My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 712: Suddenly meet again

The main purpose of Xiao Xueer staying here during the day is to accompany An You, and the secondary purpose is to eat and drink. Now Anyou is obviously very busy and does not need her to accompany her. As for eating and drinking, she can also achieve this goal by staying in the staff area, but she has to finish eating before they can finish the meal. Now that Anyang is here, she is simply here.

The catering for the celebration is naturally not made in the cafeteria, but outsourced to a team of chefs, so the dishes are not bad.

It was n’t the students who served the dishes, but the waiters of the team. They were very brisk and moved slowly from the center. Soon, the table in Anyang was filled with various dishes.

In addition to the professor, the woman with the surnamed Li is considered senior at this table, and her personal assets are not bad. She quickly mastered the right to speak and greeted her when she was almost ready to eat.

"Let's start, everyone, don't pay attention!"

"Come on, come here, start, all are brothers and sisters of a school, everyone is their own!"

"Hey, there is Sister!"

"Yes, yes, Sister, you move first!"

Anyang smiled next to him: "Let Professor Ding move the chopsticks first. If you don't move, we don't dare to move."

"Ah, yeah ..." A middle-aged man picked up the chopsticks. Hearing this, he put down the chopsticks again, a little embarrassed, but still pretended to be a casual echo.

The old professor is getting old, and he feels a little neglected because he hasn't been able to insert the words of everyone. He heard the words and quickly picked up the chopsticks and smiled, "Move it, move it."

Only a few people started laughing.

Ji Weiwei got up as old professors and brothers and sisters poured the drinks one by one, and glanced at the unopened red wine on the table, couldn't help feeling: "The school is so corrupt!"

Anyang smiled: "It is not easy to celebrate the 100th anniversary. It is estimated that the school also wants to be grand."

Xiao Xueer said thank you when Ji Weiwei poured juice for her. Her face was slightly red. She felt that the job should have been done by herself. After all, she was the youngest.

But she was a little bit dull, so Ji Weiwei did it, wondering if others would think she was ignorant.

The surrounding area soon became full of food. Although not many people drank here, some people poured some red wine, and they were entangled with each other. The talk and laughter were endless and lively. In the process of eating, there are also people who intersect among the crowd, chat with their familiar alumni, or introduce business people who are likely to cooperate with each other in the same industry to match each other.

The table in Anyang is divided into three groups, one is an old professor who has been neglected, one is a business man in his thirties, and one is a young three.

The three crowds talked occasionally, but more often they talked to each other, of course, the old professor had to eat in silence.

Ji Weiwei smiled and said, "Look, today's celebration does not know how much GDP can be contributed to our country."

Anyang also smiled: "You are right!"

When Ji Weiwei heard this, she raised her eyebrows and immediately reached out to pinch him: "Grandma is too lazy to talk to you, but she is playing ball fight with your sister Sher."

"Can you not use such an evil game name?"

"What ... God, you can think about it!"

"It's crooked when it's open." Anyang pouted.

At this moment, the man with the surname Liu had brought another middle-aged man. Fortunately, instead of coming back to sit, he introduced the woman beside him to the woman with the surname Li.

Anyang and Ji Weiwei had to look at each other and smiled bitterly.

It's really out of place here.

In the distance, there are more people talking to each other, standing with their glasses together, as if attending a dinner party.

Suddenly, Anyang stared.

A tall back figure walked by on the left. She wore a white knee-length dress and a belt around her waist, which set off a beautiful figure. It has a perfect temperament and is so familiar. It was just that the long hair at the waist was cut a little, only to the position where the shoulders were down, dyed a little yellowish color, and a beautiful bun was made, which made her look more refreshing and beautiful.

"Huh?" Xiao Xueer glanced at Anyang suspiciously, immediately looked forward, and captured the figure, "Brother Anyang, is that a classmate you knew before?"

Anyang glanced back and nodded, "It's true."

Xiao Xueer immediately frowned, and this surely swaying answer made her instinctively feel wrong, just like she saw the figure instinctively at once.

At this moment, Ji Weiwei raised her head and wiped her mouth, blinking and blinking her eyes: "Excuse me ... Did I miss something?"

Xiao Xueer smiled: "Nothing, maybe Anyang brother met an old classmate who was not sure."

"Oh ..." Ji Weiwei didn't see what happened just now, but she could be sure by just listening to these few words, "Needless to say, it must be your predecessor of your Anyang brother!"

"Brother Anyang's ex-girlfriend?" Xiao Xueer's cold face turned to Ji Weiwei, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Ji Weiwei smiled generously: "Yeah, don't you think your brother Anyang University has been playing bachelor?"

Xiao Xueer shook her head, bit her lip, and said in silence: "No, I think there will be girls chasing Anyang brother, just like you and Xiaoqian sister."

"Cough ... you are really confident in him!" Ji Weiwei was almost choked and took a sip before slowing down, showing a very funny smile. "But it wasn't your brother Anyang who chased the girl in college, It ’s your elder brother Anyang who is chasing after death, well, they had a good relationship at the time, but they broke up not long after graduation. "

At the end, she blinked and added: "That's the flower of the Department of Foreign Languages, white skin and beautiful temperament!"

Anyang's face was a little dark, and she patted her head, which made her shut up and looked around awkwardly. Fortunately, everyone has their own conversation, and no one will pay attention to them.

Xiao Xueer looked at Anyang's appearance and knew that Ji Weiwei had definitely said it, and that what he said was true. There was an indescribable feeling in his heart. On the one hand, she envied that Ji Weiwei could have traveled with Anyang for so many years. On the other hand, she was jealous of the woman, feeling like a dull spring rain, and the mud of the earth when she went out.

"Was the girl Anyang chased after ..."


Anyang was speechless beside him.

After eating, some people stayed in the seats and talked in groups, and some got up and left, and went to the campus to find the years that were lost here.

The activity arranged by the school in the afternoon is to climb the Moon Mountain, a hill next to Yizhou University. Although it is not high, it is beautiful, and it is named for the beautiful scenery under the moon on the top of the mountain. And there is a road in Yizhou University that can directly climb to the top of Yuehua Mountain, so this mountain has basically become a holy place for students to relax, sketch and love, and impressed students deeply.

Anyang remembers that he often climbed the mountain together with Jiang Xinrou at the beginning. Sometimes he was flying kites, sometimes he wanted to go up to sit and blow wind, and sometimes it was just mountain climbing.

He and Ji Weiwei have also visited many times, and his classmates have also visited a few times, and his roommates have also come to cook.

For this project, he will not refuse.

When the old professor left after eating, the three of them quickly got up to say goodbye and found a place to sit and drink tea.

In the afternoon, a group of people walked on the moon to Mount Huashan.

Without seeing An You's figure, Xiao Xue'er simply took Anyang's hand, and the full and tender young girl's chest kept squeezing on his arm, and she walked a few steps before letting go.

Ji Weiwei looked at all kinds of dissatisfaction next to it, but took Xiao Xueer helplessly, and finally had to act as if she didn't see it.

She always feels that this girl was intentionally shown to her!

Not far away from the road, we can see the school volunteers walking over and Cheng Luo and Hua Xueqin are waiting in front of them to meet with the two of them, and the three become five.

Later, Ji Weiwei also contacted a classmate at her university, greeted Anyang, and left.

At this point, the four began to climb together.

Without Ji Weiwei's presence, Xiao Xueer no longer has to worry about anything, directly shaking Anyang, with a sweet smile, the cold color disappeared.

To say how beautiful Yuehua Mountain is, it's not always possible.

In terms of beauty alone, it is not as good as the mountain where Anyang and the three female goblins retired together in the Shenzhou world, but in the minds of many students at Yizhou University, it is a coordinate that runs through the entire university career, and its significance is no less than The most frequently visited building, and the common coordinates in all students' hearts, is also the best place to recall the past.

Ascend the mountainside and look down, overlooking the campus panorama, the library and the stadium, the huge hydrogen balloon, the teaching building and the swimming pool, and each dormitory is clearly visible.

You can also vaguely see the outline of the university city, and the distant horizon is a towering forest of steel and concrete.

Xiao Xueer slightly tipped her toes to look into the distance, her tall figure was more eye-catching, and suddenly she turned to look at Anyang, and then turned back to point to the distance: "Look, our school!"

Anyang chuckled and looked at what she was pointing.

Yizhou University of Science and Technology vaguely revealed a corner.

Both Hua Xueqin and Cheng Luo secretly looked at Xiao Xueer who was holding his hand along the way. I don't know what to think, but when I arrived here, I didn't care about anything else, just looking forward.

"It's finally here again, haha!"

"Climb to the horizon and open your mind!"

Anyang also smiled to them ~ ~ but knew that the most beautiful time of Yuehua Mountain was never the day, but the moon night.

Yuehuashan is the most hazy under the light of Yuehua.

At that time, the entire Yizhou University, including the university city outside and the towering steel pillars in the distant urban area, will be bathed in silver and silver, with a sharp outline, shadowy and beautiful.

Everything is silent, lurking quietly.

It's just that the dormitory is closed at night, and you can't get out late, and you can't go back carelessly, so people in the dormitory rarely experience the lingering Yuehua Mountain.

Anyang also came here during the time when he rented a house outside with Jiang Xinrou and experienced the thrilling beauty.

It didn't take long for the four to climb to the top of the mountain.

What did you say, Anyang said that she walked up to the highest point with a smile, and at a glance saw Jiang Xinrou standing on the cliff.

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