My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 833: Turnaround and kill

Anyang stared at this scene stunned.

The solid statement is like a butcher. He raised his hand, and the beam of multicolored light was like the sharpest spear, and the armor was passed through with the weak body of Xiao Chan!

In this world where gods and buddhas filled the sky, the role of eternal alloys is too small.

The facts continued to give him a heavy hammer and the blood flowing from the place where the cool armor was penetrated!

Although the colorful light was so fierce, it did not block the wound. The blood quickly ran down the smooth metal surface, dripped into the hot sand, and burned a little smoke.

God seemed afraid that he couldn't believe it, and quickly told him with this **** scene, everything is true!

Anyang's brain was blank for a moment, and it seemed that countless memory fragments flashed in a flash.

The timid little girl who was first seen in the Shenzhou World and beyond the country and the state city, was later protected by the old man under the crying little coquette, and then Xiao Chan began to follow him, traversing thousands of miles with him to find Kunlun He walked all the way ... He gradually understood this little girl.

She had a tragic life experience, a childhood that no one could imagine, a timid but tenacious temper, afraid of getting along with others, but she never owed anything.

She has washed clothes for herself, cooked meals, drove the carriage for herself, rubbed her shoulders and rubbed her legs ...

Anyang didn't feel the little goblin at first, but later she unknowingly regarded her as a part of her life, which was undoubtedly a long and profound process.

He looked at Xiao Chan's face as the image of the face gradually blurred. At this time, there was no slow motion in the TV series, nor the tearing process that gradually lost vitality. The colorful light instantly took away the life of the little fox. She closed her eyes and couldn't see the smart eyes. There was no expression on his face.

When he raised his head, the person who had just killed Xiao Chan still looked at him with a smile: "Does it feel very angry, there is a feeling that I want to kill me? At the same time, it is very sad and helpless, because a small person like you even I wo n’t be able to kill me for another 500 years, ha ha ha ha! "

Affirming Zhang Kuang laughed like he was used to finding pleasure in the extreme grief of others.

Anyang looked at him without blinking.

Shen Ming waved away the multicolored light, and the armor carrying Xiao Chan suddenly fell into the hot yellow sand, and he still smiled at Anyang: "It seems that you care about her very much, hey, the expression you look at me now is What do you mean, are you trying to find me desperately, or do you want to die with this coquette? "

Anyang continued to stare at him, his expression more and more indifferent, and his eyes gradually became extremely calm.

That is not self-confidence with strong strength, nor a declared madness, but a kind of indifference that only those who have the power to kill the power of his life in another way.

Suddenly, a proton detonation bomb fell into the sand out of thin air, and he stepped on his feet.

Anyang glanced at the demons all around.

Previously, Xiao Chan was around, not daring to use such a big killer. Now that Xiao Chan is dead, he no longer has to worry about it. He only hopes that the demon body can still function under the proton detonation bomb.

"Okay, stop, declare." At this time, the Mexican Crow stood up and looked strangely at the strange-shaped thing that Anyang had just taken out, and said, "If you really care about this little girl Hurry up and hand over the Dinghai Shenzhu. I'm the master to keep this little girl's soul. As long as you have the ability, resurrecting her is not a problem! "

As soon as his voice fell, Anyang was startled again.

Yes, this is a world of gods and buddhas. At the beginning, Sun Wukong's Yangshou could have survived all his life, and the art of rejuvenation was not uncommon. Xiao Chan did not necessarily die.

So he waved his hand violently, the proton detonation bomb that just appeared disappeared again, and then looked at the Mexican Crow: "What do you want me to do?"

"Don't worry." Mexican Crow stretched out her furry hand, leaned towards Xiao Chan's body, and suddenly fluttered out of the metal armor a erratic phantom, just like Xiao Chan's appearance, "This little girl's soul is temporarily I keep it. When you take out the Dinghaishen Pearl, I will give her to you whenever I can! "

"Where do we meet!"

"right here!"

"Okay, I'll go immediately!" An Yang finished, and then coldly glanced at Shen Ming and a group of demons, waved away the armor and Xiao Chan's body, and turned directly into the sky.

Mexican Crow stared at him silently behind his back, then waved his hand and put Xiao Chan's soul in his sleeve, and turned away.


In the distance, Anyang stepped on his sword.

Although Xiao Chan was still saved, he was still full of anger and self-blame. Under the expressionless face, the hand holding the fist kept bleeding.

It's probably that his nails got stuck in the flesh, and then the demon quickly repaired, and he pulled out his nails again, and then pinched them in again, a cruel process that continued to cycle.

These demon, if there is a chance, he will not let go! If there is no opportunity, then create an opportunity!

The Mexican crow looks terrible, and he is by no means a kind-hearted person, but he is much better than the ugly and ugly statement in the heart. Of course, if Anyang wants to take back Xiao Chan's soul, in addition to Dinghaishen Pearl, he must still pay a lot of other things.

And this is the best solution, I am afraid that these monsters will give him a trick, or be greedy!

Anyang turbulently mobilized the aura in his body, accelerating the speed of the Yujian and accelerating it again, bursting through a white cloud in front, and feeling the coldness brought by the wind blowing the face.

Gradually, he forced himself to calm down.

I don't know how long it took to fly, Anyang began to fly down and stopped on a hillside. He stood staring at the distance for a long time, and suddenly knocked down a giant tree with a punch, and then he returned to the giant **** desert with a blank expression.

The Mexican Crow kept his credit and waited for him on the spot, and declared that he was not present. There were only other practitioners who did not know that man was a demon, but they could all be called demon.

When he first entered the desert of the giant god, Anyang's eyes flew in the air, and he faintly saw a grand palace group in the desert center of the giant god, with the vicissitudes unique to the desert. It is clear that this palace group has been established for hundreds of years at most, but the ancient and vague atmosphere is still coming.

Then there was another flower in the eyes, and the palace group had disappeared, as if it had just been a mirage.

Anyang did not go the wrong way, controlling Gu Jian to quickly fall in front of Mo Crow. Because this place has been deeply remembered, he will never forget it until the hatred and shame are cleared.

"Come here?" Asked Mexican Crow.

"Come, what about Xiao Chan's soul?" Anyang squinted at him and kept a distance from him.

"Here." The Mexican crow stretched out his hand and spread a palm with a transparent bead in it, a faint figure looming inside. "This is a soul bead, which can preserve the soul of a mortal for thirty years and will not disappear. You have installed it, what about Dinghai Shenzhu? "

Anyang felt the familiar breath in the soul bead and took out Dinghai Shenzhu: "Here!"

"Sure enough, it is Dinghai Shenzhu!" Mo Ya took a deep breath with her eyes wide open, looking at the blue beads exuding lightly, extending her hand tremblingly, "We have been looking for you for two hundred years. Now, finally ... "

He didn't touch the Dinghai Shenzhu, and the bead disappeared from Anyang's palm.

As soon as the Mexican Crow froze, the anger flashed in his eyes.

However, he quickly calmed down, and wanted to come to the dumb kid in front of him, not knowing what Dinghai Shenzhu meant to them, and he couldn't make trouble with him.

Anyang stared at him: "I want Xiao Chan."

The Mexican Crow squeezed a sly smile, and stretched out his hand innocently: "What do I want? You know."


Anyang snorted coldly and waved his hand, many weapons appeared out of thin air and landed in the sand.

Mo Yazi carefully glanced at these strange objects with shiny metallic luster, and smiled with satisfaction. This mad kid is so low, these babies can be so powerful in his hands, if they reach him, then take them back and study them carefully, yet not exert the power of destroying the world?

After a pause, he put away his smile: "Is there any?"

"No more."

"What about the metal pimples I took out before? That is what you took out when you claimed to kill the baby girl!"

"Good!" Anyang took out the proton detonation bomb.

In addition, he put down a tablet and threw it in the sand, and the tablet turned on automatically.

"This is ridiculous!" Mo Chou threw this soul bead to Anyang. "Let's take out Dinghai Shenzhu!"

"Don't worry, your strength is so strong, I am careful not to be wrong, right?" Anyang said, and used the honorific title.

"What trick do you want to play again?" Murak's face sank slightly.

"You stay here and let a weaker person accompany me to leave here. When the safety distance is opened, I will naturally hand Dinghai Shenzhu to him, how?"

"it is good!"

Unexpectedly, Anyang ~ ~ Mo Ya promised to be very cheerful.

Anyang held the soul bead in his hand. When he saw the red fox inside, he settled down and took the soul bead to fly away.

A skinny old man went with him.

The two flew dozens of miles away, and Anyang handed the Dinghai Shenzhu to the old man, and the old man didn't mean to be in trouble, glanced at him and flew straight back.

He also immediately took out the aircraft and left here at full speed.

Sitting in the driver's seat, watching the high mountains in the distance and the ground in front of the ground quickly retreat, Anyang frowned.

The Mexican crow cooperated with him so much, making him a little uneasy.

He took out the soul beads again in front of his eyes, and looked at the sleeping little fox inside, his heart calmed down.

Not long


His look changed suddenly!

The soul in the soul bead actually began to dissipate!

Anyang did not stop the aircraft, but immediately used a technique to control the spirit, and then studied it.

Before long, he yelled and punched the wall of the aircraft.

"Oh shit!"

The metal wall was directly punched into a deep hole.

This soul bead stores Xiao Chan's soul, but it may be that the multicolored light that was declared is harmful to the soul, or maybe the crow deliberately did it. This damage caused her soul to lose its cohesiveness and structure, and it will not last long!

It means that Xiao Chan is no longer a demon, no matter how shallow Daoxing is, it is different from ordinary people, even if only the soul is left, it can't be so quiet and motionless!

I thought it was a depression caused by injury or a temporary sleep, but I didn't expect ...

No wonder Mo Chou will talk so well in the future!

"Turn, fly back!"

Anyang was full of murderous intent.

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