My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 694: Research on laser eye

Anyang quickly rented a house in Ohio. Teana Novel 『』 ⒉

"Introduce yourself?"

"My name is Scott, Scott Summers."

"My name is Anyang, my surname is An, my name is Yang. Do you need to say something to your parents about the treatment here?"

"If the time is not too long, I can not tell them, hell, my eyes hurt again."

"Huh? How does it feel?"

"It's bloated, like something is coming out!"

"That's it."

Anyang stretched out his hand and held his eyes, and immediately felt the violent energy. Then he read a spell and blessed himself with an insight eye that would only be used by scholars when studying. The flowing energy was clearly displayed in front of him instantly. .

This energy is very irritable, it is said to come from another space that violates physics, but he did not show this.

"Hold it first!"

"Damn, didn't you say it could help me?"

"Um, of course, just don't worry."

Anyang began to carefully explore the characteristics of this energy.

What Scott emits is not a laser, but an energy beam, which is similar to a shock wave and has no small destructive power.

At the same time, he also feels very wonderful. Under the setting of this world, the ability of mutants comes from the difference of genes, but this kind of genetic difference can affect a very considerable energy to form a variety of abilities, and some abilities are particularly wonderful.

Such an interesting thing, if it is in the place of origin, can definitely ignite the research enthusiasm of academics in minutes.

Gradually, Scott also felt wrong.

"Damn, what are you doing?"

"I'm helping you solve trouble!"

"But how do I feel like you are studying me as a mouse? And you are still tossing and turning!"

"... cough, nothing, I didn't bring any laboratory equipment, how could you do research with you?"

"Not brought? So you are really a scientist? So you are really doing research on me? And listening to your tone you still want to bring your laboratory equipment! Damn!" Scott kept rubbing his eyes, Until he finally couldn't help it.


A beam of red light suddenly shot out of his eyes!

Anyang took a step back, and a layer of invisible force field suddenly rose on his body, blocking this red beam of light.

"Close your eyes!"

Scott was very obedient, and the beam of light suddenly disappeared.

Anyang was relieved.

Fortunately, he was ready!

Scott's ability is quite strong among the mutants, but from the film alone, it is not ridiculously strong. At least when he first awakened his ability in the school bathroom, he did not even pass through the bathroom door, but only Peeled a layer of skin on the wall.

With Anyang's current ability, whether it is to use defensive spells or magic barriers, it is much harder than a wall!

If not ... this room is miserable!

Although this layer of "sucking ability field" is not his natural life style, it just happens to attack the energy system and absorb the energy emitted by Scott's laser eye. If other defensive skills are used, the laser eye may still be generated. refraction.

Anyang then pressed his hand to his eyes, and the mana surged up, blocking the energy in his eyes again.


Scott breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes again: "I just didn't mean it, you know, I apologize to you."

"It doesn't matter, you didn't hurt me."

"You are really a mutant!"

"Unfortunately, I am not, but if you have to think so, I will not refute, too lazy to talk."

Scott was silent, without arguing with him, and continued to ask: "How are you going to treat my eyes?"

He clearly saw that the method just used to cure the symptoms and not cure the symptoms.

"Cure your eyes is not simple, I can try to start from the perspective of genes and the structure of your body, maybe you can also use some means to block your energy, even if it is not enough, I can at least let you control it!"

"So you are not sure if it can be cured?"

"If I can't do it, no one will do it!"

"Oh, okay!" Scott fell silent.

And Anyang has already got a point in his heart after the previous contact, so what I just said is not a big deal. Only people like him who really practice and master energy can block his ability. Others only know that they can have energy.

After about an hour-

"Come, shoot!"


Scott opened his eyes suddenly.

The atmosphere froze for three seconds and nothing happened.

Scott embarrassed: "It doesn't listen to me."

"It's okay." Anyang smiled slightly, reaching for his eyes again, and the mana blockade burst.


A red beam of light shot again.

The "absorption field" in front of it again perfectly absorbed the shock wave he shot. Even if the shock wave is continuous, the mysterious energy provided by Anyang for the absorption field is not cut off. Even if it is destroyed by the shock wave, the force field can be immediately restored.

Anyang reached out his hand and touched the next beam.

"Seventeen, record."

"Recorded as a red shock wave with high heat, in the analysis of the energy structure formula, in the analysis of the fluctuation frequency."

After a few seconds.

Anyang took his hand back with a brush.

Even with energy protection, but with such a continuous direct shock wave, his fingers were still heavy on his hands. However, his expression did not change color due to pain, but freed his other hand, tapping on Scott to release his mana.

"Close your eyes! Okay, open it."

Scott opened his eyes and saw that his hand that had just touched the shockwave recovered quickly, and he couldn't help but widen his eyes.

"You said you are not a mutant!"

"... Well, I am a mutant."

"Then what were you doing?"

"Understanding your abilities can heal you."

"..." Scott was silent.

"I sacrifice so much, don't you appreciate it?"

"..." Scott continued to be silent.

Anyang glanced up at the recorded data of the bio-assist chip projected on the retina, and again looked at Scott: "I want to figure out how your energy is released. I think you ’d better sleep during this process. feel."

"No no! No, I refuse ..."

Scott closed his eyes and fell to the sand.

Anyang withdrew the hand holding the French seal, and once again showed himself some auxiliary techniques and walked to Scott.

"poor child……"

"Seventeen, record."

"Recording preparation."

"Remember to pack and store all of these, create archives as mutants, create sub-profiles as Scott data, and use the basic information of Scott that you just obtained as a brief introduction. Capability characteristics, delivery methods and genes should be stored separately."

"As you wish."


Anyang murmured in a low voice, a layer of gray mist emerged out of thin air, slowly flew towards Scott's eyes, and finally penetrated directly through the pores of his skin, combining with the subcutaneous tissue of his entire eye, Touch everything about him.

This is a very delicate and long process.

When Scott woke up, it was dusk, and the golden sunlight shining through the window made him feel cold.

"Here's ..." Scott thought suddenly. "My eyes, thank God, am I ready?"

"No, you don't."

A voice came from behind him.

This voice made him strange this morning, but now he has remembered it. The vocal cords of Asians are generally slightly different from those of Europeans and Americans. Except for the concert, it is estimated that few people will pay attention to this point, but he remembers it clearly.

Anyang put down a test tube and then said: "The energy in your body is more stubborn than I imagined, even if it is not from another space as rumored, but it is too difficult to make you completely normal. I just use it now It temporarily blocked the rune, which is more durable than the previous method, but I need more observation ... "

"What rumors, what is the rune?" Scott turned around, but suddenly jumped up, trembling and pointing at Anyang, shouting: "Damn it! What the **** are you doing! You actually put The experimental equipment has moved over! "

Anyang clicked to assemble a crystal instrument and said seriously: "Stupid, this is called a therapeutic instrument!"

Scott shouted: "Do I look stupid?"

Anyang looked at him carefully: "A bit."

"I won't let you do the experiment! I'm leaving here!" Scott finished and wanted to go out when he got up.


He hit a transparent wall ~ ~ A voice came from behind: "I don't want to force you to do anything, but you are too weak, you must know if I want to make you Cooperate with me to do something. Not only do you have no ability to resist, you ca n’t even refuse! "

Scott stepped back two steps and sat back on the sand.

"Okay, okay, you won."

"Relax, I won't slice you, you won't suffer any harm, I just want to cure your illness."

Scott's face was a bit ugly and he didn't speak.

Anyang continued to assemble another observation device.

These instruments are not special. It is only at the industrial level of the place of origin that only academics can own it. It can be completely copied in the real world, and the precision of the An's Group is also inevitable. The biggest technical point of these instruments lies in the above-mentioned solidified surgical arrays and various mysterious words, thus giving them complex and sophisticated capabilities.

Of course, it is not just instruments that assist academics in their research.

Because of Scott's presence, Anyang did not summon the mysterious creatures that assisted the research, nor did he use auxiliary techniques, but intended to use these instruments as the main supplemented by some secret academic methods. Parse.

"Come on, little guy, draw a little blood."

"Okay." Scott cooperated.

Anyang put his blood under the observation device. This microscope-like device is more powerful, and instead of the principle of magnification, it starts with a more mysterious angle and directly extracts the genome from his blood for observation.

Scholars call it the ‘life spiral’.

And this instrument also has a function, can see the energy and some mysterious substances attached to the organization.

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