My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 671: Anyou

"Are you there?"

A very short sentence, but makes Anyang very confused, An You is an ordinary person who will never find his character!

Turning down, she didn't just utter this sentence. [Full text reading]

"Have you traveled again?"

"Reply to me as soon as I see the news!"


Anyang's expression was a little dignified. It seemed that this little Nizi was very anxious, and the news was half a month ago.

Half a month ago ... seems to be when the university opened?

Anyang turned to the bottom, and the last message was sent to him half a month ago.

"Your sister Xue'er dropped out!"

Xiao Xueer dropped out?

Some of Anyang couldn't believe it, and he didn't even have time to control the wording in Anyou's words.

In his impression, Xiao Xueer is also a good student. Although his grades are not as good as Anyou, and he has loosened a lot with the public after he went to university, he still loves to learn, otherwise Xiao Xueer would not be able to get benefits at first. State University of Science and Technology. But how could she drop out of school for no reason? And Anyou is so anxious that there must be something for him to help.

Anyang sat up from Comrade Xiaoqian's lap and immediately adjusted the dial page to Xiao Xueer's number, but he thought about it and replaced Xiao Xueer's number with An You.

Don't ask yourself this kind of thing.

Xiao Qian leaned back on the sofa, staring at him quietly, lazy, gentle and calm, without asking him anything.

It didn't take long for the phone to be connected.

The voice of An You Tian Nuo Nuo Nuo-


"Hey, it's me."

"I know, Anyang, right?"


"Are you finally willing to call?"

"I have been working on a project the other day, and my phone is blocked, I just saw your text message."

An You was silent for a while before saying: "You definitely want to ask about Xue'er. I can't tell clearly on the phone. I'm skipping my class to the coffee house on the left side of the school gate waiting for you."

"... Can't you say on the phone?"

"……can not say it clearly."

"……it is good."

The phone was hung up directly.

Anyang looked helplessly to Comrade Xiaoqian: "Xiaoyou asked me to go out as if something happened to Xueer."

Comrade Xiaoqian understood the gentle smile: "Xiaoyou rarely finds something to find you, go. This is a good opportunity. Remember to come back early. If Fuer's sister Xue'er, I think she has it when I go back to Yancheng Mind, it ’s just that Xiaoyou did n’t see it. Maybe something happened at home. If we can help, we need to help. "

Xiaoqian thought about everything and almost dispelled Anyang's concerns, making Anyang stop talking several times.

Xiao Xueer has always regarded him as a dependency. If he can help him, he will naturally help him, but he is afraid that Comrade Xiaoqian has any ideas, but did not expect Xiaoqian to have taken this into consideration.

"Well, then I will leave."

"Fun Jun remember to come back early!"

"it is good!"

Anyang took Comrade Xiaoqian's face again, biting on the soft red lips and sucking on each other, it took a long time to separate.

Go out!

Anyang just walked out of the villa, and there was a sound of footsteps.

A figure in a white T-shirt and light blue skinny jeans bypassed the flower bed and appeared in his eyes. She took a brisk step and threw herself into Anyang's arms.

In an instant Wen Yu was full of arms.

This naturally felt the rabbit essence of his breath!

Anyang can feel the exquisiteness of the rabbit's fine figure, and can smell the natural scent on her body, but he was too late to keep warm with the rabbit's essence. The face, looking at the pure face, but with hidden endless charm, the eyes still shone with the excitement of seeing him.

"I'm going out, my sister has something to find me, come back soon, come back and play with you again, okay?"

The rabbit seemed to be incomprehensible, looked up at him halfway with his head up, and grasped his clothes tightly with both hands and refused to let go.

"Good, obedient!"

The rabbit stared at him without speaking ...

"I'll be back soon." Anyang tempted.

The rabbit essence stretched out its two ears, staring at him with its head tilted, and continued to launch a cute attack ...

Time is running out, Anyang immediately surrendered his weapon.

"... Well, you go with me!"

The rabbit essence jumped up excitedly, hopped twice in the same place, closed his ears back, and showed a smug smile at the corner of his mouth, and turned to stand closely beside Anyang.

At this time, Xiao Chan and Huang Lan came together ...

Anyang greeted them and said that he wanted to go out immediately, and then took the rabbit essence to the parking lot.


The small convertible that was transformed by the energy body made a low buzzing sound, and rushed out of the garage directly, speeding down with the technology and speed that professional racing drivers can't reach.

Soon he arrived at the door of Anyou School.

"You are in the car, understand?"

The rabbit thought for a long time and nodded.

Anyang parked the car on the side of the road, opened the door and did not forget to tell the rabbit spirit: "Stay in the car, don't run around, don't go out when someone tells you to go out, understand?"

Rabbit Jing nodded again.

Anyang went to the coffee house with confidence.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Anyou. This nizi was sitting in a window-side position, and could just see his little convertible.

Anyang walked over and sat down: "Wait for a long time?"

"No, you just came, you are quite fast." An You stirred the coffee in the cup with a spoon, and pointed at the little hood parked on the roadside outside the window: "New girlfriend?"

Anyang: "..."

After thinking about it, he explained: "That's Xiao Qian's cousin in a distant house, who has lived with us recently."

"Oh." An You expressionless.

"... Let's talk about Cher."

"Alright." An You put the spoon down, and after stirring for so long, she didn't want to drink, and began to talk about Xiao Xue'er.

Her voice was soft and sweet, but there was no expression.

Anyang's expression was a little trance. In the impression, the two siblings seemed to rarely sit together and talk about one thing, even if they only talked to another person.

At the same time, he also learned from Anyou's remarks that the business in Xiao Xueer's family suffered a major setback a few months ago, but her parents did not tell her, and it has been piled up.

By last month, all the contradictions finally broke out. The bond crisis and trust crisis that almost caused the company to collapse. The pressure of funds and the lack of supply became the straw that killed the camel. Can't afford to get sick, a group of white-eyed wolves saw that the momentum was not divided and divided up the remaining benefits, and in the end almost nothing was left.

"So Cher dropped out?"

"Well, on the one hand it is difficult to afford the tuition, on the other hand she has to go back and take care of her parents lying in the hospital."

"Can't afford the tuition?" Anyang frowned.

No matter how Xiao Xue'er's family still has a house and a car, it can't afford to pay for tuition at all!

An You glanced at him and said, "The main blow is a group of debt collectors. After the company went bankrupt, the debt liability should end here, but the group of people are like crazy wolves! In order to join the company of Xiao Xue'er to make money, but now lose money, they all find relatives to be compensated by Xiao Xue'er's family, and all are crowded together ... "

"If my uncle and aunt are not sick, they will certainly be able to cope with these, but now only Xue'er, those people are so disgusting, I don't know how she came alone!"

Anyang nodded to understand, so Anyou only found herself at the time and wanted to help them.

In a month, a company that had accumulated a lot of crises went bankrupt, and a girl who was still in school had to deal with so many ferocious wild wolves in society! If there is a strong enough person present, it will not make those people so rampant, but Anyang was in the place of origin at that time, he could not receive any text messages from Anyou, and he could not answer the phone.

Xiao Xueer's withdrawal from school is partly due to pressure on tuition fees. On the other hand, it may be a blow caused by a change in his family, including the serious illness of his parents and the threat of debt collection by relatives and friends.

"and so?"

"So the property of Xue'er's family was taken away by those people who used three methods, and her relatives!"

An You's mood was a little low. Obviously, she was uncomfortable to see such a change in Xiao Xue'er's family. She was even more distressed to the hearts of her girlfriends at this time. She said, "I thought you would reply the first time. I text, and then come forward to help Xueer, but you are her favorite brother Anyang, she likes you so stupidly ... "

"She hasn't heard from you in such a long time. No greetings. Is Xueer desperate?"

Anyang was silent for a while before saying: "Don't say this now, let's settle things first."

"You didn't say it earlier, the student status was cancelled!"

"This is simple."

Anyang took out his mobile phone and edited a series of text messages, which were sent directly to Liao Heng. He received a definite answer almost instantly, and he looked up and said to An You: "Okay, no problem."

An You opened her eyes wide: "Can you make it up?"


An You didn't know what to think of and stopped talking.

Anyway, in her understanding, the administrative level of the president of Yizhou University of Science and Technology is the deputy ministerial level, which is only one level lower than that of the provincial governor. This kind of school is also a famous university in the country. The student registration is back. But since Anyang spoke, she thought about it or chose to believe it, probably this guy is really a bit capable.

After a while ~ ~ she asked faintly: "Don't you fill in the student ID when you re-apply for a student?"

"... I can find it."

"... What shall we do now?"

"You and I will go to see Xueer together. It is not easy for her to bear this alone. By the way, I will also look at the wild dogs and wild wolves and let them spit out what they eat!"

"it is good!"

An You suddenly stood up.

Anyang looked black: "... wait!"

"What are you doing?"

"I just came back from a business trip. I'll go again tomorrow. Tonight, call Xueer and comfort her."

An You: "..."

She has just worked hard!

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