My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 711: dramatic

"Since the establishment of Yizhou University ..."

"Today is undoubtedly the most congratulatory time ..."

"I have the leaders of the Provincial Department of Education below ..."

"We also invited ..."

The voices of leaders were full of breath.

Most people sitting in the most central area have prominent identities. Even if they don't want to listen, they have to make a full appearance and pose enough.

But the people behind are not necessary. The process of the leader's speech is actually the process of communication between the alumni of the same level sitting behind, just lower the voice.

Anyang's hearing is very keen now, only to feel the buzz everywhere, like countless bees, troublesome.

Not many people here are engaged in electronic business, so Ji Weiwei has not been disturbed, but several people ’s careers are related to the Internet, so they have their eyes on Anyang who works in the ‘Anshi Network’. Tricks and friendships followed one after another, and they all hoped to use his line to catch the Ans Group's fast-moving aircraft carrier.

After several consecutive rounds, they finally saw that Anyang was indeed lacking in interest, and this only slightly let him go.

After the fame and fortune set, it will become a chat.

A woman about 40 years old sighed while drinking water: "The two younger brothers and sisters are really young and promising."

"Where, what are we, sister is the only one who has achieved fame!" Ji Weiwei returned a compliment.

"Haha, I'm like Shimei at this age. I'm still worried about rent! Which is comparable to you, Wei Wei, you are the manager of An's sales department at such a young age. Right! "

"How come, Sister Li laughed."


However, Anyang didn't bother to listen to what they said, turned his head to look into the distance, and examined this 'open-air celebration center'.

Strictly speaking, he came in because of Ji Weiwei's relationship. Without Ji Weiwei, Yizhou University didn't know that he still had a student as an executive in An's Group.

However, in this large sports field, Anyang was able to sense the existence of many units of time and space forces. I think it should be the high-ranking dignitaries who once walked out of this school.

He did not think that this included the senior leaders of Yizhou University. Although the leaders of these schools had high administrative levels, they did not have enough real power to meet the requirements for receiving badges. So even though Anyang has stopped issuing badges in person recently and no longer auditing the owners of badges, he is still sure that the badges will not reach these people!

I saw a familiar figure ahead, busy in the crowd, commanding other volunteers and ceremonial ladies.

It is Anyou!

There was a smile on the corner of Anyang's mouth. It seemed that Nizi's college life seemed to be fulfilling!

Not long after, An You also saw him.

However, An You only sneered at him from afar, and then turned her head, treating him as a stranger, and ignored him.

Anyang can also see Xiao Xueer's figure. She is hanging around in the staff area and is completely idle. From time to time, he took out his mobile phone to take two photos. When Anyou was free, he went up and talked with her. Sometimes he helped the volunteers to do what he could. Sometimes he sensed his gaze and turned his head to show him one. Sweet smiley.

Of course, what she did the most was sitting down and playing with her mobile phone, and she could see that she was really bored here.

But because of the high face value and the relationship with Anyou, no one stood up and accused her of not being here.

On the contrary, there are also many self-confident male students who are dedicated and dedicated from time to time, and many business people who are in their prime are looking at her frequently. Anyang saw someone walking up and wanting her contact information, but she was very calmly rejected, and there were also middle-aged men who invited her to sit at a table. Xiao Xueer was even more ignorant about it.

Such a high-cold and beautiful girl, no matter the temptation to the little boy or the mature man is top-notch.

Ji Weiwei talked with the woman named Li, and inadvertently followed Anyang's gaze, his eyes suddenly glared slightly, and stepped on Anyang's foot.


Anyang, who was caught off guard, took a breath, pretending to be very painful, and asked in a low voice, "What are you doing when you step on me?"

Ji Weiwei turned her head and smiled, but she was very beautiful: "Master Anda, what do you want to see, is it good-looking?"

Anyang stunned, immediately wisely stopped talking.

The woman next to him with a surnamed Li shook his head and smiled, but then hung up with a smile of commitment: "It's nice to be young, look at you, Lang Cai's appearance, I really envy your feelings!"

Ji Weiwei smiled and didn't want to explain, but she looked at Xiao Xue'er not far away. She still shook her head and said: "Sister Li misunderstood, we just have a good relationship."

"Is it?" The woman froze for a moment, then embarrassed.

Anyang also smiled and said nothing.

Soon, a man about thirty years old answered the phone and quickly apologized to several people and said, "Sorry, some brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters, a friend who has a good relationship in front said that they are missing there. There are vacancies, I have to let me chat in the past, I have lost some time! "

Anyang nodded with a smile: "It's okay, Brother, walk slowly."

Ji Weiwei also smiled indifferently.

The woman with the surnamed Li laughed and laughed: "I don't think Mr. Liu will go back this time, haha."

The man immediately showed an embarrassed look: "If we can't come back, let's talk another day, anyway, we will also leave the contact information, and I will do it the other day, and everyone will come together to gather!"

The woman named Li smiled again: "Just kidding, but boss Liu has spoken, then I can write it down!"

"Of course!"

The man with the surname Liu said a few words of apology in succession. He was still a man. Finally, he deliberately resigned the oldest and most senior professor at this table.

However, Anyang knows that these words are just polite for ordinary people, but it is not necessarily true among these business people who have a huge network of contacts.

Maybe the man with the surname Liu forgot to say what he said as soon as he turned around, and maybe he would really call one by one and invite a few people to contact him. Perhaps it is because of these two jokes about the woman named Li and the man named Liu, plus an alumni status that can't be beaten by Baganzi, the two will soon reach a consensus on what win-win projects they really encounter in the future.

So this is why ordinary graduates can't be invited, and they have to sit here at different levels when they come here. Everything is for better communication and matchmaking.

In essence, this is a rights and interests meeting.

The man with the surname Liu went to a table in front, not far from here, but obviously it was one level higher than this table. There seemed to be a temporary absence, so he just got promoted. The people he met there are of a higher level, and the rewards of climbing relationships are greater. It seems that he really has no plans to return.

Anyang glanced at Xiao Xueer, who was sitting in the staff area. She was holding her chin in her hands and looked everywhere, seeming to be extremely bored.

He seemed to feel his gaze, Xiao Xueer turned his head, his eyes narrowed into a crescent moon, showing a sweet smile.

Anyang also smiled and waved at her.

When Xiao Xueer came briskly, he pointed to the seat before the man named Liu: "No one here."


Xiao Xueer's eyes lit up, and he sat down.

Ji Weiwei glanced at Anyang indistinctly, and said nothing. Instead, she was looked at by a woman named Li.

Anyang smiled at her and introduced to the people present: "This is my sister's classmate, named Xiao Xue'er. Bring me to sit together. The CEOs take care of her."

Everyone present smiled and nodded, speaking very well.

"What a pretty little girl!"

"With such a girl sitting among us, the boring celebration ceremony is much better, isn't it?"

"Yes, haha!"

Only the woman with the surname Li made a joke: "This time boss Liu wants to go back and can't come back, haha!"

Someone immediately promised: "Boss Liu has a higher chance. If you want to pull him back, can you pull it back?"

"It's better not to come back, no matter how big the girl is, look at the eyes, do you say that?"

"Yes, it's amazing."

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a tunic passed by from here, and suddenly saw Xiao Xueer, frowning and stopping, asking, "Are you a student of the school?"

Xiao Xueer froze for a moment, then hesitated a little and nodded: "Well."

The middle-aged man glanced at the people sitting in his seat, frowning deeper and deeper: "Why are you sitting here?"

"I ..." Xiao Xue'er said a little.

Anyang felt that this middle-aged man was a little familiar, but he could not recognize it, it should be the leadership of Yizhou University and the like, so he extended his hand and said: "This is my sister. We have an old senior at this table who was friends I ’m invited to chat in front, so there is a seat. My sister is right here, I ’ll let her come and sit here, should there be no problem? "

"This, there was no problem at all." The middle-aged people also kindly shook hands with Anyang, "but now that there is a problem with the budget, the seats are a bit insufficient ..."

His face was clearly embarrassed.

Anyang frowned, too.

A capable senior man of about fifty years passed by here surrounded by a group of people, but he didn't know what he felt, so he stopped here and looked horrified.

Xiao Xueer paused and quickly got up with a smile: "It doesn't matter, brother Anyang, I'll go over there to find Xiaoyou."

Anyang pulled her away, instead of looking at the middle-aged man, but glanced lightly at the old man behind him.

Everyone didn't know why, but the old man stood up and patted the middle-aged man: "What's going on?"

The middle-aged man was surprised when he turned his head: "Cheng ... Leader Cheng! And Director Luo, Principal Li ..."

The old man did not speak, still looking at him lightly.

After a few seconds, the middle-aged talent reacted and quickly explained the reason. During this period, he nodded and bowed his head, so that the people around him could not help thinking about the identity of the old man.

After a while, the old man nodded: "I understand the situation for the time being, but since the little girls have sat down ~ ~ During the celebration, there is no reason to catch people, you say it?"

"Yes, I was negligent." The middle-aged man said quickly, with a sincere attitude.

"There are so many things to celebrate, you are too busy, and you have nothing to do with negligence, and don't cause trouble to the guests." The old man's tone is also very kind, like teaching younger generations.

"I know."


The old man left, only glanced at Anyang in a subtle way.

The middle-aged people were left to wipe their sweats, and then they turned around to explain that they were eating and drinking at this table, and then they were relieved and walked away quickly.

Xiao Xueer blinked, his face inexplicable.

It's really dramatic!

Soon, someone started serving.

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