My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 709: 0th anniversary

"Okay, don't look at me like this, pay attention to the image, but you will be a big star in the future." Anyang said, he couldn't help laughing.

An You was even more resentful, her teeth clacking: "How can there be such a shameless person in the world!"

"Not born of your mother!"


"Well, Xueer, are you going?"

Xiao Xueer raised his head: "Yes, Xiaoyou gave me a place and said to take me to a long experience."

Anyang was a little surprised: "She is really magical!"

"Humph!" An You nosed up.

Xiao Xueer smiled sweetly: "Xiaoyou's reputation in their school is too great, otherwise Tang Xinduo will not be able to chase her down. Just take this celebration, in fact, a lot of work With the participation of Xiaoyou, many of them have to rely on Xiaoyou to arrange. Xiaoyou is relying on these to make me take a chance and go to eat and drink for free. "

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lower down." Anyang stunned. "I didn't expect this little person to become a real person, ha ha.

"Xue'er, you shouldn't mention that Tang Xinduo, that's strange!" An You lifted goose bumps and stared at Anyang with hate, "You said, what's that small?"

Anyang shrugged, pretending not to hear.

I just received compliments, and Anyou was in a good mood. She didn't care about him. She picked up chopsticks and stirred in the pot.

After a while, she didn't get what she wanted to eat, and she put down her chopsticks again: "But even without me, your Anyang brother has boundless mana, and there are ways to bring you in!"

Xiao Xueer smirked, but did not refute.

Seeing this, An You heard another cold hum: "It's too oily, let's order a fruit platter!"

"Okay, ask for more papaya."

"... !!!"

When An You turned and called the waiter, An Yang and Xiao Xueer whispered. After she heard her, she found that the two of them were discussing together after a few days of school celebration!

Anyou's teeth immediately bite: "It's too much!"


After eating home, he really smelled of hot pot.

Anyang took a bath and changed his clothes, sat alone on the sofa in the living room and took out a thick book.

The implementation of the global strategy is by no means a bland sentence. There are too many things to do, so it is generally difficult to see Comrade Xiao Qian at home recently. Even when she was at home, she mostly held a thick stack of materials for review and thought, or frowned at the holographic projection screen. She rarely sat on the tatami on the windowsill and held a close reading as before.

But she still stubbornly refused to decentralize, no matter what, you must do it yourself, for fear that others will be like it!

Anyang is really arrogant and funny.

Committing such a heavy burden to Comrade Xiao Qian, he was also very unbearable. His original purpose was just to let Comrade Xiao Qian pass the boring time. He never thought of this day.

But the matter is over and there is no way.

Comrade Xiaoqian also stubbornly refused to let him intervene.

"In this way, it is impossible for Xiaoqing to bring Xiaoqian with him." Anyang said to himself, shaking his head. The nature of Xiaoqing is not very suitable for dragging home.

Although he wanted to bring someone with him, no one would stop him.

Discard all thoughts and devote energy to books.

This book is in Gunisaka, and it is the crystallization of wisdom left by a glorious civilization in the history of the hometown of the silent tower, which describes many strange tricks.

There is a saying in the mysterious world of origin that no defense can stop the means of academics. This sentence is obviously exaggerated, but the endless emergence and unpredictable methods of academics can also be explained side by side. A spear is a shield, but in the mysterious realm, the spear is not absolute, and the shield is not almighty. It needs to match.

The purplish red tassel's defense is strong enough, but it is also difficult to resist the flame of nothingness, and it is even more unable to withstand the high temperature that comes from.

When a mass of violent energy comes to you, the best defense is the chaotic force field; when an attack of thunderstorm strikes, the best defense is to resist the force field; when a behemoth moves toward you with an unstoppable momentum In a rampage, you'd better use a strong wall shield; when the sky of nothingness offensive spreads towards you, only the isolation force field can effectively defend ...

There is no absolute attack and no universal defense.

This is just the simplest offensive and defensive. There are still many weird means in the battle, which is unpredictable.

An excellent and powerful academic must not only be proficient in various techniques, but also be fully aware of all attacks on the enemy and be able to solve them in order to be invincible.

This book introduces many weird methods and teaches people how to crack the response, which is boring and practical.

"Curse of blood and blood, a very effective method, the exposed person will be exposed whereabouts, and fall into lasting weakness. The state of weakness will depend on the method used by the operator. Restlessness, manifested by symptoms of poisoning, physical failure, unexplained vomiting blood, inability to sleep, inability to eat, etc., can destroy a person ’s body and mind. "

"This is a good aid for killing people. Even if a powerful academic is cursed, if it can't be cracked for a long time, I'm afraid it will face collapse."

"The method of cracking, the surrogate."

Anyang frowned and read on little by little.

Rabbit Jing didn't know when to jump in front of him, looked at him for a long time, did not get a response, and then walked around behind him, hands on the sofa and looked with him.

Before long, she felt bored, ran down to the villa and squatted down, using a wooden stick to tease the little ants.

It was almost dusk before Comrade Xiaoqian came back. The diligent tigress and the little fox also ended their cultivation. Anyang was not willing to keep busy, so she took them out of the restaurant.


A few days later, the centennial anniversary of Yizhou University kicked off.

Anyang went to pick up Ji Weiwei early, took the invitation and went to the door of Yizhou University, which was a siege for four years.

The gate is majestic without losing traces of the wind and frost of the years. At this time, the lanterns have been decorated, and the red lanterns that symbolize the celebration are very cleverly arranged, but there is no vulgar meaning, but instead it looks like a simple and thick scroll of Zhumen. At the top is a banner that suits the scene. It can be seen from a long distance. There are cars passing by the door and a row of female students wearing cheongsam.

"Ten years to cultivate trees, one hundred years to educate people!"

Anyang slowed down, looked up at the banner, and read out softly.

There is no mediocrity at Yizhou University. There is no such thing as a warm celebration of the 100th birthday, no poems and couplets to show off the style, but borrowed such a famous saying.

Only this sentence, according to the times, wins everything.

Everything in the school is still the same as it was when I sent Anyou back the other day, except that the wind that suddenly came from last night blew down a leaf, showing that it was autumn at this time. The school did not destroy this scene that would add a bit of poetry to the campus, allowing it to remain natural, allowing the rustling sound to be heard when the wheels run over the dried leaves.

During the celebration, the whole school should be on holiday, but some young men and women walked by the road holding books.

When the car passed by them, they would stop by the side, hug the book to their chests, and let the car go sideways. Occasionally, one or two small couples holding hands are extremely leisurely.

Carefree, as if they were the original.

Ji Weiwei said with a smile: "Do you feel that you have returned to school so many times, but none of you have today's emotions."

Anyang nodded, and a faint smile also appeared in the corner of his mouth, but he didn't care: "It's all told by you!"

"That was the way it was. Look at the tree, it's still the same!" Ji Weiwei suddenly pointed out the window. "There are so many people in that study room over there, so hard work!"

"Of course all you see is hard work."

"Yes, it's only 9 o'clock in the morning, and the unworking people are still awake in the bedroom, haha!"

"Finally agreed by you."

"That's who I am, Ji Genius!"

Anyang smiled and moved forward.

This is the charm of the university. It can provide shade for morning reading, study room and library for quiet reading, or game teammates, tolerate you to play games overnight and then sleep until noon the next day. It can also give you a perfect place to talk and love, give you the purest feelings, the simplest and leisurely environment.

Everyone has their own path and different lives. It ’s okay to be drunk and dream of death, and work hard.

Naturally, how you spend these four years determines how you spend your life. There is no distinction between good and bad, rich or poor, and poor. There is only the difference between Ruyi and Ruyi.

Do n’t ask for what ’s outstanding, but ask for no regrets afterwards.

A hundred years of school celebrations are so grand. There are many people in the school. It is estimated that there are no special parking spaces. Anyang finds a place to park and no one comes to stop him.

As soon as I got off the bus, two ceremonial ladies came over: "Hello, are the two brothers and sisters coming to attend the celebration?"

Anyang nodded: "Yes."

"Please show your invitation."

Ji Weiwei quickly took out the invitation from the small bag.

The two ceremonial ladies looked only 20 years old, slender and tall, very beautiful, with light makeup, young girls on their faces, dressed in cheongsam, they were very beautiful.

After receiving the invitation, they glanced at them and they expressed a formulaic smile: "Welcome back to the alma mater, brother and sister."

Anyang also smiled and nodded to them: "Where should we go? Canteen ~ ~ or the stadium?"

"Please come with us."

"That's good, thank you."

"You're welcome."

The two ceremonial ladies made a gesture of invitation, and bent forward. Two pairs of snow-white long legs looming beneath the splits of the cheongsam, straight and round, able to see the human eyes.

Ji Weiwei followed and whispered to Anyang: "Is the quality of the school girls in the school etiquette team so high now?"

Anyang nodded with a smile: "I am also surprised."

Both came out from here, and the two naturally knew that the two ceremonial ladies were actually ready-made. This is the case in many schools. In addition to the student unions and clubs, there will be a variety of service teams. The most common ones are the flag-raising team, the etiquette team, and the volunteer service team. They are all students of the school. Without having to hire people from outside.

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