My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 829: Chase without delay

This small aircraft is about the size of a basketball court. If it is really small in terms of volume, it is very small compared to other starships and battleships.

The aircraft is optically simulated. Although it cannot block the detection of the strong, it can at least block ordinary eyes.

The little fox sat in a daze sitting by the window watching the rapidly passing scenery on the earth. On the folding table in front was a small pink cup filled with a cup of hot water.

It has been only a few days since I came to this world, even if someone who knows nothing about Journey to the West, but has been listening to Anyang talking with others, it is enough to set off waves in my heart. Just as she had never seen Anyang run away in such a hurry, he did not panic when facing the Taoist Yuqing.

But this world is a world of gods and Buddhas.

The legends she has heard in the Shenzhou world, and the gods that have proved to be non-existent, are real in this world.

Suddenly, a flower in front of her!

The little fox quickly rubbed his eyes, stunned, put his face close to the glass window, and looked carefully down and behind.

It seems that someone really just flew over ...

There are also many people on the ground, the speed is very fast, and the speed of the aircraft is also fast, and the height is too high. Those ant-like people will disappear in a flash. If she is just a mortal, she will definitely not see those who are driving in the opposite direction from the ground Leprechaun.

In other words, these goblins are going to where they came from.

Anyang undoubtedly saw this scene too, and his five senses are very keen now, which can be seen more clearly than Xiao Chan.

These goblins are vast and huge, and they are like a giant dragon walking on the ground at high speed. Although they are too far apart and the relative speed is too fast, he has not seen the specific conditions of these goblins, but they should not be weak. .

He estimated that these goblins were the ‘demon soldiers’ of the waterfall and white clouds in the mouth of the black bear.

Hei Xiong Jing is the leader of Baiyunjian Waterfall. His personal strength is much worse than that of Sun Dabiao, but he can always threaten Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai, and even need the three parties to gather together during the peak period of Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai. It is this huge 'demon soldier'.

——I do n’t know how much more than the apes of the white apes!

This also made him start to think about the power system of this world. Of course, it is the human power other than the once heavenly **** Buddha.

He went to Yungu Temple outside the Forbidden City, where the so-called monks had only been doing things for decades. This made him think that the strength of the world was very limited.

But then the first ape demon met on the Fangcun Mountain in Lingtai was no worse than the Yuqing Taoist, and then he met Sun Dabiao, who was very distressed by the waterfall Baiyunjian, which made him think that his strength is also a world. Soy sauce.

However, Xiongba later let him overturn this guess.

At least Sun Dabiao is much stronger than Xiong Ba, the leader of so many goblins, and he is stronger than Sun Dabiao, which means that even if he falls down as a rogue, he can occupy a mountain.

But now it is an immortal magic palace that I have never seen before. Just because this organization is looking for Dinghai Shenzhu, Sun Dabiao will not hesitate to turn his back on him, and they only let Xiongba take the soldiers to encircle and suppress them with just one command. For himself, Anyang can barely imagine what kind of organization this is.

After losing the Heavenly Court government and the Lingshan in this world, in this chaotic era, the Eternal Life Maze is probably the only overlord-level force on earth!

You can say that they are black forces, because they are completely composed of demons, and it seems that they are not kind people. But this title is inappropriate, because there is no official organization in the world that can correspond to the black forces, so they are the only overlords, and they have the scheduling power for most monster organizations in the world!

Once ordered, do not dare to obey!

As for why this organization did not replace the status of the former heaven, this has become the most unthinkable question for Anyang.

Whatever immortal emperor claimed to be the emperor, this arrogance can be compared with the self-proclaimed Qitian great holy when Sun Wukong made the heavens more than a thousand years ago. Anyang never believed that such a madman did not completely rule the Three Realms.

So what is restricting him?

Has he thought about this problem, but is it limited to his comprehensive strength yet to do so? Or is there still a force in these three realms that prevents the immortal magic palace from daring to act?

Anyang didn't understand it for the time being.

The most urgent thing is that he has become a wanted criminal in the Immortal Magic Palace, and is the SS-class wanted criminal who fled with treasure, was rewarded by countless rewards, and set up cards to intercept!

On one side is a demon force that is in the world today, and on the other side is the invaluable innate spirit treasure, causing him to waver, even if he doubts the reason and purpose of the monstrous demon under the Fangcun Mountain of Lingtai to give him the sea pearl, Leave it to the Immortal Maze.

And handing it over to the Eternal Palace of Magic means that he bows his head to the Eternal Palace of Magic, but he does not want to give up his pride easily when this balance has the room to swing.

So now the main theme is still a word-


The speed of the flying machine is a source of great confidence for him. He flew tens of thousands of miles in an hour, during which he crossed the vast oceanic fjord and directly entered another continent.

This is Dongsheng Shenzhou, the hometown of Sun Wukong.

Anyang has not yet arrived in the country. It is estimated that this country has been destroyed for many years. The country where he is now is called Yunxiang Country. The temperature is relatively high and it belongs to the desert climate. These people wrapped in colorful scarves opened the passage in the desert, even if the wind is not in the weather, the oasis is still artificially created, and the country is built.

The name of the capital of Yunxiang State is Golden Camel City, which is a typical culture of animal and plant worship. This is true of Uyghurs and Kazakhs in the real world.

Anyang found a hotel to stay in, and his heart was relatively stable. He didn't believe that after so far, he could still find him in the Eternal Life Palace.

There is one thing in this world that is very gratifying, that is, the four major continents were once under the rule of heaven, including Xi Niu He Zhou, known as the Buddhist base camp, so he can walk in the four major continents to a large extent. Avoiding cultural barriers saves you a lot of trouble.

Yunxiangguo loves to use beef and mutton, and he does n’t know how to cook it. There is a savoury taste. Both he and Xiaochan are not used to it, so they have to let Xiaochan cook in the hotel.

Anyang studied the blood of black bear essence in the room for a while, and found that black bear essence is different from that of the white ape family. Regardless of removing the aura from the blood, the genetic structure of this black bear essence is not much different from that of ordinary black bears. The white ape family clearly has an innate advantage.

Not long after that, he walked out of the room and planned to walk around the Golden Camel City to see if he could find a practitioner, so that he could get some information about the Immortal Maze.

After all, knowing yourself and knowing each other can be a battle!

This search really let him find it.

It turned out that the Golden Camel City already had a clear practitioner organization. The king of Yunxiang State had a connection with them. Probably the royal palace provided them with resources for cultivation, and the practitioners had to accept the king's dispatch when necessary.

This is how Anyang knew that Yun Xiangguo was also standing behind a practitioner organization, as if it were still a demon organization.

In this spontaneously formed institution, Anyang met a practitioner named Dolamba. His path was a bit like a dervish, and he traveled many places and had extensive knowledge.

In this world of human relations, Anyang is not bad in strength and courteous and gentle. Of course, Dolanba is passionate about him. The two sat in a roadside shop and talked very happy.

"I heard that the Immortal Demon Palace is looking for a baby named Dinghai Shenzhu recently?" Anyang gradually led the topic to the Immortal Demon Palace.

Dolamba is not surprised. The Immortal Magic Palace has a lot of topics among the practitioners. Looking for the Dinghai Shenzhu in the Immortal Magic Palace is probably like a new strategy released by the United States. It is too much for the practitioners to chat after dinner. normal now.

"This is indeed the case." Dolanba said, "I heard that the Immortal Demon Palace wanted to go to the sea to find the ginseng fruit tree that was sealed by the Guanyin Bodhisattva of the South China Sea at the bottom of the East China Sea, but this area was banned by the Bodhisattva Guanyin. , Only Dinghai Shenzhu can be used to try to cross the past! "

"Ginseng fruit tree? Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva?" Anyang's expression was shocked. "Why does Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva seal the ginseng fruit tree of Zhenxianzizixian at the bottom of the East China Sea?"

"Who knows, it's been hundreds of years since the war was so fierce, and it's estimated to be dead." Dolamba sighed. "It's probably because Zhenyuan Zixian was invited to the heavenly court in that war. On one side, it caused dissatisfaction with the Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva and did so! "

"How much do you know about that war?"

"I don't know much about it. It's probably a dispute between the two parties. Let's start with Qi Tian Da Sheng Nao Tian Temple ..."

Dolamba knows no doubt that he is much more than the white ape. From his mouth, Anyang learns of a more complete battle between Heavenly Court and Lingshan.

Sun Wukong's troubles in the Tiangong Palace had no results. The Jade Emperor's role in watching monkey dramas was even greater, but there were already signs of chaos in the world at the time. This was undoubtedly the first reactionary banner.

Heaven is based on jade, architecture is called jade building jade que, fairy is called jade maiden, heavenly emperor is called jade dynasty, the full name is Taishangkaitian shouyuyu calendar with real body Tao Haotian supreme jade emperor, or Haotian Jinque supreme supreme nature Luo Zhizhen Jade Emperor God. He was born at the beginning of the universe, and did not make any achievements in the ancient times, so there is no seat for him in the saints and ancient gods. However, he went through all kinds of living beings and practiced painstakingly. He experienced 1,750 calamities, and every time he robbed them for 12,960 years, he became a sacred man for hundreds of millions of years and ruled all things in the three realms.

Heaven has ruled the gods and celestial beings for many years. At first, the Emperor Jade Emperor Shengming, and later made some mistakes, then fainted, and then brutal. The corruption of power was really terrifying.

Coupled with the factional divisions within Tianting and the struggle for power, the chaos in the Three Realms already exists. There are many demons in the world, but either the Jade Emperor made another mistake at a critical moment, or the division of power within the Heavenly Court has reached a point where he is helpless. In short, the Heavenly Court Government has used a method that can not cure the symptoms--

Increase the number of soldiers and increase the strength to patrol the four demons!

The seeds of rebellion are immortal. Instead, the war has exacerbated the plight of the heavenly court, made the Three Realms more chaotic, and also put the heavenly court government in a huge crisis.

This is a vicious circle.

After Sun Wukong passed, there were more than one big demon who raised the banner against the hegemony of the heavenly court. In order to maintain the rule, the heavenly court had to fall into a constant consumption of troops.

Rao is so, no one can shake the majesty of heaven in the centuries of Sun Wukong's repression. Most of the rebels are relentlessly repressed, and in the face of these people, the Jade Emperor will never let them die. Five hundred years later, the situation in the world was turbulent, and there were demons everywhere. The Buddha who practiced great compassion and good thoughts finally couldn't bear to see the sufferings of the world.

He sent the elder Jin Chan to leave Lingshan, leave the country of Buddhism, and reincarnated to South Zhanbu Chau, traveling westward all the way, trying to save the four major continents and save the people from the suffering sea.

This is undoubtedly challenging the ruling power of Heavenly Court, so in order to protect the reincarnation of Elder Jin Chan, Da Ri is here to let the repressed Qitian Shengsheng, the depreciated Marshal Tianpeng, the roller shutter general and the East Sea Dragon Palace Three Princes protect Xuan Westbound.

This way opened the battle between gods and Buddhas.

Dolanba is not very detailed. Some places think carefully and there are logical contradictions. Anyang does not pick out. I can know that some are some. I will add them later.

Farewell to Dolamba, he walked to the hotel.

The beautiful women of Yun Xiangguo walked by the roadside. Their skin was healthy wheat color and slightly darkened, but they often wrapped only the key parts of their bodies with white cloth, and the rest of them were covered with a layer of bright translucent gauze. The graceful waist and swinging thigh between walks were exposed to the air.

Anyang was still frowning and thinking about something.

After reading the Journey to the West for so many years when he was a child, he also thought now that almost no one in the westbound group is a small person ~ ~ Tang Seng is the eldest of Jin Richan, a second disciple.

Sun Wukong is a prestigious Qitian sage. His five hundred years of crushing experience will not corrupt him, but will only silence his once irritable heart, which is even more terrifying.

Including the most unsatisfactory pig bajie is the once marshal of the navy, which is equivalent to the commander-in-chief of a country. In terms of military power, it can be said to be the one standing at the top. If he was dismissed and demoted because of the factional disintegration or failure of the power struggle, then he was also the biggest victim of this turmoil.

Sha Wujing was the roller blind general of the Jade Emperor. He walked with the Jade Emperor, not only the royal guard, but also the confidant of the Jade Emperor.

He was actually demoted, and it also showed the severity of this power turmoil and the Jade Emperor's passiveness.

Even the white dragon horse acting as a mount is the third prince of the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea.

In traditional Chinese mythology, there are five tribes in heaven and earth. That is, when the universe was ruled by dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, war broke out among the three parties. As a result of the war, the three tribes gradually withdrew from the stage of history, the phoenix disappeared directly, and the dragon tribe was forced to move into the sea. Without the capital to fight for the world.

However, even in this era, the Sihai Dragons did not fall into disregard, but they were still regarded as relatives of the emperor, even though they did not have any blood relationship with the Jade Emperor.

It can be seen that Prince Bailong is not a weak generation.

Anyang gradually walked back to the hotel, and the little fox had been sitting at the table waiting for him for a long time.

Less than three days have passed since this peace of mind. Unexpectedly, Anyang Magic Palace was found again, and the people who came this time were stronger than Sun Dabiao and Black Bear!

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