My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 828: The world of bear tyrants

Anyang did not bring much equipment on this trip, but left the main space for weapons and ammunition, and only a few instruments were difficult to meet the needs at this time.

Probably because the technological civilization never thought that these devices will be used to study unnatural creatures one day, so most of the devices are powerless to the white ape ’s flesh and blood. Instead, the simplest experimental equipment and the mysterious civilization research methods can actually start To an unexpected effect.

And Anyang had long considered that he would lack experimental equipment after leaving the place of origin, so he learned a lot of techniques that could replace the experimental equipment while still in the place of origin.

For example, the greedy worm summoning technique used before can summon many analytical instruments!

There are still some spells that do not use the help of creatures from other worlds. The mysterious runes themselves form a virtual analytical structure. Once the spells are in operation, they can analyze the research object and set the situation with the changes of the mysterious text and the spell structure The next reaction will give the result to the operator.

Many methods of detecting toxins borrow this principle, but that is just a very obvious application.

Therefore, the main research and analysis methods of the mystery can be divided into three types, one is the equipment type, the other is the biological type, and the other is the surgical type.

These three research analysis methods have their own advantages and disadvantages. In general, the use of equipment to carry out research is the basis, but the hardware requirements are high, so you must carry the equipment wherever you go. With the help of alien creatures, it is a shortcut. It only needs to pay a certain price, and there is a risk of technical leakage. Obviously, the use of surgical methods does not use the convenience of outsiders, and it requires a high degree of personal knowledge. After all, you have to remember the reactions and changes of many mysterious text combinations under certain circumstances, as well as many kinds of surgical methods. model.

However, these are not things for bio-assist chips, and nothing can be more solid than the database remembers.

General mysteries have their own preferences, and one of the most commonly used methods, in addition to another minor, and then understand the remaining one, in order to deal with research in specific situations.

Anyang is actually most fond of simple and rough foreign creatures, but he knows that many of the things he has contacted are beyond the cognition of the mysterious civilization. If he uses the foreign creatures, he may have revealed his secrets. So he had to force himself to replay the side on instruments and techniques.

After analyzing and studying the flesh and blood of the white ape, and then comparing the genes, he found that this is indeed a new species and does not belong to any primate known in the real world.

The white ape family may be unique to this world, and I do n’t know whether it is a congenital cause or a mutation caused by acquired cultivation. Their genes also have very special mutations-for example, many unknown singles found in their mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome There are also similar to the giant monster in "Monster Catching" to build new energy optimization for the body.

There are more things beyond genetics, which are more difficult to explain, Anyang is going to study slowly.

Because of the limited space in the RV, Anyang had to occupy the living room for research, and Xiao Chan stood next to him, flinching and looking at him, occasionally hitting it.

She had seen Anyang and Sun Dabiao sitting and drinking while talking and laughing. There is no doubt that Sun Dabiao is a truly intelligent creature, but they only had a conflict. After Anyang killed Sun Dabiao, he did not hesitate to take his The flesh is used to study, this kind of indifference is really chilling.

Once the little fox does not practice, he likes to think wildly. At this time, he can't help but think that if he dies, will Anyang take off his skin and make a hat as he once said?


She shivered.

But at this moment, there was a loud noise not far away, she was in a trance, and Yu Guang seemed to see a dark shadow descend from the sky from the window.

The aura comes with a rush of air.

Anyang responded much faster than her. She already waved her hands away, and put away the utensils on the table and rushed out of the car.

Just standing on the grass outside the car, a black shadow shot at him like a shell!

"Resistance field!"

Anyang's response was also extremely fast.

I saw that the huge black shadow rushing towards him seemed to hit a tough and invisible sphere. Before he could tear the sphere, he could only watch an invisible pinch force let his speed gradually Slow down, and finally the momentum that was accumulated was also worn away.

He appeared in shape, a black bear about three meters tall, looking violent and terrifying.

As his speed slowed down, the resistance he received became smaller and smaller until he exceeded the lower limit of the resistance field. This black bear elite's charge has lost its meaning.

So he stopped and stood at the spot with a low roar, constantly looking at Anyang in front.

Anyang also looked at him silently.

From his point of view, this black bear's Daoxing is slightly weaker than the white ape, but in this world, it seems that Daoxing does not measure the strength of the practitioner, but has the existence of equal order, and this is similar to the origin The order of things can not completely represent the combat strength of the practitioners, so Anyang does not know how this black bear is compared to the white ape.

But since he dare to come to him, is it not bad?

One person and one bear is like a male beast that wants to fight for territory in a duel.

Finally, the black bear spirit took the lead in breaking the silence. He opened his mouth and showed a sorrowful fang: "I am the bear tyrant of the waterfall Baiyunjian. This time I was ordered by the immortal magic palace. If you know me, you will surrender the Dinghai Shenzhu, otherwise You ca n’t walk a thousand miles! "

Anyang: "... What's your name?"

"Roar! Do you not understand human words?" Black Bear Jing roared angrily, "I am Xiongba of Baiyunjian!"

"I was surprised, Nie Feng was in the car ..."

"Let me pretend to be crazy and sell silly, I know your name is Anyang!" Hei Xiongjing grinned, "It feels good to be chased by the white apes at Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai? Would you like to tell you that my demon soldiers at Baiyunjian Waterfall are rushing Come, choose one yourself, are you going to let Dinghai Shenzhu fall on the hands of those white apes, or on my bear tyrant! "

"Ah? Pursued by the white ape?" Anyang stunned.

"Huh? Isn't it?" The Black Bear seemed to be afraid of him, and seemed to be deliberately delaying time. "Well, you just showed that the strength is not weak. But under the command of the Immortal Palace, even if I fall into Baiyunjian and Lingtai. Fang Cunshan has never been harmonious, and he will definitely unite at this time. You cannot run away! "

"..." Anyang was a little speechless and took out the ancient jade sword. "Don't the immortal magic palace tell you that the white apes in Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai have been destroyed by me?"

"Huh?" Black Bear froze, and then shook his head while retreating. "Fake, I don't believe it, it must be fake. That Sun Dabiao is not an idle person, occupying Lingtai Fangcunshan for many years, how could he die in the hands of an unknown junior on!……"

"Ha ha."

Anyang laughed twice and flew forward holding the sword.

At that moment, the sky exploded with dense silver light and dazzling sword light, and the sky-filled purple and red tassels also fell like raindrops.

"You guys! Do whatever you want! Roar!" The black bear yelled, and roared again, the black hair roots exploded on the huge body, and his chest shuddered.

Carrying this blow hard, he was covered with wounds and blood and flesh, making him begin to believe what Anyang said.

Then ... he turned and ran to the forest.

"Want to run!" Anyang jumped up and swiftly walked through the forest with Jianguang, and quickly caught up with him, "Since come to trouble me, why would you want to go so easily?"

Ten minutes later, everything was calm.

The huge body of the black bear essence fell in the pool of blood, the body was covered with purple tassels, and it was cut through by thousands of swords, as if it was Ling Chi, and the original appearance could not be seen.

And Anyang is still intact.

Facts have proved that Black Bear's combat strength is not only inferior to that of Sun Dabiao, but also a lot worse.

Anyang fell to the ground with a bang, squinted and cut off one of the black bear's arms, and took his bloody, blurred head, and walked into the RV.

"This place should not stay long!"


"Clean up, let's go now."


"I'll go outside to see first." Anyang walked out of the RV and scanned the forest. No signs of anomalies were found.

But this black bear essence just fell from the sky and fell directly around the RV. Obviously, he had known his location information for a long time. This information cannot always be obtained out of thin air!

Then there is absolutely no way to monitor yourself!

Or something is following you.

Anyang frowned for a long time and silently performed a complex third-order observation technique.

Suddenly, the entire forest was presented in his eyes like an infrared scan, and even the creatures hiding under the ground were marked with bright red spots.

Then he turned directly and waved his hand, and the thin and dense purple-red tassels flew out, spreading into countless dreamy purple-red lines. If he had eyes, he usually shuttled through the forest. He saw any creature or movable object with energy fluctuations. All rushed directly to destroy it into nothingness!


A harsh scream sounded ~ ~ A colorful bird broke through the sky and fluttered its wings to escape into the distance.

Anyang saw it at a glance, suddenly his eyes were fixed, and several sword lights flew out: "I want to run!"


There was another harsh scream, a blood mist exploded in the air, and the bird was suddenly penetrated by a sword light, and his body fell into the forest.

There were only a few colorful feathers falling slowly.

Anyang was relieved.

The Immortal Demon Palace gave him a profound lesson for the first time, and he only now feels that the cool bead from the Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai is so hot.

Without thinking too much, he did not dare to stay here more. When Xiao Chan came out of the RV, he directly put the RV into his body space, checked the surrounding environment again, and then directly took out the small aircraft, with the help of extremely fast Stay away from here.

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