My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 672: Helpless Xiao Xueer

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Anyang settled the bill and left the coffee house. Oriental Novel Reading Network

The two were walking side by side, looking closely at their faces, a bit like it, only one had a gentle expression, the other had no expression.

"Where are you going?" Anyang asked.

"Of course I went back to class, where else can I go, didn't I tell you that I ran out of class?"



An You showed a speechless expression and passed directly in front of the small hood without saying goodbye to him, so she entered the school gate.

She didn't look inside the car either.

The rabbit essence of the car kept looking at her!

Although Anyou doesn't recognize Rabbit Essence, Rabbit Essence has seen Anyou and is a phantom collector's edition that is only used in Xiaoqian's office. It was just that the light was a little dark that night, and the rabbit essence was also requested to change back to the prototype by Anyang, so Anyou didn't know her.

Anyang got into the car, and Peng closed the door with a sound.

"stop looking!"

The rabbit essence withdrew his gaze and turned his eyes to Anyang: "Anyang's sister is so cute!"

Anyang was speechless: "... you are cute, okay?"

Rabbit Jingli immediately turned on the non-speaking mode.

The low roar, the small convertible slowly started.


Anyang pushed the door open, and the rabbit elite followed him step by step. Comrade Xiaoqian and Xiaochan had already prepared their meals. Huang Lan was lying on the sofa playing games, just waiting for them.

"Come back?" Huang Lan glanced at him.


Xiaoqian also looked at him: "Coming back so soon?"

Anyang glanced at the table before looking at it, and then said, "Come back with you, and take care of those things tomorrow."

Huang Lan shivered: "Hey, nauseous!"

Xiao Qian smiled: "Eat, eat!"

"Good fragrance!"

Anyang took a chair and sat down, picked up the chopsticks.

Several people were seated soon, and they started immediately. Only Huang Lan was still lying on the sofa playing games, and seemed to have no intention of eating.

Until the level was over, she threw the handle directly, and suddenly turned into a gust of wind. The wind blew Xiao Chan's long hair into a wild dance, but she was expressionless.

Anyang felt that Huang Lan had already sat down.

"Dao Xing has grown!"

"That's it!" Huang Lan looked proud!

Anyang twitched his mouth and stopped talking.

After returning to the real world, his sealed powers all returned to normal, and he could naturally feel Huang Lan's promotion. Not only Huang Lan, Xiao Chan's promotion is also very large.

Only rabbit essence ... not to mention!

Anyang concentrates on enjoying the food in front of him.

A meal is quickly finished.

Xiao Chan, who could not stand much above the table, still consciously followed Xiao Qian to wash the dishes. Huang Lan also went to join in the excitement. Only Rabbit Jing found the gap and stuck to Anyang!

Anyang took out his mobile phone and dialed Xiao Xueer's phone.

There was no ringing and the phone was connected.

Xiao Xueer's voice is still so cold and deliberately sweet in front of him, it seems that he does not care at all when he contacts her now, but there is deep exhaustion hidden in it.

"Hey, Brother Anyang ... are you back?"

Anyang was silent, and according to Xiao Xueer's usual state, she would generally shout "Brother Anyang is good ~", but today she did not: "I'm only coming back today, where are you?"

"I'm ... I'm at school."

"I just talked to Xiaoyou."

There was no sound for more than ten seconds over the phone. Only ten seconds later, Xiao Xueer suppressed the sobbing voice: "Brother Anyang, I may not see you often in the future."

The girl's mood finally collapsed at this time!

"There will always be solutions to things."

"But I have already dropped out ..."

"I know."

"I will not be in Jinguan anymore. I can't see you when I think of you. Will you miss me?"

In the face of her expression mixed with crying, the previous restraint and the strongness of these days have collapsed. The most real thoughts in the heart are undoubtedly exposed, but Anyang cannot answer.

"I will see you tomorrow, where are you?"

"I'm ... I have dark circles, woo ..."

Anyang: "..."


Late, return to the room.

Anyang exhaled and only sent a text message, then temporarily put Xiao Xueer's affairs down and concentrated on facing Comrade Xiaoqian.

The two took a beautiful shower and sat side by side on the wooden chairs in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. The glass tea table brewed a pot of fragrant hot tea, and the lights in the room were dimly pale. Through the floor-to-ceiling windows without curtains, you can see the night view of the hills and the lights under the mountains. The weather in the late summer and early autumn is very good, because it is a suburb, and there are sky full of broken stars at night.

Comrade Xiaoqian only wrapped a bath towel, tightly tied her full chest, and formed a delicate gully between the snow-white peaks.

The white bath towel is like the classic white dress she likes to wear. The two straight and straight * below extend out, and the skin is white with the luster of jade, and it is very attractive to overlap.

Comrade Xiaoqian poured a cup of tea, and turned to Anyang, with black hair on his back: "Fujun, drink tea!"

"This tea is not bad. I got tea from China!"

"Dahongpao mother tree tea, stolen."

Anyang sipped tea out directly.


Then he looked at Xiao Qian with a little speechless: "Since it was stolen, don't say so frankly, okay!"

Comrade Xiaoqian smiled and did not answer.

After a long time, she asked softly: "Fu Jun went to a very godly place this time?"

"It's a god, and it's wonderful ..." Anyang whispered to her about the world. Of course, he didn't need to say anything and it was difficult for him to filter her out.

Xiaoqian listened very seriously, her eyes glowed.

A country under knighthood ...

A society that is planning an industrial revolution ...

Wars between different races ...

Mysterious and mysterious with many means ...

Talking noisy bird ...

Conch who can sing ...

The scenery and wonderful news met along the road ...


Unconsciously, she was closer to Anyang. The white soft **** were in front of Anyang. The fullness could not be held by one hand. Youxiang also spread into Anyang's nose.

It ’s an old wife and wife, this scale is not big!

There is no city noise on the hill, and no traffic can be heard in the villa, only Anyang's gentle voice is ringing.

For a long time, his voice stopped.

It was late at night, and the room was so quiet that only the sparse insects outside could be heard faintly, and each other's breathing gently fluctuated. I am afraid that these insects will be silent in two days. But Anyang naturally didn't know that, next to them, Xiao Chan opened his eyes, the petite figure was sitting against the wall, erected furry, pointed little ears, listening to them quietly.

"Drink a cup of tea, it's time to rest!"

Anyang's hand didn't know when he had hugged Xiao Qian's delicate body and whispered, reaching out to take off her bath towel.

"Well ..." Xiao Qian didn't resist. "After drinking so much tea, can you still sleep?"

"It's better not to sleep!"

Hu Tianhu started a while.

Another Fang Xiaochan's cheeks suddenly turned red, and her fair-skinned skin was translucent. She clasped her hands tightly with her knees, buried her head in her arms, and gritted her teeth to retract her ears.


Early in the morning, Anyang left.

Today is not a weekend, Anyou has two classes, but she did not hesitate to turn it off and go back to Yancheng with Anyang.

It's still the little convertible, fast!


With the roof closed, Anyou sat on the co-pilot with her small bag on her back, holding a bottle of water, feeling a little panicked.

When she inadvertently glanced at the instrument panel, her face suddenly turned pale, the speed has already exceeded one hundred and twenty steps!

"You drive too fast!"

"It's okay!"

"Hurry and be safe first!"

"I'm very skilled!"

"Front speed camera in front!"

"Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter."

An You: "..."

She panicked!

She looked white at the rapid backwards, but her lips were white, but she could not convince Anyang that she had to hold the water bottle firmly.

The small convertible kept surpassing the roadside vehicles, and a dull sports car roared during the period. A black Rambo's Gini intended to bounce with Anyang on the highway, but Anyang simply left him behind on the accelerator. Lamborghini couldn't keep up with the acceleration, leaving the rich man and the model in the car dull!

Anyang glanced at Anyou: "Are you afraid?"

"You ... are you scared!"

Anyang glanced at her again: "The mineral water bottles have all been deformed by you. If I'm really afraid, will I drive slowly?"

"Nonsense, I'm just worried that you will be stopped by the traffic police so fast on the highway!"

"... How can the traffic police dare to stop my car!"

An You was silent for a while: "If you are mentally retarded, can you concentrate on it ~ ~ Don't talk to me!"


The small convertible drove all the way to Yancheng, and the two decided unanimously not to go home and went directly to the hospital to see Xiao Xueer.

Xiao Xueer takes care of her parents at Yancheng Hospital.

Even if the small convertible got off the highway, it drove as flexibly and swiftly as in the urban area, and the traffic lights were basically ignored, and soon came to Yancheng Hospital and walked all the way to the third floor of the inpatient area.

Anyang knocked on the door and saw Xiao Xueer at a glance.

She was wearing a black shirt and off-white jeans, and the material was very good. Obviously she had bought it before. Without doubt, she outlined her tall and hot figure, and it was a little more casual. In addition to her, the ward was crowded with five or six people standing, almost blocking two beds, and the bed was lying with a man, a woman and two young people, thinking she was her parents.

A few people did n’t know what to say, and it was a bit noisy, and Xiao Xueer ’s expression was a little helpless, and obviously felt difficult to deal with.

At this time, she saw Anyang and Anyou, and immediately threw the crowd and rushed over into Anyang's arms.

"Brother Anyang!"

Anyou's face twitched fiercely!

Anyang stretched out his arms around her, but didn't care to feel the exquisiteness of the girl's body, which was not of her own age, but only lightly examined the people in the house.

The appearance of the two is similar to that of Xiao Xue'er's father who is lying on the bed, apparently relatives, but their expressions are not very good-looking, and there is an aggressive taste remaining on their faces. The two and Xiao Xueer, who are hugging Anyang, remind Anyang of some of what An You said to him yesterday.

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