My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 659: It's almost over!

"Do you still have the qualification to ask this sentence?"


Lou Luo didn't think he could threaten himself, but he was too lazy to spend much time with him, seeing the real chapter directly under his hands.

"Boom ..."

The whole ground began to tremble violently, like an earthquake. Anyang cracked a gap under his feet, and at the same time countless black mist condensed into substance, sealing the surroundings.

"No matter what, you have to die!"

Lou Luo said somberly, the energy overflowed between the waves!

Mountain weathered into a cold knife, constantly rotating around Anyang, challenging the limits of his defense.

The violent wind easily lifted large stones of several tons in weight, and the trees on the entire mountainside were uprooted, raging on the spells and lightning barrier released by Anyang.

There is a calm in the city under the mountain, and even the fireworks are no longer set off, and everyone is watching the wind blowing in this side.

Under the light of Zhou Tian Da Luo's body protection technique and the lightening barrier, the dark mist and the huge tree that swept through the sky can be clearly seen, and it also looks particularly terrifying!

The life-threatening adventurer has come here to steer horses, and the noble children of the aristocracy are secretly brought in guards to keep up with it. It happens to be a grand festival of the Spring Festival. Can have a lot of rewarding exploration experience. If they can write like many legends, it will make them even more excited!


The earth and the sky are making horrible noises.

A boulder hit the lightning barrier and made a loud noise like thunder, even the city could hear clearly.


The boulder shattered, but the barrier remained intact.

Several pieces of boulders ran over, and finally a ton of boulders broke through the blockade of the lightning barrier and hit Anyang, followed by a series of cold winds of cold swords.


These attacks were all blocked by Zhou Tian Da Luo's body protection technique, and failed to pose a threat to Anyang at all.

The gap of the lightning barrier will soon be restored!

"Since that is the case, let me try you!"

Anyang stood staring at Lou Luo while standing in the center of defensive means and sky attack. Suddenly, he swooped on the ground, and the endless crimson flame rose from the earth with a loud sound.


The flames swept madly, and turned into a giant dragon that was 100 meters long, flying around him, against the cold wind and the huge tree, and the fire light illuminated half of the sky!

Lou Luo waved his hand, and the black mist immediately condensed into a figure of a fierce beast, roaring and running on the earth, flying in the sky, at least hundreds of times, rushed towards Anyang!

Anyang was also not afraid, waved dozens of pieces of paper, and the sound of a rapid spell came out, one piece of paper filled up against the wind, and turned into dozens of soldier puppets when he landed.


A black arrow instantly penetrated a black shadow.

Soldier puppets do n’t go out to face the strong wind and the impact of the giant tree, nor do they confront the Lou Luo shadow. As the highest class of evil puppets with certain IQs, they stand on the lightning barrier and Zhou Tianda Luo Within the protection area of ​​the body protection technique, a bow is used to shoot arrows, and the arrows continue to disperse the shadows, but the shadows cannot cross the lightning barrier.

"Well, you really have a little way!"

Lou Luo snorted, and the black smoke surging again behind him turned into an overwhelming shadow, all rushing towards the lightning barrier!

In just an instant, the world is full of beasts and shadows, almost covering the dazzling blue and white light of the lightning barrier!

Anyang has a heavy complexion, so it does n’t matter whether the lightning barrier can support the main, energy consumption is a huge number.

Thousands of purple-red tassels suddenly appeared around his body, and the light spot dragged a thin line to swim in the air. As he waved his hand, he brushed all the shadows flying out.

Blasted silently.

When the shadows are all broken up, Anyang ’s mysterious energy also consumes a large part. After all, although his performance control array is strong, the energy consumption is not ambiguous at all!

Lou Luo pulled out a scary smile, and felt that the energy radiation on him was obviously weakened, which basically meant that he could not hold it for a long time, and the victory ticket was in hand.

"Come out, earth lava!"

After a murmured spell

"Boom ..."

The cracks in the earth were getting bigger and bigger, and a blazing glow emerged from it. A giant with a height of three or four meters climbed out, and the eyes and mouth showed the red light of magma.

"A lava giant ..."

Anyang swept his eyes and stepped on the ground!


Is also a long spell

The boulders flying in the sky stopped slowly, landed on the ground, and began to gather together under some force to form a stone giant with a height of five meters, at least tens of tons!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

The lava giant ran forward and stepped into the raging range of the strong wind and the giant tree, ignoring these indiscriminate attacks. The stone giant also rushed forward and rushed out of the defense range of the lightning barrier. Two huge monsters made by different power systems collided in the center, and suddenly issued a series of loud noises that shook the mountains and shocked the ears !

"Boom ..."

The earth seems to be trembling by being trampled on them!

The stone giant and the lava giant immediately fought furiously, and easily broke through the big tree. With a slap, they could shoot a few tons of stone, and hit the crushed stone with a fist. The fierce and extraordinary!

Although the lava giant is slightly smaller, the lava on the body is also invalid for the stone giant, but the strength is not much worse than the stone giant, and the number is more! After playing for ten rounds, the stone giant, who has been rushing to and fro, and has no strength in his eyes, even the transformers, fell down. Soon after, a stone giant was crushed into rubble!

Third-order scholars are really extraordinary!

But the stone giant also has an advantage


As Anyang read a short spell again, the fingerprint on his hand changed a little, and a pile of rubble on the ground was piled up and reorganized again. The stone giant just stood up again!


The battle scenes of both sides went straight and dusty!

The strong wind in the air dismembered the stone giant, and the stone and the big tree kept hitting the stone giant, disturbing the movement of the stone giant, and slowing down the speed of the stone giant. The huge fire dragon flying in the air also continuously hit the lava giant into the sky, burning the trees and blocking the giant stone; the soldiers also aimed at the eyes and mouth of the lava giant under the command of Anyang!

"Ji Jie, you have a lot of secrets!"

楼 * smiled awkwardly, but did not specify what he saw through Anyang, only increased his attack strength.

"Now, let's get started!"

A series of spells were pronounced from his mouth.

"Life is drawn!"

In an instant, Lou Luo's body seemed to have an invisible vortex, not only vitality, including many weak souls were sucked in, and even the soul fragments were not let go.

The stone giant fell down with a bang, but all the stones still maintained the appearance of giants, and the soldiers were still.

Although they are strong, they are, after all, temporary souls composed of scattered soul fragments between heaven and earth. This kind of soul is weak, and its stagnation is not high. When encountering Lou Luo, it can not only see the weakness of the stone giants and soldiers. People who can use a wide range of soul destruction techniques can't resist! But the whole army was wiped out at once, and it still caused some headaches.

It is still a fire dragon that needs human control!

Fortunately, the grass that was not blown up by the wind also dried up at a rate that was visible to the naked eye, and all the underground creatures and insects turned into dry corpses. This half-mountainside instantly became lifeless.

Even the fastest group of adventurers and aristocratic children were affected, and their vitality and soul were drained directly!

"What a terrifying power, a wide range!"

Anyang said with a heavy admiration, and suddenly a sapphire ancient sword appeared in his hand. He murmured a few words and threw it into the sky, which turned into thousands of sword lights, densely arranged neatly.

"Unfortunately my soul is not something you can shake!"

"go with!"

"Come on ..."

Thousands of Daoguang slashed through the night sky, even pierced the blockade of the black mist. The speed was extremely fast and shot towards Lou Luo.

Lou Luo did not speak, and the black mist outside quickly waved towards himself and waved to condense into a huge bird. The giant bird spread his wings to protect him under his body, blocking it tightly, and at the same time he also lit up. The layer of azure blue barrier is probably his natal defense. The two-layer defense means are superimposed on each other, and finally all the sword lights are blocked.

About half an hour later

Anyang used three methods: the spell system, the arcane magic system, and the mysterious system. Almost all of his techniques were tested on Lou Luo, but the effect was very unsatisfactory. Probably the mysterious system in this world is really good at killing, especially the technique of array control, which makes him useless means and many attacks have been stopped.

Facts have proved that if there is no unreal blow, he may not have beaten the third-tier academics in this world.

Although his total energy is even higher!

But Lou Luo also tried his best to help him!

"It's time to start serious!"

Anyang's eyes are dignified ~ ~ A **** yin-yang fish pattern appears in one hand, and an ancient sword is thrown into a thousand sword lights in one hand.

Unreal Strike of Life-Scheming is also used!

"The world is infinite, Qiankun borrows the law!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

Lou Luo was beaten again and again with flesh and blood.

"go with!"

"Brush ..."

Thousands of sword lights cut through the night sky, although most of them were blocked by Lou Luo's double defense, but under the effect of illusory strikes, many sword lights passed through, leaving little power to strike Lou Luo left blood holes.

Just ten minutes later, Lou Luo fell into the disadvantage!

"It's almost time to end!"

Anyang pointed his finger, and the lightning barrier suddenly expanded!

At the same time, he murmured a few times, and a stone giant stood up immediately on the ground, followed by a silver-white sci-fi cannon with a length of four or five meters on the shoulder of the stone giant. At least more than ten tons, the barrel was very irregular. It is not a circular one, it is the laser cannon removed from the mecha of the Holy Light!

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