My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 675: Impossible things

Xiao Xueer's matter was left to his men to deal with, Anyang could not stay in Yancheng, and his time was very tight. [Full text reading]

The second villa is under construction, and this newly-built villa funded by Anyang is undoubtedly larger and more luxurious than the renovated version of the villa that Anyang currently lives in! This villa has now reached the point of polishing the details. Because of the strict requirements and the special habits of the fairy girls, this delicate process will take longer than building the main body of the villa!

Anyang glanced in the past, and the three female goblins were not at the construction site. When they returned to the villa, Xiaoqian was in the living room, smiling broadly, obviously waiting for him for a long time.

As always, the two had a gentle conversation.

Afterwards, Anyang prepared to go upstairs to see the fairies.

He didn't hide himself deliberately, but he also lightened his steps in fear of disturbing them and walked up the stairs.

When Anyang walked to the roof garden, the first thing that caught his eye was Huang Lan sitting in the high place. Her slender body bathed in the sun was shining with a magical golden luster. The Holy Goddess in the world! Then there was Xiao Chan sitting upright below. She smiled as always, and only opened her eyes and looked at him lightly.

Finally, it was the rabbit spirit who was sitting on the edge of the guardrail, her legs hanging in the air. When Anyang approached, she still moved a little, her eyelashes kept shaking, but her eyes were not open.

"Pretend to be pretty like!"

Anyang walked over, squeezed her face with fatal temptation, and wiped off the residue of potato chips at the corner of her mouth.

The rabbit essence also realized that it was impossible to hide it, and opened his eyes rubbingly, and a pair of ruby-like crystal clear eyes stared at him flickeringly, and the corner of his mouth was slightly opened.

Anyang ignored it and crossed her to look downstairs behind her and said, "It's not good to throw litter!"

Rabbit Jing blinked twice and jumped off the guardrail. Dingding Dongdong ran downstairs. When she came back, she had already picked up the half-eaten potato chips and landed on the ground. She was also cleaned with a broom. At this time she held the remaining half of the packaging bag, grabbed a piece of potato chips and stuffed it into her mouth, and actually picked it up again to eat!

Anyang: "..."

Going downstairs and sitting with Xiaoqian, Anyang discussed with her one thing, and finally decided to start building again!

Now that he is a third-order academic, he must have his own laboratory. Although many experiments ca n’t be done because of the limited resources of the earth, as an academic, it is necessary to research and analyze something interesting or unknown at any place, and there are some experiments in the arcane magic system. Must be established.

Even if you do n’t experiment, it ’s good to do research!

Anyang ’s original idea was very simple, directly transforming a room or basement of the villa into a laboratory, but later considered that most experiments of academics will emit energy radiation, which may not cause Xiao Qian and the fairy girls Harmful, but if they suddenly encounter radiation fluctuations during cultivation, the process of cultivation will definitely be affected.

And the rabbit essence is too weak, Anyang is a little worried!

Considering all that, he is going to build a laboratory on the back of the hill, and arrange defensive weapons and magic circles at the same time.

Comrade Xiaoqian also agrees with his thoughts!

In addition, the energy of the earth and the earth is indeed a little low. Both Huang Lan and Xiao Chan are based on the essence of the sun and the moon. When they lower the speed of cultivation, they may also affect the nature of mana. For someone like him who can only rely on the energy of heaven and earth to cultivate, it will slow down the progress of cultivation, so he has to find ways to increase the energy of heaven and earth in this area to nourish himself.

So Anyang decided to send a monk master who is good at the magic circle from the Divine World to come soon, and set up an unprecedented huge gathering spirit circle with the hill as the center!

Or called the power circle!

Gather the energy of the heaven and earth around here!

The spell system is called heaven and earth aura, the mystery civilization is called natural energy, and Anyang likes to call it heaven and earth energy.

It's all kind of!

Just think about it!

After walking around the mountain with Comrade Xiao Qian for a long time, they finally determined the address of the laboratory, and then they contacted the construction team to think about the scale of the laboratory.

Just the next day, someone came to lay the foundation!

It was on this afternoon that Xiaoqian came to find him dignified and brought him a shocking news.

"A strange thing happened in New York, USA!"

"What surprised you so much?"

"Probably yesterday morning, a man in fancy clothes and a few beasts and raptors with supernatural abilities suddenly appeared on the streets of New York, causing a lot of panic. The US government finally dispatched an army in the city and failed to suppress it. A raptor killed a lot of people. That kind of method is very magical and weird, kind of like a husband's spell! "

Anyang was suddenly surprised: "What?"

"This is true, the news has been determined, and now the US government is desperately suppressing public opinion."

"How is this possible?"

Anyang frowned, he had already determined that there was no supernatural power in the real world, but suddenly there was such a news that it was like the plot of the original world.

If the average person said so, he might think this person was joking, or New York was promoting a movie. Haven't there been any Transformers on the streets of New York that can talk and talk? But this sentence came out of Xiaoqian's mouth and he had to believe it. First, Xiaoqian wouldn't tease him with such things, and second, the intelligence of the real world Ans system wouldn't be wrong!

It's impossible to get oolong, then ...

"Are there any specific information?"

"Yes!" Xiao Qian immediately took out the information.

The first is paper materials. There are interviews with relevant personnel, descriptions of specific incidents at the time, and a series of attitudes of the U.S. government afterwards. It can be seen that the Ans system, although limited to Anyang ’s conservative strategy, only occupies this area. But already with the help of An's Group to extend his hand to the world, at least to establish a dense intelligence network!

Specifically, yesterday at about 10:27 in New York time, the sky was changing, and the clouds were sweeping across the lightning. Several unexpected guests said by Comrade Xiao Qian suddenly came!

This caused panic in the street in advance. At first, some people took pictures, but then a creature like a big mouse swallowed two people immediately, completely turning the panic into panic! This caused an urgent crackdown by the US police, but the crackdown had no effect. Instead, many people were killed by another crow, and finally the army was dispatched to suppress it on the streets again this morning.

Behind is a file bag with photos, from which you can see the fierceness of the big rats and crow creatures. Although the army seriously injured them, they eventually escaped!

Along with them, there was a male lion bigger than a buffalo and a man in a strange gown, but after the outbreak of the first conflict, they disappeared, and the United States failed to find them until the secret search began. Only violent big rats and crows were found.

This incident has alarmed the entire American high-level.

There is also a tablet computer on the back, which shows a video playback screen, and Anyang immediately opened it.

Awe-inspiring picture of the battle between the two creatures and the US military!

Because it is a street fight on the local street, the US military did not dare to use heavy weapons, but the small-caliber rifle used for urban combat did not have much effect on the big mouse!

The big mouse counterattacked by screams and spell-like methods, killing many ordinary soldiers, and even the civilians in the room were not able to avoid the sonic attack! The black smoke spitting out of the crow's mouth is also about to be killed by ordinary people, and the crow seems to be immune to physical attacks to some extent. Only high-temperature flamethrowers can cause some damage to it!

In the end, the American army paid a great price and both the big mouse and the big crow were seriously injured, but when they were traced to an alley, they suddenly lost their tracks!

For the US team, this is undoubtedly a battle that has never been experienced and a strange enemy that has never been faced. It is also a weak battle, like heavy boxing on cotton! It is estimated that now the key officials of the US government have not only doubted life, but may have begun to think about the end of the world! It also caused deep shock to the American people who spread the Internet madly.

This is the plot of the US standard science fiction movie!

Anyang looked more and more dignified, his brows locked tightly.

He stopped the picture on the man in the suit, and switched to the spell cast when the big mouse and the big crow attacked. He couldn't help but call up the information in the biochip!

Suddenly, his breath suddenly became heavy!

This man in different clothes looks like a special ethnic tribe in the southern region of the Shenzhou Empire, and is also a special training school. At the same time, the characteristics are also very similar. The cultivator of that ethnic tribe is good at fighting with monsters or spirits. These monsters and spirits may have been cultivated since childhood, or they may be passed down from generation to generation!

The spell-like methods exhibited by the big mouse and the big crow also resemble monsters' talents and special spells!

Xiaoqian's suspicion is not unreasonable ~ ~ Fujun, do you see what's coming? "

"The videos and pictures are not enough to prove anything. I immediately sent the troops to search in New York, and we are preparing the plane to New York as soon as possible. I must see it with my own eyes!"

"Okay, let me arrange the plane!" Xiao Qian immediately stepped aside and took out her mobile phone to start a phone call.

Anyang also sent several messages through the second system.

Just a few seconds later, the guards stationed in the shadow of the hill rose silently, and no one or machinery could find their tracks. Some troops that have been hiding in the An's group to perform various tasks immediately received orders to put on armor and fly to distant countries.

At this moment, Huang Lan walked down the stairs and saw them suddenly stunned: "What's wrong? Why are their expressions so dignified? It looks like something happened!"

Anyang didn't speak, only waved at her, and then pushed the paper bag on the coffee table past.

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