My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 658: You are more than a Tier 2 scholar!

This is probably in the northern part of the Federation. The temperature is colder than that of the Silent Tower. The Silent Tower has begun to enter the spring. It is still at the border between winter and spring.

The wind in the mountains is very cold and biting.

Anyang was not afraid, and looked at the book intently.

The night is getting deeper.

The city below is still brightly lit, and it can be seen that this main city is developing very well, and its scale is not small, and it is prosperous and prosperous.

This view can only be seen in the northern part of the Federation.

The south is still very poor and backward. It is a paradise for knights. Without advanced ideas and inflated purses, even in the main city of the Grand Duke, such a prosperous scene cannot be seen.



A dark red streamer broke through the sky from the brightly lit city, suddenly exploded at more than 200 meters, and turned into countless sparse light spots scattered in the dark night sky.

Anyang was suddenly awakened, looked up and looked up.


The exploded light spots slowly fell and gradually dimmed until they were completely dark, and the ashes drifted with the wind.

But it was like a pioneer, a beacon, a stone that fell into the water, and stirred up thousands of waves.

Immediately after it—

"Suddenly ..."

The dark light in the city below rushed up to the sky, continuously exploding, illuminating the night sky and this dark mountain forest.

Anyang closed the book in his hand and looked down.

"Is it Spring Festival so soon?"

The fire in the fire was shaken by the wind, and the fireworks exploding in the sky were reflected in his eyes, and his face was suddenly bright and dark, and he suddenly felt some emotion.

He knows that there is also a Chinese Spring Festival or Christmas holiday in the northern part of the Federation, but probably because there are two such festivals in a year, it is not so unique. One of the festivals is called Qiuqing, which is mainly to celebrate the harvest, and there is also a ceremony marking the beginning of the year and the recovery of the earth. It is now the Spring Festival in the northern part of the Federation.

The fireworks underneath are still on and blooming.

Fireworks are very old, similar to the fireworks fired in ancient China. They are not very beautiful, but it is still very touching to see such a lively competition.

Some people are easily excited in the lively, some people will find loneliness in the brilliant lights, the more prosperous and dreamy, the more they contrast their loneliness, and will never be happy.

He has been in this world for so long.

What happened to people who don't know the real world.

Anyang shook his head, not thinking about it.

At this moment, a voice came from behind him—

"Pretty pretty?"

This voice is very dry, not like human voice, but like Transformers' voice, a little mechanical sound.

Anyang nodded and turned slightly.


What was in sight was a tall, thin man, covering everything with a cloak, and a mist filled his face, obviously concealing it deliberately, and even processing the sound.

The mysterious man was a little surprised by his calmness, but did not say much. As soon as he raised his hand, a black light shot at him!


A few tassels appeared in Anyang's side instantly, revealing a fascinating beauty in the darkness, and suddenly greeted the black light.

The black light and the purple-red tassel collided in the air, flashing a hazy light, both cancelled each other and dissipated in the darkness.

The mysterious man was surprised again: "Purple red tassel! This is the technique of Grim at Smer Manor, how can you?"

Anyang looked at him: "Smer Manor, also knows Gree, it seems that you are the one of our silent tower?"

"Huh, I look down on you!"

The mysterious man didn't answer him, the cloak shook suddenly behind him, and the endless black gas emanated from behind him, covering the hillside with a blink of an eye, dimming the fireworks.

Anyang didn't move, only said lightly: "Yes, the third-tier academic who is best at fighting in the tower is really powerful!"

The mysterious man paused, and the black gas suddenly stopped spreading.

He took off the hood of the cloak, waved his hand to disperse the fog on his face, and exposed Lou Luo's terrifying face of the corpse, glancing gloriously at Anyang: "How do you know it is me?"

Sure enough, Lou Luo!

Anyang revealed his color.

"I'm afraid I know more than that. Many people have guessed that your students all died in the task, which is too ridiculous. It's just that you are the most powerful third-tier academic, even the investigation team in the tower. Dare to doubt your head. But I have checked carefully, all of your students are fast-advanced academics, and then go to the task, and then die. "

"You require students to pay a lot of magic stones every month, just want to make your students crazy to participate in tasks, so as to create opportunities for you, or make their death more reasonable?"

"You only teach students to advance quickly, but don't teach them how to use energy to become a qualified academic. Also to make them leave a weak impression in other people's hearts? Such they don't even die when they go out on a task Some people will be surprised. Unfortunately, you met me, a person who does not lack magic stones, so you can only force me to participate in the mission! "

"Moreover, the weaker academics of the Tower are dying in their missions, are you doing so much?"

"I really underestimated you!"

"It's not that you underestimate me. It's just about my safety. I'm more attentive than other unrelated people!"

"What about that, some people used to wake up, but third-order scholars want to kill a first-order scholar. It's too easy, and second-order scholars are not much better! Even if you know that I want your life again, Anyway, it ’s useless even if you want to call for help now! One of my natal methods is to cut off the barrier! It ’s just a pity that you have the ultimate talent ... "

"Why are you doing this?"

Anyang is still calm.

"Why, 桀桀 桀, haven't I told you that academics are selfish? Of course it is for myself! I can become an academic who is comparable to the tower master not only by hard work, but also by my lovely group of people. The students sacrificed the nourishment they provided for me! Including you! I couldn't help it, but I still managed to raise you into a second-order academic! "

"Cultivate ... Oh!" Anyang's face gloomed.

"Yes, the students in the past were at most first-order, and now it is difficult to find a talented person. I naturally want to raise you fatter and provide me with more nutrients!"

"That's nothing to say!"

"It's so arrogant, do you naively think that second-order scholars can't fight third-order scholars?"

Anyang sneered and began to read the spell directly.

A **** yin-yang fish pattern appeared on his arm, and a kind of positive energy began to accumulate quickly.

Lou Luo stared at him and immediately frowned: "What is this?"

"Do you know, my mentor, I have been waiting for you for a long time along the way! The world is infinite, Qiankun borrows the law!"

Lou Luo couldn't understand what he said last, but it didn't prevent him from perceiving the violent world energy of the moment.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Several consecutive explosions sounded, which were more fierce than the fireworks under the mountain. Most of them exploded in Lou Luo's defensive style, but some of the power directly affected him.


Lou Luo was unresponsive, and immediately spurted a spit of blood. His cloak was blown up and his body was bloody, but he was still. He still looked at Anyang.

"You hide so deep!"

"I said, I'm waiting for you all the way!"

"Ji Jie, you just passed a small amount of attack power over my defensive spell and directly acted on me. Is it the unreal blow of another warlock in Smel Manor?"

"Master Lou Luo has good eyesight!"

One of Anyang's natal methods, Unreal Strike.

The direct effect of this technique is to issue an attack with illusory attributes, to pass the other party's defense or camouflage, confusion, etc., to directly apply the attack to the other party's body, so as to achieve a game term similar to the real world-'real strike The effect of 'can also be given to this attribute for other attacks, as well as the effect of seeing through unreal.

Of course, the effects are limited, depending on the individual level of the caster and the strength of the opponent's spellcasting methods.

If overcoming the defensive technique can fully convey the power of Qiankun's borrowing, Lou Luo has just been killed.

"If it wasn't for today, I really don't know that you were actually sent by Smer! You have been hiding in the tower for so long, no matter what the plot is, it is now over! I didn't expect Smer's Manor, except for Gree. There is also a genius who is so good at hiding, but fortunately, you have not been given the opportunity to grow, otherwise the advantages of our tower may be overturned! "

"When did you say so much!"

"Jin Jie!"

Lou Luo wiped the blood on his body, his body suddenly shocked, the black smoke behind him swept toward Anyang.

Anyang frowned. Although the defensive ability of the purple-red tassel was strong, its weakness was that it was difficult to defend against spreading attacks, and it was helpless against invisible attacks. For example, no matter how active the purple tassels defend, the high-temperature force field cannot be blocked. The black mist in front of Lou Luo is almost invisible, and it is spreading all over the world. Purple red tassels are hard to resist.

He immediately remembered the spell of the arcane barrier.


With a buzz, a layer of azure arcane barrier shielded him and kept the black mist firmly outside.

Similar to the defensive spells of the scholars who walk the world all rely on the defensive spells of the magical array, the magician of Azeroth can only dare to enter the battlefield by relying on the spell of the arcane barrier!

Then Anyang's mantra hasn't stopped ~ ~ Various languages ​​are interleaved, oscillating completely different energy fluctuations.

The energy of the heavens and earth around them was gathered together, forming a complex and mysterious mantra on the ground, forming a magic circle, and suddenly a huge white cloud barrier rose around.

Zhou Tian Da Luo body protection technique!

"Click! Click! Click ..."

A stream of blue-and-white lightning split down and formed a huge wall of lightning on the mountainside.

Great momentum!

The lightning barrier used by Medivh in the film and television plot!

The fireworks in the main city under the mountain are all suspended. Everyone looks at the white light and lightning on the side of the mountain. As they generally do not believe in God, their expressions are basically dull.

Then Lou Luo finally felt the energy fluctuations he was familiar with, and the mysterious energy surged out, forming a shield outside Anyang, and greatly slowed the spread of black mist.

Second-order defense: slow barrier!

The black mist was blocked so much that it couldn't survive.

Lou Luo was breathing a little harder: "You are not from the Smer Manor, and you are not a second-order academic. Who are you? What is the purpose of mixing into the Silent Tower?"

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