My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 656: task

In addition to ‘distance’, the direction between the world and the world has no meaning. Distance is a popular saying based on mutual influence, and time is also related ...

Anyang's understanding of the world is clear.

From Natalie, he undoubtedly got a lot of useful puzzles. Although there is no substantive help for him, as Natalie said, this kind of puzzles for the unknown is very easy for people Satisfaction. He firmly believes that one day he must be able to spy on the world and the nature of the world, but he still has a long way to go to grow up to that time.

"Thank you, Master Natalie."

"No thanks, it's just communication anyway."

"It's not early, so I will go back first."

"Okay, I stay here to read. I have a preference. I like to come to the library at night and be quieter."

"See you then, Master Natalie."

"Okay ... wait a minute!"

Anyang turned around, heard Natalie's words, and turned to look at her again: "Anything else?"

Natalie stared at the book in his hand and finally couldn't help but ask: "Frankly speaking, you ... are you ready to shock the second-tier academics so quickly?"


Anyang was outspoken.

Natalie couldn't hide the deep shock in her eyes.

"Genius, you are really a genius!"

"You flatter me."

"But ... I still remind you that Lord Lou ’s students seem to be advancing quickly, but their own strength is often unable to keep up, causing many of them to die when they are out of the task. Although you do n’t know meditation like they do , But your promotion speed is also faster than them, the time taken is too short, other disciplines may not keep up, and other knowledge is also. "

"I see, thank you for your reminder."

"No need to say that, I just said it casually."

"Well, then I will go back first."

Anyang turned and left, and finally glanced at the ancient book in her hand, remembering the name of the ancient book, and also remembering the author in the lower right corner, it was the eighth-level magician Selik.

Go back to the tower and prepare to shock the second-order academics.

Lou Luo seems to have been busy with his work recently, and it seems that he is seeing that he is teaching him regularly at a critical moment, but the knowledge is still very fixed. He never taught Anyang other auxiliary knowledge of academics, including various important subjects, and only told Anyang how to become an academic and how to be promoted to a second-level academic.

In his eyes, the faster the promotion, the better. The academic rank seems to be all, but this has been proved to be a wrong or even absurd thinking in the entire mysterious world.

Most of the grades only determine the energy and spiritual power of the mystery. The power and status of the mystery come from knowledge, specifically the mastery of various university subjects and techniques. A mystery without knowledge is just an empty shell, with a body of energy in the air but no good way to use it, just like a good car plus no more gasoline and no engine can't run.

It should be understood that the status of the mystery now comes from the technique of array control, not the energy of the mystery itself. The same is true of the knowledge of space science that Anyang is most interested in. The legendary powerful mysteries travel through the world through space knowledge and corresponding technologies, rather than relying on strength to tear the space barriers, whether academics or warlocks are similar. .

He somewhat understands why all the disciples before Lou Luo died in the task, so that the scholars who came out of the ducks are just fat and only have the appearance and no knowledge.

What can I do on the battlefield? Can't do anything!

Having said that, under Lou Luo's inexhaustible supply of resources, and under Lou Luo's personal guidance, Anyang's promotion to second-tier academics has accelerated a lot.

He also did not resist this, because Lou Luo did not know that his ability to accept knowledge in various subjects was equally incredible, and he often went to courses of major instructors, as well as the bio-assisted chip cheater, and other two The knowledge base of this world can be used as a proof, etc. Lou Luo's no matter how he fills the duck, it only helps his growth.

After all, Anyang cannot become a fat duck.

Another month later, he successfully became a second-order academic, and the speed was even shocking to Lou Luo.

Lou Luo has been in the Silent Tower for nearly two hundred years. Before that, he was already a trainee. His qualifications are in the second-class downstream, which is not bad, but it still took eight years to become an academic after the Silent Tower. It took more than thirty years to become a second-level scholar, and after nearly a hundred years, the lifespan was almost exhausted before becoming a third-level scholar, and has remained so far.

It took Anyang several months to complete what he had done for more than 40 years. I do n’t know how shocking this will be.

It was also at this time that the war between the Silent Tower and Smer Manor was further expanded, and it was no longer limited to the category of islands, and some conflicts began to erupt in all aspects.

In the mission area, new war missions come out every day. It is no longer limited to the island to participate in the confrontation between the two sides, but a variety of missions. Hunt the defectors, find out the spies hidden in the silent tower of Smyr Manor, hunt down a defeated Smer unit, even defeat a Smer unit, and guard the outside strongholds of the tower, etc ... …

These tasks are rewarding, but not many people take it.

Anyang did not pick up.

Although his magic stone is used quickly, he gained a lot in battlefield missions two months ago. He also has various ways to obtain the magic stone, and the efficiency of making rewards for participating in the mission is too low.

Therefore, Anyang is definitely the least out of many Luo Lou students in the past, no one!

A few days after he was promoted to a second-level academic, in Lou Luo's laboratory, the two whispered questions and answers.

"The second-level academics mainly need to know these things, you should remember it all? The first-level academics' experiments will probably show you, so don't worry!"

"I know, as for other subjects ..."

"I said you do n’t have to worry, your talents are better not to waste, as soon as you can advance to the next level. Knowledge of other disciplines is important, but you will not be able to learn in a while, you see that you are all second-level scholars. First-level scholars have n’t mastered some basic experiments. How can they involve other disciplines, or wait until they stabilize afterwards. "

"……I know."

"Well." Lou Luo nodded lightly, and asked again, "Do you know what happened to Tower and Smaller recently?"

Anyang frowned: "I know."

Lou Luo's face was somber and he sighed and said, "Recently, there is a shortage of people in the tower! Everyone is unwilling to go to the battlefield when it comes to war, and our third-tier scholars can't do it. A group of white-eyed wolves are usually very active in taking things from the tower. When they pay for the tower, they will not speak. They really want to fire! "

Anyang looked at Lou Luo: "You mean ..."

"My meaning is very simple. As one of the third-tier academics who dominates the tower, all other third-tier academics have students on the battlefield and stand alone. Only my students are still in the tower. And you are not a trainee now Moreover, as a formal academician, I have to complete the tower ’s mission indicators every year. Usually it is usually guarding, but now the situation is different ... "

"Do you want me to participate in battle missions?"

Anyang is quiet, just now Lou Luo also said that he should let his mind focus on advanced, and if the information is correct, Lou Luo's former students died in the task, right?

Lou Luo's face was still gloomy: "I don't force you, you decide for yourself! Should I pay for the tower!"

Anyang looked helpless: "I know."

Lou Luo didn't speak, but waved his hand to show off.

Anyang left silently.

The academics in the high tower do indeed complete the mission indicators stipulated by the high tower every year. After all, the high tower has trained you, and you should of course pay some return. These task indicators are mainly academic tasks and outing tasks. Academic tasks are how many courses are set up each year to enroll students to cultivate fresh blood for the tower. The outgoing tasks are more dangerous. Usually, the task of going out is to guard the external station of the tower, such as the Blackwater Pier and the Metropolitan College, but Lou Luo has already said that this time is special.

Lou Luo obviously hoped that he could participate in some tasks that met the status of a second-order academic. The degree of danger can be imagined, and Anyang received so many benefits from him, obviously unable to refuse.

In the afternoon, Anyang received a message that Lou Luo had reported his identity as a second-order academic to the tower. This news caused a shock to the entire high-rise of the silent tower, and the trainee who came to modify his identity mark also came directly. In Lou Luogao Tower, he did not dare to let him personally run over and modify the information on his mark and badge to be a second-order academic.

One day later--

Anyang came to the task bulletin board and crossed the following tasks ~ ~ and looked directly at the most difficult ones.

"Participate in the battle against Haiti."

"Kill Grim, the first-order warlock who killed Smel."

"Encirclement and suppress the second-level warlock curse."


Anyang glanced roughly and selected one of the most difficult and the most rewarding task.

Hunt down the second-order warlock Dona!

Task details: Dona is a second-level warlock in Smel Manor. He has strong combat power and fierce means, but he was seriously injured by the high tower scholars in the Haitian campaign and fled. The high tower scholars left on Dona. In order to trace the mark, I hope that some scholars can go to kill. Reward a dragon blood flower, a moon elf, one hundred thousand magic stones, music conch ...

"With such a generous reward to publish missions, are the battlefield scholars of the Tower unable to make a move? It seems that, as Lou Luo said, the staff is very nervous!"

Anyang was a little tempted.

In fact, Lou Luo means at most that he is allowed to participate in the fiercest Haitian confrontation as a second-order academic, but this mission of killing Dona is obviously more dangerous than participating in the Haitian confrontation. The warlocks are not easy to mess with, otherwise the tower will not be like this when the overall strength is dominant.

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