My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 823: Lingtai Fangcunshan


"What do you call this mountain?"

Anyang opened his eyes in disbelief.

Opposite him was an old woodcutter, looking forty or fifty years old. His skin was tanned, and his face was covered with ravines that had been cut by a knife and axe. Perennial work has made his eyes a little cloudy, but there is no outside mortal, but rather very peaceful.

The old woodcutter faced Anyang's questioning with some sincerity and fear, but he repeated for him: "Fang Cunshan, called Fang Cunshan."

"But the full name of this mountain is called Lingtai Fangcun Mountain?" Anyang continued to ask.

"This ..." The old woodcutter hesitated. He had cut firewood all his life on this mountain. He only vaguely knew that the mountain was called Fangcun Mountain. As for Lingtai not being Lingtai, he really didn't know.

"Okay, thank you, old man." Anyang took out a piece of broken silver and gave it to the woodman.

"I can't help it." The woodcutter waved his hands again and again. "I just answered a few questions casually. The young man didn't want to abandon the little old man. The little old man was ashamed of it. what……"

"Thank you so much." Anyang did not shy away from him. He withdrew the broken silver and went to the village head.

This is indeed like a secluded paradise, let alone, in this era of chaos, such a simple person can never find a lantern outside.

Then Anyang and Xiaochan walked through the whole village and felt the peace here. People are not disturbed by natural disasters, there are no monsters and ghosts, and there are not so many secret battles. The nature of nature is simple and kind.

It's just that the two of them didn't ask about the specific situation of the mountain in the end. Most people only knew that the mountain was called Fangcun Mountain, and the rest did not know.

"Then look uphill!" Anyang stood at the head of the village.

This mountain is indeed very deep, covered with dense vegetation, cloud and fog, even if you raise your head can not see the top.

The two began to walk into the mountains.

Nowhere along the way.

Fang Cunshan, no one is unfamiliar.

There is a mythological masterpiece in China called "Journey to the West". There is an old saying called Master Bodhi, where the old saying lives in Fangcun Mountain.

Its full name is ‘Lingtai Fangcunshan, Xieyue Sanxingdong’.

This is actually a crossword puzzle.

Lingtai Fangcun is actually a word of ‘Xun’, and the three stars of Xieyue is ‘Heart’, which together is ‘Xinxin’, reflecting the importance attached by the ancient practitioners to the mind.

Regardless of Lingtai or Fangcun, it actually means the heart. There is a word for "Fangcun chaos".

From the absolute protagonist in the Journey to the West, Sun Wukong started his invincible life from here!

Anyang remembered that Sun Wukong was just a stone monkey at that time. He didn't mention his origin in the original Journey to the West. After throwing away various interpretations of modern people, he just turned a stone into a fine one. But this stone monkey has learned a skill in Sanxingdong of Xieyue, and within a few years he dare not take heaven into consideration!

Sun Wukong first met a woodman when he first arrived at Fang Cunshan, but the woodman not only knew everything, but also heard the classics and songs in Sanxingguan on the mountain.

"Can the system borrow the background of the Westward Journey?"

"But is this Fangcun Mountain the spiritual platform of Bodhisattva? Fangcun Mountain is not necessarily, maybe it is just a name? It still has to be seen with my own eyes to know."

"The Bodhisattva master described in the original Journey to the West is approachable, even if you accidentally offend, is it okay?"

Anyang doesn't feel that he has any ability to resist in front of the legendary gods at his own level, but still has to be careful.

At first they walked along the path where the woodcutter went up to cut wood. Later, when the path was gone, they could only walk through the jungle and step up.


A low roar of the tiger came from afar.

Xiao Chan tipped her feet and glanced in the direction of the sound, but the jungle was too deep and she could not see anything.

The two did not have much control, and continued to trek up the mountain.

Anyang was a little puzzled. There was a stone step uphill in the original Journey to the West, which Sun Wukong took, but he saw nothing.

But at this moment, he saw the stone steps.

To be precise, some unknown stone slabs have been corroded by wind and rain, and many of them are also covered by mud and fallen leaves. The exposed ground is also covered with moss. Can vaguely see that they are connected into a long road to the top of the mountain.

Anyang hurriedly walked over, but his face was dumbfounded.

"What's happening here?"

Xiao Chan followed him, looking at these exposed stones in wonder, wondering why he was so surprised.

After a pause, Anyang squatted down to touch the stone, pressed it again, and took it in front of his eyes to observe carefully: "Seventeen, analyze how many years this stone carving has been here."

"In the analysis ... the analysis is over. Unfortunately, Mr. Anyang, this is not a delicate stone carving, it is just a simple strip, and it is not carved neatly, which means that it is difficult for me to analyze from the degree of surface erosion Its history, and most of it is buried in the ground, the environment has changed a lot, and there are traces of trampling. The number of people who have stepped on it and other factors will affect its wear and tear. These all analyze my age. Caused restrictions ... "

"So, the analysis failed."

"It's okay." Anyang nodded, knowing that this is indeed a bit difficult for the strongman, but he also has an academic means to know the year information of these things.

But after thinking about it, he gave up this plan again.

Because if this stone stairway really leads to the oblique moon view of Samsung, then he knows the year is meaningless.

After all, he did n’t know how long the Xingyue Sanxingguan was built, or when these stones were buried by wind and rain, so no matter the age of these stones or how many years they were buried underground, None can help him judge when the road was abandoned.

Anyang paused for a while and then continued to look up.

About every ten to twenty meters, there are some stones out of the ground, although they are not convenient for their walking, but they point out the direction for them.

Half an hour later, the road came to an end.

Anyang raised his head high and was completely stunned.

In front of a mountain cliff, Qianfeng halberds, Wan Cheng opened the screen, withered vines wrapped around the old tree, faintly has a stone step, but this stone step is already covered with moss. Beside the stream, there is a fascinating fragrant smoke, gathered in the light of the sun and the moon.

There is a wooden door embedded in the cave in front, and the dark green grass on both sides of the door exudes a faint fragrance.

I saw the door closed tightly, and the vermilion's color had fallen off a lot. What was shocking was a big hole in the door, as if it had been chiseled out with brute force!

"Really insightful ..."

Anyang turned back suddenly, and saw a stone monument standing on that cliff head, about three feet high and eight feet wide, with a clear line of ten large characters on it.

"Lingtai Fangcunshan, Xieyue Sanxingdong!"

Anyang looked in a trance, as if he saw the joy of the beautiful monkey king in the book coming to this scene. Others in the book said: "The people here are simple, if there are this mountain and this hole ..."

At that time, the Monkey King did not dare to knock on the door when he saw a lot of hooks here. Instead, he jumped on a pine branch to pick a pine nut and ate it.

And he? What should he do?

Besides, did the Journey to the West say that Lingtai Fangcunshan is in the West Niu Hezhou alone? How come South Zhanbuzhou is here?

While he was thinking, Xiao Chan was staring blankly at the front, as if trying to see what mystery, but got nothing.

Anyang just patted her on the head and smiled and said, "I'm telling you not to know cultivation only from day to night, you don't believe it, now you're so fucked!"

In between, he had already decided.

Without waiting for Chan to react, he had pushed forward to open the faded wooden door.

After walking through a dark tunnel in the mountains, the eyes were suddenly bright, but it was just a deserted scene.

This Xingyue Sanxingdong is very big, but inside it is a mess. The ground was covered with leaves, and the layers of piles were corroded, so that no trace of the ground was visible. There were some bench tables that fell on the ground crookedly, and they were already rotten.

"How many years has it passed!"

Anyang swallowed and continued to move forward.

A vigorous old tree was extremely lush, and thick moss grew on the roots.

The ground is covered with stone slabs, like a park, and the middle of the stone slabs will leave holes for trees to grow, but the original small trees have now grown into towering giant trees, directly deforming the stone slab roof-this is also the only thing that can be seen with the naked eye Slate place.

The wooden doors are already tattered, some are decaying, some are pushed down by others, and some are ruined for some reason.

One channel collapsed directly ...

A thick layer of gray soil accumulated on the roof, overgrown with weeds, and even some small animals settled on it.

A loft also collapsed ...

Anyang strolled around and had to admit that it was indeed deserted for many years.

And he was full of doubts at this time.

Is Xieyue Sanxingdong not the dojo of Bodhisattva? Where did the superb Bodhisattva master and so many disciples go? Why did this Samsung Cave fall into such a field?

With the great magical power of the Bodhisattva Master and his disciples' influence in the Three Realms, even if they move away and change to a new dojo, is it not so desolate here?

Wherever they have the heart to save here, UU reads www. If just keeps a thought, there is no mortal who can set up a ban. Say hello casually, even if those spiritual practitioners who have the magical powers dare to come here to offend?

Of course, all these speculations are based on the background that the system uses Journey to the West, but the facts are estimated to be unbiased.

The Bodhisattva teacher is the character in the Journey to the West. There is no such person in traditional Chinese mythology.

Although Anyang was a little unbelievable, he still had to face the facts-there must be a change that caused all the people in Xingyue Sanxingdong to disappear, including the Bodhisattva Master.

And what time is it now?

It could not have been the time when Wu Wukong was in the Tiangong Temple. Was it when Sun Wukong went to Xitian to learn? This is possible, because in the Journey to the West, Sun Wukong never mentioned the Bodhisattva Master after he left Xieyue Sanxing Cave, so he didn't know what happened to Xieyue Sanxingdong after 500 years of suppression.

At this moment, a strong aura wave came from the backyard.

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