My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 824: monkey


A sharp cry came out, stinging the eardrum. Ω 小 Δ says

Anyang felt a powerful demon qi is approaching, the source of the demon qi is the tattered backyard.


He immediately took on the enemy posture.

Xiao Chan was also a little frightened, because the intensity of this evil spirit in her reaction was almost the same as that of Kunlun Laodao and Yuqing in the Divine World, which was terrifying to her.

She backed off again and again, at the same time began to mantra defense.

This is thanks to getting along with Huang Lan for so long. If Huang Lan's violent madness had influenced her, now she should be scared and stupid.

And next to Anyang, a sharp sword light had condensed in front of him, and the body of the ancient sapphire ancient sword was held in his hand. Both the sword body and itself shone with dazzling divine light.

With a swipe, the comer has appeared.

That is a monkey demon with a height of more than two meters, covered with steel needles and white hair, long arms and fangs!

"..." Anyang froze for a moment.

I saw a monkey with such a deep cultivation at Sanxing Cave in Xieyue, which really made him want to be in a state of affairs.

Could it be that the system only borrowed some of the settings from the Journey to the West, and did not follow the Journey to the West, otherwise how could this Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai, Xi Niu Hezhou be here?

However, the monkey demon came in a fierce manner, with a stern look, almost no words, and no chance for him to think, and flew at him with open arms as soon as he met.

The swift sword light fluttered, and the sword light in front of Anyang had been spliced ​​into a wall, just like the substance, which was exactly between him and the monkey demon.

With a bang, the monkey has bumped up.

The claws in his hands are like golden hooks, which are even sharper than many magical instruments, and directly tear apart several swords. Poor this sword light was originally focused on sharp penetration, not heavy, how can the hurried composition of the wall resist the monkey's attack?

Fortunately, all this was expected by Anyang as soon as possible-

"Power rebounds!"

A thin layer of silver light shone on the wall of Jianguang. When the monkey opened his arms and wanted to tear Jianguang away, there was a strong surge, and he knocked him out!

"Squeak!" The monkey landed, but only a wild ape-like cry, sounded very uncomfortable.

But at this time, Anyang didn't mean to keep his hand. The wall composed of Jianguang suddenly spread out, and the direction of Jianguang turned around and whistled from the air, aiming at the monkey.

"Suddenly ..."

Jianguang finally showed his power under high flight, and all the handles had the power of destruction.


The monkey flew with one paw!


Another one!

But he only had two hands, and the third quickly penetrated into his left shoulder, and he remained unrelenting, bringing out a puff of blood to penetrate.

Blood mist spreads in the air!

The sword light also dissipated shortly after flying out, because the monkey's body was too hard. After the sword light penetrated, it had lost its edge, the structure was damaged, and it gradually disintegrated in flight.

Blood dripping on the ground like a lotus flower!

The next Jianguang didn't shoot at him anymore, but screamed and passed by in front of him, and all the handles did not enter the ground behind him.

The monkey stood in horror with some horror. There were still convulsions in his left shoulder. As soon as he was injured, he knew that he might be here. And the sky of sword light and the sound of breaking through the sky constantly made him feel that death was so close, so that he could not help squinting.

His ears were filled with air breaking sounds and the air flow brought by Jianguang, but he was not surprised to feel pain ...

He opened his eyes violently, his eyes shimmering.

In front of him was a young man who was indifferent to himself. He was carrying a sapphire ancient sword in his hand and surrounded by a handle of sword light: "Can you speak?"

The monkey wanted to move, but he felt as if he had fallen into the quagmire.

Lifting his head, he gritted his teeth and said, "Yes!"

"Sure enough, there is wisdom." Anyang's eyes lit up, and then he was amused by his stupidity. Even if the rules of the world are different, such high Taoism must be smart, "You are not going to talk about why you attack us? "

"Invade our territory, die!" The monkey stared at him biting his teeth, his eyes full of anger.

"Crazy!" Anyang just spoke out, suddenly stunned, turned his head and looked back.

He only feels that there is a demon spirit approaching here. Although most of them are not as good as this monkey, there are a few that are not inferior to this monkey, especially one of them. It is estimated that it has been approaching 400 years in terms of Taoxing. !

Nima, it really is a social animal!

Anyang sighed, turned around and pushed Xiao Chan into the corner, applying a defensive spell with the best effect she currently masters-Zhou Tian Da Luo's body protection.

Immediately he threw the sapphire ancient sword in his hand. The sword light in the air suddenly split apart, and in a blink of an eye turned into a thousands of solid ancient swords all over the sky. At the same time, the energy around him was stirred, and a plankton-like purple tassel also appeared. .

Xiao Chan's eyes widened in the corner, and he could clearly see that he was waiting for him, and he could feel the undisguised and powerful breath that was approaching.

She did not expect that the first monster you met in this world was so strong, and defeated one, and immediately ran out of a group!

However, it seems not surprising to see such a strong monster appearing in this mountain, where the mist is flying and the iridescence is filled, as if he is in the world of heaven and earth, enveloped by the divine light.

At that time, the group of monkey demon had appeared in front of them. The number was about 20. They were all white with steel needles and fangs and claws. They were not much different from the previous monkey demon. Four of them are similar to the previous monkey demon, and one is extremely powerful, it seems to be the monkey king ...

This group of monkeys stared at them.

"Everyone, we two have no intention of breaking into here, but I heard that this is Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, admiring the name of the ancestor of Bodhi, come here to see it, and I have no intention of disturbing." Anyang said loudly, but his own actions Did not stop.

"But you hurt my subordinates!" The monkey king at the front looked at him lightly, his voice was gentle and elegant.

"I'm sorry, but it's your subordinates who attacked us first regardless of right or wrong. I was helpless before I had to fight to stop him." Anyang was very humble.

"King, don't let him go!" The injured monkey demon cried with a grin.

"..." Anyang.

Such a high level of cultivation in the Shenzhou world is a big brother, but how is it like a little fart boy in this world.

The Monkey King stared at Anyang. He was not as tall as the injured monkey demon, but he was about one meter and nine meters tall, his legs were on the ground, his hands were standing, he stood up and looked down at Anyang: "Although it sounds like my people are reckless , But he was seriously injured after all, and I ca n’t just let it go! ”

"Okay, what do you want?"

The Monkey King looked up and glanced at the densely packed Ling Xianguang above his head: "You wear him a sword and wear your own ten swords as a guilt. I will let you go, how?"

"King, is this too cheap for him!" The injured monkey shouted again in a sharp voice.

"..." Anyang realized that these monkeys were only monkeys and could not become humans even if they became fine. This monkey king's voice is also a monkey, and he wanted to reason with him. It was difficult for him to shake his head. "I Choose to fight. "

"Huh?" The monkeys froze.

With a bang, the sky suddenly opened a hurricane, swept into a huge tornado, a mysterious energy stirred, and there seemed to be a huge dark shadow swimming in the tornado.

Many monkeys raised their heads, and looked dumbfounded.


The dark shadow of the sky tore the hurricane tornado, and suddenly appeared on this mountain.

I saw it was a huge monster with a height of 100 meters. It had a triangular head, with dense teeth in its mouth, and its body was streamlined, like a creature in the water, but it had one body after another besides its limbs. Hundred meters long tentacles, the entire huge body also floated in mid-air.

"Widow Behemoth!"

Anyang learned its prestige.

This is a series of ancient fierce beasts that he had the opportunity to summon after he was promoted to a fourth-rank scholar. Its strength has an overwhelming advantage over other fierce beasts. Threshold.


The widow beast roared and stared at the small group of white-haired little dots below.

Some weak monkeys have been stunned.

"Who can bluff this!" Or the Monkey King reacted first, and he also knew the root of the beast, and rushed towards Anyang directly, like a flash of lightning.

Then the reacting monkey was the injured monkey.

With a snap, the widow beast pulled him directly.

A huge force like a mountain came flying, directly pumping him to the ground and smashing it into a deep pit, and he fainted without a word ~ ​​ ~ Anyang then moved his sword to control thousands of swords Light, almost gathered together to meet the monkey king, followed by purple-red tassels, and he continued to bless auxiliary spells and spells, and then rushed toward the monkey king with a sword light.

With a bang, a blast of white mist exploded on his body, and his body quickly passed through the white mist, throwing his voice behind him.

After about half an hour-

The widow behemoths are covered with scars of all sizes, but most of the other monkey demon fell to the ground-in fact, they have a chance to win, but they do n’t have spells, and they lack the damage to such a huge behemoth. Magic weapon.

Anyang's defense was broken once, resulting in a deep blood stain on his body, but the monkey king on the opposite side was covered with small wounds, and the white hair of the steel needle also fell off.

"No more, no more." The Monkey King said.

"Well." Anyang also nodded.

In fact, this Monkey King is no less than he is, and this monster is really fierce, and it is too tired to fight.

So he smiled in a blink of an eye, a row of white teeth seemed to be flashing: "Are n’t there words saying that you do n’t know each other? Misunderstandings, misunderstandings, all misunderstandings, now we all suffer so much. If it hurts, it ’s better to tie it! "

"Good, it's even." The monkey king's facial features are still grim, and even if the hair is shaved and the body is injured, he can't stop him from straightening his chest and making a graceful gesture, both like a gentleman and a gentleman. The brave gangsters, "Dare to ask Xiongtai high name?"

"The surname is An Mingyang."

"My surname is Sun, Sun Dabiao." Monkey King said.

Anyang twitched, but still didn't speak.

The Monkey King thought for a moment and said, "I'm tired after playing for so long. Let's go to our cave house to have a monkey bar!"

"Just what I want!"

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