My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 822: Untanji Wayama

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Ten miles from the green hills, Chaoping Road carries sand.

The white dewdrop depresses the slender blades of grass, hangs on it, and falls on it. With the unfamiliar steps passing by, it finally fell to the ground and melted into the sand.

Anyang and Xiaochan followed the two-three-meter-wide mud official road to prepare for the legendary Yungu Temple.

It may be the reason that Xiao Chan's legs are too short. They were not a long journey. They just walked for a long time.

But neither of them was impatient.

These roads are too narrow, and large luxury RVs are naturally impassable. The off-road vehicle is no problem, and the performance is also excellent, but in this world where the gods and Buddha are not clear, Anyang is really afraid to drive the off-road vehicle on the roadside.

So the best way of transportation is walking.

I met a lot of people along the way, and they went in the same direction with them. I want to come to be a believer of the Yungu Temple.

These people were carrying large and small packages, and the inferior smell of incense sticks in them. The eyes looking at the distant valley were extremely pious, but when they came back to God, they took them when they looked at other people on the roadside. Deep alert.

Another believer took a fancy to Xiao Chan and said that he would give Anyang fifty copper plates and buy Xiao Chan back to be a maid.

Well, fifty copper plates.

Anyang knew that these people went to Yungu Temple to burn incense and ritual Buddha just to find peace in the troubled times. They may be pious in front of the Buddha statue and make a wish to wait for the spiritual test, but after leaving the temple, they will tell the abbot to throw away the words of good Behind the brain, continue to live for their own desires.

Including them to burn incense and ritual Buddha is also to make an excuse for their selfishness, or to allow the bodhisattva to satisfy their selfishness and their greed.

Xiushan Mountain was not called Xiushan Mountain before. It was the name that this group of monks took after they moved in. This mountain is actually a continuous peak, steep and towering. There is a valley surrounded by clouds all year round due to the humid climate. The temple built in this valley is called Yungu Temple.

When Anyang and Xiaochan approached Yungu Temple step by step, it was the very morning when the incense was strong.

The ragged scented people traversed the monastery, each lit a thin yellow scent, and worshipped and worshipped in front of the huge furnace in the dam of the monastery.

In this troubled world, everyone is struggling to live. People who are slightly better dressed will pinch a copper plate, and jingle the copper plate mixed with rust and sweat into the merit box. As if he had made a great contribution to the Buddha, his hands were folded and he began to make his own wish.

The clothes that are more shabby often carry some food, either a little rice or flour, sweet potatoes grown in several homes, and some even bring some oil to the candlelight in the temple.

A "monk" sat cross-legged at the gate of the inner courtyard and turned a string of beads in his hand. He looked calm, murmured to himself, and occasionally glanced at past pilgrims.

But suddenly, he suddenly raised his head and fixed his eyes tightly on the large and small figures that had just entered the courtyard.

To be precise, he is looking at Xiao Chan.

Xiao Chan obviously also felt his gaze, only to feel that he was seen hot, out of the shadow of the monk in her heart, she could not help but shrink back to Anyang.

Anyang rubbed her head to make her feel at ease, and then moved towards the monk who had some morality.

This person has not yet surpassed the mortal, only for decades, and may be regarded as a master in the Shenzhou world, but Anyang obviously has higher expectations for this world.

The monk only began to observe him at this time.

Right now the young man is simple in dress, not as gorgeous and bright as the enchanting little girl, but it can also be clearly distinguished from the civilians around him. And he didn't have the numbness of the troubled civilians who came to ask for peace, but he had been calm and calm.

Until the young man stood in front of him, he crouched down slightly and smiled at himself: "Master, can you have a private meeting with your abbot for a moment?"

The monk's eyes were gleaming. On the one hand, he was palpitating Anyang from the close pressure on him. On the one hand, he felt the enchantment of the little girl more clearly. He lowered his eyebrows and pretended not to hear Anyang's words. He quickly moved the bead in his hand and chanted Sanskrit scriptures in his mouth.

Suddenly, he put his hands on his knees, the golden light flashed in his eyes, and swept over Anyang and Xiaochan.

The believers who were still incense in the courtyard were stunned to see this scene. Someone immediately lay on the ground, shouting masters and the like in their mouths, as if they saw a miracle.

"Oh! Daring evildoer, dare to come to my Buddha's gate and come to the wild!" Many believers only heard the monk shouting and grabbed the little girl with one hand.

"Demon ... monster ..." Someone was shocked.

The devout believers who had just been pious did not hesitate, and did not care whether the master could win, and turned and rushed out.


The monk's hand seemed to run into a transparent barrier and could not be pushed in. The monk's face was so anxious that the calm monk was still anxious, and his hand was clawing forward.

On the other hand, the little girl across from him was likening a strange gesture with one hand, and his eyes widened back.

The monk took advantage of the opportunity to bully and almost flew forward: "The evil spirits quickly took their hands and arrested, my Buddha is compassionate, if you have not committed murder, there is still a chance to convert!"

Then there was a mumble, and he fell to the ground.

People who ran out of the monastery before they were too dumbfounded.

I saw that the monk was lying on the blue stone slab, his face and the relief of the stone squeeze hard, and it was the young man's hand that was pressing on his back.

The young man still smiled very gently: "Master, who is here to teach you to deal with people as soon as you meet?"

"Huh?" The monk was a little surprised. "Who are you?"

"Who am I? You don't have to worry about it for the time being, I just want to ask you, I came to visit Yungu Temple with good intentions, but you have to do it with my maid as soon as you come, how do you say this?"

"Are you in the door?"

"..." Anyang squeezed his hand hard, his body immediately under incomparable pressure, and challenged the hardness of the bluestone slab.

"You are not a mortal, then you naturally know that your maidservant is a fox, why do you want to take her?" The monk said awe-inspiring in a weird posture, "Even if you take the maidservant to travel around You ca n’t control it, but you should n’t take her to Buddhism again. My Buddhism has always made it my duty to surrender the degree and turn the world into evil ... "

"Nonsense!" Anyang added a little more force to his hands. "If the demon is born to pollute evil, how to spend it? You should spend away the people who created life, and the people who open up the earth! If the fairy is not born to pollute evil, you How can I be sure that my maid is filthy? Do you have to deal with her as soon as you come up? "

"The donor's words are bad. The demon is doing evil in this chaotic world for all to see ..."

The monk's words were not finished yet, and he saw in the inner courtyard another loud shout—

"Where did the evildoer make trouble in my Yungu Temple, and actually hurt my younger brother of the nursing home!" The voice had reached the point of shock, accompanied by a lion's seal that fell from the sky.

Anyang frowned and slapped a palm up, and his mana poured out directly, blocking the golden lion.


There was an exploding muffled sound in the air.

With a loud bang, a big-eared monk wearing a gray monk's robe fell into the courtyard, staring at Anyang: "Why did the donor bring evil to my Yungu Temple?"

"I was here to chat with the abbot of Yungu Temple, but I didn't expect that your monk would have to deal with my maid as soon as you came up. How do you say I can endure?" Anyang also looked at this Taoist line slightly and slightly increased. Said the big-eared monk.

"Teacher brother is reckless by nature and has the worst meditation practice. He let him guard the inner courtyard. He didn't expect to offend the donor. Here, Huiyuan compensated the donor." The long-eared monk named Huiyuan said to him in unison. Amitabha, "But shemales are different. Unless you are converted to my Buddha, the demon is really not suitable for entering my Buddha's gate. Please ask the donor to forgive me."

"Not welcome? Then I will go!"

"Then I can only give the donor a courtesy. I don't want to worry about it. The monk will not apologize. I also ask the donor to let go of my younger brother. I am grateful!"

"Hehe!" Anyang sneered twice, knowing that the monk was scrupulous about his cultivation behavior. If he didn't have this cultivation behavior, it was estimated that he would have been beaten and thrown out by these two monks. I don't know how to be treated.

So he let go of the monk who was pressed under him, but when he turned around, there were hundreds of tiny purple light flashing like plankton in the sky.


The ground flashed a dazzling light. When the light dissipated, the outer courtyard had become unrecognizable, and there were potholes destroyed by purple tassels everywhere.

Anyang then turned around: "Let's go!"

Monk Huiyuan and the gate monk bowed their hands together and chanted Amitabha, but did not dare to come forward to seek justice.

They know that they can't beat ...

When I walked out of the outer courtyard ~ ~ Many pilgrims with frightened faces gathered at the gate of the monastery. When they both came out, they were too frightened to imagine, and they kept going back in the opposite direction.

Anyang ignored them and went straight down the mountain.

Xiao Chan lowered his head silently, as if he thought he was in trouble, he almost didn't sag his ears.

Walking down the mountain and out of this misty valley, Anyang looked up at the sky and identified the direction: "It seems that we can only go to that mountain now!"

"Huh." Xiao Chan murmured.

The mountain that said that there is a fairy is much farther than Xiushan Mountain. Anyang didn't want to walk slowly, so he directly lifted Xiao Chan's collar and flew over there. He didn't fall until he flew to the foot of the mountain, preparing to walk slowly up the mountain, and at the same time inquire about the situation of this mountain, don't make it like Yungu Temple.

There is a small village under the mountain, which looks a little secluded and peaceful. When Lao Yuan saw the smoke rising from the sky, they walked slowly.

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