My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 834: Happiness comes suddenly

During the flight, Anyang led Xiao Chan's soul out and tried to repair it.

But the facts are frustrating.

The only thing he could do was to make the little red fox from curling up in the soul bead to curling up in the air, but she kept this posture, her figure drifting blurry.

Xiao Chan's soul is not a crack, but a part is missing. Only the supernatural power can recover the broken soul in the desert, and it must be as soon as possible. After all, the soul will slowly dissipate in this world without sustenance and nourishment, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for Heavenly God and Rulai Buddha to return to heaven.

Anyang was powerless to find that he seemed to be able to do nothing but full of anger.

He beckoned Xiaochan's soul into the soul beads again, so that at least she would dissipate more slowly.

The aircraft stopped before flying into the desert of the giant god. After all, Anyang's reason still suppressed his anger. He sat in the driver's seat and looked forward indifferently, squeezing his fists tightly.

There is a classical pendulum clock in the driver's seat. The pendulum swings, and the second hand ticks away.


Until the distant place suddenly shining light-

That was first a huge ball of light shining, like the sun setting over nine days, and like the mythical Jinwu coming to the world, the burning light made people dare not look straight. What bursts out of the light is the original energy released by the most basic matter in the universe. It can almost make the gods above fear, and it can wipe out everything.

Then came a cloud of mushrooms blooming along the sphere of light, and a shock wave that lifted the thick earth and layers of desert like a carpet.

Finally, the dull loud noise came too late

"Boom ..."

This is like an earthquake, with endless sounds, shock waves flapping like giant waves, and the earth is constantly tossing, like the common anger of the mother of the earth and the **** of the sun!

All the awe-inspiring alpine rivers on weekdays are so fragile in front of the power of human beings peeking from the treasure chest of the Creator God in another world. A candle holder, once someone lifts the tablecloth, this thing will jump into the air, and can not avoid being crushed!

These are basically standard for nuclear bombs, but for proton detonation bombs, they are just incidental snacks.

People in another world believe that the universe originated from a big explosion, not that the gods split the world with an axe. In this big explosion, endless energy is scattered, which is gradually transformed into matter in the void universe. At first, this argument could not stand the test of the material world, nor was it accepted by the people who believed in "material eternity".

Until the discovery of antimatter-

When the positive and anti-matter meets, the two sides will annihilate and cancel each other, exploding and generating huge energy. This energy is higher than the energy released by nuclear fission and fusion.

Anyang silently looked at the bright scene ahead.

This proton bomb is not a doomsday catastrophe. Although its reputation is not as great as the doomsday catastrophe made famous by the catastrophe, its power is far better than the doomsday catastrophe. And this is also the first time he saw such a large equivalent of proton detonation bomb explode on the ground.

This is undoubtedly the best proof of mortal wisdom and the most glorious achievement in military history.

He should probably be very excited and full of blood, but on the contrary, he is now unusually calm and cold all over, especially his eyes.

Anyang still clenched his fists tightly.

This proton demolition bomb is estimated to explode directly in the Great Palace, it first destroys the defensive measures of the Great Palace, and then the entire grand palace is like paper, all the buildings in the center of the explosion together with the deserted land where the buildings are rooted Destroyed, gasified, swept by huge energy, destroyed by a new energy into nothingness!

Anyang's eyes seemed to echo the ancient and vicissitudes of the palace, and then it was distorted, and then Xiao Chan finally let him go with tears in his eyes ...

He took a deep breath, opened the aircraft door, stepped out, and looked at the distance with his own eyes.

"This is not enough!"

Anyang's eyes are full of murderous intent!

Then he took out several proton wiping rounds, and a huge electromagnetic gun, filled the proton wiping round into the muzzle, aiming at the distant center of the giant desert.

"Zi! ... booming! Zi ..."

"Boom ..."

Hundreds of kilometers away, huge and blazing **** of light rose, accompanied by mushroom clouds and sweeping shock waves, turning the remaining palaces and deserts into ashes.

Anyang covered his eyes and dared not read more.

But he can imagine that the terrible energy will wipe out the high temperature source of the giant god's desert and the spiritual veins underground, and the smoke will rise up into the sky, and it will take a whole number of days to fall. The deep pits, like abyss, will no one dare to go down ...

At the same time, the little fox could not come back.

Whenever he thinks of this, he hates his teeth and tears his teeth. He wants to tear this desert completely, and he wants to blow all the eternal life into ashes!

Without waiting for the proton detonation bomb to explode completely, he directly entered the personal aircraft and quickly moved away from the launch site.

He didn't go far, just changed places.

But contrary to his expectations, the sky above this desert was indeed covered with dust for a time, but the dust did not continue to wreak havoc for a long time, as if it was attracted by the earth. Suddenly, the blue sky regained above the desert.

There was a faint light, Shen Sheng came.

Anyang felt bad, but did not leave. At this time, he was sitting in a personal flying machine, looking at the desert from afar.

At that moment, his heart was greatly impacted!

The location where the desert originally stood at the Great God Palace has indeed been replaced by huge deep pits, like empty holes in this piece of land, but in the deepest pit in the center, a huge golden armor of God is standing in the deep At the bottom of the hole, all he could see at this angle was a head.


Anyang swallowed deeply.

The Golden Armor is estimated to be thousands of meters tall. If he stands on the ground, most of his body is in the cloud, which is completely called heaven and earth. But with his eyes closed and motionless, his body was surrounded by a dreadful divine light, and the endless aura permeated from him, with a terrifying heat.

If there is a dull sound in the air, like the battle number left over from the ancient times, it is shocking.

"It turns out that this is the source of the giant god's desert spirit and high temperature ..." Anyang murmured, but he was always cautious, but he couldn't bear to leave because of Xiaochan's death.

Just then, the giant **** opened his eyes suddenly.

Anyang was suddenly shocked, and saw the golden light radiating from the eyes of the giant god, with a furrowed eyebrow, against the golden sand sea surrounding the desert, which was daunting.

Then the giant **** slowly raised his head and looked in the direction he was in.

Anyang immediately stunned, feeling that he could not move at all in the lock of the golden eye.

"Boom ..."

The giant **** came to life suddenly, raised with one hand, and immediately there was a huge attraction rushing. Anyang had no resistance at all and was drawn to the palm of the giant god.

The palm of the giant **** is at least several hundred meters wide. For him, it is undoubtedly a flat ground in the sky, but the flat ground is full of golden light, and the lines of the palm of the giant **** can be seen.

Anyang finally stood firm, and there was a big shock in his heart, looking forward, but he saw a blue bead floating in the air, and the whole body of the bead was light white 氤氲.

"Dinghai Shenzhu!" He exclaimed.

Anyang did not dare to act lightly, but turned his head to look at the majestic face of the giant god, filled with shock.

I didn't think I was far away, but now I feel that the golden eyes of the giant **** are really dazzling, and he is full of awe-inspiring meaning on the battlefield.

At this moment a dull voice came from all around—

"Dinghai Shenzhu can emit five colors of light to dazzle the enemy's consciousness and five senses. It is as powerful as the four seas. It can set the world's formation and break the world's prohibition. You must make good use of it." Moving, like the angry eye diamond sculpture in the main hall of the temple, but Anyang just heard the sound ~ ~ and that sound was for him.

"Me?" Anyang was surprised.


Anyang hesitated a little, and stepped forward to take off the **** pearl suspended in the air and said, "Since this bead is so powerful, why don't you use it yourself?"

"Answer you to wake me up."

"Wake you up ..."

"There is this." A dull voice like passing through the ancients came from all directions, but Anyang saw that the other hand of the giant **** also moved and stretched towards himself, and the soul beads of Xiao Chan who had just been lying next to him flew automatically. It came out, "Finally, shaping the body and letting the soul into the Lord is hindered. If you accumulate merits, you have a supernatural power to help you resurrect her!"

Anyang saw an illusory shadow flying out of the giant god's other hand and melted into Xiao Chan's soul beads.

In an instant, the figure of the little red fox huddled in transparent beads became solid and flexible, and the little fox even stretched out his waist lazily.

Anyang's eyes lit up and was full of surprises. There was nothing more to say at this moment, so he had to say "Thank you, Zun, for your help!"

"The Dinghai Shenzhu is an innate spiritual treasure. It is infinite to creation, and not available to those who have no chance. If you have already obtained it, someone must entrust it to you. Bringing that supreme merit to you, I also hope that you can fulfill your wish as soon as possible and resurrect this demon. "

Anyang immediately opened his eyes and froze.

This turning point was too sudden, and this happiness came too suddenly, one after another, without considering whether he could bear it!

The giant **** put his palm down, and the other hand lifted high in the opposite direction. The huge finger pointed toward him with a sword, and a vast golden light shot out, covering him.


In the vast golden light, he could not see anything.

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