My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 693: Excellent research object for new tasks

We have enough strength to deal with all crises!

People in peaceful times may not understand this truth, but all appearances are eliminated and everything is built on force!

Two physical fitness points plus Daoxing's physical fitness bonus, Anyang's current physical data is as follows

Physique: 11.5

Strength: 11.6

Speed: 10.9

Brainpower: 10.2

It seems that the number is not big, but the power is very scary.

One day's time is over!

Anyang heard that Xiao Xueer's self-taught business management knowledge, and she went to pursue her dream

She reported to Yizhou Film and Television College and Yizhou Conservatory of Music to provide training courses to prepare for her own star dream, and she also joined Anyou.

This also means that she will be very busy in the future.

My own class, plus part-time job on the Ans network, self-study business management, and two training courses ...

At this time, Xiao Xueer is estimated to be like a doll full of clockwork. From the leisurely rich lady, she will start to be busy constantly. I don't know if she can adapt to this kind of life, it is much better than Anyou.

But, in order to dream, you have to pay the price!

Anyang has no time to manage these, he is about to leave.


Mission World: Men's Police · Apocalypse (Origin World)

Mission Objective: None

Initial skill: None

Successful mission: reward props ability * 1, skill points * 3, physical fitness points * 1

Task failed: repeated execution


The green trees are picturesque and the green grass is like greenery.

The sky hasn't been polluted by industry, at least the smog of the aftermath of the disaster disappears here, the soft lawn is connected to a lake and a volleyball court, and some young people with a youthful atmosphere are playing on the playground.

"Hey, Ball, give me the ball!"

"Anna, the makeup party tonight hosted by Surf ..."

"Please pay attention!"


An Yanggang magnified the ability of the five senses, and dense news came to him, and he only selected useful ones.

"Is this a school?"

It didn't take long for him to confirm that this was indeed a school.

And here looks like a corner of the teaching building, the lush branches sprinkle a large shade, he suddenly appeared here did not attract anyone's attention, not far away, only a small couple sitting on the lawn during the time of physical education to chat with.

"Men. Apocalypse?" Anyang frowned.

It ’s only been a few months since this movie came out, but obviously it ’s not because he has n’t watched it, of course he has watched it, and he knows that the chaotic movies of this power system really do n’t have any good things unless he can get the skill thieves. take.

He began to get detailed plots in his mind.

At the same time, the ‘language proficiency’ in his mind was filled again, and a new language was known to him. He speculated that the mission world involved the ancient Egyptian language that had been lost in the real world. As for other languages, such as Polish, he has already mastered it.

The stranger stood thinking in the shade of the trees.

In terms of difficulty, Marvel World always has a few bosses that are unreasonably strong and unscientific! If the system assigns a mission to this mission world, it is estimated to be a difficult mission, but it does not ...

"Men · Apocalypse" happened in the changed world of "Men · Reverse the Future". "Reverse the Future" is a plot that returns to change the timeline and cleans up the plot. That is to say, in "Apocalypse", all the plots of the 123 policemen, including the Wolverine series and most of the plots in the future, have not happened here.

This plot is set in the 1980s, and tells the story of the ancient and powerful first variant who awakened unexpectedly. He was powerful and invincible and immortal after being worshipped by countless believers. !

The Justice League naturally chose to fight him to the end ...

Rotten plot routines are used in American blockbusters!

Anyang can survive the mission even if he is hiding in a certain angle of the world, and regardless of whether he intervenes in the mission plot, the Justice League can always defeat evil, the difference is only how much damage the apocalypse will cause in this world.

There is no sense of presence in this world ...

The most important point is that this world does not have high technology, no convenient and useful items, and even the ability of the mutant is innate. Unless the "stolen skill" is finally drawn, his gains will be Very little.

Fortunately, the mutant is a magical species. Influenced by the academic system, Anyang is full of interest in this novel and interesting species. Even if he ca n’t get the “skill stealing” after the end of the mission, it must be with many mutants 'Friendly contact' can also benefit him a lot and be worthwhile. But this way he can no longer ‘take a vacation’.

Anyang fell silent.

At this moment, a voice came into his ears.

"And the council was turned into chaos. People discovered the existence of mutants for the first time. Six days later, we witnessed one of the mutants. Eric Lansell attacked the president and the open space in front of the White House. Other cabinets ... "

"What the **** are you doing, history lessons in this world, wait, why does this sentence sound so familiar ..."

Anyang instantly remembered that this was the beginning of the plot.

Sure enough, as the sound of the middle-aged female teacher kept telling the story of Magneto and the Magic Girl, two male students deliberately suppressed the quarreling sound into his ears, and he very simply passed the female teacher If you do n’t want it, it ’s all filtered out.

"Are you glaring at my girl?"

"Your girl? ... You really can be his father." The boy's voice suppressed.

Anyang snapped his fingers, the mysterious energy gathered in the air, and a glass-ball-shaped eyeball appeared out of nowhere. The eyeball did not look much different from the human eye, but there were many tentacles on it, and it could float directly in the air.

First-order technique, eye of exploration!

Anyang snapped his fingers again, and his eyes popped up the window, peeping into the classroom for him.

There are more than a dozen classmates sitting in the classroom, not as big and tidy as the domestic ones. One of the boys lowered his head and wiped his eyes with his hands, while the other boy sitting in front of him turned his head and stared at him with unsightly eyes.

Sure enough, the story is the same ...

Sam in Transformers was also bullied by strong classmates!

Anyang shook his head and put these behind him.

No matter the story is so painful, after the system selects it as the mission world, this is a real world.

And his research is no, the communication objects are available so quickly, and they are also notoriously aggressive mutants.

The quarrel between the two was soon discovered by the teacher: "Excuse me, do you have anything to share with you?"

"Can I go to the bathroom? I think my eyes are uncomfortable," the boy rubbing his eyes said.

"Okay, Scott, but after that, please go in through the principal's office and explain to him why you are messing up in class again!" This is a female teacher in a yellow-brown coat, looking far from menopause Very close.

Scott didn't hesitate and got up and left.

"Do you know the way?"

"Yes, I know."


As soon as Scott walked out of the classroom, the bell rang.

A group of students hurriedly packed up the books on the table, but was stopped by the middle-aged female teacher and continued to lecture. Only the tall boy took advantage of his inattentiveness and got out of the classroom, chasing Scott and walking towards the toilet, with a very bad look.

Anyang also withdrew the eyes of investigation and left here.

Scott has a younger brother and everyone who likes this movie series knows that the famous attack wave. His younger brother awakened the ability before him, but the ability in his body has been hidden, until now it is finally on the verge of eruption.

As for Scott himself, fame is even greater!

He is the laser eye!

It's just that there is a difference between the comics and movie versions, and that the timeline of "Apocalypse" has been reset by "Reverse the Future". Scott is not yet the future captain of the police, nor has he replaced the professor as the dean and even the leader of the mutant.

So the boy who provoked him was destined to be a tragedy, but Anyang intervened, and there was no fate.

Walking into the bathroom, he saw Scott at a glance.

Scott was blinking in front of the mirror ~ ~ Indistinctly, there was a touch of crimson shine in his eyes.

He took a deep breath immediately and was very nervous.

But at this moment, a voice came from behind him.

"You are about to wake up."

Scott turned suddenly, and saw a tall Asian standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

"who are you?!"

"Well, passing by, seeing you is very uncomfortable, do you need help? Otherwise, you will explode soon."

"How to help?"

"You have powerful energy in your body, just like your younger brother, but because of some special accidents, you cannot control your abilities. If your power erupts here, you will cause a lot of damage, even being treated as a monster. . "

Scott immediately remembered his brother and the plane crash that year and quickly asked: "What do you want me to do?"

His eyes are so painful now.

Anyang smiled harmlessly with humans and animals: "Don't worry, close your eyes when you can't help it. As for now, let me help you solve another little trouble first."

"What's the trouble?" Scott just asked the exit and heard a familiar voice in the corridor outside the bathroom.

"Somers, I knew you were here!" It was the boy who just had a dispute with him in the course!

Just when Scott wanted to hide in the compartment, he saw Anyang turn around, and with just one glance, the guy fainted.

He opened his eyes suddenly.

"You are a mutant!"

"Unfortunately, I am not."

When Scott just wanted to ask something, he saw Anyang slap him on the head, and his eyes suddenly stopped bloating.

"Come on, this won't last long."

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