My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 708: brother

There are generally two ways to eat hot pot.

An elegant petty bourgeois sentiment method, which usually uses chopsticks to hold the dish and rinse it in the pot. After two rounds, it is cooked, and it is directly fed into the mouth to taste the most delicious and delicious dishes.

There is also a method in which rural people enter the city and pour their brains into the pot to cook indiscriminately. As the name implies, it can be heard from the name of the move. This method is to pour all the dishes into the pot, cook them almost like a sandwich, put them in the oil dish, and put them into the mouth. If you are old or undercooked, it ’s a big deal to go home and take antidiarrheal medicine!

This method is suitable for people who simply want to fill their stomachs. By the way, be prepared to diarrhea.

Anyang ’s parents are all teachers, have a good family background since childhood, and are highly educated people. Now their status is even more extraordinary. Needless to say, the second method is naturally adopted.

This is a problem left in high school.

Eating hot pot is always a big bite, and you have to put peppers in the oil dish.

This is also the most atmospheric way to eat.

As for Anyou ... Every brother must have a sister!

Xiao Xueer was originally very particular about her. After receiving strict education in etiquette, she will always eat elegantly and sip, but when she enters the village, she is gradually broken down with Anyou and Anyang.

The three not only ate, but also talked while eating, and talking while making noises. There was no image at all.

"Xueer, how do you eat vegetables and meat!"

"Ah ... I don't want to eat, I want to gain weight!"

"No, look at me, so thin is eaten by meat. Believe me, if you want to be thin, eat more meat!"

"... I ... I want to eat as much as you do, not fat!"

"What are you afraid of? With Xueer's condition, as much as you gain weight is chasing! Hey, maybe grow more meat in specific places, there are more chasing people! Come, eat meat!"

I saw Xiao Xue'er speechless and covered his head and said, "I don't need to grow any longer, but you, Xiaoyou ..."

Anyou's face suddenly blackened: "Don't talk anymore!"

Xiao Xueer showed a smile, and really closed her mouth, just glanced up and down at An You.

Anyang listened and couldn't help but cough twice: "Cough!"

—I’m still here!

Anyou's face was reddish, and Nizi quickly slammed her mouth with her hand: "It's so spicy, so spicy ..."

Seeing this, Anyang and Xiao Xueer were speechless for a while.

She didn't put millet spicy in her oil dish, and the chili at the bottom of the pot was generally not a threat to Yizhou people.

However, the two did not disassemble her, let her be "spicy" blushing, and pretend to look for water to drink, while secretly watching Anyang's reaction while drinking, did you notice her.

Eat a pot quickly, then pour a few dishes down and wait for the fire to boil again.

"How about the two training courses you reported?"

Xiao Xueer stopped her hand to defend Anyou and said in a straight voice: "Okay, Yiying and Yiyin are both well-known schools. The teachers are very responsible and they teach very well.

Anyou ate a mouthful of oil, but whispered: "The two of us had no basis for performing arts or systematically studied vocal music, and the course was a bit difficult."

"Such." Anyang lowered his head and smiled.

Regardless of whether Anyou could finally get on the screen, he just wanted to laugh when he thought about this picture of Nizi performing on stage.

Forcibly tolerating laughter, Anyang asked again: "Do you want to film and television song Sanqi in the future? Or do you have no plans now?"

An You thought a little: "When we return from our studies, we will go to An Shi Media to see if we can sign a contract."

Anyang was surprised for a while: "Are you really ready?"

An You stared: "Of course, do you think I'm having fun with Xueer? Tell you, I have contacted the person in charge of An's media a few days ago, and I have met each other. They have met me and Xue The children are very optimistic, saying that they can go for an interview after they have finished their studies, and signing a contract is not a problem! "

Anyang was startled again: "You also contacted the person in charge of Anshi Media? Where did you call?"

An You looked embarrassed, but still insisted: "How simple is a phone call, no matter how I am an assistant to the general manager, not to mention the relevant person in charge of An's Media, even if their general manager's phone I can get it!"

Anyang smashed his mouth, not much to ask.

I can think of the rest with the buttocks. Why did the person in charge of Anshi Media meet these two fledgling little girls, and why did they say that they are very optimistic about them.

Now the end of the world has established the Huaibei Empire, which is not the same as the meaning of ordinary forces and regimes. A few days ago, Shen Chaowen and Anyang inadvertently mentioned Anyou when they used the name of the long princess. The relevant person in charge, even if he is not clear about Doomsday World and the Huaibei Empire, must know the special status of An You.

Dare he see Anyou? Does Anyu come to the door to dare to refuse it?

Maybe he has been reminded by senior officials.

Only An You was confused about these things.

After a while, Anyang asked again: "Your school will open a centennial celebration in a few days, right?"

Anyou dissatisfiedly said: "What our school says is like you did not come from that school!"

"I have graduated."

"Is it amazing to graduate? Isn't that also the school that came out ..." An You said, but the voice suddenly fell down, and looked at Anyang in amazement, "Why do you ask this suddenly?"

She has a kind of unforeseen feeling in her heart, is it ...

"Because I'm going to participate too." Anyang's tone was faint, but she confirmed her guess.

Anyou's face froze for a moment.

The blinds on the chopsticks also fell into the pot ...

According to her original character, it must be a sarcasm, but now she can't say it. After all, this guy is really qualified to be invited.

And the most important thing is ... so embarrassing!

"What's wrong? His face suddenly looked so ugly!" Anyang frowned at Anyou, his face full of suspiciousness.

In addition, Xiao Xueer pretended to be holding a napkin to wipe her mouth, but actually covered her mouth and snickered, her eyes narrowed into the shape of a crescent moon, and this suspicion was even higher.

"Nothing, nothing!" Anyou quickly shook her head, picked up the vegetables that had just fallen into the pot, and put them into her mouth, but she immediately spit out and stuck out her tongue and kept breathing.

"Ah ... It's so hot! It's so hot!"

"Haha!" Xiao Xueer laughed beside him, but still forgot to draw a tissue to her, "Wipe her mouth."

Anyou took the paper towel and thanked her, but she was not angry with herself: "I blame this hot pot, just cooked it, but it is so hot to cook, no one wants to eat it!"

Xiao Xueer laughed again.

Anyang looked at her calmly, ignoring her deliberately shifting the subject, and her face was filled with 'concerns' and asked: "What happened just now, why did I say I'm going to attend the 100th anniversary celebration So ugly? Does anyone bully you? Or was Tang Xinduo haunting you again the other day? "

It ’s okay not to say that Anyou ’s face suddenly turned white: “Why did you mention him, did n’t you tell him? He ’s already dead, and his death is unclear, so scary to say so!”

"Well, you seem to be changing the subject."

"No, I'm really scared!" An You forcibly explained a wave, really feeling a sense of palpitations.

"The acting teacher of Chuanying did well."


"Okay, okay, never mind." Anyang shrugged and didn't get entangled with her. Anyway, it would be a celebration in two days, and everything would be revealed, and he was not in a hurry.

Over the years, the best practice is mentality.

Don't get sick, take it easy.

Xiao Xueer couldn't look down beside him, and said sweetly and softly: "Xiaoyou, anyway, Brother Anyang will also know that, so why don't you hide him?"

"No! You can't let this guy know!" An You blushed, burning like a fire, and turned to Anyang. "Aren't you busy? Why are you not busy?"

"It can't always be busy every day?"

Anyou was speechless for a while, and Zhiwu for a long time only said unreasonably: "No! You can't go to the school celebration anyway!"

Anyang stunned: "Why?"

"There is no reason, it is not allowed to go anyway!"

Anyang's mouth twitched. How could he easily succumb to Taiwanese opera when he was a child, and immediately put on a pair of affectionate looks: "I haven't been back to my alma mater for a long time, and I haven't seen my classmates for a long time I ask that I ca n’t agree with you! I also want to narrate old with my classmates, drink a glass of wine and talk about the unsatisfactory in recent years. "

An You's mouth twitched, and he looked like him, but he didn't believe him at all.

"This guy, obviously sent me back to school a few days ago, and obviously went back to school so many times. When he went back to school, he obviously had no expression on his face. It was obviously deliberately sensational! The acting skills were better than the teachers in the training class!"

After returning to her mind, she said forcefully: "Come on, you are not allowed to attend the school celebration anyway, that's it!"

Anyang was stunned again. This nizi has never been so unreasonable to him before!

Silently, he pursed his lips and said, "I really want to go to school. If you tell me why you don't want me to go, maybe I can think about it, how?"

"No!" Anyou refused.

She knows that if you tell this guy, then he will definitely go more, and no one will stop him!

"That's trouble." Anyang took a breath, "take what benefits I can get if I don't go?"

"Benefits ..." Anyouzhizhiwuwu seemed to have made up his mind for a long time and gritted his teeth. "If you don't go, I will ... I won't call your name directly when I meet!"

Anyang stunned: "The name is no longer called? Is it called?"

Anyou's face suddenly darkened.

This guy is so annoying!

"I ... I ... if you don't go, I'll call you in the future ... call you ... brother ... brother ..."

"Ah?" Anyang was stunned.

"Anyang, did you deliberately?" Anyou was furious!

"Okay, okay." Anyang made a gesture of compromise. "Then you can listen to it first."

"This ..." Anyou blushed, glanced at the abominable Anyang, and glanced at Xiao Xue'er watching the drama ~ ~ Supported me in the mouth, "Brother ... brother ..."

"There is no sincerity at all!" Anyang shook his head.

"Brother!" Anyou gritted her teeth!

"Really good, hey ... you should have called my brother, and this condition is not attractive at all." Anyang smiled a little, "So I refuse."

An You suddenly froze for a moment, then shouted: "Shameless! Shameless shameless shameless! Shameless!"

She gritted her teeth tightly, her hand holding the chopsticks trembling with force, and tiny green muscles bulged.

Anyang didn't seem to hear her, and said to herself: "Well, by the way, look at what makes my lovely sister so scared, rather than show me death."

"Ah! ... too shameless!"

An You has fallen into a frenzy.

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