My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 710: Ambiguous smile

The ratio of men and women in Yizhou University is relatively balanced, plus the base is large enough, and the quality of the ceremonial team selected from it is naturally not bad, plus the young age, it looks pleasing to the eye.

The backs of the two ceremonial ladies were slim, dressed in high heels, and graceful.

Along the way, Anyang saw many passing classmates glancing at the two ceremonial ladies wearing cheongsam. Needless to say, most of them were captive single dogs on campus, and they were hungry for a long time.

During the period, Ji Weiwei also glanced at Anyang, but to her relief, the guy's eyes were quite honest.

About ten minutes later, they walked to the stadium.

It sounds a bit difficult to be elegant, but it is not. After all, Yizhou University is a well-known domestic school. It can also be said that the world has been full of love for the past 100 years. If you think that those who have reached the peak of life will forget that their alma mater does not care about this celebration, then it is very wrong. The higher the bird, the more it cherishes its feathers.

Only those who are tired of life all day and running for the garage do not have time to care about their alma mater. Most successful people will appreciate this piece of land that has nurtured themselves.

Moreover, this is an extremely rare alumni association.

The better the university, the more enthusiastic it is to hold alumni associations, especially those famous universities in China. Every time I report to the Alumni Association, all the famous businessmen are seated. While making a large investment for the school, they can also match up with the alumni who have succeeded in these careers and careers, forming a huge network of contacts. Xiao Xiao.

Some famous "Entrepreneurs Alumni Association", even some people have sharpened their heads and want to drill in, in order to hold a thigh.

So there are certainly not many people coming to participate in the 100th anniversary celebration of Yizhou University. Even after screening, it is terrifying to accumulate tens of thousands of graduates each year.

In addition, it is impossible to refuse the participation of the students of our school. In total, even the Great Hall of the People cannot accommodate so many people.

Therefore, it can only be held outdoors. Once the school has a grand event in Anyang's impression, it is either in the stadium or track and field or in the school canteen.

The stadium does not sound good, but it is big enough and flat enough to accommodate a lot of people.

Maybe changing the name will be a lot more pleasant-

Yizhou University Open Air Celebration Center!

When the two came to the Yizhou University Open-air Celebration Center, the place was also well arranged. If you ignore the fact that it used to be a sports ground, it can be called fine and luxurious.

To put it bluntly, ordinary companies or TV stations can't find such a level place for large-scale events!

Several hydrogen balloons flew in mid-air, pulling up a tall vertical banner. Colored ribbons hang on the trees that are slightly dry in autumn, and slogans hang in many places. There are many tables and chairs in the field. They are not the kind of student tables used for lectures, but the round tables and chairs used for hotel meals. And snacks. Now many people have been seated, and the conversation is very happy.

There are also ceremonial ladies wearing red cheongsam who wore them wrongly, all with their respective pick-up objects.

"It seems that this time the school really made a **** start!" Ji Weiwei pursed her lips, suddenly pointed at the stadium gate, and hit him with his elbow, "Look, there!"

Anyang looked down at it, and it was also stunned for a while.

There were a few signs standing at the gate, with the words "Welcome XYZ" written on it.

There is no title, no identity, only XX students, but they still can't hide the intentions.

Some of the students who went out of this school in the past now have a smooth career and have reached the point where the school has to pay attention. There are also some entrepreneurs, it is estimated that the school wants to invest in these people or these people have invested a lot of money in the school, so this is the only move. If the leaders are just welcome, Yizhou University can't do such a thing.

Ji Weiwei slurped at the side: "Gee, this is called Ronggui's hometown. Yijin returns to his hometown. He has a lot of face."

Anyang nodded and agreed: "Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

Ji Weiwei glanced at him without answering.

At this time, Anyang called out the etiquette: "The two sisters and sisters, please wait. I still have a few classmates. We have made an appointment to enter together. Can we wait here?"

"Yes." The two ceremonial ladies kept smiling.

Anyway, they are here to receive a day, instead of walking around, it is better to stand here and take a rest.

Walking in high heels is very tiring!

Anyang found out his phone and contacted Luo and Huaxueqin. After receiving the news that they were about to arrive, they called Xiao Xueer again, but she did not expect that she had entered the field.

Ji Weiwei stood on his tiptoe to peep at the screen, and finally whispered: "Flags flutter!"

Anyang tugged at the corner of her mouth and ignored her.

After reading the table, it is only 9:20.

It was agreed to come in at 9:30, they had been ten minutes ahead of schedule, and the people inside were undoubtedly ahead of time.

Only two minutes later, the two came one after another.

Cheng Luo is a tall, handsome man, a little taller than Anyang now, and very strong. It's hard to imagine that he is a person who spends all day in the library.

Hua Xueqin is not short. With a net height of nearly one meter seven and high-heeled shoes of ten centimeters, the girl was more outstanding, which made it look a little higher than Anyang. She wore some formal and very beautiful white thin shirt plus black bag hip skirt, the clothes were plunged into the skirt, embellished with red belts, fashionable and aura, very eye-catching.

Cheng Luo's personality is a cheerful and gentle type. When he met, he looked at Anyang in surprise. Then he said, "The longer you look, the longer you look, the more handsome you are. What's going on!"

Anyang smiled and patted his arm: "It's just hidden before, you didn't see it."

Hua Xueqin also had a charming smile and glanced at Ji Weiwei beside Anyang and said, "Yo, I didn't expect to bring his family, but just, how nice is this girl ..."

"Ah !!! I remembered it!" Hua Xueqin suddenly realized, "Is that the one that comes to you often?"

Ji Weiwei didn't explain, and generously extended her hand: "My name is Ji Weiwei, this is not the first time I met."

Hua Xueqin also shook hands with her generously.

"Come on, let's go in!"

When the four of them entered the gate, they saw a pretty girl standing in front of them, looking left and right, as if looking for someone.

Cheng Luo unconsciously glanced over there!

What a beautiful sister!

Through the tempting aura, she could still see the faint greenness on her body. At most 18 or 9 years old, he has a tall and hot figure, his cheeks are cold and exquisite, and a pair of white slender legs are exposed under the beige leotard tight skirt, causing people passing by to frequently glance like Cheng Luo.

Suddenly, she glanced over her eyes, her eyes lit up, and a sweet smile hung on her face.

"Brother Anyang ~"

Cheng Luo froze, glanced at his side, and when he turned back, he saw the girl trotting towards her side.

Xiao Xueer ran to Anyang and stood still. He only glanced at Ji Weiwei, and took the initiative to take Anyang's arm. Then he greeted Ji Weiwei: "Sister Weiwei."

Ji Weiwei's face was slightly dark and nodded.

Hua Xueqin's expression was extremely brilliant. Sometimes he looked at Ji Weiwei with Yu Guang, and sometimes looked at Xiao Xue'er, who held Anyang's hand and smiled sweetly, feeling that his brain was not enough.

Instead, Cheng Luo thought less and only cast an ambiguous smile on Anyang, so he didn't say much.

Following the guidance of Miss Etiquette, the four found their place and sat down. Unfortunately, the number of tables on their invitations was not the same, and the areas were different. It is obvious that the school has divided the location area into three, six, nine, etc., but this is also an unspoken rule, including the Spring Festival Gala. The best position is always the most important person.

Cheng Luo was sitting in the center of the outer area, and Hua Xueqin entered the center area because of his family's power. He was sitting outside the center area, and the two were not far apart.

Instead, Anyang and Ji Weiwei were sitting together, both in the middle of the central area. Although not the core, it was not bad.

Xiao Xueer was busy because she mixed in with An You. She had no place in the field, but she was free to run around or sit and play in the staff area.

There are ten people at one table, and it fills up quickly.

Anyang glanced at random. Most of his tables were middle-aged, both men and women. I do n’t know how many brothers and sisters before the session. It took a long time to achieve this achievement.

There is also a retired old professor wearing glasses. When he was a freshman, he was a candidate for ancient texts. He had heard the last class taught by this professor. That was a sleepy one!

But this is mostly the case around him. He and Ji Weiwei are very young, at least in their thirties.

Several people smiled and nodded, then distributed their business cards, and even after they introduced themselves, they met.

Except for professors, they are basically mixed business people. Even if they are not good at communication, they will not be constrained. They will talk about it in a few words.

Anyang has no interest in this. The reason why he received the invitation letter is still Ji Weiwei's relationship. However, due to the distinguishedness of the Ans Group and the recent big actions of the Ans, these business elites can be very interested in them who are serving in the Ans Group. to seek cooperation.

Instead, the old professor was sitting by himself ~ ~ He was a little sloppy, and no one was interested. He had to look at the empty stage and pick up a few peanuts to eat from time to time.

It's been a bit cold recently, and the playground is windy, a bit bleak.

It didn't take long for the celebration to finally begin.

The host came to the stage, first thanked together, then stated the history and talents of Yizhou University, and finally gave a lot of congratulations to the school.

Then there is more boring leadership speech.

For such a huge educational institution, there are more school leaders with higher administrative levels than the mayor, each of them has to talk a lot, and it takes time to take turns.

Anyang was speechless for a while.

If in the world of China, the world of apocalypse or Pallans, this would never happen!

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