My Time Travel Phone

Chapter 839: Chicken essence

Compared to the dark and damp in the dungeon, the sunlight on the ground is particularly warm and warm.

The Kuhai God Religion is obviously not comparable to Banyuetang. Not only are there more masters, but the buildings are also palaces and pavilions in Linhai, but now these palaces and pavilions have been destroyed by Anyang.

There are about seventy or eighty prisoners in the middle of this dungeon. At this time, they squinted at the bright sunshine and the endless coast, and they felt quite alienated.

Anyang took a deep breath, took out a white jade bottle out of thin air, poured a few pills of medicine into his mouth, and threw it to the person next to him.

Just because the mana in the body consumes too much, it is also a bit hurt, just take some medicine.

The man next to him had a greasy big beard, but he was refreshing before he saw him take this medicine, so he took the Baiyu bottle without looking at it, and just learned to pour a few into his mouth like he did. And handed the bottle to the next person.

Anyang smiled and took out a black porcelain bottle. He also poured some pills into his mouth and threw the bottle to the bearded man.

The amount of the Elixir was not enough, and he took it out again.

Only then did the beard finally say: "Your inventory is still a lot!"

Maybe he was tortured in the dungeon, maybe he hadn't spoken for too long, his voice was different from the expected roughness, but he was very hoarse.

Anyang smiled: "A few days ago, many of the branch halls of the Immortal Demon Palace were looted. These were all robbed."

"Oh! Not afraid of death?" Bearded looked at him.

"Afraid!" Anyang said.

The two looked at each other and both laughed.

"I used to hear the sound of the waves in the dungeon, but now I finally see it!" A woman with a full figure came over, but unfortunately there was a scar on her face, which directly tilted her entire face. As she pulled through, she could clearly see her bones, making her look extravagant. "What do you call this friend, what do you want us to do to save us?"

"My name is Anyang." Anyang grinned and said bluntly, "It's just to put you out of trouble for the Immortal Magic Palace!"

"Then you can find the right person. Those of us who don't have other skills, love to trouble the immortal palace and add trouble to death!" The woman's eyes are very sharp, "But the strength of these people is still It ’s too bad, I ’m afraid I ca n’t get a headache for the immortal palace by jumping to death. "

"Really?" Anyang's expression was low.

It's too uncomfortable to feel like trying to retaliate against someone, but you are completely regarded as a clown.

At this time, a monk stood up and chanted the chant of the Buddha with his hands together: "Amitabha, the spider donor really does not need to be too discouraged, and it is not difficult to make the Eternal Life Palace headache. It is their idea to exterminate Taoism and Buddhism The foundation, but they dare not do it blatantly, as long as I can stop them, no matter who wins Lingshan and Tianting in the future, those supernatural powers will never let these demon heads exist in the world! "

"Yes!" A Taoist prince stood up again. "These demon heads only dare to run wild at this time. When my heavenly court controlled the world, the Tianhe naval army patrolled the world. No matter how powerful the demon was under the killing of the heavenly soldiers, he had to bow his head! As long as we can They must not be chaotic in the world. When my heavenly court regains its glory, it will surely calm down the magic palace! "

"Although the doctrine of the Taoist donor is not appropriate, the truth is correct." The monk nodded in agreement with the Taoist.

"You are all right, but have you overlooked something." A scholar wearing a rotten green robe stood up again. "Our immediate priority now is to leave here. Do all the inmates get caught as soon as they come out? ? "

"Inmate, ha ha ha! This is a good name!"

"The scholar is right, let's first find a secret place to hide, and then talk slowly." The woman said, "If we can talk together, we will do it together, if we can't talk, we will do our own thing!"


A group of people responded one after another, and then rose into the sky and flew to a lonely island on the other side of the sea.

The seagulls flapped their white wings and made a quacky, unpleasant cry. In many real-world attractions, they are regarded as ornamental items and they are not considered kind because they treat other birds and even eggs and young birds of the same kind. Food, cruel and **** habits.

However, their flying attitude is indeed very beautiful, their wings spread out in a beautiful arc, the fanning rhythm is soothing and powerful, and they are lightly lined across the sea.

But when a roar came, they screamed them out, and then there were the screams of frightened seagulls everywhere.

"Quack ..."

One figure after another flew across the sea.

The isolated island seemed very close, but in fact it was far away. They flew for a long time before they arrived. The above is a primitive jungle, wild coconuts grow on the beach, and monkeys lie on it.

"Three immeasurable!" The Taoist Tao Ming shouted a slogan and rushed past the sleeve robe.

He waved and drank a lot of monkeys first, and then fetched a coconut with a wave of his hand. He snapped a hole in the coconut with a snap of his fingers and drank while holding the coconut.

The sound of grunts kept coming.

Seventy or eighty people looked at each other. After a few seconds, they didn't care about the image and flew towards the coconut trees.

A group of poor monkeys were frightened and squeaked, hiding in the distance at the edge of the forest, watching these wolf-like people picking off the coconuts they had kept for a long time, but they dared not step forward.

"Fusheng has infinite respect and incredible merits. I haven't drunk juice in 40 years, it's wrong, I should say that I haven't drunk anything other than seawater in 40 years!" The frightened little monkeys grinned and fetched a coconut again, "Sorry, little monkeys!"

Anyang looked at the corner of his mouth constantly twitching.

Is it true that such people are kept in the dungeons and drink the seawater? Thanks to that they are not ordinary people, otherwise they will drink to death.

Seeing this hungry look ... he suddenly felt that he couldn't face the clear, simple and helpless eyes of the monkeys in the distance.

He glanced at the seventy or eighty people. There were obviously demon in them, and these two ethnic groups accounted for the majority. Some of the remaining people are erratic or weird in appearance, with a cold air. It is estimated that it is not the thousand-year-old ghost or the race of the former mansion. There are still some people who have had a divine light. They should have been in the heaven or the mansion. Some small gods in office.

Most of these people are not weak, and they are similar to the eagle demon Taoist in the Golden Camel City, that is, the level of the demon general of the Immortal Demon Palace, and they can already guard one side of the hall.

Several of them are estimated to be not much different from the eternal life magic palace protection, which is probably his level.

What shocked Anyang was that so many masters were caught by the Immortal Demon Palace and all were held in the ground of a branch! It's hard to imagine that if you don't have a flying machine, are you being held in such a dark and wet prison at this time?

Soon, the hungry people drank coconut juice.

But the coconuts that the monkeys had accumulated for a long time were almost picked up. They watched the group of people walking towards themselves with blank eyes, and were frightened to run around.

At the center of the primitive jungle, there was intense discussion.

A man with horns said: "There is a person who can spy on the heavenly planes in the Eternal Life Maze. It is said that the master passed from the Bodhi ancestor. Did everyone run out in one go? "

"Brother Niu is very reasonable."

"Oh, joke, didn't you get caught in the act alone before?" The spider woman sneered.

"In addition to gathering the main forces in the West Niuhe Chau, the other three continents all have guards on duty. If we kill one immediately we will come to the second one. If the local resistance to the Immortal Mausoleum is very high, The magic palace will also send special personnel to patrol, so if we want to keep safe, we must not act alone! "Said the scholar.

"But there is no need to have so many people together?"

"Yeah, for so many people, I think we can set up an anti-magic palace, and then we will be wiped out by the masters of the immortal magic palace, ha ha ha!"

After arguing for a long time, I still couldn't negotiate.

Some people do not know if they are afraid of the Immortal Maze or really want to do it alone, in short, they strongly oppose the alliance. Some people do n’t mind joining together. After all, everyone has been held in a prison for so many years, and there are some friendships, but most people are opposed to putting everyone in a pile.

In the end, as the spider woman said, if you can't talk, do it together, if you can't talk, do it separately!

So he left a group of people, probably about fifty, and these people formed their own teams, forming ten small teams according to their strength, ready to be dispersed to the three major continents to disrupt the magic palace.

Anyang's strength is considered strong among these people, and those with him are also strong. It happened to be the monk named Daoming, the woman called spider, and the scholar who only told him to call him a scholar, and the monk named Jitong, who had just spoken with him. of.

After talking for a few words, Anyang discovered that the woman named Spider is a spider, and is a famous black widow spider. She eats the male spouse's living habits after mating with fierce poison fifteen times stronger than the prairie rattlesnake Famous.

In addition to him, the other four people happened to include the four schools of Buddha, Tao, demon, and Confucianism. If he were a ghost or something, it would be perfect.

The four of them are heading to the most chaotic South Zhanbuzhou.

But they didn't expect that their entourage hadn't had time to go yet. The eternal life palace was killed by a protector in Luju, Beiju ~ ~ There was a breaking sound from the sea and sky ----

"A group of you have broken the Kuhai prison and committed the felony of the magic palace, and you will not go back with me quickly. If the magic palace is pursued, none of you can live!" The guardian shouted to them far away. But they dare not get too close.

Presumably he also knew that these prisoners were all wanted prisoners of the former magic palace, and the magic palace usually contracted its main power in Xi Niu Hezhou, but he could not help them alone.

At this moment, the Taoist Taoist grinned and threw away a freshly baked rabbit leg, and he still showed signs of whipping, but he didn't care: "Supreme Taiyi saved Ku Tianzun, thank you for sending this guy Come in front of the poor road! The poor road will eat roasted chicken wings today! Come and help me, everyone! "

Anyang fixed his eyes and looked up, only to find that the guardian was full of demon spirit, he couldn't distinguish any goblin, but listening to the Taoist, this should be a chicken.

That's right.

Chicken essence ...

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