My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 827: When the heavens were in chaos ...

When Sun Dabiao found that he couldn't help Anyang even if he got closer, he stepped back and stared at Anyang coldly, saying, "Brother Anyang, why is it so hard, I just notified the Eternal Life Palace, they are very Soon I will arrive, even if Brother Anyang does not give me the Poseidon Pearl today, I ca n’t keep it under the tracking of the Immortal Magic Palace! "

"You have been deliberately trying to pit me back from the hole." Anyang stared at him indifferently, a little annoyed.

He realized at this time that the ape demon had a lot of tricks, and the rejection of the surrounding ape demon was not to gain his trust, but to lay the groundwork for his later leaving without trace, but also for him to notify the eternal demon in some way. The palace lays a foreshadowing.

Why are the apes in this world evolved from humans?

Sun Dabiao did not respond to his words positively, but still stared at him expressionlessly: "Why wouldn't I give Ding Hai Shenzhu to the Immortal Demon Palace? I said, no matter you or I can't keep this baby, Give it to the Eternal Life Maze, you can get what you want, and I can get what I want, a win-win situation! "

"Hehe!" Anyang mobilized the energy in the body.

"So you are determined to leave here with Dinghai Shenzhu?" Sun Dabiao obviously felt the pressure from Ming Ming and took a fighting stance.

Then he blew a loud whistle. Hundreds of ape monsters suddenly jumped from all corners of the back mountain, some strong and weak, some stood on the ground, some squatted on the stone, some hung on the tree , With Anyang as the center to form a circle.

Obviously, this group of white apes has already been prepared!

Sun Dabiao smiled softly at Anyang, and then extended his finger to Xiao Chan's position. Hundreds of ape demon suddenly shouted towards Xiao Chan.

Sun Dabiao also rushed towards Anyang quickly!

With a bang, the ape monsters who rushed to Xiao Chan ran into a transparent wall, rippling ripples in the void.

"Ah! Squeak!"

These ape monsters made a variety of strange screams and began to attack and bite this transparent wall madly.

Anyang controlled a handle of sword light and flew away with the sky-red purple tassel towards Sun Dabiao. After knocking him back two or three times, he turned his head and attacked the ape demon who besieged Xiaochan.

"Come on!"

A shank sword light hole penetrated many ape demon bodies, although it could not be fatal, but still caused a lot of damage.

Anyang took the opportunity to take out a single energy gun, threw it to Xiao Chan with a swipe, and shouted: "Return!"

At this time, Sun Dabiao had already attacked. He didn't have time to take care of Xiao Chan's side, and he didn't need to take care of Xiao Chan's side anymore, so he turned around and fought with Sun Dabiao.

He used all his strength to do all this. In addition to various attack methods and auxiliary techniques to himself, he also used some special methods that he was usually not used to.

Control methods such as the sticky air that slows Sun Dabiao, the space confinement, the earth's magic vine that interferes with Sun Dabiao, the mirror of Esmer that allows Sun Dabiao to move temporarily, Medusa's gaze, and some other methods with lasting damage Toxin means, some very strange ways to reduce benefits!

The words are divided into two ends.

On the other side, Xiao Chan looked at the already unsustainable defensive spells and the faces of many ape monsters. Some of them hurriedly turned on the energy cannon, aiming at the front.

"Boom ... boom!"

A huge and blazing flame exploded on an ape demon. Although it could not be blown into a broken limb, it was also blown out directly. When it fell on the ground, the whole body was already terrible, and it fell to the ground. Lost vitality.

Xiao Chan was startled and panicked. Fortunately, so many ape monsters didn't need to aim at her.

She kept pulling the trigger continuously. An indicator light on the energy cannon kept blinking. When the short recharge was completed, the indicator no longer blinked. Instead, a light came from the muzzle and was in the air. Howling blue energy shells.


This shot was actually hidden by the ape demon.

Xiao Chan was anxious, but she didn't notice the stormy sky and the slightly trembling ground.

Just as the defensive spell overflowed with aura and was about to support so many ape demon attacks, the change came


A spider with a human face and a body like steel, at least seven or eighty meters tall monsters descended from the sky, several feet penetrated the abandoned house in Sanxingdong of Xieyue, and there was one foot The ape demon stepped into the dirt!

The little fox froze, staring blankly at the top of his head.

At this time, she was shocked, because the ground in front was suddenly broken, and in the scene of gravel and mud, ancient trees flying, a pair of huge pliers stretched out!


This is like a giant beast again!


Sun Dabiao, who was gradually out of support in Anyang's battle, looked at this scene and couldn't help widening his eyes, screaming, "This is the same thing!"

"No, not the one before!"

"What the **** is this!"

But answering him is Anyang's body that breaks through the speed of sound and the ancient sword that shone with divine light, and the crow that formed by the black smoke around him, thunder and flames coming out of thin air ...

Just five minutes later

Sun Dabiao stepped back with his injuries, shouting sternly in his mouth, and gentle no longer: "Anyang, you really want to rush to kill you? The Eternal Life Palace will not let you go!"

Anyang ’s body is fast-forwarding, and his speed is extremely fast. Corresponding to Sun Dabiao being trapped by Anyang means, coupled with the sluggish movement caused by his heavy injury, the original flexible Sun Dabiao is now even pulling away. Can't do it!

One minute later

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! ..."

The explosion of Qiankun's method exploded on Sun Dabiao's arms that protected his chest one after another, blasting him back again and again, and finally lost his stability and flew out directly.

Anyang flew forward, seizing this excellent opportunity to hand out the ancient sword in his hand, and the rest of the sword light and purple tassel went around behind Sun Dabiao, working together to block his life.


"Suddenly ..."


First the sapphire ancient sword pierced from Sun Dabiao's chest, and then the descendants of the endless sword light and the sky-purple red tassel that slammed into Sun Dabiao's aura defense. The light became a seamless fit ...

Finally, his body broke.

The double blows of Jianguang and Zihong tassels were too terrifying. Since the first Jianguang pierced his chest, he announced his failure.

Then a steady stream of sword lights penetrated from his chest, and when he shot in front of Anyang, he met a red iron like ice and snow and melted into the air. The power released by the purple-red tassel is responsible for destroying these broken bodies ...

Sun Dabiao is dead, there is no dead body.

At this time, the other ape monsters could not resist the attack of the two ancient fierce beasts, and turned into a corpse in the place. After all, the main force of the white ape clan had injured a lot in the previous battle.

It's just a pity that the ancient fierce beasts are too big, making this mountain messy, and also destroying the backyard of Xingyue Sanxingdong!

Anyang flicked the ancient sword, and the blood of Sun Dabiao flew up suddenly, and he controlled it and gathered it together.

And with an indifferent face, he continued to collect some of the flesh and blood remaining in Sun Dabiao, and then put away Fang Cai's murderous spirit, turned and walked towards Xiao Chan: "We must go down the mountain as quickly as possible."

Xiao Chan was still shocked, but he quickly reacted and trot to keep up with his pace. He raised his hand and wanted to return the individual energy cannon to Anyang, but he also waved his hand and refused: "You should take this self-defense. , Your current strength is too weak, and I did not expect this world to be so dangerous, you can practice its use skills first ... "


The two accelerated their steps down the mountain.

At this time, Anyang is very cautious. In this world, he really does not have any crazy capital.

A Yeluzi's ape demon leader can fight him for so long, what about those really strong ones? What about the famous monsters? What about Sun Dabiao's immortal palace?

And this day's shock to him is also full, so that Anyang is now full of doubts.

Why should Lingshan declare war on the heavenly court? And in his cognition, Lingshan can almost represent Buddhism, but Heavenly Court is completely unable to represent Taoism and other Eastern sects. Under such circumstances, where is the solitary power coming to declare war against Heavenly Court?

After all, the original Journey to the West is different from the six-year-old children's version, and the versions of the Journey to the West children's TV series after the six-year-old children. The violent organization only captured Sun Wukong, not because Sun Wukong was beaten down.

The Jade Emperor was not scared to drill through the table, and he did n’t even know that Sun Wukong was so violent, but only after you used other methods according to the procedure, you wished to transfer 36 Lei to Leifu to arrest Sun Wukong. At this time, Lei will trap Sun Wukong, but he can't catch it. The sound of the battle roaring loudly, only disturbed the Jade Emperor.

So the tall ruler saw no trouble, a paper order, and directly passed the order to the Buddha to capture.

The original text is like this

"At that time, the gods kept the Great Saint in one place, but they couldn't get close, shouting and fighting, and they alarmed the Jade Emperor. It was rumored that You Yiguan and Yi Shengzhen would go to the West to ask the Buddha to surrender."

Therefore, it is not the case that the Taishang Laojun is invited. The Taishang Laojun is by no means a character who can only make alchemy and run errands ~ ~ The six-year-old version of the Journey to the West is a classic, but some changes have caused the Chinese Many misunderstandings, these misunderstandings even caused a profound impact on the film and television.

If Buddha Lai is the last amount of suppressive force transferred by the Jade Emperor, Sun Wukong was successfully suppressed, and the Jade Emperor naturally had no need to adjust other forces. But this does not mean that Heavenly Court did not have the force to surrender Sun Wukong, just that it did not reach that step ...

After all, Wu Chengensheng and the Ming Dynasty, although there was no concept of state religion in the Ming Dynasty, as a whole, they believed in Confucianism, but the civilians of the ancient Chinese dynasty mostly respected Taoism and believed in gods. Wu Chengen had no reason to portray the situation in the Journey to the West that is not as good as Buddhism.

And Anyang couldn't figure it out, how did Lingshan win the heaven that ruled the Three Realms for so many years under such circumstances?

And according to Sun Dabiao, these things happened after the westward journey. At that time, Sun Wukong had been able to prove the Buddha's fruit position through the tempering all the way, and he had the name of fighting against the Buddha. Did he also participate in this war on behalf of Xitianling Mountain, or was he among the fallen Buddhas?

And the most urgent at present is

What is the existence of the demon under the suppression of Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, and what is the purpose of giving him the sea pearl?

This matter has caused him great trouble!

Unconsciously, Anyang had gone down the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai and looked back. Except for being covered by clouds and fog, he could hardly see anything extraordinary. No one would have thought that there would be such a heaven and earth on the mountain. An unknown demon is pressing down the mountain!

He didn't care at all. In the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai where he walked down, a common bird sparrow stood on a branch, staring at him away without blinking.

He soon had no time to think about those things.

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