My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 830: Unequal battle

At that time, Anyang was thinking cross-legged in the hotel. He bought a book of the "Quran" from a practitioner for a large price. It is said to be a masterpiece of a sage. This book contains the principles of truth and practice. Dharma, the practitioner is through the door of this book.

He didn't think of a famous place, but suddenly his hair tightened, and there was a layer of cold sweat immediately behind him.

It felt like someone was pointing his nose at the tip of the knife.

Anyang did not hesitate, brushing his body to the side with one hand around Xiao Chan's petite body and rushing straight back. Suddenly slammed open the wall and rushed out of the hotel.

At that moment sawdust and earth and stone were flying across.

With a loud bang, Anyang fell to the ground.

Rao is the strength of his body and he feels hot all over the body at the moment. This matter came too fast. He did n’t even have time to cast defensive spells. Although it did hit the wall, the whole body had a feeling of falling apart. Facts have proved that the more force you exert on an object, the greater the reaction force you receive, even if the strength of the two sides is not equal, but as long as the gap is not so large as steel and paper, then you will inevitably avoid being hurt by yourself .

Xiao Chan was put down by him and his eyes widened.

Almost at the same time as the two stood and stared at the sky, a stream of star flames flickered in the sky and fell in the room before them.


The whole hotel suddenly turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the heat wave that melted the soul was blowing across the ground. The most terrifying thing is the huge aura contained in that flame!

Anyang sees everything clearly in front of him, including the crimson flame like a precision strike by a heavy missile, including the pedestrians on the street and the hotel owner who happened to be by the road when he hit the wall and fell on the street. Face, and fear after the flames exploded. There is also the figure of the sky approaching quickly.

The whole hotel is burning, whether it is wood or stone, whether it can be burned or not, it is burning!

Anyang suddenly knew that the comer could not be better than himself!

With a wave of his hand, he threw out a layer of silver-bright steel, hitting Xiao Chan's body, and suddenly dispersed. The liquid nano metal quickly wrapped her into an adult armor.

Seeing Xiao Chan panicked, he took out a detachable energy cannon used by the original temple army on the armored vehicle and said, "Don't panic! This pair of armor will take you out of here first, I will deal with this first Trouble, we will meet in the east ... "

Before Anyang's words were finished, he felt that the man with great oppression had come close. He had to shut up and pull the energy of this huge energy cannon.


The huge blue ball of light suddenly pierced the sky.

At this time, the armor had sprayed a light blue tail flame into the sky, traversed a light arc in the air, and disappeared into the distance in a blink of an eye.

Anyang saw a huge eagle claw ghost appearing in the far sky, and he grabbed the No. 6 energy shell with one claw.


The sky was suddenly covered by a huge bloom of light.

The temperature of the flames exploded by the energy shells is not as good as the flames that destroyed the hotel, but the main power of the explosion comes from the speed of the explosion, which is often referred to as "gunpowder potency." In this regard, there are few supernatural means that can compare with various refinements The fierceness of it is not comparable to the energy shells.

So the eagle claw phantom was torn in an instant, and after the light and flame dissipated, the phantom no longer existed!

The residents of the city began to flee.

A Taoist in a gray clothed robe fell on the roof of a house in a flash. He glanced at his right hand and looked at the distant sky where Fang Cai Xiaochan had left. Then he lowered his head and looked at Anyang with a sharp eye. : "Hand over something, I will leave you a whole body, spare that fox spirit a life, otherwise you both have to die!"

Anyang's eyes narrowed. Sure enough, he killed Sun Dabiao and Xiong Ba who acted on the orders of the Immortal Demon Palace, which was equivalent to hitting the face of the Immortal Demon Palace. May be good!

Without any hesitation or recklessness, he raised the No. 6 energy cannon that was fixed on the armored vehicle in his hand and aimed at the demon Taoist again.

"Bang ... boom!"

The house was directly razed to the ground.

However, Anyang knew that he hadn't hit him, and was slightly delayed for a few seconds. He suddenly turned around and aimed at the rear with another shot!


Behind him, there was a huge falcon that had spread its wings and rushed at him, with a sharp scream that opened its beak, and then greeted the energy cannon stiffly.


The yellow sand exploded by the explosion engulfed everything.

The glass smelting technology of this Yunxiang country is developed. People in Golden Camel City especially like to use glass for doors and windows, but in the previous violent explosion, the glass of a street has been broken. Now in this sharp eagle scream, more It was half the city that was swept by sound waves, and the glass products shattered.

Calm and calm for a few seconds, the wind raging across the empty street blew the yellow sand into an alleyway, leaving the clothed figure standing on the spot, all stained with blood.

The Taoist raised his head and exposed a pair of condensed eagle eyes under the messy hair, looking at Anyang said: "Do you dare to resist the eternal life palace come from this thing? It seems that I should let you know that magic weapon can not protect Your life! "

Anyang waited in silence, knowing that the shock in his heart was the biggest.

This No. 6 energy cannon has been able to bombard mechanized creatures with tens of meters in length, so for the first time in a long time, he has seen creatures that can hardly resist No. 6 energy cannon!

But he has nothing to say, continue to pull the trigger!




Some of the shells were evaded by the demon, and others were picked up by him, making him look even more terrible.

Suddenly, several feather feathers shot out.

With the sound of Peng, Anyang turned into a black smoke, and Ling Yu passed through the black smoke and penetrated into the ground somehow.


The demon Taoist screamed, turned directly into the body, spread out huge wings, and threw a red flame at his mouth as he threw at him.

Anyang reunited, immediately raised the chaotic force field, and also evolved countless sword lights to block in front of him, and at the same time a shell projected forward.

For this flame, he dare not touch it.

The stable structure of the energy gun was burned sharply and unstable by the flame, and it collapsed in an instant. It exploded in the air with a muffled sound, but also burst the flame into pieces. Some of the crimson firelights were blown up to the Jianguang defense and chaotic force field that flocked to Anyang. At this time, its power began to show up-Jianguang's support was melted for a moment, and the chaotic force field was also destroyed.

The difference in strength between the two is already too large, which is undoubtedly the strongest opponent he has ever encountered!

Anyang saw that the giant eagle flew over and fired another cannon, then instantly replaced the energy cannon with a larger electromagnetic cannon, and his body moved back a few hundred meters sharply. In the process, he always manually replaced the missing feeder of the gun body with a huge shell into the gun barrel, and then fired at the huge eagle that was blown up very painfully.

"Zi ..."

The shells left the barrel so easily, but the muzzle velocity of hundreds of times of sound hit the giant eagle, just like the pistol hitting the ordinary eagle falcon, only to hear a bang—

The falcon suddenly exploded a huge blood flower.

But it didn't die, but it was seriously injured, and the extremely painful scream kept flapping its wings.

The sky gradually gathered countless dense red flames.

Anyang looked up and felt a shock in his heart.

He had no time to change the bomb, so he had to change to a smaller-caliber electromagnetic rapid-fire gun. The chain had been hung up. He turned on the energy switch and aimed at the giant eagle for a burst of fire.

"Zizizi ..."

The electromagnetic shells that fired at a very fast initial velocity were poured out like raindrops, hitting the giant eagle's wide body like raindrops falling into the mud, splashing small blood flowers and making dense holes. , The shells fired into the body of the giant eagle.


Under the pain, the giant eagle directly shredded a nearby house.

At this time, the fire and rain in the sky fell.

"Suddenly ..."

Every flame landed like a missile.

Anyang was shocked, and thousands of purple and red tassels suddenly rose up into the air. At the same time, he also calculated that the purple-red tassels could not resist the fire and rain, and immediately pinched the fingerprints of the Five Elements Great Escape, chanting a spell in a low voice, and his body escaped into the yellow sand.

Sure enough, the purple-red tassel failed to wipe out all the fire and rain even if the attributes were dominant, and many crimson flames landed on the ground.

The ground suddenly turned into magma, whether it was stone or yellow sand, it burned up!

The surrounding area has turned into ruins.

Behind an earth **** hundreds of meters away, Anyang broke through and hid a heavy laser gun behind the earth slope. I saw that there were black marks on his body, and some of the exposed skin also had terrible blisters, and this was still under the condition of his excellent physical fitness and many defenses.

Even if the demon Taoist is placed in the place of origin, it is at least the top of the fourth order or even close to the level of the fifth order scholar.

In a flash, the laser gun was fully charged.

At this time, the demon Taoist was injured, and he has not been found hiding here. But Anyang did not expect that a familiar shout came from the street in the distance: "Zun Jia, he is hiding behind you and wants to sneak attack, be careful!"

It's Dolamba's voice ...

Anyang's heart sank, and when he looked forward, the demon Taoist had once again turned into a human form-he also figured out Anyang's attack method, which could only be carried out in a straight line, and could not turn. For Anyang, body size is a living target!

With a loud bang, the demon Taoist ignited a red flame, and suddenly rushed towards this side.

Anyang also pulled the trigger at the right time!


A crimson beam of light shot violently from the launcher, instantly passed through the flames on the demon Taoist and directly hit his chest.

To the demon Taoist's expectation, this weapon is different from the previous one. The red flame on his body failed to have any blocking effect on the laser, but on the contrary, there was a slight increase in the laser.


His chest was penetrated directly!

Anyang didn't care whether this blow could kill him, or how much damage he could cause, and he dared not step forward to check it. He turned the laser gun and aimed at Doramba, who had fleeing from afar. Weapons, take out the small aircraft, and escape directly to the distance.

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