My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 700: Girl, let me help you!

Chapter 700 Girl, let me help you!

The grass is new, and there is life everywhere. The pale golden sunlight came from the top of the English-style building, and the earth's green color was dazzled a little, as if it could not be seen at a glance, but it was a lawn with only one shoe.

Anyang sat not far in front of the piano and talked softly.

It can be seen that Qin did not want to stay here for a long time, nor did he want to talk to him so deeply at the first meeting, but he could not walk away for a while.

A group of Yuancong people are playing volleyball, and there are constant bangs. Occasionally, they will cast a surprise look on them. It seems strange that there is a person who dared to sit face to face with Qin for so long. Isn't he afraid that piano will get into his mind?

Suddenly, the sunlight in front of him was blocked.

Anyang's eyes instantly adapted to the changing light, looking at the demon-shaped girl standing in front of him: "Is there something wrong?"

At this moment, the magic-shaped girl still maintains the appearance of Anyang when she first saw her, but the dress is not so sexy, but replaced by a casual dress with a white t-shirt inside and a denim jacket outside, and black has also become jeans, looking clean and refreshing .

"I'm going to see Charles, together?"

An Yangyao: "Don't disturb you to reminisce, you just need to tell the professor that what Qin foresaw last night is true. If he doesn't take corrective measures, the apocalypse will soon cause a catastrophe! Now the world desperately needs the rescue of Our Lady . "

The piano eyes sitting next to him suddenly froze, and the hands that were turning the book also stiffened: "Why, what?"

The magic-shaped woman also frowned: "Our Lady Biao?"

Anyang: ""

The Magic Girl also noticed that Qin's expression was not right, and quickly asked: "What did you foresee last night?"

"Disaster, destruction, doomsday!" Qin's expression was a little uneasy. "It's so real. I didn't tell the dreams to anyone other than the professor. How can you be sure that it is true?"


Wait a minute, Anyang found out that this sentence wasn't spoken by himself, but came from the mouth of a serious demon-shaped woman.

Anyang: ""

"I must go to Charles immediately!" The Magic Girl took a breath and prepared to go, but then suddenly stopped: "It seems that you are very interested in this girl?"

"Well, I just think we are destined."

"So you want to have a friendly night with her again?"


This sounds strange!

Looking at the strange look from the piano next to him, the demon-shaped girl said calmly: "The friendly communication in his mouth refers to making you faint, and then drawing your blood, checking your body structure, and turning you over and over again. Research!"

"Anyang was speechless again.

Qin suddenly stunned, steel in his eyes was deeply alert!

Anyang glanced helplessly at the demon-shaped girl before turning to explain to Qin: "Don't listen to her, she's got water in her head."

But this is obviously not very useful.

Anyang reminded him when he saw the demon form leave: "Remember not to let the professor deliberately contact him with the master brain. The mutant is far more powerful than you think. He will find the professor and invade the master brain. The consequences are very serious! "

Hank walked over with a frown: "How can you know the existence of the master brain? When have you been to the academy?"

"He knows everything." The Magic Woman said.

She left Hank with a chic back. Hank kept the doubts in her heart and quickly followed.

After the two left, Qin looked at Anyang and asked in silence: "Is that a kind of foresight? I thought I just sensed a terrifying existence, but the professor told me it was just a dream. You know the truth Yes, right? "

It seemed that she had completely forgotten the reminder of the magic-shaped girl.

"You do sense an existence that others cannot sense, don't be afraid, this is your ability."

"Yes, I seem to have this ability."

"You should learn to control this ability."


Qin frowned for a moment, sneered at himself, and motioned his eyes to see everyone in the distance: "I think, but I can't control my ability. Whether it's reading other people's thoughts, nightmares, or whatever That ’s why they are so scared of me. Sometimes I even think I ’m a monster and it only hurts people. ”

"No, you are just too strong."

"Then I would rather not be this powerful!"

"But it has been given to you. Born." Anyang looked at her with soft eyes, "It belongs to you, any sharp sword will not hurt its owner, but the premise is that you don't fear it, and Try to release it. "

"Release it?" Qin glanced at him, his expression very indifferent, "I will destroy everyone!"

Anyang grinned: "I teach you!"

Qin stunned: "Teach me what?"

"Your strength is innate, but your soul is too weak compared to it, and you cannot control it. I can teach you a way to converge your own mental strength and improve your control of your own strength, Do you want to learn? "

Qin's breathing was fast, and she wanted to agree almost immediately, but it would have made her aware that it was wrong: "I have never heard of this method so that the professor has no control over the power that is difficult to control in my body. How can I do it?

"Professor?" Anyang laughed. "He knows nothing about power!"

Qin Lima frowned: "You are too arrogant!"

"Uh, I mean, the professor may be familiar with the power of mutants and the nature of these powers, but he has not studied the nature and application of these powers in depth, or what a person can do with these powers. "

"What do you want to say?"

"I can help you understand the essence of my strength."

Qin remained silent for a long time before saying: "Well, even if what you said is true, what do I need to pay?"

"Nothing needs to be paid, this process will certainly allow me to gain more wisdom, but some places may require your cooperation with me to understand the essence of your power. There is a word called right medicine, I don't know if you have heard of it. "Anyang has a friendly smile on his face, like a big wolf who tempts little Lolly, Xu Mao."

Qin suddenly remembered what the magical woman said

"How do I believe you?"

"I will teach you a trick first!"

"What?" Qin looked up at him.

Anyang pondered a bit, reaching for a virtual picture in the air, and the white lines were solid but not scattered, forming a weird symbol.

This symbol is a bit like a bug. It is very complicated. It is about the size of a slap.

Qin's expression was a bit stunned. At least she hadn't seen a mutant who could do this with her knowledge, but she was not surprised when she thought of the endless variety of abilities in the world.

Of course, in her thinking, Anyang must rely on his own ability to do this. His ability should be able to use energy to write in the air and the like. This is also the disadvantage of mutants, born with abilities, but only rely on abilities.

"Did you see this symbol?"

"See. What next?"

Anyang smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Next you have to work hard to meditate on this symbol in your mind and focus on it."

"Meditation? Oh, thought"

"Think hard and do your best. This symbol contains wonderful mysteries and powers. If you can't feel the whole body devoted to the word, then you can understand that you have been staring at it all the time and use all the power of feeding!"


"I can try, you'd better not lie" Qin's words haven't finished yet, her expression is suddenly dull.

When Anyang saw her open her mouth, she seemed to be frightened, her majestic force spilled from her body, and the leaves gargle. But this force was quickly taken back by her, and she gradually looked at the sky, turning her head from time to time, like an intellectual disability.

After a moment, she lowered her eyes and dragged her hard.

Anyang immediately asked: "What do you see?"

Qin took a deep breath and glanced at him. "When I focused, I saw this symbol twisted and transformed into a winged monster, like a giant worm, but I never saw it. I passed this kind of bug. It burrowed out of the ground, spread its wings and circulated continuously above my head, and finally fell into the earth and turned into the original. "

Anyang froze.

How is it different from what I see

However, he did not care. The symbol itself does not come with monster special effects and BGM. It only contains some arcane meanings. Everything is the association of the symbols produced by humans in the process of meditation. It is normal to vary from person to person.

"Then do you feel helpful?"

"For a moment, the experience is unclear, but I can feel that some of my abilities will indeed be improved because of this. ~ ~ It does n’t matter, you can remember the symbol and you can go back and think about it slowly. If you ’re too old, you can ask me for more complicated symbols, as time will certainly help your ability to control yourself! ”

"Thank you." Qin nodded, his eyes shining strangely.

Being unable to control her own abilities is her biggest problem. Even the professors are helpless. She was almost desperate, but now she has a solution here in Anyang. She is really excited.

"Oh, you said you want me to cooperate with you"

"Yes!" Anyang smiled modestly and gently.

Ten minutes later, Qin left happily.

Anyang is still sitting under the tree.

Azeroth and the place of origin have a variety of meditation methods, and their functions are different. His final meditation method of mysterious patterns is not unreasonable. This method of meditation is simple and easy to use, and it is also easy to be split.

For example, this set of ‘sacrifice to sacrifice’ has a total of thirty-seven symbols, but he only gave the first one.

The purpose is self-evident.

But he succeeded!

Qin's ability also opened his eyes. Although the design idea is the easiest to use and has his help, it is still amazing to see such a complete picture in a few seconds. This proves that Qin is absolutely terrifying in spirit!

Worthy of being the girl boss who can kill Apocalypse!

If he had not previously learned that the mutant's genes had undergone a stereotype when they were mutated, the plasticity of the mutant was not high, and the cultivation energy was more likely to conflict with the energy of the eating zone. He really wanted to conduct a cultivation experiment on the mutant.

The wind blew for less than ten minutes. While Anyang was about to go to Qin for friendly exchanges, Charles came to him.

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