My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 825: The so-called demons ...

It seems that there has never been a conflict between one person and one monkey, and soon began to be called brothers and brothers, went to the backyard, and the monkeys who were still awake were dumbfounded.

Xiao Chan blinked his eyes and looked dumbfounded.

In response, she trot quickly to keep up.

According to Sun Dabiao, they are not actually monkeys, but a rare white ape with a noble lineage.

It was only now that Anyang noticed that these monkey monsters had no tails, and their arms were longer than their feet.

It seems that they should have nothing to do with Sun Wukong.

As for whether these ape monsters have noble bloodlines, he does n’t want to comment on them, because even if their entire race becomes a monster, there is nothing to explain. In addition to the bloodlines, there are many factors including the environment that can contribute to this effect.

The backyard of Xingyue Sanxingdong is connected to Houshan. Anyang feels that the peaches eaten by Sun Wukong in the Journey to the West were picked here, and the cave houses of these ape demon are also here.

He was surprised as soon as he walked into the backyard. The aura here was even stronger than the front yard. It condensed into fog and then gathered into water droplets. The drops of crystal were hanging on the grass on the trees beside the road, and there was a mystery Feeling, it seems that the world is built into this courtyard.

It is indeed the place where the Bodhisattva Patriarch once lived!

Anyang sighed silently, and wondered.

Since this is still a rare blessing cave, even if the Bodhisattva is gone, but how can the world gods and gods be full of heaven, how can it be the group of apes?

Or is it that the practitioners in this world are so extravagant that they are too low to see such a blessing?

Before long, he had reached the cave of the ape demon.

After sitting on the stone bench, Anyang was about to speak. The king of the apes came with a cup of green monkey wine, but he asked first: "Brother Anyang, I heard from you about the name of the Bodhisattva Master in Fangcun Mountain, Lingtai. Dare to ask that the Bodhisattva Master is the original owner of this Sanxingdong Cave? "

"Don't you know?" Anyang looked surprised. "I just wanted to ask you where the Bodhisattva Master and his disciples in Sanxingdong of Xieyue have gone!"

"Ashamed and ashamed, I only know that the original owner here should be a well-known figure in the Three Realms, but the name is really unclear, I don't know much about this." The daunting Sun Dabiao pulled the tone of the literati, "My white ape clan also took advantage of this by chance."

"It turns out so." Anyang sighed.

"Brother Anyang seems to know the Bodhisattva Master!" Sun Dabiao took a sip of the monkey wine, but his fangs were a bit obstructive, and the drinking posture was very funny.

"Know a little." Anyang smiled and glanced at the glass in front of him, quietly used several poison-testing techniques, all of which returned non-toxic, and then asked again, "Do you know Sun Wukong?"

"Don't know, who is Sun Wukong? Could it be a monkey demon?"

"Oh, if you don't know Sun Wukong, it's hard to say Master Bodhi. Let me think about it." Anyang frowned and thought about the description of Bodhisattva Master in the original Journey to the West, regardless of whether the world is the same as the original. "In fact, the reputation of the Bodhisattva Patriarch is not very famous. He was hiding in this humble mountain. If he had not entered the mountain, he could hardly imagine such a blessed place ..."

Sun Dabiao showed his pride.

Anyang went on to say: "The four characters Bodhisattva and Master combined the habits of Buddhism and Taoism, but he is actually a big man with three religions. He is proficient in Buddhism, Taoism and hundreds of schools. He is a true master with boundless mana. Worth admiring. "

Sun Dabiao frowned somehow.

Anyang quickly asked: "But the dojo of such a hermit is broken like this. Brother Da Biao knows what happened in the first place? But this Bodhisattva ancestor conflicted with which big man in the Three Realms?"

"You don't know?" Sun Dabiao was surprised.

"Huh?" Anyang also opened his eyes wide, he didn't expect to learn anything from the mouth of the ape demon, but now it seems that this does not seem to be a secret.

It seems that the questioning of Fang Cai was reversed for a while.

"It seems that Brother Anyang really didn't know anything about it." Sun Dabiao, the ape demon, sighed with emotion. "At first, Tianting and Lingshan were in conflict for some reason. After the war, this is the end of the world. Many famous mountain dojos are broken, and the gods and Buddhas have almost fallen away. "

"What?" Anyang opened his eyes wide. "The **** Buddha fell away ????"

This news is really like a thunderbolt in his heart!

Sun Dabiao looked at him with a very deep look: "At the beginning, someone turned on the wisdom on a wild mountain slope, and spent a long time in the West Niuhezhou, and accidentally learned this news from an elder's mouth. expression."

Anyang also took a long time to react. After all, in his impression, Tianting and Lingshan are not opposites. From the original Journey to the West, Tianting also has the scheduling power over Lingshan.

The name of this world is the God and Buddha era, so he firmly believes that he is coming to a mythological era in which Gods and Buddhas coexist, but he did not expect that the myth is there, but that made him extremely afraid to make people worship the God The Buddha has fallen.

"How many years ago did this happen?" He asked busy.

"Seven or eight hundred years ago, when you and I were not born yet, haha!"

"Why are they fighting?"

"This ... I don't know."

"No wonder, it's no wonder that the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai is here ..." Anyang murmured, "It must be that the Bodhisattva Master was also involved. This is simply a world disaster!"

"Yeah, the reason why heaven and earth are chaotic, people are not talking about life, is because of this war!" Sun Dabiao said, "After the war, I have not seen the gods of the heavenly court for hundreds of years. The demon underground patrolled. At that time, almost no demon dared to do evil. The heavens also controlled the rules of the earth ’s wind and rain, but now the wind is not on the ground. The rain is not smooth. , Everything is hidden ... "

"Oh, this!" Anyang was so shocked in his heart that he didn't even know how to express it in words.

After a pause, he opened the question mode again.

"In the past, Heavenly Court was the Jade Emperor?"


"Is Lingshan and Tianting declaring war or is Tianting the first to send troops to conquer Lingshan?"

"I don't know."

"What gods and Buddhas did they dispatch?"

"I don't know."

"Don't Buddhists always cultivate themselves and ignore the world's disputes, how can they fight the heavens?"

"I don't know ..."

"What about those ancestors, goddesses, saints? Didn't they just watch Tianting and Lingshan lose both sides, and did they mean to stop it?"

"Huh ..." Sun Dabiao looked helpless. "I heard that I didn't know the reason at that time. Many saints and gods that had existed since the beginning were gone ..."

"So when did this start?"

"I heard that it is going back to the westward journey ..."

"Westbound! But the westbound lessons?" Anyang was finally surprised again.

"Teaching? I do n’t know what to learn. I only know the westbound journey. Since my family ’s Qitian Dasheng protected Master Xuanzhuang ’s preaching westward, Lingshan is challenging the rule of heaven ..."

"Wait, Qitian Dasheng!" Anyang froze, "Don't you say you don't know Qitian Dasheng?"

"Did I say that?" Sun Dabiao stunned.

"Wait, you just let me fight." Anyang waved his hand, feeling a little confused.

This ape demon surnamed Sun.

He has read many fantasy stories. Among them, every monkey demon has the surname Sun. This is because there is a prestigious monkey demon in the Journey to the West. It has been used in succession.

He initially thought that Sun Dabiao's surname was just a coincidence. After all, according to modern biology, apes and monkeys are not a species, and apes are not a kind of monkeys. This ape demon obviously has no relationship with Sun Wukong. But he ignored that this is not the real world, without biology, people do not understand genetics.

The so-called ape monkey, in the world's cognition, the ape is a slightly different monkey.

If a cougar becomes an elite, probably he will also firmly believe that he is one of the majority of lions?

While thinking about it, he silently drank the monkey wine in his hand, and he continued to ask: "Do you really know who Sun Wukong is?"

"Have not heard."

"Then why do you surname Sun?"

"I heard that my family's surnamed Qi Tian Da Sheng is also under his influence, and my primate family has some status among the demon clan, so I also followed ..." Come over, "Brother Anyang, is Sun Wukong the name of Qi Tian Da Sheng?"


"Ah !! ... ashamed!"

Anyang nodded to express his understanding, this kind of thing is not surprising.

There are many people who know the Chinese chairman, but there are many people who do not know Diao Jinping! There are many people who know the President of the United States and even Trump, but not everyone knows Trump.

The bird is big, there are all kinds of forests!

Sun Dabiao was just about to say something, but Anyang's face slightly froze, and he looked up: "Someone is watching us!"

Sun Dabiao was also stunned, and then looked around the monkeys around Dongfu, then looked at Anyang ’s face, and frowned deeply: "Brother Anyang, do n’t panic ~ ~ This should be suppressed. I have also felt the prying eyes of a demonic demon under the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai. "

"What demons?"

"I do n’t know, but I have seen some wall problems left in the Sanxing Cave in Xieyue. This mountain was supposed to be in Xi Niu He Zhou. When my family first arrived here, there was still a spread of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain from the sky to suppress one The legend of the demon, but it has been more than two hundred years since the present, and the legend has gradually disappeared ... "

"It turns out so!" Anyang finally realized that the appearance of Fang Cunshan here was not a systematic error, nor an incomplete reference to Journey to the West, but another hidden meaning, "Is the demonic demon suppressed under this mountain? ? "

"Yes, if Brother Anyang wants to see him, I can also take Brother Anyang to see!"

"Can I still see?"

"Haha, of course, don't go in!"

"That's the trouble to Brother Biao!"

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