My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 699: Koto and Katsurai

The morning light is dim, especially after passing through the woods.

At this time, a total of two parties were standing in the woods at the door of Wang Magnet ’s house, and there was a tendency of confrontation. One of them was a group of uniformed policemen, with wooden bows and arrows, led by a twine, and they controlled a little girl.

The other party is undoubtedly the Magneto couple.

The confrontation lasted only a few seconds, and Magneto left his current wife in place, but walked up.

"Nina? Are you okay?"

The sheriff stood up and said, "She is fine."

"Then let her go!"

"We will! We just want to talk to you."

"You don't wear a police badge."

"There is no metal substance here ... Someone saw something in the factory today, something unreasonable."

Magneto stared at him: "Please put down your weapon."

The police did not follow suit, but continued to say: "You are a man who keeps oneself, Henrik, a good neighbor, a good worker, I am willing to believe you are ..."

Magneto's wife immediately said: "He is a good person!"

The sheriff ignored it and rebuked: "But no one in town knows who you really are!"

"No, you know mine! I'm Henrik Gursky!" At this moment the big demon king was hesitant. He was not afraid of the policemen who had wooden weapons, but he was afraid of losing his own. Love, lost a peaceful life, "Jacob, I also went to your house for dinner!"

The policeman named Jacob immediately disgusted and reprimanded: "You have been deceiving us all the time, it was me who led the wolf into the room!"

Magneto and his wife were both stunned and disappointed.

Until the sheriff pulled out a wanted order: "Is this you? Are you the Magneto they say?"

Magneto was silent and looked back at his wife: "Catch me, please let my daughter go!"

The police officer lowered his head and let go of the little girl.

The two fathers and daughters met halfway, and Magneto hugged the little girl fiercely: "Go to your mother!"

A group of people began to tie Magneto backhand.

The little girl started crying: "Please! Do n’t leave me behind! I wo n’t let them take you away!"

"Nina, don't be like this, don't be like this, Nina!" Magneto's wife hugged her quickly and couldn't help comforting, but it didn't work at all. The little girl kept crying.

"Please, please!"

Suddenly there was a sound of birdsong in the sky, and the sound of the sound was all raptors, which immediately caused a panic in the crowd.

"What happened, what happened?"

"She is also a mutant!"

"You scared her!"

"Hurry to stop her!"

"She can't control it!"

A policeman has drawn his bow in a panic.

And the little girl was still shouting loudly: "Please, I will not let them take you away! I will not ..."


A group of falcons spread their wings and swooped towards the police.

There was a panic in the field.



A policeman accidentally let go of the bowstring, and the wooden arrow flew out of the string, and flew towards the mother and daughter who were hugging.

Magneto suddenly opened his eyes!

at this time

A black light flashed, and the arrow was intercepted out of thin air.

The magic woman came out from a distance.

"Eric, long time no see."


The two stared at each other.

A moment later, the magic-shaped woman looked back at the mother and daughter who were in shock: "It looks like you are doing well now."

Magneto was silent and silent.

The magic-shaped girl continued to say to the mother and daughter: "You go back first, I will bring Eric back in full."

Magneto's wife did not say much, and immediately took her daughter and left.

The policemen all opened their bows and waited for the suddenly visited demon woman: "Who are you?"

The magical woman seems to be happy to chatter with this group of ordinary people, posing a persuasive gesture: "Now an unknown powerful enemy is threatening all mankind, we need Eric's help! That's what you call Magneto. "

"A bit of nonsense?" The policeman asked.

The magic-shaped woman did not speak, and directly became her own appearance, immediately causing a commotion in the crowd.

"is her!"

"She is that hero!"

"Then what should we do?"

After a group of people chattered, the sheriff stood up: "We can't be the master, we must take him back. You can talk to our boss about these things."

The Magic Woman shook her head: "I'm sorry."

"what are you going to do?!"


Two minutes later, the scene has fallen to the ground.

Magneto glanced across the magical woman: "Who was the person who just interrupted the arrow? Where is he now?"


A picture of black smoke flying from a distance, condensed into a human form. It was also at this moment that the birds in the sky suddenly became quiet.

Anyang landed steadily: "Good morning, Magneto."

Magneto looked at him: "Are you?"

"Call me Anyang."

"An ... Yang, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Magneto quickly withdrew his gaze. Although he was no longer the big boss now, he remained calm, staring at the magic-shaped girl and said, "Ruiwen, what do you want to do?"

"I just said that."

"That is true?"

"Maybe it is true."


"Did you feel the earthquake last night?"


Anyang turned his eyes to the woods without doing anything. Anyway, he had explained the main points to Ruiwen, and he didn't need to do more.

After about ten minutes

The magical woman promised that if Magneto helped, she would find a way to help Magnetite cleanse her offense, give him a peaceful life, and use a lot of claims to protect his wife and daughter as weights. Tell us about Quicksilver.

However, Magneto only promised to deal with the possible annihilator. Nothing else was promised.

And Magneto did not leave with them.

The magic-shaped girl doesn't seem to care about this, and Anyang and Anyang don't care anymore.

"I hope everything you said is true!"

"How are you going to verify?"

"Of course to find Charles!"

Anyang suddenly smiled: "I heard that it is a very knowledgeable person, do you mind if I am with you?"

"If you can manage yourself."

"Let's go!"


Xavier Talent Academy.

The green grass and the earth are green, and the sunlight makes the color brighter, which looks good. A thin, tall man wearing glasses walked in a hurry holding a pile of documents filled with words, and turned a blind eye to the good spring in the college.

He also did not see Anyang and Demon Girl.

"Hey, Hank!"

Hank stopped suddenly, following the source of the voice and focusing his eyes on the magical woman: "Ruiwen?"

"long time no see."

The man stared blankly at her: "How are you ..."

"Not blue?"

"No, I mean, you're back ..." Hank paused. "I didn't expect you to come back."

"Neither did I expect."

The two stared at each other for a moment before Hank suddenly discovered the three people behind the magical woman: "They are?"


"Warren Kenneth Worthington."

"Kurt Wagner."

Hank shook hands with them one by one: "Welcome!"

This college is not big, but the facilities are good, there is a legacy of history, and there are many students in it. Anyang can sense the fluctuation of energy in many people, but more people are ordinary people, they live together in peace.

"I compiled the information about the earthquake last night, but I was so lucky to have met you."

"Last night's earthquake? Can you tell me something?"

"Of course, this may not be as simple as an earthquake. We detected an abnormal shock wave! This shock wave almost swept the entire earth. The epicenter was in Egypt on the other side of the earth. Moira was discovered when the professor probed.

The magic-shaped girl heard, and her heart sank.

Shockwave, Egypt, Moira ...

She couldn't help looking away.

Anyang smiled and looked at Hank: "So now the professor has gone to Langley to find Moira?"

Hank froze: "How do you know you are in Langley?"

"When does he come back?"

Hank looked at the time: "It should be fast. Is there anything you need to find a professor?"

Anyang nodded and said: "I heard that the professor is very insightful in many ways, and I want to talk to him face to face."

Hank immediately understood: "It turns out this way."

Too many people want to talk to the professor in person.

However, he didn't notice the increasingly ugly face of the magic-shaped girl, and continued to chat with Anyang cordially.

"Which aspect do you want to discuss with the professor?"

"Faiths, thoughts, and mutants are fine."

"Oh, it looks like you are very knowledgeable!"

"I just have a few questions to ask."


It is here that Anyang saw the existence of the sky in this plot, Qin Grey, but now she is just a little girl who is excluded because she can't control her power. It is quite pitiful in some ways. .

But he immediately got together: "Hi!"

Qin was sitting in the corner with a few books ~ ~ almost immediately felt his unusual: "Are you?"

"My name is Anyang and I am very happy to meet you!"

"Qin Grey. Are you Asian?"

"I come from China."

"That's it."

Most of the people in the academy used Qin as a monster. She was naturally happy to meet someone who was willing to talk to her, but she was lonely for a long time, and she didn't know how to get along with others, so the little girl was still quite cold at the moment.

The person who makes her feel strange, she can unconsciously read other people's thoughts, even if the power is weak, ordinary people can't escape, but she can't peep through the brain of the person in front of her, just like the person's brain is formed The same level of defense.

Of course, she will not take the initiative to offend others.

"I know you, you are very powerful, but you don't seem to be familiar with the power in you."


"You can help us defeat Apocalypse."

"Who is Apocalypse?"

Anyang has a hot light in his eyes, talking with Qin constantly, but not too much to spy on her power. It's just that the mental power, which is also very perverted, establishes a defense in a surgical manner to prevent Qin from accidentally touching his thoughts.

It has to be mentioned that most of the mutants' own abilities remain in their instincts. Even the mutants who are good at electro-sensing do not have the mental defense technique. From the 'technical' level alone, he has already led the world.

Rear Hank laughed: "Your friend seems to be very interested in Qin, I think this is a very interesting person."

"He is a very dangerous person, you better beware of him! If you don't want this girl to be hurt."

"What do you mean?"

"That's what I mean."


It didn't take long for the professor to come back and take Moira.

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