mainly describes the advanced method of controlled array when first-level scholars impact second-level scholars. Advance with the academics, add more modules to the Spell Control Array to make it more powerful, and then cooperate with your own energy to achieve the purpose of strengthening the natal spell.

The first-order spells used in this life technique, but through the layer-by-layer strengthening of the spell control array, they can achieve the same power as the second-order spell and the third-order spell until they reach the limit.

Anyang flipped through the book very quickly, like playing, clattering, but every scribbled handwriting on the book had been printed into his mind and was also recorded by the bio-assist chip.

Fortunately, there was no one around. If someone wanted to see him turn the book at such a rapid rate, I am afraid he would still say that he was blasphemy. However, if these people knew that it took him only one month, they decided that the first-level scholars would impact the second-level scholars. I'm afraid they would be surprised to feel that the world is too unreal.

Anyang will occasionally stop and deduce in his mind, or use biological assist chips for calculation and simulation, which is the case. Rao has finished reading this book more than two hours later.


"It doesn't look difficult!"

Anyang murmured to himself.

The advanced process of surgical array control is still simpler than the establishment. After all, there is no need to find the appropriate surgical mode, nor the complicated construction process and huge activation energy.

In his eyes, this process is mainly to attach a module of a section of the enhanced surgical technique to the surgical control array, which makes the natal spell more complicated and large, and the more powerful amplification ability of the surgical control array makes the The order of life is more effective, avoiding the academics to advance, but the life of the order is only embarrassing.

The subtlety of this idea, Anyang also had to sigh!

It's just that this book is not well-documented ...

but it does not matter!

Anyang took out the second book lightly.

This book is thicker and more specific than the previous one. Lou Luo gave him the title of the book. He borrowed it from the library of the tower, and the price was very expensive.

However, Lou Luo still avoided a lot of detours for him. If he was looking for it himself, he would have to borrow several books, which would waste a lot of time and money.

Anyang lifted his sleeves, exposed his left wrist, and pointed the invisible mark to the cover of the book. After verifying and establishing the connection, he could see the content of the book. And in the process of reading, only he can see what is written in it, and others can only see a cloud of mist, which is a means of protecting intellectual rights in this world.

This is more advanced and exquisite than the paid reading of real-world online novels, and it guarantees the non-leakage of knowledge and the copyright interests of the original author.

His reading didn't come to an end until dusk.

Lou Luo recommended this book for him with no more words than the previous book, but the content recorded in it is very high in gold content, not mixed with water, and is full of important content. Anyang needs to spend more time to understand the enlightenment during the reading process. Almost every page needs to be stopped and deduced, and the process and results are simulated with the biochip.

So he has only watched about half.

This is the central area of ​​the Silent Tower. The light of the sunset passes through the gaps of many ancient towers, and the table made of red and dark wood is red, as if glowing.

When Anyang was about to leave, a sound of footsteps moved from far to near. He looked up and found that it was actually Natalie.

Natalie also stunned, apparently did not expect him to be here, and he came back to say hello: "Sir Ain, so coincidentally, you happen to be reading here."

"Yes, Master Natalie, what a coincidence."

Anyang stood up and sat down again.

Natalie also smiled and sat across from him, placing a thick book on the table, facing the sunset.

The **** light reflected her white face crystal clear, although not very beautiful, but full of intellectual beauty.

Since Natalie on the ship from the Blackwater Pier to the Silent Tower gave Anyang a book about academics and patiently made some answers for him, Anyang has had a lot for this gentle female academic Goodwill, of course, is not a goodwill between men and women, but a kind of goodwill that you feel that this person gets along well, without much bad thoughts.

Until later, when Boer said that she was the only space scholar in the tower, Anyang often went to her classes to learn about her knowledge in this area, and she became familiar with each other.

The relationship between the two is also very interesting.

At the beginning, Anyang was out of a listening state, shocked by the civilization's understanding of space in the place of origin, shocked by the greatness of this discipline, this feeling is probably like Einstein's desperate research on the principle of space and time and writing the theory of relativity After all, this mysterious thing really exudes endless appeal, making people want to solve the mystery.

This feeling probably also resonated with Natalie, otherwise she would not be so madly invested in this undisciplined subject with her qualifications. She was lonely for many years and finally found a person who could share her hobbies. People, it is just that the tower's restrictions on the knowledge of space science are not rigorous and specific. Many important knowledge are taught free and unreserved.

However, Anyang has received knowledge very quickly, and has a solid foundation and many personal experiences in this regard, but only lacks an opportunity to enter it. Now Natalie provided him with this opportunity, so he quickly integrated into it and learned that he can now communicate with Natalie and give her deep inspiration in many places.

This surprised Natalie with his learning speed, and also allowed Natalie to see the opportunity for space science to flourish. Until he returned from the battlefield, Natalie was even more surprised.

Anyang actually became a formal academician!

It must be mentioned that Lou Luo wanted to help Anyang to avoid the rigid rules about academics in the tower, and let him concentrate on improving himself, so as to become a second-level academic as soon as possible. In fact, he is still a trainee in his personal file, and Natalie is one of the few people who knows that he has been promoted to an academic.

"Sir Natalie, you have been so helpful to me, so don't call me Lord Ain, I am also your junior. I can't bear this title, just call me Ain."

"How does this work, we are the same now."

Natalie smiled and refuted him. Obviously she didn't care about this title, but she didn't want to change the rules.

Anyang shook his head helplessly, glanced at the book in front of Natalie, and was suddenly attracted by it, unable to look away.

This book is unusually old. The characteristic bronze shell is covered with rust stains, and even slightly corroded. I do n’t know how many years have passed. The paper inside was also severely yellowed and covered with dust, and it seemed that no one had touched it for a long time. The name written above is "The Influence and Judgment of Spatial Distance on Relative Time", which is also an ancient text.

Anyang has seen this kind of text. In a book in Lou Luo Laboratory, this kind of text is the text on the source of the tower. The book was also brought by the tower a long time ago.

He was a little surprised in his heart, but he glanced away and glanced back. After all, this behavior is not polite.

Natalie didn't mind at all, raised the book and smiled at him, "This is still the inspiration you gave me a few days ago, and I remembered that there is such a book in the library. Come and see. Even if you ca n’t study that point, you can answer a lot of doubts. This kind of puzzle from the unknown is always easy to satisfy. "

"Master Natalie is really easy to learn!"

"Smile, you are here ... oh!"

Natalie glanced inadvertently at the book in his hand, immediately made a surprised expression, and then glanced away with embarrassment.

Anyang pursed her lips and said nothing.

In fact, he didn't think it was rude, he just saw it accidentally, even if he touched other people's secrets, it was accidental, and there was no need to pay attention to it.

"Sir Natalie, I am very interested in the argument about the world coordinates you said last time. It happened to happen so today. I think it is a good opportunity for us to communicate. I do n’t know if Natalie has time. I want to know more about your views on world coordinates. "

"Of course no problem, what do you want to ask?"

"The coordinates of the Laceia continent at our feet are in terms of length and breadth, and the location of the ground is determined by two intersections, and it rises to three points after space, indicating the three-dimensional length, width and height, then you think between the world and the world How are the positions of the two established? Are there spatial and temporal correlations between them? Can the positions and these change? "

The basic questions Anyang asked were all about the system.

"I can roughly answer the first half of what you said, because this is the research conclusion made by the great scholars at the source of the tower. I do n’t have the ability to experiment, so most of what I know is from the book. Arriving, it is inevitable that there are some narrow points, and some places please forgive me. "

Anyang smiled and nodded, motioning her to continue.

"I have a book called" Selik Conclusion "that mentioned the research results of the ancient eighth-order magician, the world and the world are related, and there are also distances, but the world can not directly communicate with each other, only through Jumps and shuttles, so the distance here is not what we often say, the direction is meaningless, and there is no southeast and northwest. "

"It's not the usual distance, and there is no direction."

"Yes, Master Selik's answer to distance in a way I understand is a manifestation of the difficulty of shuttle between the world, or the size of the correlation."

"The greater the connection between the world and the world, the less difficult it is to shuttle, and you can easily shuttle from one world to another without much effort and huge energy. Master Celik uses the approach of the two worlds. To express this close relationship, conversely, the distance between the two worlds is applied for easy understanding. "

"In your words, this is distance in a broad sense, not distance in a narrow sense. This expression is very interesting."

Anyang seemed to understand, but this exceeded the scope of the highest technology he has come into contact with: "So no one knows what the world is like?"

Natalie was silent, and replied: "I have read two books about this. One of them is" Selik Conclusion ". As an eighth-order space magician, Master Selik thinks that there are two worlds. There is nothing between them, or between the two worlds is meaningless to us, and any living thing must exist in the world. "

"There is another book that thinks that each world is next to each other. The previously mentioned association is determined by the mutual influence of the world's" attributes ". The" attributes "are close to each other, and the impact is greater, especially when we are acting on the world. It ’s easy, that is, Master Selik said that the distance is closer. In fact, he believes that there is no distance between the worlds, only the differences between the worlds exist. "

"So which one do you prefer?"

"I personally prefer what Master Celik said. After all, the latter conclusion was only put forward by the unnamed people, and it may even be a random guess, and there is no experimental basis."

"That's it ..."

Anyang answered, sinking into deep contemplation.

Although he often travels through the world, these theories are still too far away for him, including the means by which the system changed time, including the origin of the world, and the eighth-order divine art that only exists in ancient mythology in this world By. So even if he has a system as a verification, it is difficult to tell which of the two statements is more correct.

The two theories are not the same, but there are similarities. It seems that they can prove some of the system's practices, but when he asks, the system does not give him a clear answer.


Anyang only struggled when he could not solve the math problem on the eve of the college entrance examination, but he did n’t struggle so much, nor did he have to struggle so long, because after returning home from school, Ji Weiwei explained to him two carefully all over. However, no one can answer his question now, and even the resurrection of the ancient magician cannot give a definite answer.

And he knows that the nature of this world is also very different from the real world, not only the rules and attributes are different, but also the nature of the space, which naturally affects the conclusion.

This world is divided into many spaces for some natural reason. Flying upwards from the place of origin is still space, but if it goes too far, it will be blocked by space barriers. Unlike the real world, you can enter the infinite space. The entire world Is a whole. This belongs to the reason when the universe was derived, and people in this world are not foolish enough to think that the place where they originate is the whole world. , And developed a means to shuttle between each other.

This discovery is far greater than the earth. If the earth is in the place of origin, it is absolutely difficult to find that it is not the whole universe, but the mysteries have done it.

Generally speaking, the shuttle is basically a shuttle between the plane and the plane. As for going to another world, only the theory in this respect, Anyang does not know whether anyone can do it. After all, the years that are too far away are enough to turn many real things into myths. If there is no substantive inheritance, it is difficult to distinguish true from false, and no one can go to the field to investigate.

But this can certainly be done, and yourself is an example!

Anyang wants to know the specific operation principle and whether the legendary scholars in this world can be powerful enough to travel through the ancient world.

Natalie gave him some digestion time, and then raised the book in his hand and said: "As you asked later, this book already mentioned that the distance of the world determines the mutual influence of the world, or the strength of the mutual influence. Even if the distance is close, time will naturally be affected, and there are many conditions that affect it, such as different rules, mutual influence, etc. "

"I know, the formula for calculating the ratio of space to space is the principle used."

"Yes, this is the influence of time correlation. No matter which adult ’s conclusion, whether there is anything between space and whether the distance is physical or nothing, the influence between the two has been confirmed. This influence must involve time, and the change in the size of the influence must also change the proportion of time, which can also be said to be a change in distance. "


Anyang didn't say anything, and was shocked.

There is really something in common between different civilizations, as if they are constantly verifying the different paths of the road, and the same paths are the same.

Natali ’s mouth-to-world influence is like the gravitational potential in real-world space-time theory. Gravity potential can change the world. This has been proven in the theory of relativity. The time of the earth is slower than the time of space because the gravity of the earth changes the mass and speed, resulting in time changes. It is also the principle that the time near the black hole passes more slowly.

Astronauts flew out of space. The relative time should have been slower due to the speed of the spacecraft, but because the speed of the spacecraft was still not enough, the slowness was not obvious, which could not offset the influence of the earth ’s gravitational potential. On the contrary, the time on the watch is more than that of the earth.

If the world really has influence, then it will inevitably affect each other's time. Everything Natalie said can be proved ~ ~ This civilization is really incredible.

It is still not known whether the system brings the time axis of Doomsday World closer to the Divine World, whether it shortens the distance between the two worlds or changes the influence between the two worlds.

Natalie continued contemplatively: "As for whether the position between the worlds can change, I have not read the specific records, but if it is the distance in a broad sense, according to my guess, if the power of an adult can be strong beyond The influence of the world should be able to do this. "

Anyang nodded silently and didn't speak.

I don't know when I was sitting alone in the distance, listening to the two talking about this unpopular but incomprehensible knowledge, they were all confused, and their eyes gradually looked up to them.

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