My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 676: Battle of exotic civilizations

The US government desperately suppresses public opinion, the purpose is not to spread panic among the people, but they can't stop some special channels, such as the intelligence network of An's Group. [Full text reading]

Another example is the spy organization spread by the state.

It didn't take long for the details of the occurrence of anomalous creatures on the streets of New York, USA to be placed on the desks of the leaders of relevant departments in major countries and attracted great attention.

From these words, pictures and videos, they can start to understand what happened when the lightning storm raged, until they saw the man in the weird gown, the big lion in the buffalo, and the incredible mouse and crow. Suddenly appeared, and killed people, police and even the army by means beyond science, everyone was shocked!

No one is so stupid as to think that this is a biotechnological achievement of a certain country, only that this is a real supernatural event, or a creature from another civilization.

Einstein-Rosen Bridge's conjecture shows that a space jump like crossing is not impossible!

In any case, this incident was only treated as a ridiculous rumor or an interesting paragraph on the US network. It did not have time to cause widespread public panic, but it first caused shock to the person in charge of the relevant department who knew the truth!

At this moment, a silver-white private plane soared through the air, rumbling through the vast clouds!

The entire crew is Anyang, and Anyang does not have to worry about it, staring closely at Huang Lan: "Are you sure?"

Huang Lan frowned slightly, but quickly said: "I'm sure that the man's costume in the photo is definitely the southernmost tribe of the beasts on the mainland of China! I grew up there, and I set up a fight with a person before. Covenant, but then that person died, I went to the mainland of China to travel around ... travel, and finally met you and Xiao Chan in Kunlun Mountain. "

"Then the giant lion is also a monster?"

"I'm not sure, because they don't just fight with the demon, as long as they can contact the powerful creatures, they will find ways to establish friendship with these creatures."

"That's almost the same."

"Well, even if it's not a demon."


Anyang took a long breath.

There is no supernatural power in the real world. He has long confirmed that he never wants the supernatural power to appear in the real world, which will mess up the real world.

From the world of China, it will be much easier to handle!

That is the territory under his rule!

"What about the giant rat and the crow?"

"They should be monsters that turn into noumenons, with a probability of ten. They also use their own natural abilities, as well as some spells that the fierce demon will practice. The specific ones require me to see or approach them to recognize them. come out!"

"Well." Anyang was deeply puzzled.

Combining the two, even if there are other mistakes, they are from the Shenzhou World and it is estimated that they cannot run.

What is this all about?

"The sky is changing, the wind and clouds are sweeping across the lightning, and the giant rat and crow suddenly appear ..."

Anyang looked dignified.

How is this so like the posture traversed in the novel!

Could it be that this man has passed through the three beasts?

But ... why didn't he go through such a big battle? ?

at the same time--

The streets of New York, USA.

It is afternoon in China and New York is still early in the morning, but many people dare not fall asleep at all.

The US government set up an elite ‘counter-terrorist commando’ overnight to search for the traces of four creatures throughout the night on the grounds that Al Qaeda members had infiltrated New York to carry out the blast

This is not only because the big mouse and the big crow are too aggressive and threatening, but it also means another civilization or a secret beyond the scope of existing science. The value of this is naturally not comparable to the mysterious rumors of a certain place in the power institutions of various countries. The US government has made up its mind to obtain these four creatures, especially the human being!

Agents of big powers also acted urgently.

What puzzled them was that the big mouse and the big crow were so eye-catching, how could they suddenly disappear after being injured?

In an alley, a **** smell came out.

Infrared detection equipment and searchlights were constantly scanned, and soldiers with night vision devices kept searching, and finally--

"Here, here!"

"Come here!"

A shout of English broke the silence of the night, followed by a burst of gunfire, mixed with shouts and strange calls.

"Suddenly ... Dada ..."

"Squeak! ..."

"Ah! Aa! Aa! Aa!"

The US military is well equipped, but the weapons of mass destruction are not easy to use in cities, and the orders issued above are mainly live capture, they only have small caliber assault rifles. This kind of equipment is undoubtedly not enough to look at the big rats and crows that obviously exceed the level of ordinary people's strength. Just a scream of the mouse will make many soldiers fall.

The dark fog of the crow is even more silent in the dark night, and once enveloped in these soldiers, no one can survive!

Chemical protective clothing and gas masks are useless!

No matter how well-trained these soldiers are, they are just ordinary people, and they cannot stop the power from the strange world!

Perhaps it was not that they found mice and crows, but that these two ferocious creatures took the initiative to find them, to devour their blood R into their own food at night!

In a flash, there were only two soldiers left in a team.

When I said it was too late, I saw the big mouse moving silently in the dark night, screaming, and suddenly rushed forward!

"Squeak! ... Help! ... ah!"

A series of messy voices came out, and the place soon became quiet again, but the **** smell became stronger, and the people in the houses on both sides shook the doors and windows and dared not to speak.

Something weird happened.

A rat as big as a pig leaned in front of the dead soldier and took a deep breath. The soldier's body immediately changed from warm to cold. The big crow is different. The black smoke on its body encapsulates the bodies of the soldiers. Gradually, the bodies of the soldiers shrivel down at a rate visible to R eyes, and the black smoke becomes thicker and deeper!

Two monsters seem to have a clear division of labor, one inhales and other energies, and one sweeps the soul blood R!

Suddenly, the rat turned his head keenly.

In an instant, its figure rushed out like an arrow from the string, and rushed to a shadow on the corner of the street.

It was a tall agent who was hiding. His face was so scared that he was pale when he revealed his whereabouts. He had just seen these two monsters slaughtering the U.S. military and what they did afterwards, but he also forced himself to draw a large With a caliber revolver, aiming at the big mouse means slamming a few shots, until all the bullets are finished, no matter what the outcome is, he drops the gun and turns to run!

"Squeak ... ah ~!"

The terrible screams were horrifying.

The agent apparently failed to escape the chase of the mouse, and the big mouse also gathered up in front of him, assimilating his essence, and in the process, the wound on his body healed sharply!


Several brass-colored bullets landed on the ground and bounced a few times.

The big crow also approached, and wrapped in blood R!

In a few moments, they enjoyed enough to prepare to leave, but when they turned around, they were suddenly stunned and their expressions stiffened.

"Buzz buzz ..."

A sound of flying insects came from the alley in front, but it was unusually loud, and people's scalp felt numb.

With a click, a man in a strange gown came out of the corner, facing two fierce beasts, and beside him were a few strange insects with large bowls flying around him.

The man is not tall, black and thin, but his eyes are shining in the dark. He has no weapons in his hands, and the gown is entirely hand-sewn with coarse cloth, embroidered with mysterious and complicated patterns. It is such a person who seems to be a minority, but let the two beasts who have just slaughtered a special squad be upset!

The man stared at the big mouse, and the two fierce beasts stared at the man, forming a situation similar to a confrontation.

This situation is very strange!

Finally, the man spoke: "I have found you!"

The two fierce beasts screamed loudly, and they seemed extremely horrible, but in the next second ... they turned back to run away!

At this moment--


A big lion with a big buffalo walked out from the other end of the alley. It was covered in gold, with a lush mane on the neck, staring at the big mouse lightly, and the expression of gazing in his eyes!

The mouse and the crow suddenly gave up the idea of ​​escape, and after a while, the big mouse even opened his mouth and said: "Both have come to this ghost place, you still have to kill us!"

Its voice is sharp and thin, very harsh.

But it did speak, and even the man in the gown did n’t know that a camera under the roof of a bar was recording all their actions and sending them to the computer of the anti-terrorist temporary operation command center, and As a result, the nodes were transferred to the hands of high-level officials of the Ministry of Defense, which caused shock and panic for many people in the middle of the night!

This surveillance video is still being communicated to higher levels ...

Even if there is no sound, they can see that they are confronting and communicating, but the movement of their lips and teeth is very strange!

For a time, many special operations teams began to gather here!

"No matter where I go, I will hunt you down!"

"You're crazy, don't you know? It's definitely not on the mainland of China. You can't go back and make a mission even if you kill us. Then what is the point of your effort!"

"This is my task!"

"There is still a mission of P!"

The man glanced into the distance ~ ~ seemed to feel that someone was approaching here, saying: "Don't talk nonsense, you are evil and refuse to correct, then be prepared to die!"

With his words, the lion also became restless, stepping closer and stepping closer, sending a low roar!


The man also began to get closer to the middle!

The flying insects are flying more violently, and the sound is loud!

"Buzz buzz ..."

The two fierce beasts were terrified. They were completely free of the brutality of slaughtering ordinary people, but at this step, they also had to be booed: "Come here, Lanyue!"

"We just smoked so many nutrients. At the peak, would you be afraid of you?"

At this moment, a steel figure came down from the sky!

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